THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921 NINE Gene Byrnes Says: "Here's the Music Write Your Own Words" L.i ill I il I I ,, . NTr-l U I ill I ' h TT1T1 ii "-' ' yrr l . CRIME WAVE IN SHARPS ni'KO Sneak but hold thieves have Uon doing various kinds of ptealinir arourvl town already. They are being1 watched, and If not very careful will eet lefor(i he winter is over what is justly due them. Rome unprincipled person or perxon est m lot of larjre-headed tarka in Georee Snaveley's auto hed recently. Mr. Snavelely's driver, Joseph Ham mond, by chance and accident both, tramped on one that penetrated his hoe, and thus nave them from nav- jft his tires puncturel. Mr. Snaveley at a loss to know who would be mean enough to do him an act of this kind. Leo FofTenberecr, son of Deck, had a irood robe stolen from his car one night last week from his radiator. He was a bold thief a the lights were an hining bright on the streets. Not ong since an- auto wan uriven 10 oo le Poflenbenrer s hen-house and an attempt was made to Ret chickens, and they were frlghteted away by member of the family. Quoted by Jr. P. A. in the New Yoik Tribune from he Sharnsburg corres rondejuce in the , Shepherdstown (W. Va.) Register. Cottonseed ciOve for sale. O'Bannon & NeusWanger. fhone 71. 29tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want t buy something? Hun reda of people scan these Want Ad column looklnr for what you r other have to offer. Get quick reaulu by advertising 16 The Herald Want Ad aepartment. RATES One cent per word per Insertion. Costs no more than ther newspapers and we fruar- . aotee that you reach several hun dred more readers, buy circula tion, not hot air. WANTED WANTED Rags 6 cents per ' pound for clean, white rags and 5 cents per pound for colored cotton rags. The Herald office. WANTED To hear from owner of .good farm for sale. State cash rice, full particulars. D. F. Bush, inneapolis, Minn. 5Sp WANTED Salesman with car to call on dealers with a low priced 6,000 mile tire. $100 a week with extra commissions. MASTER PRODUC TION CORPORATION, South Bend, Indiana. 51-52 THE LIVESTOCK MARKET OMAHA, Neb., Cattle Receipts of No. 2 hard; 1 car, $1.58; 9 cars, $1.57; 3 cars, $1.5fi, (smutty); 1 car, $1.55, (smutty). No. 3 hard: 10 oars, $1.56; 1 car, cattle continue moderate, about 4,300 $1.55, (smutty); 1 car, $1.54, (smut head today and the three days' supply ty). io. 4 nam: l car, 51. -14. No. 5 hard: 3 cars, $1.52; 2 carl, $1.50; 1 car, $1.49, (smutty). No. 4 spring: 1 car, $1.52, (dark northern). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.57; 1 car, $1.48, durum heavy, (special billing); 1 car, $1.38, (smutty, sour). No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.40, (mixed red durum); 1 car, $1.38, (durum). No. 4 mixed: 2-5 car, $1.40. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.24. CORN No. 1 wh'te, 3 car, 57c. has been nearly 5,000 short of the first hair of last week. Demand from all sources appeared to be indifferent and there was another 1015c decline in prices for both beef steers and cow stuff making a 2540c decline so' far this week. Best of the beef cattle sold around $7.758.25. Stockers and feeders were in limited supply, dull and unchanged. Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, $7.75(o-8.00; good to choice beeves, $7.507.75; fair to good beeves, $7.257.C0; common to fair beeves, $6.757.25; choice to prime yearlings, $8.008.25; good to choice r,fi ,. ' ' No. 3 white CASH PAID for Veal Calves, Poultry and Eggs. Sanitary Market. 52tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room in an all modern home. Close in. Call at 324 West Third or phone 343-W. tf TWO 2-room and one 3-room house, all in Hill's Addition. Inquire of W. M. Steggs, Phone 418. 50-53p FOR SALE WE HAVE a late model Buick Big Six that we are offering at a bargain price. A. H. Jones Co. 61-52 SEVERAL three to five room houses, in Antioch. All in good condition, can be moved easily. For sale or trade, cheap for cash. See P. S. Mailey, Alli ance, Neb. 4 9-53 p FOR SALE Two room house with garage; corner lot, $900. Four room house. $2,000. Belmont Addition. Kar trains in city property. See Nebraska Land Co. 46tf FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co.. 3rd and Cheyenne, tf MISCELLANEOUS DO IT NOW! Why not? Painting and KaNomining. . Let me figure your iob. Bent references. Call 207 Grand Ave. Phone 65 i. 52p COLUMBIA HATCHERY P. O. Box 1102 Denver. Colo. Capacity over 10,00 Chicki Weekly We can supply you with any quantity of Caby Chicks 15 varieties. Live delivery guaranteed. Parcel post pre- paid. Write for prices and full par ticulars. 19tf yearlings, $7.C08.00; fair to good yearlings, $6.507.00; choice to prime heifers, $7.25(ff7.75; good to choice heifer3, $5.757.25; choice to prime cows, $6.256.75; good to choice cows, $5.506.25; fair to good cows, $5.005.75; common to fair cows, $2.004.50; good to choice feeders, $7.257.75; fair to good feeders, $6.50 7.25; common to fair feeders, $6.00 (fpu.&O; good to choice stockers, $7.2o 7.75; fair to good stockers, $6.50(3) 7.25; common to fair stockers, $5.00 6.25; stock heifers, $4.506.00; stock cows, $J.50(n;4.7o; stock calves, $o.00 (07.50; veal calves, $5.0010.00; bulls, stags, etc., $4.757.00. BEEF STEERS No. Av. 40 1101 19 872 15 987 20 1109 23 1241 20 1250 40 1388 Pr. 6 90 7 15 7 40 7 00 7 75 7 90 & 25 No. Av. 12 925 31 1202 29 1096 18 1082 -18 1336 23 1100 Pr. 7 00 7 35 7 50 7 65 7?5 2 cars, 55c. 1 car, 52c. 1 car, 56c. 1 car, 55 l-2c; 4 cars, 1 car, 54c. 1 car, 52c. 2 cars, 52c. . 1 car, 63c, (shippers' 1 car, 49 l-2c, No. 6 white: No. 1 yellow: No. 2 yellow: 65c. No. 3 yellow: No. 5 yellow: No. 2 mixed: No. 3 mixed: weights). No. 6 mixed: (musty). OATS No. 2 white, 3 cars, 38 l-2c. No. 3 white, 2 cars, 38c. RYE Sample: 3-5 car, $1.40. BARLEY No. 3: 1 car, 67c, (shippers' wt.) Wanted to buy both your fat and stock hogs. O'Bannon and ANGORA W. N. Thompson made a business trip to SoottsblufT Wednesday. C. M. Dove went to Sidney and Kimball Monday, returning Wednes day. Mrs. J. R. Kelly was shopping in AH'nnce Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll of Hemingford visited several days at the W. N. Thompson home. Mark Henderson has been suffering from an attack of measles this week. Mrs. Rufus Thomas, who was op erated on at the St. Joseph hospital at Alliance last week, is reported as gett;ng alontr very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Anon Beister were Bridgeport visitors Monday Misses Florence and Gertrude Schaffner returned to their home at Chimnev Rock after visiting several days with Eloise Turman. Miss Ethel Hazen returned to her home at Shelbyville, III., Wednesday. She was accompanied by Miss Leota Henderson. Some corn will have to be re-planted in this vicinity, owing to the hard rains which have washed the fields. Mrs. Alvin Turman entertained at a surprise party Monday night in honor of their daughter, Eloise.s birth day. About twenty young people were present and spent the evening playing games and dancing. An excellent lunch was served at a late hour after which the guests departed wishing Miss Eloise many happ returns of the day. The Community club met with Mrs George Venell Weme8day. A large crowd was in attendance and the usual Bood time and srood dinner was en joyed by all. The lesson on sewing and clothing was very interesting and was the subject for ouite a "debate. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Les Boodrv. June 8. The menu starts with baked chicken and ends with fruit ?a!ad and cake, so all members that were not present' will know, what to bring. -, It seems to be much easier for many neople to attend to anybody's business but their own. 8 00 ! Neuswanger. Phone 71. 18tf 15 16 11 STEERS AND HEIFERS 20 486 1311047 8- 7 22- 1 600 3 493 1 1500 3 990 1 140 4 815 4-r 187 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles A. Root and wife to Emil G. Herman and Charlie E. Roland, 2-3 interest N'.i of sec. 20-27-49, $6,667.67. Amy B. Workman and husband to Jennie P. Workman and husband, lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, tract 31, lota 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. tract 32. D. Sec. Add. to D. N. S. R. T.. n no. Jennie P. Workman and husband to George E. Morgan, lots 1, 2, d, 4, 0, o, Tract 31, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, tract -3 V D. Sec. Add. to D. N. S. R. T-, ft po.oo. . f jattie E. Bums and husband to Guy L. Graham, lots 5 and 6, block 4, Berea, $1,000. - .Wanted to buy both your fat and stock hogs. O'Bannon and Neuswanger. Fhone 71. 18tf r. BEADY AND WILLING Magistrate: "Can't this case be out of enurt?" v Mulligan: ."Sure, sure; that'B what ve were trying to do. your honor, when the police interfered." United Presbyterian. 671 7 00 14 692 710 678 7 25 23 1057 7 35 790 7 50 8 743 7 55 C50 7 75 10 8S6 8 00 YEARLINGS 6 50 16 648 7 25 COWS 6 00 18 1212 6 25 1197 .6 40 HEIFERS 665 7 00 11 603 7 25 944 7 35 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 20. 896 6 75 BULLS 4 25 1 730 4 i0 4 75 1 730 4 5? 5 70 1 1610 5 15 5 50 3 806 6 25 CALVES 4 00 4 132 7 00 8 25 - 5 200 8 50 7 75 Hogs Receipts of hogs today were liberal, about 16,700 head showing up. This heavy run combined with bearish advices from other markets caused a lower trend to values and light hogs sold at declines of about 15c while everything else ruled about a quarter lower. Trade was rather quiet throughout, especially on heavy hogs. Best light hogs made a top of $8.30 and bulk of the receipts sold from $7.358.00. Sheep Onl?" 3,000 sheep and lambs were here today and the supply was not as good as usual, consisting of odds and ends. Prices were quotably rteady with possibly a little stronger on strictly good lambs. Pretty good native springers sold at $12.00 and fed shorn lambs reachel $11.00. Good ewes moved at $4.65, but something choice would bring $5.00. Feeders trade continues nominal. Quotations on sheep and lambs Fed wooled lambs, $9.5011.50; spring lambs, $10.0012.25; shorn lambs, $9.7511.00; fed wooled ewes, $4.75 5.50; horn ewes, $4.005.00; cull ewes, $2.503.75. OMAHA GRAIN MARKET OMAHA, Neb., There was a much lartrer run of srrain today than the averase recently, wheat particularly showing a big Increase, and corn ar rivals were also larger. Wheat pricen, taken generally, were unchanged. Corn ranged lc up to l-2c off. White was l-2c to lc up. No. 2 yellow was unchanged to l-2c up, while No. 3 yellow was l-2c lower. Mixed was also lower. Oats were 1 l-4c to l-2c off. Rye and barley were unchanged. WHEAT No. 1 hard: 2 cars. $1.60: 1 car, $1.60 (shippers' weight); 10 cars, $1.59; (smutty). LAKESIDE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron were guests at the R. A. Westover home Sunday and attended the ball game in the afternoon. R. C. Bruson drove in from the Star ranch Monday. A. W. Tyler was in town Monday after ranch supplies. B. F. Weakley hauled his new out fit of house hold furniture from the station to his home near the Star ranch Monday. Mr. Weakley had the misfortune some weeks ago of losing his house and household goods by fire. The Horde plant laid off part of their force Monday. We understand they will start up again in the course of a few weekK atter doing some over ha"lfTe rnd repairing. Dick McConaughey and son were in town luesday nom the Vanalstine ranch. H. Tenny, state agent for the Cap per Publishing company, was a Lake side visitor the first of the week. Miss Mable Speer visited relatives at Hays Springs Tuesday. R. A. Westover branded cattle and horses at the stockyards the first of this week. George Lindley drove over to Rush ville on business Tuesday morning and returned in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. Irene Ryan and Andrew Strick left the first of the week for New Mexico and otvr poit. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper drove to town Wednesday morning. Fran'' Zemen leit for a visit at Dun ning: Wednesday. mrs. t. V. Wnaley was an Alliance visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. Joe Swartz was a westbound pas senger Wednesday to have tome den tal work done. The Misses Mildred and Esther Ded more came down from Alliance on Wednesday to visit their friend, Miss Beatrice Westover and attend the school program and picnic held here Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Maggie Weibling returned from Kansas City this week.' Edward Kennedy visited home folks at Ellsworth Wednesday morning be tween trains. Doc Wessen returned from the west on No. 44, Wednesday. The teachers and pupils of the Lake side school very pleasantly entertained the people at a program given at the school house Wednesday afternoon. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ben Baker and daugh ter Elsie left this week for Morrill, to live in the future. -wuiuiutraauiiL;! 'lnnuinimrrttiaxj I 5AULTE Decoration Day Hundreds of the Best Monuments in the Alliance Cemetery were bought from us at lowest prices. Ask Al Wiker, Phone 256, or Write Us for Catalogue. ' Paine-Fishburn Granite Company GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA The mnn who discovered 1.300 stars s dead. He nrobiibly made less money than -pome people who find only one or two. F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law "7 Office in Reddish Block K. of C. COUNCIL No. 975 Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 311 Box Butte Avenue Upstair THYSICIAN and SURGEON DR. EINAR BLAK i OFFICE IN MALLERY BLOCK Office 101 Phone Residence 101 DR. A. CLARENCE SCH0CH General Surgeon 1 Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 187 Res. Phone, Blk. 12 Let Me Cry Your Salee R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Telephone fl4 L A. BERRY RCili . SUM BLOCK nioNi: ALLIANCE, NIUXASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopath DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 865 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and Insurance F. E. REDDISH Reddish Block Phone 664 Alliane Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock and General Farm Sales J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract ( Books in Box Butte County First National Bank Bldg. Thm nverofr woman wonta 1ir ; friends to admire her and all the other ois to envy her. Spring onions are wonderful, but not for promoting friendships. ' Slightly Used Pianos - AT A BARGAIN These pianos have been taken in on trades and represent an exceptional opportunity to get a good piano at a low price. $123.00 AND UP . WIKER MUSIC HOUSE ' "Everything In Music" REAL ESTATE Cox Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. G McCORKLE, Manager Offlcs Grand Floor First National Eas& PHONES: ESS. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. L Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trass fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCX PACKING AND CRATING FUENITUB A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen MW Try Hard to Plea" Have it WELDED What OXY-ACETT LEXIS lS0CZr3 Cylinder Blocks, Traaamlacioa Cam a Cpacl&ls ALL TRACTOS FAXTH . Geo. H. Breckncr ftev Lacatti 123 TTeei U O.