The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 27, 1921, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Services for next Sunday: Morning
worshfp, 11 o'clock; theme, "A Cause
for Glorying"; text, Jer. :23: "Thus
Faith Jehovah, Let not the win man
glory in his wisdom, neither let the
mighty man glory in his might; let
not the rich man glory in his riches:
but let him that jrlorieth glory In this,
that he hth understanding and know
rth me, that I am Jehovah who exer
ciseth loving kindness, justice and
righteousness in the earth, for in these
thing I delight, saith Jehovah."
Evening service, 8 o'clock; text,
"Can the Elh'opian change his fckin or
the leopard his epots? Then may ye
also do good that are accustomed to
ilo evil." Jer. 13:33. This is a ques
tion of value judgments. All are cor
dially invited to thee services. Chris
tian Endeavor, 7 p. m. First Presby
terian church, corner Box Butte avc
' nue at Seventh street.
A. J. KKAttNS, Pnstor.
Robert Lansing, secretary of state
during the world war, a Presbyterian
cider and mcmter of the executive
commission of the Presbyterian
the dominant need of a department of
church herewith gives his views of
publicity for our church:
"There la one thing, among many
things, that the world learned from
the great war which will persist, and
that is the value of sustained organ
ized propaganda. Anyone having to
do with the vui ioua agencies employed
h.v government came to the realiza
tion of the almost vital importance of
n specialized bureau of propaganda.
The common and every day channcb
were not enough. A man might be a press correspondent or n talent
ed editor and fail as a propagandist
His point of view was nlmost always
influenced by the thought of his leafi
er:' pleasure and the circulation of
his paper. Self-interest and useful
propaganda do not mix well, and a
newspaper published for profit is a
poor medium for advancing a cause.
"It has become manifest to a casual
thinker that the way to combat Ideas (
is with ideas. Force, coercion and
law are unable to check the advance
of ideas. If false principles and false
doctrines are gaining headway in the
public mind, the way to defeat them
fa by supplanting them with true
principles and true doctrines. That
mean.? a strong, cea.ele propaganda
in support of the truth, carried on by
an agency devoted solely to that pur
pose. "Governments have learned the
wisdom of creating special propagan
da agencies; po, too, have those advo
cating political reforms and social and
economic movements. To a less de
gree the church has awakened to the
value and need of propaganda in its
cfTorti to implant the truths of Chris
tianity in the heart sof men. The con
stitution of a separate agenry to carry
on this work has been found the only
elective method so far as other move
ments in the varied fields of human
thought are concerned, and the church
should profit by their experience and
not stagnate under the Inefficient prac
tices of the past. In so far an it has !
established an agency to conduct pro
paganda it Khould be continued and in
my opinion, should be extended. The
church can hardly find a more uscrui
or practical way to accomplish its mis
sion in the world. The money ex
pended for maintaining such an agency
will go further and accomplish more
than an equal amount Invested In any
other of the activities of the church.
"Propaganda to be successful must
be divorced from private control and
private profits. The agency for con
ducting it must belong to the church
as a whole and be generously supplied
with means to do its work. The Pres
byterian church ought not to neglect
the experience of others as to the
worth of propaganda and the best
mean sof conducting it effectively."
(Quoted from New Era Magazine.)
There was a little Increase In the
Sunday school la.t Sunday. Let us
have a still greater one next.
The subject for next Sunday morn
ing Is: "Why?- This is one of the
most important words In the humar.
language, and is u?ed In most or the
crises of life. The wife asks, "Whv?"
The husband, asks, "Why?" the
sweetheart, the friend, the enemy, al
at times hare occasion to ask, "Why?"
Come out ami enjoy ' the discussion
from the text found in Ezekiel 18:31.
This sermon will be preceded by i
five-minute sermon to the children, or
the "Fox That Lost lf Tail; or
Keeping in Style."
The regular afternoon children's serv
ice will be at 2:30, and in the evening
we will have the privilege of havin
the Odd Fellows, and their auxiliaries
worship w'.th us, at wb,ch hour tht
pnstor will deliver an address on
"Following the Odd Fellows' Symbols,
and the Result."
Monday the pastor and family leave
for a week to be at the northwest
Baptist association at ScottsblulT,
where the pastor preaches the annual
sermon and is special devotional
lender. We are hoping to see many
Alliance Baptist s at these services.
Welcome to all the above pervices.
Come early if you want a good seat.
Comfortable building and peats, and a
gospel of comfort.
B. J. MIXORT, Pastor.
Come to Darling's First
Regardless of. an increase of 10 per cent
announced by the mills on May 14th, out
prices are lower right now than they have
been for several years. .
.... ,
A 9x12 Axminster Rug as low as $34.90
Also come to us for your needs in other floor coverings-
and accessories. ' -
"A Call to Action" or "Who Is on
the lord's Side?" This Is the subject
for the sermon for Sunday morning.
Another large attendance of worship
ers means that the people are inter
ested in the affairs of the kingdom.
There are bo many avenues of service
that each one can find plenty to do.
Have you gotten into the work so that
it Is really interesting? May we say,
"We can end we will do our best"
"God's Flowerland" is the name of
the beautiful program that will be
given next Sunday evening at S o'clock.
This Is the Children's day program and
it is one of the best for the occasion.
Miss Billie Schwensen, who is assisted
by others, is working hard to make
this'program interesting and helpful.
The offering will be used for world
wide evangelism. Mrs. Tom Bass will
sing at this service.
The district C. E. convention will
be held in this church June 3 to 5.
We are expecting a large attendance.
Come to the church with a message
and a welcome.
Citizens' IIilitary
Training Camps
To Open August 1
'Announcement is made of the open
ng of citizens i military training
camps at Camp Pike, Ark., aid Fort
Snelling, Minn., for one month be
ginning August 1.
All who are interested are requested
to communicate with Maj. Fred L.
Lemmon, assistant adjutant headquar
ters of the Seventh Corps Area, Fort
Crook, Neb. for information and ap
plication blanks. .
The age limits have been fixed at
16 to 85 years and entrants will be
required to pass physical examina
tions. AH expenses. Including trans-,
rortation are paid by the government I
No compensation is allowed to those
who take this training, nor is there '
any future obligation to the govern-)
ment on account of attendance at
Those who attend will be given
what is known as a "basic course"
in military training. The government
is anxious thnt young men particular
ly take advantage of these camps.
The purpose is to equip as many men
as possible between the ages men
tioned with a limited military train
ing. This month spent at the camps
will be in the nature of an outing al
though it is explained that rules and
regulations will be observed. Previous
service men and members of the of
ficers' reserve are not eligible to enter
these camps.
Residents of Nebraska, South Da"
kota, North Dakota, Minnesota and
Iowa will be sent to Fort Snelling.
Those living in Kansas, Missouri and
Arkansas will be assigned to Camp
Pike. ..
Kodak finishing the modern, reli
able way.
Strawberry wine may be made, the
government says, for "non-beverage
purposes." What do you do with it -rub
it in your hair?
Our stock of Ribbon now on
sale at 1-3 discount. 52
Highland-IIolIoway Co.
Stair Carpet
Congoleum Rugs
Congoleum .
Carpet Felt
Rug Border
Geo. Bo
113-117 West Third Street
Rubber Matting
Stair Rods
Extension Rods
' Window Shades
Couch Covers
Alliance, Nebraska
Corner Fifth and Laramie avenue.
Services: 10:00 a. m. Bible school;
11:00 a. m. morning worship; 8:00 p.
m. regular service.
Owing to the fact that I preach at
Hemingford every other Sunday I will
not be here. The services will be in
charge of local helpers. Anyone wijl
not be disappointed in coming.
At 8:00 p. m. Monday, Miss . Lee
Miller of Kansas City will be here in
the enterest of social welfare and will
give us an interesting talk regarding
the same.
At 8;00 p. m. Wednesday prayer
meeting et the church.
C. R. MATTISON, Pastor.
.Re Closed Car
The elegant interior finish of Reo closed cars is attracting favorable attention wherever shown. In
upholstery and fittings, they compare with cars costing twice as much. The Coupe is decidedly Milady's
car, and is a job she is proud and happy to show her friends on any occasion.
The automobile race contest Is near
ing a finish, and has proved interest
ing and helpful to the entire school.
The young ladies' Bible class made a
thousand miles last Sunday, and were
within a few hundred miles T com
pleting the round trip from San Fran
cisco to New York and back again.
Next Sunday morning will probably
close the contest. . Let us have a large
attendance. Two hundred and thirty
four were present last week.
Next week the district convention of
the Woman's Foreign missionary so
ciety will be held in Crawford, and a
number of our ladies are planning to
attend. A banner is to be offered tq
the society having the largest number
of delegates.
Lovers of art will have a rare treat
Sunday night, when a set of pictures
on the "Life of Christ" by Hoffman,
will be shown. An art critic has said
that in popularity with the common
people, Hoffman easily stands first a3
an artist. His paintins-s of Christ
have given the modern Christian world
their idea of his appearance. His
"Christ in Gethsemane" is probably
seen in more church windows than any
other painting, while his "Boy Jesus
In the Temple" is a favorite in every
home. Perhaps the fact that the "boy"
the artist ued as his model for the
picture was not a boy at all, but a
girl, accounts for its rare beauty.
Come out and see the Galilean from
he cradle to the grave, by your
favorite artist.
r -
I."---'-' " - i - ' i',.WmY m' T-
In the Reo Sedan you find the luxurious equipment and appointments demanded by the most ex
acting of buyers. It is a veritable road Pullman with every modern convenience. Distinctly a family '
car, it affords that riding comfort that makes autoing a real pleasure.
This eliminates excessive weight which is a draw-back to many closed cars, and enables the Eeo
owner to get a mileage on tires and gasoline that is tne envy of hLs neighbors.
A full line of parts and service right here in Alliance. 1
Reo Cars and Trucks
1 1
limUUUUIIIIIlUlimmuUTT .,.., iiiiiiiiiiiiiijiii.tittttiHitHfWllliiillitliitilllinWmtmrr?HMt!iii IMHIIirTimiminiHHHrrmtfrrr-
Wm. Russell Thomas Jtfeighan Eugene O'brien Harry Garey
...-IN-... i!r IN .1 IN--..
'Bare Knuckles' 'blaflh "A Fool and "The;Ereeze Out"
"SON OP TARZAN'" -f6? HiS Money" -KING OF.THE CincUS-
AriWinv m, Mutt and Jeff Vanity Comedy
ADMISSION10c and 30c and Tax ADMISSION-10c and 40c and Tax USUAL COMEDY-Admtaion. 10, 30 & Tax ADMISSION-lOc and 30c and Tax
4 i
- -
L-oming 1 ues.,May 31 fT T
Gecil B. DeMilles bUM.