BIX TITE ALLIANCE IIERALD. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921 AT THE MOVIES "Bare Knuckles," a William Fox production, in the attraction at the Im ferial tonight With the story net In the heart 01 the Sierra fTlount.nns and Russell, known as "Brute" McGuire, in the role of a construct'on camp boss, who rules his men with his mus cle and never carries a (run, the star has a vehicle that is full of ral Lloolel action. "Brute" McGuire rose over other men in his hard school of experience, hence his name which he earned in San Francisco's underworld, uhere men were recruited for the rough work on the irrigation dams. Russell is paid to handle this complex character with extraordinary nkill. Another Thomaa Melghan picture is scheduled for Saturday "Civilian Clothes." Somehow or other, the plays picked out for this particular Htui pcom to be a shade more interesting? than most of the others. With a Mut r.nd JeiT comedy, It ought to be a good The Sunday feature is Eujrenf O'Brien in "A Fool and His Money," taken from the best-seller by George Ha rr McCutcheon. In this play Mr O'Brien appears as an American au thor who buys ,nn old castle on the Danube in order to get "atmosphere" for a new novel, as well as peace and iuict. He appears to be "badly stung" on the deal, but things turn out even better than expected, as a charminp "ghost" appears on the wene, and enough engrossing adventures follow to make him wonder whether it isn't only a novel, after all. A fight with a villainous nobleman and a chase over the snow-covered hills convince him it Isn't all "make-believe," and the final reassurance is when he clasps the fair heroine in his arms. "The Freeze-Out," starring Harry Carey, Is billed for next Monday. The scenes are laid in Broken Buckle, a western town. Proprietor of Head light Saloon a tough customer. His lattner tough, too. Former has a sis 'er not like her brother. Is a school ieacher and is ashamed of brother's business. A nt ranger comes to town says he will start new gambling jlace. She gets angry, but likes him tnd wants to reform him. Whips him, then hugs him. He continues t& build his gambling resort. The brother and lariner get anpry threaten him. He worries not. The day of the opening f the new resort arrives. The town lurns out. It looks bad for the Granger. Then it was just what the town needed. I See if if Se 2 VBaumanandiBatter n 3 KEEP OLD EYES YOUNG Wearing glasses is the Sign of INTELLIGENCE i Not of Age. Phone for. Appointment e u S r: B. G. Bauman, 0. D. g Alliance, -t- Nebraska C EVERYONE WANTS IT- Want the nrlce of cleaning and pressing to go down but they want the quality to be maintained, inai is right m line with the trend of prices. You can't blame u for trying to hit the popular vein. The Model Cleanen and Dyers have lowered the price but pt the nuality up where years of ex perience has placed them. All the' ask is a chance to demonstrate the worth of their statements. Here is vhat we charge: Cleaning and pressing suit $1.R0 Pressing suit only .!0 Ladies' Work Priced in Proportion. MODEL CLEANERS '& DYERS TED FIELDING. Proprietor 203 Box Butte. . We Call and Deliver OH, HEAVEN'S NO! She had accepted his embraces with out reserve but every time she seemed to be on the verge of going to sleep. It was most exasperating. Finally he remonstrated. "See here," he demanded peevishly. "Why do you always appear asleep when I kis3 yon?" "Why, Harry," she retorted indig nantly. "You don't for a minute think I'm the sort of girl who would do such things with my eyes open!" ONLY ONE - NOTICE vRegular teachers' examination will be held at the courthouse, May 27th and 28th. OPAL RUSSELL, , 0-1-2 County Superintendent There seem to be a number of work ers who Jaid away all their tools ex cept the hammer. 1 Coming Sg June 1 AMERICA'S FOREMOST TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION PalmerB 3 Big Rings ros, Wild Animal Circus CHAS. FULTON BALL ROOM HOUSES Featuring SUNBURST. AGREEMENT, ' K1DDO, DARKNIGHT, and DYNAMITE. Foremost Horse Act Ever Presented And the Magnificent $20,000 Gorgeously DARDENELLA Costumed Oriental Spectacular Pageant The ROSE of the ORIENT I PALMER I STEEL R I N G S BROS. ARENA 2Q Double Length Wild Animal - FUNNY Equal to TO Freight CIRCUS CLOWNS Cars - ii j . Finest Horses Elephant, and INDRA. t., CIRCUS 10 ACRES pachyderm IIundrcds o of W.lfrproot Tcnl. JlUIIuriUS VI o electric Margcritte aJ1, L Light rianu Ricardo ainamal MmcGolda the lady Mile. Silvers and The Lady with the Avhite l"a?r TIIE L10N DOVES CHILDREN'S FAIRYLAND Performing Dogs, Coats, Shetland Ponies, Monkeys, Leaping Wolf Hounds, direct from Delmond Kennels ROY RING'S 1H CYCLE RIDING MONKEY "TONY" Capt. John Hoffman ffiSS ONLY BIG SHOW COMING Big Free Street Parade 10:30 a.m. AMERICAN LEGION NOTES More than 1,100 elgned resolution calling upon congreo lor immediate legislative aid to disabled ex-service men were received by national head quaiter of the American legion in one week recently. Nearly every form of organization in the country has re- Mtonded to an appeal sent out re cently by National Commander F. W. Gaibraitn, Jr. More than ISO resolu tions were received nom byracu-e, N. Y., alone. The Oklahoma state legislature en- dorse the legion relief piogram and forwarded copies of its resolution to congress. Among the organizations which have made the greatest respon. e to the appeal are central labor and trade unions, chamber of commerce, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs, Knights of Columbus, associations of the public school Jeachers and principals,- the American war mothers, Service Star legion and posts of the American le gion. "To hell with America," is an ex pression not easily forgotten by vet erans of the World war of Oregon, especially when a man with millions of dollars says it. Therefore Henry iWers, multimil lionaire of that city, convicted of vio lating the espionage act and later freed through an error in the court procedure, enjoyed only a brief re spite in. which to scolf. Immediately upon the announcement of the libera tion of Albers, Oregon posts of the American Lfgion laid down such a barrage of resolutions and protests through the press, members of con gress, and federal olTicers that an or der for speedy re-trial was issued. A telegram to President Harding and Attorney General Daugherty de clared: "In honor of our country and fallen comrades, American patriots de- man a re-trial of the man who said 'to hell with America."' Albers' convic tion which had been confirmed by the circuit court of appeals, waa prevented from reaching the United States su preme court by an admission of error in the trial by the department of justice. Lincoln. his home, and his family lives in m home which the general purchased since the war. Although he found thousands of jobs for unemployed ex-service men, O. H. Krause, American Legion employment secretary at St. Paul, Minn., was al most stumped when two mothers asked that two veterans be sent to care for their babies while they went ehop' ping. The warrier nursemaids who answered the appeal made good on the job. Prayers in almost every branch in the state began the service and mem bership campaign of the American Le gion in Idaho. Americanism meetings in every city will be a feature of the drive. . "As time passes I have grown more and more proud of my part in the founding of the American Legion," said Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., in presenting two silk flags to the National Press club of the legion in Washington, D. C. The presentation ceremonies were at tended by a large group of high gov ernment officials. , ;. Pullman nnd tourist sleepers will be "parked" in the principal downtown streets of Kansas City, Mo., to accom modate members of the American Le gion attending the organization's na tional convention next fall. Tracks will be laid in the streets and cars connected with the city's electric light ing system so that men desiring to live in the railroad cars may uo so. On "Pershing Day," June 3, the Lin coln post of the American Legion -will entertain not only the former com mander of the American expeditionary forces, but also General Omar Dundy, major general in command of this military district. Ihe post will enter tain it3 distinguished guests at a ban ciuet in the Masonic temple, and ar rangements are being made to seat a thousand veterans of the Civil, fcpan ish-American and World wars. Com manders of all the Nebraska veteran posts and camps have been invited to be present as members of the recep tion committee by George W. Fawell, Jr., commander of the local post. State commander Robert G. Simmons of Scottsbtutr, Earl Cline of ttebraka City, past department commander, and many other prominent Nebraska le gionnaires will be present. General Pershing returns to Lincoln to deliver the commencement address at the state university where he was a student and instructor years ago. He con.Mtlers S Bo ALLIANCE DRUG CO. Comparison of President Harding to the former war lord of Germany be cause he favors an adequate army and navy has drawn fire from the Texas department of the American Legion in a resolution sent to 'the nation's chief executive. The comparison made by a prominent 'public man of that state, was published in a Texas news paper. Declaring that . our international problems following the world war are still unsettled and that other nations have signified no intention of aban doning their policies of increased arm aments, the legion state executive committee voiced its opposition to a pacihst policy which would make America helpless. The committee en dorsed the military and naval policy sponsored by President Harding. DRAWING THE LINE ; The infatuated girl sometimes think. she could live on romance, but e-he knows she couldn t dress on it. Dallas News. AFTER THE TIFF ' i W'ifey: "Marriage soon ceases to be a matter of billing and cooing." Hubby: "Oh.-the billing part sticks all right." The Bulletin (Sydney). Get the habit use the film box its safe. 61-52 . VANGRAVEN STUDIO HIS OWN FAULT "By Jove! Isabel, when I see by my account that the car has cost us over a thousand this year, I get cold feet." "Well, Henry, don't blame me. I Advised you not to keep an account." Life. Styles may come and styles may go, but me iid-ianhioned umbrella stv with us all tk time unless some fel low borrows it. Get the habit use the film box it'a safe. 61-52 VANGRAVEN STUDIO Not all the tragedies are in Shakespeare. Budweiser Bevo Wholesale and Retail Tobaccos We dfcliver to any part of the City WM. KING COMPANY Phone 136 Murphy's Root Beer Cigars These Better Tires Are Now Lower Priced A HPi r-t r i i i i i c 1 r -I f k v- i " xzf i Two important factors underlie the remark- able values now offered in Goodyear Tires and Tubes. One Is the many improvements made in them during the past few months; the other is the price reductions we have just put into effect. A conspicuous example of the values now to be had in Goodyear Tires is our clincher type 30x3V&-inch Goodyear Cord Tire. This first quality product one of the most du rable and efficient tires we ever built can be bought today from Goodyear Service Station Dealers for only . ,$24,50 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company cf California Tread FabticCn 1 30x3V4 HevrToirUtTub$'125 la wtrpx bag J 30x314 Non-Skl.1 rabne uuni- 30xJV4 Regular Tab.- $22 Try Our Free 'Drive-In Service' A Full Line of Goodyear CASINGS and TUBES " "Ditrihtor tOlitel patter Recharging and . Rebuilding Batteries Schafer Auto Supply "BUD" SCHAFER, Proprietor Vulcanizing and Electrical Work Goodyear Tires and Tubes ALWAYS IN STOCK CADILLAC, CASE AND j 6 CASE AND RUMELY CHEVROLET CARS 5 g 4 TRACTORS ' Rumer Motor Company Electrical Supplies I Ote'l Harness Factory ---Established 1883 - - - Phone 38 Hardware Plumbing Sheetmetal Work- rHC Housefurnishings