roun THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, MAY 24. 1921 TONIGHT, Tuesday, 24th Wednesday, 25th . Thursday, 26th MATINEE DAILY HmU. IMPERIAL THEATER ALWAYS WORTH WHILE Wm.DcMille Production "THE PRINCE CHAP Thos. Meighan J USUAL SHORT subjects: Reginald Parker U Production Bunty Pulls the Strings 19 WITH AN All Star Cast USUAL SHORT SUBJECTS , First National Attractions ft athrine McDonald IN Certain Another funny TOONER. VILLE comedy ' iTtttmnnttttfflmtmtmmttttnTmffirrc I ' tttli'Al1tttWlui"illltlUUlillUl illllillllllluilMUMMllllllllllllln.lJlllillllllll,)tTifn)1T-jjjjj Many Pupils In the Alliance Schools Win Penmanship Awards The following pupils have earned penmanship awards during the past (Jx vreeki: Central School. Uobert Federson Elbert Howe Itonald Simmons Florence I'hipps leone Orr - Sarah GaRhajren Woodrow II ilea Esther Frederick AnnaO'Neel Pauline Hilea lAicile Rider John Barrett Katherine Case Tena Herbert Frank Stalos Hazel Prior Theodore Nelson Mildred Gregory Joe Hair William Davee Beatrice flell Wayne Reid Hazel Garberg Iyle Mote Mable Sloan Ruth Yanders Georgia Reed Paul Thompson Herman Hamburg James Hilton Faith Dixon " Phyllis Fosdick Hortenpe Gavin Xhelma Sanders -Vffyne Frederick Margaret Fuller Florence Eder Clayton Romig Karl Annable "Mildred Routh FreJ Taylor Wauneta Robinson Frank Linear Tommy Wykoff "Robert Boatrom DeVere Felter Jl&lley O'Necl Jasper Reynolds " Mary Reeves Hazel Edwards Donald Wilson Lawrence Phipps Bernard Shelton Herbert Stern David taMon Helen Fenning lteatnce Fosdick Ruth Hill Victor Bostrom Doris Shaw Glen Thompson Herman LledlofT Janice Shelton . Jack Felter Dorothy King Alice Whittington flernice Hilea Waunita WykofT Lillian Blair Jessie Hiles . Norma Henderson Mildred Best Eugene Hiles Francis Hacker Itosann Hesseltine Vera Davis Alvin Colerick Helen Dearing Franris Rusnell Lowell Beans I'aul Barrett Josephine Acheson Everett Ati . . . Inez Young Falba Cole I Mttg-gie Marshall KuthFfnk Emerson School. Hazel Youpjt Cecil Coates Robert Garrett Kathryn Ives Deforest Walker Margaret Thiele Mona Cornu Charles Lai kins Robert Gillett : Edna Mae Miller Willis Nation Weston Sherwood Marie Clark Irving Wong . V'lnvd Mnrrum I,eah Wadum Dick Becker Maurine Bald - Esther Bacon Lucille Dickinson Edith Mewhirter Ruth Moxon Frank Campbell Nellie Sturgeon William Eberly Ruth Schill Robert Abar Sarah Adams Kenneth Pyle Robt. Shaughnessy William Henderson Alice Prettyman Raymond Lotie Frank Mounts Iris Dye Vivian Dow Avon Robbins Total number of Palmer Awards earned by Emerson and Central pupils, 1!20-I921s Silwr star buttons 108 Gold star buttons ... .105 Palmer Method buttons 129 Progress pins K5 Improvement certificates - 118 Students' final certificates,.,..,..,,. 29 High school certlftcate. 4 Total. 678 Get the habit use the film box it' safe. 51-52 VANGRAVEN STUDIO Legion Commander Urges Publication of Lists of Slacker That the slacker lists should be published in justice to the ex-service men whose names are recorded as such, is the belief 6f Frederick Gal braith, national commander of the American Legion, according to a tele gram Just received at state headquar ters of the Nebraska American Le gion. "Slacker lists containing names of men, who - honorably served then country in the tirne of its greatest peril only strengthens the conviction that the lists should be given the wid est publicity," states Mr. Galbraith. ; "For over a half century after J.he. Civil war thousands of veterans ap plying for pensions were found to be ! erroneously listed as deserters and much embarrassment and hardship re sulted. Exactly the same situation will arise unless the present lists are cleared immediately. And, as every one knows, publication of the Hits is the only means of doing this. "I feel that some of our newspapers have not looked at this matter in this light. The viewpoint of the newspa pers should be that they are assisting the innocent as well as punishing the guilty. Veterans named in the list.' suffer only momentary injustice, and their friends and acquaintances know they served and they are then cleared for all time of the disgrace of desert ing their country. . "The finest thing the Legion can do in this matter is to pledge its whole effort to the speedy vindication of men whose names appear in the lists by error. On the other hand it must in sist that the guilty be punished." Have you a friend graduating this year? If so, don't you think a small gift would be appropri ate? Come in and see the beau tiful gift things at Thiele's. 47-52 Fanatics accuse those with whom they differ of being atheists. Mrs. E. K. Jones left fnr n Sunday night for a visit with her sis-- tl. Mm. Frpl Ticro-iia fiKa ...III . . - - - - - - . V C- turn about the first of June, bringing wnn ner some Household furniture r now stored there. Get the habit use the film box itsk safe. 51-52 VANGRAVEN STUDIO Guy Lockwood, well known former Alliance resident, but now of Rapid' City, S. D., arrived in the city Friday for a visit with friends and relatives He plans to return to his home. Wednesday. '-... Dr. E. T. Bennett of Omaha will ar- -rive this week to assist in the Slagl&j clinic during Dr. Slagle's absence. LAKESIDE Deryl Rodgers Newton Hicks I-eroy Moxon Jimmie dribble Jane Beeson John Barker Rosalie Denton Carl Rust Henry O'Bannon Walter Hopkins Harold Vanderlas Lewis Covalt Anna Shaughnessy Florence McAninch in 4 i ! Snappy Man! -what makes him so "snappy ?" it isn't his grace. it's because he keeps his Clothes so spick, span and ' clean. perhaps we should have said: "We keep his clothes spick, span and clean for him." -we will do as much for ; you, top. .--If you don't'use our serv - ice, we are sorry, for you are entitled to the Dest. KFFP.Il-NRAT I CLEANERS . Phone 133 207 BoiTJutte Albert Arms drove In Friday from his home near Ellsworth after a load of ranch supplies. Roy Stoop and family were In from their home near the Star ranch Friday. Mrs. Jake Herman and daughter were In from the ranch Saturday. Mr. Coe returned the latter nart of ' the week from a trip to Colorado, New Mexico and other points for the pur pose of taking a homestead, j Mr. and Mrs. Ellsbury and Gene : Kennedy of Ellsworth were Lakeside visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lynn Cant well and son Sidney of Lincoln arrived Saturday for a visit with relatives here. Frank Westover drove in from the ranch Saturday. Cecil Buckley was an Alliance caller the latter part of the week. Patrick Reed and Mr. Fields drove up from Ellsworth Saturday. .Fred Speer and Richard Williams accom pan;ed them attend the dance at Ellsworth Saturday evening. Joe Chapmaa, traveling salesman for Granger Bros.,' was in our city the latter part of the week. The Misses Mildred. Beaston . and Edythe Harris went to Alliance Satur day and returned Sunday. Joe Poxza was an Alliance business visitor the latter part of the week. - Mrs." George Brewster arrived last week from Missouri, where she has been on a visit. Mr. Brewster is sta tion agent here at the present time. Ellsworth Ash was in town Satur day. Mrs. P. F. Gillispie who was ill all last week from the effects of a cold on her lungs, is much better at the time of this writing. Several parties from Lakeside at tended the dance at Ellsworth Satur day night. Truman Been rode in from the Zeig home Saturday to visit with home folks. ' . William Arms was in town Sunday to take in the ball era me. Otto Smith. Floren Biombaugh and Mr. Robinson were, down from Anti och Sunday. The baseball team from over near Pawlette drove over to play a game I with our home team Sunday. Lake side won the victory by the score ol 22 to 9. Edison and Warren Wilcot were in town Saturday from near Ellsworth. Will McKinney, Frank Smith and Claud Hudson drove to Ellsworth Sat urday evening. Burl Coe was visiting home folks over Sunday. Cart Kittleman and Joe Harrian at tended the ball game here Sunday af ternon from un north of Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warren of Antioch drove down to Lakeside Sunday after noon. Edward Kennedy who is helper at the depot, visited his home folks at j Ellsworth Sunday. I Ed. House returned home Sunday on No. 44 from a business trip over at Valentine. Carl Miller roJe up from the ranch for an over Sunday visit with his family here. Miss Sarah Lamberson and her adopted daughter Ruth 'ware in Lake side Sunday from their home at An tioch. We were visited by a strong wind and dirt storm Saturday evening. No reports of very serious damages have been received. Mis Ether Dedmore who spent the week end with her friend, Miss Beatice Westover in East Lakeside, returned to her home at Alliance Sunday. - Mrs. S.-E. Flaherty of Alliance was a Lakeside business visitor Sunday .S...S....3...ifl T Why Not Provide for the Wife's Binamer Her Work Gets Doubly Hard During Hot Weather Here Are Two Gonviences She Wants i RitchensjAre Too Hot Did you ever stand in the kitchen on a warm summer day while your wife cooks on a coal range? If you have you will know why she wants to cook , with kerosene. The FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVES fill the need. They, are convenient to the last detail and they save worlds of diffi cult work. Why; not come in and let us show you why the FLORENCE is the oil cook stove you want in your home. It will pay you many times over in health and cheeriness of the manager of the Jr household. Let Us Convince You. ii ililtiiiilliMiNiitiiiiiliiliiiiliil'lji A. 5 omar Tranoii its' .- . T7IT ENCE FLOR OIL COOK STOVES Meals on Time The Florence cooks, bakes and roasts evenly and thoroughly. No ashes, pa ' smoke, no troublesome dampers. Let us show you what an intensely hot, blue flame its powerful burners give. Handy levers control the heat perfectly. Kerosene supply is always in sight in the glass bull's-eye of the tank. I The baker's arch of the Florence Portable Oven assures even baking, " tempting pastries, and well-browned, roasts. More Heat Less Care 1 iii! iiWrT k Let THE CENTURY Refrigator k: Keep the Family's Food COLD Proper circulation of air insures wholesome preservation of most sensitive food stuffs. You may have either top or front door ice feed. Strongly built and has the right principle of insulation. Note the self-locking feature on every door. You need "a refrigerator why not get a dependable one now? House Eurnishings GLEN MILLER. House Furnishings i i i i i i , and Monday.