THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921 ALLIANCE DRUG CO THE NEW AND MODERN DRUG STORE Phone 132 214 BOX BUT TE AVENUE B. M. SCOTTEN F. ,0. HERSHMAN ma11 stars on the lower outer edjre lelow the hieM which may be em blematical of the fix Rreat wars In which our country hat been engaged. A new system of clasps was adopted for this medal. On these clasps ap All the Late Dope About Victory Medals fnr tho KY-Snlrlipr? pear me names 01 me name ani rn- , A TTi . ' . . I KaReinenta in which the recipient of The victory medal is now beinj? l-'the me,iai participated. Haltle clasps ued to -x-service men of the Lnited u)e awarded for each major operation State army, navy ami marine corps, iay for the occupation of a defensive El a tribute of a srreatful nation to ;,.,. tKpp rfnKns me made of a uniform aided In i.,r,nTo rnnmnitinn and are one and the men who in uniform aided in crushing the kaiser's ambition to dom inate tho world. i .. Dunnir the Pprinir of 1918, while hostilities were still at their height, I the ribbon one-half Inch in lenpth (width of rib bon) and three-sixteenths of an inch in WKiin. inese ciasps are worn on the different allied and associated na-1 lions agreed to adopt a medal, which would le the same for all to com memorate the preat war. In order to carry this plan into execution an in terallied commission met in Paris soon after the signing the armistice. The rommissiou tourul that it would be im practical to adhere strictly to the orig inal plan, but it was decided, however, to have an identical ribbon trr all the allied nations, and to allow each coun try to desijrn its own medal according to the general specifications' which were draw up by this commission. The ribbon is a double rainbow, hav ing the red in the center, and with a whine thread on each edge. It sym bolizes the dawn of a new era of calm after the Ftorm. The specifications of the medal adopted by the allied commission are as follow': To be of bronie, 1.4 inches In diameter and suspended from the ribbon by a rintr, the same as most of J our medals. On the observe, a winirea Victory, standing full length and full face. On the reverse, the inscription "The Great War for Civilization, and ither the name of the arms of the allied and associated nations. The medal adopted by the United States, and to be known the "The Vic tory Medal" is of the sue indicated above, and has the winged Victory on the observe side, while the reverse has the shield of the United States, with the fasces of the ancient Lictors raised thereon. The words "The Great War .for Civilization" appear above the shield, and on each side are the names of the allied nations. There are six The victory medal will be awarded to all officers, contract rurpeons, mem l?rs of the arm? nurse corps, army field clerks, field clerks, quartermaster corps, and enlisted men who served on active duty in the army of the United States at any time between April C, 1917 and November 11, 1918 and whope service was honorable. Uy active duty is meant: to have served with the colors, at home or abroad. This medal is also issued to the next of kin cf any of the above named who died while in the service. All that Is .necessary to obtain the victory medal Is for the man to pre sent his original discharge certificate in person (or by mail) to the nearest victory medal officer and sign an ep plication blank. These blanks may be had by applving to the Victory Medal ir! T 11 jfc JlL . . . vincer, u . o. Array, ui uuui, ). office building, Wichita, Kan., or by applying to any one of the several victory medal officers In the district. If application is to be made by mail there is a form provided which when properly attested by a notary public may be used in lieu of the original discharge certificate. These forms may be had upon request of the Wichita Ex-service tnen of the army should' Mrs- Walter Langford of thig city make application to the nearest vie-' tory medal officer. The following named officers have been designated by the war department to receive and approve applications for the victory medal: Lt. CJI. Wilbur A. McDaniel, In fantry, Insp. Instr., Inf., Neb. N. G., room IDS, Nebraska State Bldg., Lin coln, Neb. Major Corbilt S. Hoffman. Infantry. Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. 1st Lt. James H. Haean, Infantry, Asst. P. M. S. & T., university of Ne braska, Lincoln, Neb. If it U impracticable for the appli cant to apply in person to any one of the foregoing named officers, it is recommended that application be made direct to any of the four victory medal offices: Victory Medal Office, U. S. Army, Army Illdg.. Omaha, Neb. Victory Medal Office, U. S. Army, 3rd Floor. Post Office Bldg., North Platte, Neb., ! Ex-army field clerks, ami field ilerks, quartermasters corps will make application direct to the adjutant gen eral of the army, Washington, D. C, for necessary forms for making appli cation. Ex-army nurse will apply to the surgeon general of : the army, Washington, 1). u. '' i Next of kin of men who were killed : In action or died while, a member of the United States army Fhould make application to any one of the above offices for the necessary application blanks. Ex-service men of the United States navy or marine corps should apply-to the U. S. army recruiting officer, Kan sas City, Mo., for the necessary forms for making application. House Dresses and Cungalbw Aprons assorted models, sizes and patterns 93c to $4.75. Highland-Holloway Co. 47 Floyd Parkin of Austia, Neb., a res ident of Alliance some thirty years ago, is visiting friends and relatives in the city this week. He is the father or Have you a friend graduating this year? If so, don't you think a small gift would be appropri ate? Come in and see the beau tiful gift things at Thiele's. ' 47-52 PERSONALS I J. M. Mewhirter and family have moved to 615 Laramie. It. C. Murphy and wife spent the weekend at Louisville, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Talmer of An tioch, were Alliance visitors Friday. Mrs. Ira Wright, who was ill last week, is reported well and at woilc again. M. C. Hubbell, president of the Plain' Iron company of Denver, was in attendance at the Alliance auto show. Mrs. Floyd Lotspeitch has accepted the position at the chamber of com merce formerly held by Miss Nellie Tyree. ' Dr. C. E. Slagle left for Lincoln to day to attend the state medical asso ciation. He will return Thursday morning. , . .. Miss Myrtle Reeves, primary teacher at Marsland. visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves, j near Alliance. Mrs. M. J. Baskin and Mrs. E. J. Baskin returned yesterday noon from Denver where they have been visiting relatives the past two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. William Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves motored to Marsland Friday evening. Miss Mrytie ueeves accompanied mem home. Drake & Drake, optometrists, who hae been located over the variety store for the past six years, are mov ing their offices over the Laing cloth ing store. Mr. and Mrs. John Render and son, Walter; Mr. and Mrs, Arthur S. Wright, and F. W. Krohn motored to Scottsbluff Saturday, returning Sun day evening. Mrs. Ed Tyree and daughter, Nel lie; Mrs. Mary C. Burke, and Harry Tiller, all of Alliance, left this week for homesteads near Weston, Wyo., about thirty miles north of Gilette. Miss Avis Joder, county clerk, is spending a two-weeks' vacation at Kingman, Ariz., - visiting relatives there. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. B. I. Joder. Mrs. Homer X. White is leaving for Broken Bow, where her husband is employed by the Grant, Fulton & Letton company. Mr. White had charge of the paving gang in Alliance last year. J. L.' Nicholi of Denver, formerly of Alliance, has been visiting here since last week. His old friends will, be in terested to know' that he has been !o- ing a lot ef successful trapshooting in and around Denver. NOTICE A meeting of the baseball associa tion will be held Tuesday evening May 10, at eight o'clock, at the chamber of commerce rooms. Members please be present. 47 WORTHLESS House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons assorted models, sizes and patterns 95c to $4.75. Highland-Holloway Co. 47 Home Cook Shop serves coffee and waffles from 7 to 9 a m. A general delicatessen. US West Fourth St. Mrs. A. II. Bobbins. "I gave that beggar a penny, and he-didn't thank me." "No. You can t get anything for a nny now." Karlkaturen, Christian la. , House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons assorted models, sizes and patterns 95c to $4.73. Ilighland-Hclloway Co. 47 AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY They were newly married. "Dar ling," he said, passionately, "I must go!" But the parting will not be for long and I will return to kiss your tears away!" "Don t gol she moaned, strangling and choking her utterance. VDon't gol" The man gently diseanged himself from her tightly clinging arms. "You love me?" pleaded the girl. "You will always love me?" "Always, heart of mine!" vowed the man. Then with a gasp he dashed out in to the darkened street. For although he loved his wife de votedly, he knew that the corner to bacco shop closed at 8 o'clock, and his smoke3 had run outl Pearson's. Its a Job You Hate Women's suits all sizes, clos ing out at one-third to one-half reduction. Highland-Holloway Co. 47 BUT HAVE YOU EVER TRIED IT WHEN YOtf WERE PROPERLY EQUIPPED? COME IN- AND GET A SPONGE and CHAMOIS AT THIELE'S AND SEE HOW QUICK YOU CAN WASH YOUR CAR. A REAL SPONGE AND CHAMOIS MAKES THE JOB A PLEASURE. Thiele's Tkt Sttrt With m GuaraitUt Witktu Rid Tat "fl l Reduces Prices Lowered Cost of OAKLAND Makes it the'Best Buy in Six-Cylinder Closed or upen Models, i ou in eea w ait rs o Longer ior a urop. r?r-- h : NEWf PRICE ciosea luoaeis r Coupe and Sedan F.O.B. Alliance $2050.0Q NEW PRICE Open Models Roadster and Touring Cars F6.B. Alliance $1325.00 4 fc i C i SIX GOOD REASONS Your Next Car Should BE AN OAKLAND 1. Easy riding qualities -1 15 inch wheelbase, long semi- . elliptic springs. 2. High proportionate power 44 h. p. engine, light car weight. 3. Overhead valve, six-cylinder, long stroke engine. 4. Force feed lubrication of en gine bearings through drilled crankshaft. 5. Light weight reciprocating parts, giving flexibility and rapid acceleration. 6. Improved heated intake sys tem, giving high fuel mileage. pta 7lv k t-v-;.- 'If "'Till I i IWirMllMW tLWPWmi rn I i h ' i W K ' : 111 i I . B B HHn . m WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM RECEIVED AT alliance 2 Dw91 nl . f , ! Omaha, Nebr. f May 6, 21 Sturgeon Garage, - ' ' -W!-f3T;s :- V ! Alliance, Nebr. "ry -iTTVV " Yvm . i Effective May 9, new factory list prices on current Oakland open models is $1145. Current . Oakland closed models will list at $1815. Oakland Motor Car Co., " 201 A Six More Reasons Why OAKLAND Will Give Most for the Money 7. The exceptionally deep 6V4 inch frame gives rigidity which eliminates body squeaks. 8. ' Extra large tires for weight of car 32x4 inch, giving high tire mileage. , 9. Simplicity, accessibility and sturdiness throughout entire car. 10. Large, roomy seats, deeply cushioned, genuine leather upholstery. - . 11. Low center of gravity, short turning radius, easy hand ling. 12. The biggest value in genuine comfort and utility of any car built. STUDY THESE FEATURES THEY MEAN MUCH IN ' CAR SATISFACTION torsreoia's Garage EVERY SMALL DETAIL HAS BEEN PLANNED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LEE STURGEON, Proprietor