THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY. MAY 10. 1021 1 1 1 ' FRED! Gasoline on any purchase of $20,000 or more we will fill your gas tank to the brim ask us. You ride free if you come to this sale. LIMIT 5 GALLONS TO EACH PERSON A Message of Vital Importance to Every Family in This County $25,000 STOCK Thrown on the Bargain Block Prices Shattered E. G. LAING Alliance, Nebraska sz-i FREE! Kailroad Fare we pay your fare to a dis tance of 50 miles on any pur chase of $23.00 or more. Just show your return ticket. FREE Railroad Fare "TVs o K (BSKDl n JL . X vVo- VU- (Sir Starts V i i 9 adin Lasts 16 Days Only Entire Stock Sacrificed FOLKS This is no ordinary sale, such as you have seen advertised so often these last few months. We do not offer you only odd lots and broken sizes. We want you to know that you have your unrestricted choice of the country's highest grade men's clothing, shoes, hats, fur nishings, thrown in bins, hung on racks, stacked on tables, for your convenience and case in se lecting. ' Necessity compels this action on cur part and we will stop at nothing to turn this high grade stock into cash in sixteen days of fast and furious selling. 40 cents will buy a dollar's worth here. You saving men, who know a good buy when you see5 it, come here and make your dol lars do double duty. "THE SALE OF SALES" created for you. MEN'S fine LEATHER BELTS, worth $1.00 each, now Furnishings AT PRE-WAR PRICES AND LESS A fine lot of $2.50 DRESS SHIRTS, Madras, Cords and Rep; QQ all go at - JOC Cotton Flannel GAUNTLET GLOVES, leather .............. 19c faced, worth 50c a pair, now MEN'S UNION SUITS Fine balbriggan, well made, reinforced at points of strain; closed crotch, short sleeves, ankle Q5 length; worth $1.50, now, suit lOC MEN'S B. V. D. style athletic Union Suits; worth $1.50, now 98c 49c $3.95 MEN'S OVERALLS Full cut, union label; 220 blue denim overalls and jackets the kind you have paid ' TA $3.50 for, now . J)l.Uj LEE UNION ALLS Brown ; sold for $6.00; now MEN'S PANTS For work or dress fine all wool, stripes in .hard finished worsteds, tweeds, cassimers, etc.; all sizes, well made and worth to $6.50, 1C now, per pair yLlD MEN'S JERSEYS All wool, several desirable colors; worth to C9 QC $5.00, now : yL.OO RAILROAD MEN'S SHIRTS Indigo blue dotted shirts, with two detachable stiff . collars to match; $3.00 value, now , MEN'S SILK SHIRTS The prettiest patterns you ever looked at; gay, long-wearing fibre silk shirts that you have paid CC QC $10.00 and $12.00 for, now pd.Ud uiv d tut $1.75 Here's the Reason ! There is no use beating around the bush, and I don't intend to. Mere's the facts: This has been a blow selling season; for several reasons: The weather has been cold and the season backward. The markets have been uncertain. People have hesitated to buy, because they hoped merchandise would drop to lower price levels, and in spite of the fact that I have consistently reduced my prices as the mnrket receded, my stock has been piling up. I ordered a lot of goods last fall for spring delivery, i I have summer, goods coming in now AND 1 HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM NOW and the only way I can get the money to pay for them is to sell the merchandise I have at whatever price it will bring. AND THAT is what I am DOING. I have cut the price on every article in my stock to rock bottom Less than cost Yes, less than actual replacement value. i ' YOU GET THE BENEFIT I have had consigned to me a great quantity of merchandise, brand new stock of . every kind, and all of this new merchandise goes in this sale at these tremendous under pricings. The cream of the markets at the lowest price since 1911. I HAVE GOT TO HAVE THE MONEY I have thrown my whole stock Into this price maelHtrom;.it will be such a sensa tional value-giving event as to cause the remarkable savings to echo across the en tire country. You can come here during this sale and get values that will amaze you. I guarantee every article of merchandise in the entire stock satisfaction for you or your money back. Come and see for yourself Let your own eyes be the judge. Yours for true value-giving, E. G. LAING. 200 Men's Fine Suits GO TO THE BARGAIN BLOCK Out message to you is going to be short and sweet. We have this stock and we cannot afford to have it any longer and we are out to move it and move it quick. What Is the elixir for a quick movement of stock these daysT THAT'S RIGHT PRICES. We are going to sell these high grade suits at sub-cellar prices. Prices so low that if you do not see the suits, it would be natural for you to under-rate the quality and value. THESE ARE THE FINEST SUITS MONEY CAN BUY. The highest 'grade workmanship, the purest woolens, the best styles, the most carefully fitted suits you ever looked at and the lowest prices since 1911. ALL STYLES ALL COLORS ALL FABRICS divided into four lots for your convenience in selecting. ) . $30 SUITS U0 SUITS $30 SUITS $60-$73 SUITS $16-74 $19-95 $27-45 $34-45 wSSSEBtsm A Merchandise Master Stroke Large Size Red and Blue HANDKERCHIEF 2 for 25c Full Cut Blue Chambray Work 'SHIRTS $1.25 value, now 69c CAPS .A lot of. Gay colored Caps good value; now 49c DRESS HOSE Men's fine Dress Hose; now 11c $25 Cotton Flannel GLOVES now 2 pair for 25c E.G. "Modern Clothes for Men" ALLIANCE NEBRASKA OS! HATS 200 of the finest soft Felt Hats that you ever looked atall desir able colors browns, blacks, greys, greens, for men and young: men. The newest styles worth to $8.00 Sale Price $3.95 Fu rnishings AT PRE-WAR PRICES AND LESS PURE THREAD SILK SHIRTS Jersey silk, crepe, broadcloth silk, most beautiful pat terns and colors, worth C0 AC to $15.00, now ?0iJ SUIT CASES Fibre suit cases, strong and durable, worth to CI AC $2.30, now J. .pI.4D SUIT CASES A large assortment of leather and fibre cases in the wanted sizes; with straps and good brass clasps; CQ CC worth to $8.00, now $0.00 ARROW BRAND WHITE HAND- or KERCHIEFS, 3 for LOC DRESS HOSE 35c cotton dress Q hose; now, per pair IV C $3.00 HIGH GRADE KHAKI CI CO PANTS, now J1.0j A large assortment of MEN'S CAPS newest colors and patterns, worth CI 90 to $2.50, now yl.OJ FRANK RUSSELL $3.75 DRIVING C) C( GLOVES, now, per pair p.t)U SHOES $5.50 TAN WORK SHOES, CO (C Sale Price . ..J.jD $6.00 BLACK AND BROWN CO AC WORK SHOES, Sale Price oAO $7.00 BROWN WELT WORK CA CC SHOES; Sale Price $4.0D $10 AND $12 MEN'S FINE DRESS SHOES: Brown and Cordovan; English Cf QT and round toe lasts; Sale Price tp0Jd III j.nM,ji,wiiiwmHri!fWjmii..j) wwnjiPfiiiw,.ii THREE