i 1 1 L A LCI A K C hi JltllALl). FUIDAV, MAY 6, 1921 AT THE CHURCHES x baptist rumen Next Sunday will be a pppcial dav, It being Mother's Day we will observe it appropriately. At the mornine service we will have a full orchestra to provide the music, beside special sonjra by the choir. - The sermon will be on "The Ob scure Mother." A dollar will be given to anyone that jrviessen the text. All together now who will get the dol lar? At the afternoon service we will organize an Intermediate B. Y. P. U. All children are asked to bring a nail, spike or tack at this service. All kinds of nails, rusty, crooked, new and old, fhoe tacks or phonograph" needles. Come and you will be pleasantly sur prised. At the evening service the tonic will be, "Father, the Forgotten." Fathers bring the .boys and girls and let's make it a family night. 1 All members who have cars are asked to bring them to the morning service. Come to the church with the mes sage nnd where folks are happy. . B. J. MINORT, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN THrnril God has instituted tho ch His worship, fellowship and service, j ou cannot meet or serve Him fully outside His organization. Do you be lieve in God? "Ye shall keep mv Sab baths and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord." "Y cannot serve God and mammon." Next Sunday is Mothers' day and it will be fittingly observed at 11:00 a. m. Theme: "Your Mother's Bible and our Mother's God." Evening service at 8 o'clock. Theme: 'The Churches Call for Consecrated Manhood and Womanhood." YouniT IVnnlp'a anfintv at ? n m Topic: "Living Close to Christ" All are rmvlinllv inril these services, in the name of Him for whom we minister. First Presbyterian church, corner of Box Butte avenue at Seventh street. . , A. J. KEARNS, Pustor. CHURCH .OF C HRIST Mother's Day is observed through out our land. Next Sunday the morn ing services will be in honor of mother. The subject is: "The Influence of Mother." If your mother is living or dead, you will desire to honor her by your presence at these worshipful services. At, the evening hour the minister will begin a series ' of ser mons on "Messages From Isaiah." The first will be "Israel's Social Unrest." Let us be comrades in the common cause. The teachings of the Christ Regular Prices AT Fourth Street Market FOR ? SATURDAY, MAY 7th ONE DAY ONLY CANE OR BEET SUGAR, C7 QC perewt p.7J ' BLUE BAND FLOUR, Ti Qr per sack 1 yl.Jj ' PEA BERRY COFFEE, FANCY; 99 per pound 1 LuC PEACHES, IN SYRUP, 00 No; 212 j LOC TOMATOES, 10 No. 3 size IZC CARNATION MILK, , 19 Large size" . IjC CORN, n Good Standard jC PEAS, fl Good Standard.. . ."C FRESH SALTED SPANISH PEANUTS," 11 per pound ' 14C We Pay 18c per Dozen Cash, for Eggs ABOVE PRICES FOR SATURDAY ONLY Fourth Street Market H. HIRST, Prop. t The Ranker Sudden Service Cafe IS THE NEW NAME OF THE ESTABLISHMENT FORMERLY KNOWN AS HARVEY'S CAFE The new proprietor, Ben Grinstead, for many years in the restaurant business at Central City, Neb., has taken charge and Will Open Sat., May 7th Day and Night Service The policy of the new proprietor will lie to cater to the bcstyclass of trade possible, with "sudden service" and careful attention to the pleasure of customers. A specialty will be MERCHANTS' LUNCH From 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. ,at 40 Your Patronage Will be Appreciated. Ben Grinstead NINH f-houl-l not only be mrulc a pait.of our' life, but in reality life's purposes and plans should be puided bv them. I At 3 n. m. the junior department of the Rible school will give a Mother's program to which their mothers are invited. ; The Kndeavor prayer meeting's at 7 o'clock and the evening preaching rervice at ci'ht. j Come to the church with a message and n welcome. j 8TKPHKN J. EI'LER, Minister. . J METHODIST CIU'RCII Next Sunday, being Mother's day,' will lie observed in our church with appropriate services both morning and evening. At the morning cervice the1 pastor will preach on "The Reward Of Molheihood." In the evening at 8:00' o'clock, the choir will give a musical program entitled, "Mothers of the' Wble. Joe Holland will give a read ing followed by a solo. The program is as follows: Song, "Tin Mother's Day." Storv. "Our Fire rv ' Song, "Precious Mother."' ' ; Song, "God of Our Mothers, Guide Our Way." Story, "The Mother of Moses." ' Song, "Oh Harken to my Cry." ' Duet, "Beyond Today." Story, "The Mother of Israel." Deborah's Song, " r raise Ye the Lord." Story, "Ruth." ' . Song, "Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee." Reading, Joe Holland. I Solo, Joe Holland. :i Story, "Mary, the Mother of Jesus.': Anthem. "The Magnificat " - i Song, "Mother Dear, Jerusalem." You will find a welcome at thfcpe services. MEARL C. SMITH, Castor. Ben Grinstead Buys the Harvey Cafe of Reed and Trabert Ben Grinstead of Central City, Neb nas purcnased the Harvey cafe of Reed & Trabert, and taken immediate possession. The restaurant was closed for alterations, but will open egain for business, with the new management, Saturday under the name of the Ranger Sudden Service cafe. Mr. Grinstead, who has been engaged in similar business in Cen tral City, has leased his restaurant there for five year?,! and will take ac tive charge of the place. Grinstead' was, in earlier days, a resident of Alliance, having lived here some ten years ago. He will be re membered by the older residents and especially the baseball fans. Ben used to swing a wicked bat on the diamond, and won for himself the nickname of "Old Reliable." i Bridgeport News-Blade: Mrs. L. J. Russell returned to her home at Alli ance Monday, after a visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louis Wilson, who lives near Bridgeport. f'.;v,::;r fX ftp in R If irir 2&iSx$aih. t ,4 JIM I j ' w -4 ml Ik ii If Now Buys a Monarch Malleable Iron Range THIS FAMILY SIZE MONARCH ' RANGE CAN BE SEEN AT OUR STORE AND WE CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVERY. A Housewife is proud to own a MONARCH ' because it is economical will render efficient service and above all "Stay Satisfactory." 4 . - George D. Darling FURNITURE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS ' - 113-117 West Third Street Alliance, Nebraska We Sell the Best In Both of These Lines Let Us Tell You WHY Try . a General Alongside ol Any Other Tire in the World Buy a General Tire Today Every driving hour you delay usin General Tim, you are losing General Tire Satufaction hard matter to expreu on paper-'- - but an eajr one for your rpeedometer to prove. The General ia Akron'a great tire its producera are the pick of the tire profess ion ita manufacture to modernized that your milc age ia the first and last consideration. Get General Tire today compare its price and mileage with any other make then watch it wipe out adjustments by performing - better than iti promise. goes a long tcay $ J to make friends 1 iSm It mS 5 fi-:?i MivmA Built in Jkron, Ohio, try The General Tire and Rubber Co. Costs less per Month ofServico" 'vitality ; v- I l lJ proremcnu ia VESTA 'i f " i ! I C-tteric. giro a.toni.h- , f ilIfSpft J 1 1 1 i ft ' ,j "o ; , . ISOLATORS I I , V V,o otber Lattery lu. on. I i'WCKPlATES APART j, . i fib.- Jji lip !if,It ,,,,,,, i! r H VESTA tfttpW ViH Bauer. . v 72? Vi ' " ""H af 0 HI I . JJI .aAegaWM'ssjiK t rft (PBi an imi Alliance- Tire Works GEORGE E. MINTZER, Proprietor fc&ZKZ- Times Building, Alliance V mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiimtuunimt s