TITE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921 SOCIETY A number of Eastern Star members will attend the state convention to be held at North Platte, Tuesday Wednes day and Thursday of next week. There will be a reception Monday nijcht and the frrand chapter opens at 10 o'clock Tuesday momfnsr. Mrs. Georjre A. Davis, srrand matron, will preside. This will end her year of service, during which she has made one hundred and thirty-six visits to various chapters of the state, a recoi'd that has not been surpassed. The sessions will be held 5n the Franklin auditorium. The chamber of commerce ' will entertain the visitors with auto trips to points of interest in the locality, including BufTalo Bill's ranch The exemplary work, instead of be ing given by the hostess chapter, will j be given by seventeen members chosen n.ic)(air.N vi hiis team, Mrs. ratmore of Alliance, is to be chap lain. Wednesday is to be. McCook day, and one hundred delegates are to at tend from that place, rractically sev en hundred delegates are expected al together, representing the 27,000 Mem bers of the state. Those who will attend from the Alli ance chapter are: Mrs. Ella Young, Mrs. Ethel Bogan, Mrs. Gertrude Pate, Mrs. Martha Patmore, Mrs. Eliia Davidson, Mrs. E. G. Laing, George A. Davis, Mrs. Claudia Dole, Mrs. Helena Ponath and Mrs. Lea fie Beach. They will be jofned by Mrs. Leora Walker, who is now visiting relatives at Ar nold, Neb. ' Bridgeport News-Blaje: County Judge Marquis performed the marri age cermony uniting Carl K. Nelson and Miss Blanche McReynolds, on TueMlay, at his office in this city. Both parties are of Alliance, the groom being a locomotive engineer on the Burlington. E. S. P. CV The East Side Progressive club met Wednesday, May 4th with Mrs, Nels Peterson. Fifteen members and five visitors were present. The afternoon was spent informally, and a lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Putman, Wednesday, Mnv 9.-. ' (). E. S. Initiation was held Tuesday evening at which right- candidates were re ceived. Refreshments were served af ter the work. A good attendance is reported. This was the last meeting at which Mrs. George A. Davis, the present grand matron presided, as her term expires next week. Mr WamM The Big Sale on the .Famous Detroit Vapor Oil StoVQ Positively Closes Saturday We are sure that after this sale has closed Saturday there will still be many women who will ask for the Club Plan terms on a Rod Star stove. But we give you fair warning that, as much as we should like to, we cannot extend this offer beyond that time. This sale has been conducted under special arrangements with the makers of this advanced-type and after Saturday terms will go back to normal. When you consider that this is a standard nationally-advertised product with a tremendous demand, you will understand that our Club Plan terms of DOWN and $10.00 per month are surely a most attractive inducement to act NOW. Remember, $10 is all you need to have delivered to your home a hand some Red Star stove which burns kerosene, gasoline or distillate without smoke or odor and gives you 24 hours of perfect cooking heat on one gallon of fuel. ' ' COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION BEFORE TOMORROW NIGHT. Rhein Hardware Co. , v. . 4 The Fast Thinl street ladies' club met at the home of Mrs. T. D. Roberta Tuesday afternoon. Those taking part in the program were Mrs. G. W. Kath bum, Mrs. P. D. Roberts, Mrs. C. D. P Mrr Mr F. W. Buchman and Mrs. W. M. Wilson. tertained the M. E. cl.oir last evening. A guessing content was held at which Miss Josephine Wilson won . Refresh ments were served and music for the Mother's Day program was rehearsed. Julius F. Moffat of Denver, Colo., and Miss Anna lBrane of Crawford were married by County Judge Tash Wednesday morning. The couple will make their home in Denver. Mr. J. S. Robbins will be hostess to the. youn irpeople's missionary circle of the Christian church Monday eve ning, at her home at 419 Platte. Leslie Miskimen will !e assisting host. The topic will be "The Bible and the Na tion," with Leslie Miskimen, leader. -Wrs. F. M. Phe'no Hf'lKtfnllv The Adult Bible clas of the Chris tian church met at the church Tuesday evening for a social and business meet ing. A basket supper was served at six o'clock. RANDOM SHOTS We venture'to suggest to Bill Har per that he learn the words to that touching little song, "I took a flower to mv love, and on the way I dropped it." Then, the next time his Lion cubs treat him that way, he can get even. Of course, If all he wanted to do was to get even, he could sing any thinf. - SEVEfl A democrat v an observed walking openly on the streets yesterday morn ing. Of course, it was early in tho morning. Fome .of those cars at the auto show do make a man wish that kale grew on trees. One of these starters is a hand thing, but it isn't in it with a good stopper whon you feel the need of it.- If we ever invent a car, welt have no less than seventeen emergency bmkes. Half of them will be set so as to work when the driver simply thinks of it. , Today's Best Story. "Rabbit," aged fourteen, is a negro shine boy in a barber shop in South Carolina. He comes in for a good share of good-natured chaffing from the customers. One of them said to him the other duy: "Rabbit, I believe you've got ancestors." "Ain't got 'em, boss," returned Rabbit, gravely. "Ah clar ter goodness ez how ah washed niKd hnid 1M visti.lv. M PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. T ;' 1 1 I " Honor Her Love and Devotion with f It CIFTSAr LAST Mother-love ever constant, everlasting!" Through the years it grows in tenderness, in loyalty and understand ing. It is the perfect love, worthy a gift that may be '- treasured from generation to generation. Here you will find, among the "Gifts that Last," appropriate offerings that appeal to every taste and may be bought at mod . erate prices. WE SUGGEST I For the Young Mother For the Older Mother La A small mesh bag or vanity Sautoir watch Jeweled comb or coif pins A new bracelet A jade ring - , Silver sherbet set Purse fan of grey sillc Lorgnette of silver or shell Silver spectacle case Pearl and amethyst beads Onyx and gold bar pin A silver tea caddy THIELE'S GJFTS THAT LAST B aiHBaaiaaaNaiiaaiBiB YG: IIII1I1IBIIBIBI1 B B B H Mb FT TTK A TTIN A T HT ?TJ TFTV Ol A TT "TTk Women s and Girls' Seasonable Apparel a VP-i SUITS REDUCED One-third to One-half Showing the Readcd, Button, Braid, Cord and Em broidered Trimmed, Tailored, Standard and Novelty Styles of Tricotine, Serges, Jersey, Tweeds, Twills, Broadcloth and Camel's Hair. Every Suit goes in this Closing-Out Sale of Suits. MILLINERY SPECIALS ; ' TRIMMED HATS if $5.00 to $8.00 Values are now on sale for y $3.98 . t SAILORS and TRIMMED $8.00 to $12.00 Hats, now going for $4.98 . Attractive Clearance Prices on all oth,er Millinery. HOUSE DRESSES and BUNGALOW APRONS Ginghams, Percales, Damasks and Muslins, Plain, White, Plaids, Stripes, Checks and Dots 95 to $4.75 ; SEPARATE SKIRTS Staple and Novelty Garments are popular at our popular prices Plaids, Striped, Checks, Plain and Two-tone Combinations, from $4.75 to $22.50 HIGHLAND-HOLLO WA Y CO. 5 Model Market SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Compound, 10 pounds for . $1.00 Swift's Premium Dacon, pound . 7gc Sweet Pickled Pork, pound 7 12 c Round Steak, per pound . 23c PRICES LOWQUALITY HIGH Phone 30 E. K. JONE, Proprietor