THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY G, 1921 I'LUSONALH Mr. Harry Thie'ft han been ill with an attiifk of tonsilitis. Foropt Lnpe left for F.djremont, S. P. Monday, wherf he w'.ll be night forc- wn of the pwitchyaiu. Mrs. Forest I.ap And small daujrh tcr and Mrs. Florence Att have pone to Seward, Neb., to visit relatives. They expect to be away about two weeks. Joe Uobbin was in Sidney Tuesday on a business trip. Raymond McNulty, formerly of Alli ance, who ha been working In Casper the lftt two months as machinist for the Northwestern, returned today. The bnby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fleming has been critically ill with the flu. J. S. Corp and family have moved into the apartment at the Central school. Mr. Corp has accepted the Unltor of the school. Mrs. Elirabeth Davidson of Olerich, S. P., formerly of Alliance, Is visit ing Mrs. Martha Patmore. She will accompany Mrs. Patmore to the state O. E. S. convention at North Platte Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDonald who have b"rn visiting the former's par-m l' She left th same day for Cliad ents, left twliy for Custer where they ron, Neb., where funeral service were will visit Mr. McDonald s sister, liiey nei.t. expect to be in Alliance Kain before returning to their home in Chicago. John J. Adams of Sheridan, with his son Archie, spent bumiay wan inu former's sister, Mrs, George E. Davis. Miss Sylvia DeMoss and Nell Ache-1 son nd Kenneth Mohrman and Wm. Sarbum were visitors Sunday. , Mrs. H. D. Dell of Chadron, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hacker, returned home Saturday. R. Hamilton, assistant cashier at the Gurdian State Bank left Sunday 1 Dr. J. R. Gettys of Lincoln, who has been assisting in getting the building of the M. E. church started, was enter tained at the home of Mrs. Oscar O Dannon, Sunday. Re sure to see the May festival, as to Scottsbluff lxe by the Expression classes of ine scnooi. somcininK ariiwiicj some thing beautiful! Something different! 46 CIIt'RCH OF THE NAZARENE Comer Fifth and Laramie Streets. tne c w an Sabbalh school at a00 a. m.j preach- to spend the summer on h.s ranch near ln(r fcy th(j paj(tor at n fc evan. Rnona Vltn. Cola Mif Orphla Ball has tesigned hert position with the Mutual Oil company of this city and returned to her home in Edgemont, S. D. Mrs. Verity Reeder, sixth grade teacher, went to Denver Friday eve ning, returning Tuesday morning. Mrs. E. R. Harris supplied during her ab sence. ... Mrs- J. M. Burns received wordon Tuesday of this week of the death of her brother at the Hot Springs hos- gelistic services at 8 p. m. Mid-week nraver meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. at H. R. Bean's, 305 East Third street. All are cordially invited. C. R. MATTISON, Pastor. FOOD SALE The Methodist ladies will hold a food sale Saturday at Mallery'a Gro cery, beginning at ten o'clock. 46 Herald Want Ads W .a word. :mimMniimmmtmm: A Complex Machine Your Kodak is move than a box with levers and buttons to push. Do you UN DERSTAND thoroughly "how it works?" It will be a pleasure to us to show you the inner mechanism of the Kodak, so that you. will not call it "luck" when you get good results. You will KNOW HOW to get them every time. See what our system of kodak finishing tank de velopment of films and modem machinery will do for your record of outings. If the film is good we will always .get correspondingly good prints. We have the one day service and a film box at bottom of stairs to drop your films in. All city and mail orders given personal care. The Van Graven Studio WALTER J. PERRY ) Wedding Silver Fine silver tkkes first place among wedding presents. So many pieces are required for the completely eguipped dining room that one can not have too much silver. The wedding presents are the foundation on which the bride builds up her Service. Years of experience in selling silverware gives us knowledge of quality and , designs, of great value to you when purchasing for gifts, or for your home. Thiele's Tht Start With m Guaranty Without RcJ Tapt : Goodrich s Reduces Tire Prices 20 Percent Effective Monday, May 2 The B. F. Goodrich Company makes this readjustment of tire prices to meet new condi tions and to benefit all tire users. This re duction includes Goodrich Silvertown Cords Goodrich Fabrics Goodrich Inner Tubes You are given the full benefit of these new prices right at the time when you are ready to replace your old tires with new ones. Now is the time to buy them. Your Goodrich dealer will supply your needs and give you the ad vantage of these new prices on your purchases. . . B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. .:it!.-.. : , Akron, Ohio , ' VALVE-IN-HEAD "1 fe) MOTOR CARS You can say with Certainty, that u Emblem of Satisfaction Fulfills Its Promises VALVE-INHEAP ' H's MOTOR CARS Gives: Definite Returns on Investment, , Sure Transportation, Quality SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE That Makes Satisfaction. . . r AUTO SHOW, MAY 6 AND 7 Emblem of Satisfaction Has: Less Annual Depreciation .. . Nation-wide Service, ,. Beauty and Roominess. ' Let Buick Service Safe guard Your Investment in Motor Cars. HBSj ibSm More Buicks are in use today than any other Car with one exception. ALLIANCE C. L. KERR SERVICE STATION CHADRON F. R. HARTRANFT When Better Automobiles Are Built. Buick Will Build Them