Gene Byrnes Says: "Here's the Music Write Your Own f I I V . J ( . V.N i X JZ) - 1 1 f II Mill I I I I I-' 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want to buy BomethlngT Hun dreds of people scan these Want Ad columns looking- for what you or others have to offer. Get quick results by advertising: In The Herald Want Ad department. RATES One cent per word per Insertion. Coats no more than other newspapers and we guar antee that you reach several hun dred more readers. Buy circula tion, not hot air. WANTED WOMAN wants work by the day or hour. Phone Black 758. 44-43 WANTED A responsible party to handle a small manufacturing prop osition in North Platte. Will require $200.00 to $400.00 investment. You spnd the money yourself. Make your application at once to Box 859, Scotts blu.T, Nebraska. . 44-45 WANTED Either cattle or horses for herd stock. Plenty of water and ealt. B. W. Case, Alliance, Neb. 41-49p WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 58 p AGENTS WANTED Good hustlers, big money, 6x8 photo medal ions copied from any picture COc each. Large variety of designs .to select. Quick service. Send for illustrated circulars. Benjamin Harris Co., Inc., 229 Bowery, New York. 38-45 FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished . apartment. Two large rooms. See party at 224 Big Horn. 45-40p FOR RENT Two large light modern rooms for light housekeeping. Also large sleeping room. Phone 424. 45 FOR SALE FOR SALE Herts Mountain Itolleis Imported Canary birds, either singly or in mated pairs. Young Bingers. Rodgers' Rooming House. . .35tf FOR SALE At a bargain almost new household furniture and player piano. Call 601 Big Horn or phone 347. 32tf FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG MEN, women, over 17, for postal mail service, $120 month. Ex aminations May. Experience unneces sary. For free particulars of instruc tion, write R .Terry (former Civil Service examiner) 734 Continental Bldg., Washington, D. C. 45-46p BEAUTIFUL California Geraniums, outdoor rooted plants 20 for $1.00; $4.50 per 100. Assorted Chrysanthe mums same rate. Plants prepaid and guaranteed. The Far West Nursery, Clendale, Calif. 45p COLUMBIA HATCHERY P. O. Box 1102 Dfnver, Colo. Capacity over 10,00 Chicks Weekly We can supply you with any quantity of Daby Chicks 15 varieties. Live delivery guaranteed. Parcel post pre paid. Write for prices and full par ticular. 19tf TOO LATE 3r . Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking GOLD MEDAL Th world's standard remsdy for kldnsy, livsr, bladdsrand uric acid troubles tha National Rsmsdy of Holland sine 1690. Cusrantaad. Tbrss ilzas, all druggists. Look far tha mm CU Maaal oa svarV aaa accept mm imitsti bos NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The Interior. U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, March 28, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Stephen S. Nice, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on January 7th, 1918, made Homestead Entry No. 018419, for SEViNEVi and SE4 of Sec. 21, and SW'iNWU and WVaSWU of Section 22, Township 24, North, Range 47, West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim 'to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 6th day of May, 1921. Claimant name Was' witnesses; Joe Bills, Will Campbelf, James Blagraves, Cora Pealer, all of Alliance, Nebraska. . T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. Mar29-Apr29 NOTICE In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Jennie M. Niquist, Plaintiff, vs. Gust Niquist, Defendant. To Gust Niquist, non-resident, de fendant: You are hereby notified that on the 18th day of November, 1920, Jennie M. Niquist, filed a petition against you in the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the ob ject and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of extreme cruelty and non-support for more, than two years preceding the fil ing of said petition without just cause or provocation. You are required to answer said petition on or before Mon day, the 30th day of May, 1921. JENNIE M. NIQUIST, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Aprl'J-Mayl3 NOTICE In the District Court of Box Butte Courfv, Nebraska. Floyd S. Trine, Plaintiff, vs. Sarah Ann Small, the Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Per .. sonal Representatives and All Other Persons Interested in the Estate of Sarah Ann Small, de ceased, the Southwest Quarter of Section 82, Township 26, Range 49, Box Butte County, Nebraska, and All Persons Claiming Any In terest of Any Kind in Said Real Estate, or ny Part Thereof, De fendants. . Sarah Ann Small, the Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal Representatives and AH Other Persons Interested in the Estate of Sarah Ann Small, deceased, and Any Persons Claiming Any Interest of Any Kind in Said Real Estate, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 2G, Range 49, Box Butte County, Nebraska, or Any Part There of, non-resident defendants, Defend ants, real names unknown, will take notice that on the 31st day of March, 1921, Floyd S. Trine, plaintiff in the above entitled case, filed his petition in the above entitled action in ;the Dis trict Court of Box Butte County, Ne braska, against all of the defendants named in the title to this case, the ob ject and prayer of which are that the mortgage recorded in Book 8 at Page 452 of the Mortgage Kecoixi or liox Butte county, Nebraska, executed and delivered to Charles S. Ailing, and as signed by the said Charles S. Ailing to Hester A. Hunt, and assigned by Paschal D. Bertine, executor of the Last Will and Testament of Hester A. Hunt, deceased, to the defendant, Sarah Atjn Small, may be decreed to be cancelled, extinguished, discharged of record and decreed to be wholly forfeited and determined, and no lien upon the said land; that all claim of right, title, interesjt, lien and owner ship of any kind and nature, either actual or contingent, if they have any. of all the defendants, in and to said land, be found and decreed to be sub ject, junior and inferior to the right, titlt; interest, lien and ownership of the plains fr in and to saul land, and that the cloud or clouds thereby cast upon the plaintiff's title to said land be decreed to be removed and set aside, and that all claims of right, title, lien, interest or ownership of all of the de fendants, each and every one of the them, of every kind and nature, in said land, if they claim or have any in said land, may be cancelled, set aside and decreed to be held for naught, and no lien or incumbrance upon or against said land; that the plaintiff's posses sion, right, title, lien, interest and TIIE ALLIANCE HERALD. ownership in and to said land be quiet ed and confirmed in the plaintiff, and tnat the defendants, all of them, and each and every one of them, and their servants, agents, employees, heirs. executors, administrators, grantees and assigns, and all persons claiming by, through or under them, in any way or manner, be enjoined from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest, lien or ownership of any kind in said land adverse to that of the plaintiff, his servants, agents, em ployees, heirs, executors, administra tors, grantees and assigns, or from interrupting or disturbing the plain tiff's use, possession and enjoyment of said land, and the use, nossession and enjoyment thereof of the plaintiff's servants, agents, employees, heirs. executors, administrators and assigns and grantees, and for such other and further relief as may be just, equitable and proper, and that the plaintiff re cover his costs herein. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of May, 1921. Dated this 5th day of April, 1921. FLOYD S. TRINE, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Apr5-May6 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION. In the county court of Box Butte county, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of John J. Keenen, deceased. Notice is hereby given to- all per sons interested in the estate of John J. Keenen, deceased, that Grant H. Keenen, administrator of the said es tate has filed his final account and re port of administration, . and petition for distribution and final .settlement as such administrator. It is ordered that a hearing he had on said account and petition before the said Court at the County Court Room, in the City of Alliance, Box Butte bounty, Nebraska, on the 21st day of May, 1921, at the hour of nine o'clock, . A.- M. when all persons in terested therein may appear and con test the same. It is further ordered that Notice be given to all persons-interested in said estate, of the time and place fixed for said hearing, by the publication of this notice for three successive weeks prior to said date of .hearing in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper, print ed, published and of general circula tion in said County. Dated this. 20th day of April, 1921. ' IRA E. TASH, (SEAL) , County Judge LEE BASYE, Attorney. . Apl. 26-May20,Inc. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER j ARTISAN'S LIEN Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an artisan's lien, verified statement and description of the work done and material furnished and a description of the article so repaired, altered and enhanced in value, or for which material was furnished or upon which said work was performed hav ing been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Box Butte County, Nebraska on the 28th day of April, 1921, the said artisan's, lien having I been filed by A. H. Jones Company, a N : . T , 1 T ' the sum of lhree Hundred Ninety eijrht and 55-100 Dollars ($398.65), with interest at 1rk per annum from the 21st day of October, 1920, upon which there is now due the sum of $413.08, default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, said A. H. Jones Com pany, a corporation, will sell the prop erty therein named, namely One 35 jlorse-Power Reo Speed-Wagon Auto mobile Truck, Serial Number F-14G94, at public action at the northwest cor ner of the intersection of Third Street and Cheyenne Avenue in the City of Alliance. Box Butte County on the 21st day of May, 1921, at two o'clock p. m. of said date. Dated April 2Rth. 1921. A. H. JONES COMPACT, A Corporation. Lien Holder. BOYD, METZ & MEYER, Attorneys. Apr29-May20 ORDINANCE No. 313 AN ORDINANCE providing in con nection with the Licensing of Plumbers and Drain Layers for the Payment of a Fee and the Filing of a Bond and Repealing TUESDAY. MAY 3. 1921 mm:.. Sect'on Three of Ordinance Num ber 110 of the City of Alliance, Nebraska. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Nebraska: Section 1. That after favorable ac tion by the City Council granting a license to any person, persons, or cor poration to carry on a plumbing or drain laying business within the City of Alliance, Nebraska, and before the same shall be issued, the applicant or applicants shall pay to the City Treas urer the raquired fee of twenty-five dollars and shall file a receipt for the same, together with nn approved sure ty company's bond in the sum of two thousand dollars with the City Clerk, which bond shall be approved by the Mayor and Council and shall be con ditioned upon the protection of the City of Alliance against all loss or damage which may occur on account of such license through any carelessness or negligence in either the execution or protection ot his work or by reason of any unfaithfulness or inadequate work done by such person, firm or cor poration, or by his or their employees and that such licensee and his em ployees will also conform to all thr conditions and requirement! of the City of Alliance for his or their gov ernment. Section 2. That section three of Ordinance-Number 140 of the City of Alliance, Nebraska, entitled, "An Or dinance to regulate the construction, alteration and repairs of sewers and plumbing,' providing for the licensing of plumbers ami drain layers, pre scribing qualities and materials and workmanship, defining the duties of the sewer commissioner in connection therewith, providing penalties for vio lation and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict there- ::mit:t!t:nismawuKU Misrepresentation has no place in this establishment. Truth has made her ho:ne here. We furnish superior service and our tactful manner of conducting a burial service has won for our undertaking business an enviable position. We have correspondents in every city in the United States. 9 Glen Miller ' UNDERTAKING PARLORS Phones: Day, 311 123 West Night, 522 or 533 ' Third Street Tire and Battery Work YOU CAN RELY ON That's what you get here as well as dependable new batteries and fully guaranteed tires. Alliance Tire Works Times Building. v ' REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C McCORKLE, Manager Office Grovnd Floor First Nation! CasJc Words." .oSi'i.W.Vlli". witn, ana an oiner ordinances or parts of ordinances in, conflict with the provisions hereof be, and they nereoy are repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and pub lication according to law. Passed and approved this 28th day of April, 1921. R. M. JIAMPTON, (Seal) . Mayor. Attest: GRACE U. KENNEDY. Apr29-May6 City Clerk. FIFTY-FIFTY , "Ole," said the pVeachcr to the PwPfttnh bririetrrome-to-be, "do you take Hilda borgeson for your lawful wedded wife, lor better or tor wrose?" new. II I rl 1 . iu, wen, it'i'iii-d vie KH'U'Vi't "Aye s spose Aye get little of each. Cottonseed oiKe for sale. O'liannon & Neuswanger. Phone 71. 29tf That $40 the Canadian Facific owes Trotzky for work done on the railway years ago seems to be about the only real money he has coming to him from any source. It Is estimated that there are 10,' .000,000 bachelors in the United States which in these days of search for sources of revenue gives point to thl suggestion that there should be a tax on single bliss. A doctor says the human system is an electric battery. One of the shocks that come to it is when the judge asks, "What is thia man charged with?" 11 ttssit NINK HOW COME SAINT? St. Jorpn, Miisourr. savs J. T. B.. must bs in a class with fabled Sodom ami Gomorrah whe n t Comes to grn eral wickedness. At a recent Sunday evening service this sign adorned a church: "Evcnlnf rrvice. 7:30. Subject of sermon: 'Where Millions .Sin. Get the habit. All are welcome." Wanted to buy both your fat and stock hogs. O'Bannon and Neuswanger. Phone 71. 18tf That artist's protest against so many women trying to look like doll 3 Is punling. For some we've teen It's a laudable attempt. F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law y Office in Reddish DIock 7 K. of C COUNCIL No. 975 ' Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month, at j 311 Box Butte Avenue Upstain MOVING, STACKING, STpRINO , AND SHIPPING , ! SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It's Your More, Let U Know." Office IMione 15; Res. 881 and BIk.738 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON DR. EINAR DLAK OFFICE IN MALLERY BLOCK Office 101 Phone -Residence 101 C. F. MORANVILLE Carpenter Work of all Kind ' Phone 970 or Red 413 1 DR. A.,CLARENCE SCIIOCH General Surgeon 1 Rumcr Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 187 Res. Phone, Elk. 621 Let Me Cry Your Sale R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri ' Telephone 3S4 A. BERRY RC?; . XUMV" HLOCfc HON ALLIANCE, NEIASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately' Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, .Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chironractors Palmer School Telephone 8C5 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and , 1 Insurance 'TV F. E. REDDISH -M Reddish DIock ..... tf Phone 664 Alliance Harry P. Courscy AUCTIONEER . Li?e Stock and General Farm Sala J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract 1 Books in Box Butte County . First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: RES. NO. 1C3 OFFICE NO. L Transfer and Storage Successor! to Wallace Trans, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVINO BY AUTO TRUCK ' PACKINO AND CRATTNO FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "W Try Hard to PtaM" Have it WELDED WItkts OXY.ACETYLENE TROCZZ3 Cylinder Blocks, From surf Tnuumisaion Cases a Spdalj ALL TRACTOR PASTS Geo. II. Breckncr Av Lend 111 XT mi U Q