The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 03, 1921, Page TEN, Image 10

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Six-Cylinder Truck a
Feature of Sturgeon
Exhibit at Auto Show
A six-cylinder Avery ton and a half
truck will' be one of the big: features of
the Slurcffon icarape at the auto show
t the roof purden Friday and Wat
unlay, according to I,oe Sturgeon, pro
prietor of the establishment. Thin la
the first six-cylinder truck to be fhown
in this part of the country, and its
performance in Kaid to be making deal
er and users nit up and take notice.
A bis: advantage Is that the cost i
nbout the name us for a four-cylinder
truck. Farmer and stockmen will be
rs much interested In looking oyer this
truck as they will in the exhjhit of
the new models of pleasure cars.
The Sturgeon Kurnx( handles the
Oakland and Paige. The lf21 models
of the Oakland will be on display at
the auto f how, r.nd prospective buyers
will be interested in the many new
features that have been added, as well
as in the economical operation. With
its unusual power and scientific light
weicht construction, the Oakland is
noted for a marked eare and flexibil
ity, and affords the benefits of un
usual tire and gasoline mileage. The
designs are especially graceful.
I,ee Sturgeon is now pole owner of
the Sturgeon garage, although his
brother and former partner is still
connected with the institution. This
garage has been in Alliance for oyer
five yeard and has won an increasing
patronage that speaks volumes for the
way in which the business is conduct
ed. Look up the Sturgeon exhibit at
.he Fhow.
Jack Hawcs Elected
' Vice President of
Nebraska T. P. A.'s
The 1921 Buick Is a
Worthy Successor to
the Previous Models
Member of Tost M, T. P. A., at Alli
ance are all puffed up over the selec
tion of Jack Iiawes of this city as first
vice president of the Nebraska T.' P.
A.'s, which met in Lincoln two days
last week. Half a dozen Alliance men
attended the convention, w hich was ,
hed at the Lincoln hotel. Mr. Hawes
has been prominent in T. P. A. circles
since the Alliance post was organized,
and his fellow members look upon the
honor conferred upon him as one that
is due the city and the man.
ere's the Latest - - -
and this
is absolutely
I got it
straight, too
The step-son of the jan
itor's wife told me and he
would have no cause to
stretch the truth. It's un
ci: believable but. w
. . t
Now, remember, not a word of this to anybody until the ;
truth comes out. I wouldn't have my name mentioned for
theworlo!. You'll see it all in
... .i.rr
Watch the Back Page
Buick adherence to definite principles
of motor design and chassis construc
tion is again exemplified in the new
Buick line for nineteen twenty-one, ac
cording to Cliff Kerr, manager of the
Alliance Buick service station. The
new models will be on display at the
Alliance Auto Show at the Roof Gar
den Friday and Saturday of this week.
While retaining those features that
have established the thorough sound
ness and practicability of Buick , cars
during the last twenty years, improve
ments in body design and mechanical
units have been incorporated in the j
cars that place them far in advance of i
the usual trend of development. I
Yet, just as in past years, there is
an absence of radical departures or;
untried changes ih the new Buick line. J
The improvements, after exhaustive'
tests, have proved practical and cor-1
recti y related to the Buick chassis us a
So, in the new Buick cars there is an
expression of distinction and luxury,
quality and refinement, consistency and
power almost inconceivable. And were
it not for the immense organization
built up by Buick during the last !e
cade, this wonderful Twenty One Buick
would, indeed, be impossible.
Mechanically, the new Buick is more
than a worthy successor to the previ
ous models that have performed their
way into the hearts of. motorics ev
erywhere; in appearance, the new
Buick is a revelation.
The line for nineteen twenty-one
comprises seven new models, each
powered with the famous six-cylinder
Buick Valve-in-Hcad motor. In other
y,ord!?, a single standard bf mechanical
excellence is available for the pur
chasers of all Buick cars, supplement
ed by four closed and three open body
types, which make it possible to . pply
the Buick standard to each individual's
motoring requirement.
James Graham of Hemingford was
in town today.
Mrs. Jane Earp who was quite ill
last week, is recovering.
T. B. Jen.on. of Hemingford, was an
Alliance visitor Monday.
Let's go fishin'. Get your fish
ing tackle and rods at Thiele's.
,fr. nnd Mrs. Frank Potmesil were
Alliance visitors "on Wednesday.
''nits! H. Styles of Hemingford was
in town today .for medical .treatment.
; G. W. DeMoss left Tuesday morning
for a few weeks' visit at DesMoines,
See the Sailor Hats for $4.98
Highland-Holloway Co. 45
Klmer McManis has returned, and
will enjoy a few weeks' visit with his
ii. and Mrs. G. ,L. Griggs returned
this morning from a. trip to Lincoln
and Hastings, Nebr.
Mrs. H. T. Coleman of Bridgeport
is spending a few days yith her father,
H. L. Ormsby.
Let's go fishin. , Get your fish
ing tackle and rods at Thiele's.
: 45-46
Mrs. H. B. Sallisbury and children
spent Sunday with Mr. Salisbury at
the Hubbell ranch near Berea.
Mrs. H. T. Davis returned Thursday
afternoon from Kansas City with her
small son. She has been away several
See the Sailor Hats for $4.98.
M Highland-Holloway Co. 45
,.Mrs. II. K. Armstrong of Sidney,
who. has been visiting Miss Grace
Johnson, returned to her home Sun
day. Hear the May Victor Records
at Thiele's. ' 45-46
- Mrs. W. E. Meti entertained a num
ber of friends Sunday evening.
Last week we enlarged the openings
leading into the storm Mwer at Sev
enth and Laramie streets so that any
flood water coming in on Seventh
street would be carried olT by the
storm Fewer.
This is the time of the year when
we want to see our c'V cleaned up.
There has heretofore been a practice
of dumping refuse along our highways
and in low places. Just under the via
duct on the south side of the railroad
this practice has been going on and
accumulated an unsightly pile of re
fuse. Mr. Shelton, our scavanger, has
now cleaned this away into the low
places and is covering it up at his own
expense while this refuse was former
ly put there by others. We are going
to hold him responsible for the ap
pearance of our highways and dump
ing grounds and as a consequence it is
not fair to allow everyone to haul and
dntvm wVrc nnd when hv '"hnn -n ''
then expect Mr. Shelton to clean uo
after thcin. The prices announced for
hauling refuse on AprJ 2ith are very
rea.-onpb'e and should there be any
complaints kindly let us know about
The plan of paying a monthly fee to
keep premises cleaned up is growing
in ravor and will piove the most
economical and satisfactory in the" end
when everyone follows this plan. Let
us make a special effort to clean up
our alleys and premises during the
next ten days and then keep them so.
Visitors coming into our city remem
ber Alliance by the appearance of our
streets and homes. ' Best of a'J, how
ever, this is our home and we should
feel proud of our city and keep it
cleaned up and boost for it.
Ray Butler, Glen Joder and the
Brennaman boys attended the ball
game at Scottsbluff Sunday, between
the Alliance and ScottsbUilT Blacks.
JoinThis Conspiracy
Mothers' Day Club
111 ill
Surprise Your Mother
on May 8th Mothers' Day
with a Brunswick
We have a secret. we want,
to share with you but we
ta"'f prblish the details .here.
We iiav a wonderfut plah foV i-
you to use ih horionag your
?.!other on the day that's
named for her.
We call it our Mothers' Day .
Club. All the-details we
explain personally, but
not in print But it's a
splendid idea, conceived
,by Rrunswiclc, and one
j whi :h you'll appreciate.
f This part we can tell
-on Mothers' Day your
Mother will be given
Vpemendirui surprise.
, We deliver to her a Brunswick
Phonograph Model 112) and
a, special collection of Bruns
wick Records, and but the
rc$t is prt of the secret.
The Mothers' Day Club
makes it easy for you to honor
her in this delightful manner.
It affords her a perma
nent' reminder, a con
stant pleasure.
Come in at once and
let us jtell you the plaits
personally. Never hat
such an offer been made
before. .
The time is short
so. come in at once
Thi Start With o Gmarante Without Red Tap
When Lumber Is Down Almost 40
You have undoubtedly heard that lumber! prices are down but perhaps you can't realize it. Have you taken the trouble to GET THE
FIGU.RES? If you need a building, we urge you to come in and talk it over with us. Here are some prices you can verify:
Year Ago
Drop Siding, per 1,000 ft - 1 $115.00
Two-by-fours, and two-by-sixes . ; 65.00
Year Ago Now
Edge Grain, Fir Flooring $125.00 $75.00
No. 1, White Pine Lath, per 1,000 ft 25.00 12.00
It is too easy to reject a proposition when you don't investigate. If you want to build, do yourf the justice to see just what your saving will amount to. We may be able to help you out.