The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 29, 1921, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Coryrlht. iio, WMttra N.w.paptr Union
"Ton nre temperamental,' profound
ly announced Prof. Erastus Vandeller
to Ronyvld Dempster.
"What does that mean?" Inquired
'the latter, and lie winked at hi
friend, Don Pnrker. who had Induced
rlilm to expend a dollar to get the era
Mllte bump expert to cast his horoscope,
;o to speak.
"You are prone to Jump at conclu
sions." "You've hit It rlpht. professor." ac
Unowledced Ronald buoyantly. "And
why not? Have I missed It? Got mar
ried on an Impulse, and what a treas
ure I've won! Chanced my business
-over night and drifted straight Into the
-current of success."
"You are also quick-tempered," con
tinued Professor Vandeller.
"Rut sunshiny, and come up smiling
'the next minute."
"And you are disposed to be Jen!-
At this Ronald fairly booted.
""What's that? Say It again. Don, do
':j ou hear? Me, Jealous I Thy, mnn, I
could only be so of my wife, who loves
-jne to distraction and ts as near an
vanget as a superior human being can
The imputation dwelt with sanguine
TRonald Dempster after that. He ex
pressed himself volubly on the matter
-as he and his friend left the sanetum
f the bump reader. Ronald told his
;wlfe of the circumstance and together
ithey laughed over It
. "The Ideal" resented Edith, and
wanted to visit the professor and give
lm a piece of her mind. "Why. Ron
aid," sle cried, "you are Just perfect I"
It was two days after that when a
-friend, meeting Ronald on the street
passed the time of day with him and
onade the remark :
"I saw Mrs. Dempster out for an
airing over at the park," be observed.
"IIov well she looks. And that hand
some man with her! Some visiting
rrelattve, I suppose?"
"Wife handsome man relative?"
repented Ronald. "Are you sure it was
rmy wife?"
"Didn't see her face, but couldn't
unlsthke that chic blue bat she wears,
and the coat to mutch, and the fur col
aar." "Nonsense!" ejnculnted Ronald, a
jrood deal stirred up and then, steady
ing himself. "I suppose more than one
woman In the world wears that same
outfit. As to relatives, handsome or
Aioniely, we have none nearer than
Chicago.", - -..v
"That so? My mistake. So long."
Ronald was restless and uneasy all
.rthat afternoon. He arrived at home
ialf an hour earlier than usual, to be
.greeted with delight from Edith on nc
count of that welcoirie circumstance.
"P.een out today, Edith?" was his
tlrst question.
"Dear me. no, with my sore throat
Although It's a little better this eve
ring. Resides, this la the maid's day
off, you know."
Ronald was satisfied and relieved.
But as he left the house that day
,rto a week the fierce fire of a terrible
fear drove him forth with a torturing
Idea. In the upper hall he had picked
vp a half-written sheet of paper. It
.bar In pencil some lines unmistakably
In Edith's perfect handwriting. It
"Because I really believe yon love
roe as you say you do I will meet you
iln Forest park, south end, at two
o'clock Thursday afternoon."
Heavens! Horrors! A demon of
tfrantlc bloodthlratlness seemed tug
ging at the wildly beating heart of
TXlonald Dempster. Ills own wife's
ihnnd writing! The same park where
Tils friend had seen Mrs. Dempster!
Slow he withheld himself from return
ing to the house and giving expression
to his agony before her he could not
analyze. He passed a wretched fore
noon. Long before two o'clock he was
et Forest park at the south end.
From a clump of bushes affording a
clear view of the various paths he
peered and fumed and fretted.
"At last!" he bolted forth, and his
"eyes glared and he cienched his hands
and his face grew red and furious.
A man, and a handsome one, occu
pied a bench not thirty feet away from
the spot where Ronald stood. Beside
fclm was peated oh! who could It be
hut Edith?
!' Ronald bad been smoking furiously
to calm his perturbed nerves. He
puffed wildly as he stole up to the
couple on the bench. Within two feet
of the pair, he removed the cigar from
between his lips. Squarely, crushlngly,
be Jabbed It against the band of the
bandsome man.
With a wild howl of rage and pain,
'the latter sprang to his feet He Im
mediately discovered his assailant and
be started to make a wild rush, tor
tured with the agony of the burn. Just
then Bis companion turned. Ronald
fell back with a gasp.
"Martha the maid!" he uttered li
hollow tone. "Oh, my 1"
"It's Mr. Dempster my employer!"
explained Martha, tugging at the ant
f her companion.
"That hat that coat! voiced Ron
ald. "I didn't steal them. And this Is my
young man Robert Penfleld, sir. Mrs.
Dempster gave me the things and she
belped me to write to Robert, too. I
don't spell very good and "
"Get some salve for your band. I ac
cidentally burned, my good mnn," pla
cated Ronald, extending a twenty dol
lar bill. "No chunge. And when yon
two get ready to mr.rry. call on mt for
Toor wedding expenses."
Mrs. A. T. Haynos is on the sick
Inea Jones i- on the sick list this
week. ,
Mrs. Black spent the week end at
Mrs. Henry Koth has been on the
sick list
Mr. Burr of Alliance was in town
Letha Baldwin was a caller in town
Mrs. Hughes was a"n Alliance caller
Mr. Ringer was an Alliance caller
Blanche Oliver was an Alliance call
er Saturday.
Evelyn Swanson closed a successful
term of school. ,
. Irma Wright spent Wednesday night
with Lola Whelan.
Blenne Rohrbaugh spent Saturday
night with Bertha Carter.
Mrs. Jay Hall and children were
Alliance visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Ries and children were
on the sick list last week.
Misses Mae and Francis StyleH were
Alliance shoppers Saturday.
Agatha Kuhn is confined to her
home with the chicken pox.
Mrs. Slayton spent the week end
with her mother, near Crawford.
Ora Marvel and Mrs. H. E. Ford
were callers in Alliance Thursday.
Mr. Bergerman spent a few days in
Sterling the middle and last of the
Mr. and Mrs. Moravek and Roy and
Jessie Moravek were Alliance callers
Mr. and Mrs. John Manion and Mrs.
Joel Sheldon were Alliance callers last
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kiester were
callers at the Will Roland home on
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson of Scotts
blufT were callers in. town the middle
of the week.
Ray and Robert Robinson were call
ers at the Bruce Kohrman home Mon
day even? ".jr.
Mrs. Amos Wanek closed a success
ful term of school at district No. 35
last Tuesday.
Archie Marvel of Hastings was
transacting business in town the latter
part of the week.
O. W. Cox who has been visiting his
mother in Indiana, returned home
Thursday morning.
Gladys Robey and the little son of
H. L. Hansen are nursing a light case
of the chicken pox.
Vesta May entertained a number of
her young friends at a birthday party
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Madison who have
been at Lodge Pole for the past month
returned home Monday.
Mrs. Alex Boheski of Alliance who
has been visiting at the Josie Sumer's
home returned Tuesday.
Miss Mary Morris who has been
teaching at the Advent school ,closcd
a successful term Tuesday.
Loer Of-boine who has been attend
ing school in Denver the past winter,
returned home Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Frank Logan departed for on
Sunday for Wyoming, called there by
the serious illness of Mrs. Joe Wanek.
The Epworth League will serve
luneh at the Wiltsey store Saturday
from 11 a. m. until late in the eve
nt ncr
The M. E. aid met at the Erskine
home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Erskine and Mrs. G. A. Wilt were
The Boy Scouts hiked out to Sand
Canyon Friday afternoon where they
cooked their supper and then hiked
back to town.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kiester and son
LaVerne and Mr. and Mrs. Harve
Kiester and daughter were Alliance
shoppers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider and
little son and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wright and daughter Irma were Alli
ance callers Saturday.
Mrs. Jenkins and little daughter and
K. I Tierce, departed for Linclon last
Friday night. Mrs. Jenkins expects
to go on to Rochester.
Gertrude Engel who has been work
ing at the cafe In Chadron has re
signed her position and returned to
her home near Dunlap.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muirhead de
parted for Omaha Sunday night, being
called there by the sudden death of
Mr. Muirhead's brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garrison and
Louise Spuddich, Leslie Hardy and
Ray Testrat motored to Alliance Sat
urday night to attend the dance.
The Christian Endeavor had a party
at the Myrta Hopkins home Tuesday
evening. There were about forty pres
ent and all reported a good time.
Mr. Winter departed for Rochester
Monday, where he will take treat
ments for his eyes. Miss granddaugh
ter, Miss Marie Tschacher accom
panied him.
. J. D. Barnes was in Alliance the
last of the week. His wife who has
been in Lincoln for the past few
months returned with him the first of
the week and from here they went to
The greater part of the high school
got the benefit of the early morning
air and sunshine by rising at four
thirty last Friday morning and hik
ing out to the Graham grove, two
miles from town, where they cooked
their breakfast, returning in time for
Mrs. Andrew, who has been keep
ing boarders and roomers for the past
two years, has retired, as Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew and Eugene and Helen
expect to leave in a few weeks over
land for various eastern points and ex
pect to fp as far east as Ohio and
Pennsylvania where they expect to
spend the summer month. Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew and son Eugene expect to
return in the fall and Miss Helen will
go away to school.
Funeral services of John Henry
Cahnham were held Sunday afternoon
at the Methodist church, interment
being in the local cemetery. Mr. Cahn
ham died Thursday at eleven o'clock
of heart failure while working in the
field. His death came as a shock to
the entire community, ns he had been
in his usual health. He leaves to
mourn his death a wife, three sons,
five daughters, two of whom are mar
red and twsJ at home an da brother,
mother and many friends and other
relatives. The entire community ex
tends their deepest sympathy.
Cottonseed cake for sale.
O'Bannon & Neuswanger. Phon
71. 29tf
If the building of battle ships is
stopped, will the energy thus saved
be devoted to new homes or new mov
ing picture theaters?
Advertise what you are doing.
Advertise what you expect to do.
Advertise your old goods and move
Advertise your new goods and sell
them before they get old.
Advertise to hold old trade.
Advertise to get new trade, i
Advertise when business is good to
make it better.
Advertise when business is poor to
keep it from getting worse.
Advertising is not a "cure all."
Advertising is a preventive.
Advertising does not push, it pulls.
Advertising to pay must be CONSIST
And use our Sales Service Cuts and Ads
to get maximum results from your ad
vertising. Complete copies are on file in
this office.
The Alliance Herald
Masonic Temple Building
Why Pay More for Your
Try the New Way of Buying Your Groceries
Cash and Carry or we will deliver FREE to your
door. Just a small profit and the cash buyer wins
STlilCTLY CASH AT THIS STORE Every Day Prices-No Specials
io coupons, jusi sinci casn ousmcss. look these prices over, then
compare and you will buy here.
per quart UjC
Best Sugar, ja
per pound . 1 vis
Soups, all kinds, 15c value, 99
2 cans LL
No. 2 Solid Pack Tomatoes, 20c value, Oyl '
2 cans , UlZ
No. 2 Extra Good Corn, Oi
2 cans L4C
No. 2 Extra Peas, OJ
2 cans uiZ
Large Tomatoes, 25c value, 90a
2 cans. wC
Large Can Hominy, 3ft
2 cans OUC
35c Value Best Catsup, Oft
per bottle , wC
Large Rolled Oats, O A
per package wC
45c Large Box Crackers, (f j A A
3 for : $I.UV
Large Loaves Denver Best Bread, OC
2 for LOZ
Walter Baker Cocoa, 97f
half pound can Li C
All 20c Packages Crackers and
Cookies 1
45c Jars Preserves and Jams,
per jar
... 16c
Karo Syrup, ' nri
per gallon lUC
Post Toasties, 20c size, v
per package.-! 1 jC
All Breakfast Food3 are priced right for You
Bulk Soda Crackers, i q
per pound 15C ,
Small Cans Best Pink Salmon, on
2 for ZaC
No. 2V& Extra Standard
Apricots ... uHu
No. 2Vi Extra Standard QO
Pineapple - JuC
No. 2 Fancy Pineapple, Of
Best Kind t?C
Extra Good Canned fruits all Priced very low
P. & G. Laundry Soap, Of
3 bars LlZ
White Russian Laundry Soap, 9C
5 bars vC
Extra Fine Uncolored Japan Tea, 90a
per pound ... 0f C
BEST PATENT, per sack $&.3lf
Fancy Winesap Apples, BUY NOW, CO IT
per box . yJ19
PHONE 81 Or call at the Store we will SURPRISE YOU with our low
Prices and Quality. Nothing CUT Quality HERE.
The Basket Store
The 4oLe o a
THERE'S AN old ear.
SO OLD that nowadays.
ABOUT THE man who had.
TO 8HOOT his dog.
AND A friend aslca.
"WAS THE dog mad?"
AND THE first guy.
SAYS, "WELL, be wasn't.
80 DAN Q well pleased."
AND A chap told me,
THAT THIS described.
80ME SMOKES he'd tried,
THEY DIDN'T exactly
BUT HE wasn't
, ...
80 VERY well pleased,
OF COURSE that was,
MY CUE to slip hint
A REAL cigarette.
AND AFTER he'd taken.
A GOOD pull of two.
INTO HIS constitution.
HE GRINNED and eali.
"THE ONLY way theso.
WILL EVER make you mad.
IS THE way.
I ONLY hope you've got.
A COUPLE of packs,
FOR THEY sure.
OU'LL enjoy Chesterflelda.
1 There's something in their mild
smoothness that goes right to tha
3poL Choice tobaccos, Turkish and
Domestica blend .that literally can't
be copied a special moisture-proof
wrapper for theirextra protection on
every count, Chesterfields "satisfy.
, Liggett & Mverj Tobacco Co.