EinjiT r THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, APRIL 26. 1921 Funcrai Services for Beatrice Liedloff Held 1 on Monday Afternoon Uentricp Jorhine I.iodlofT, Fiton-ypnr-oll 'lauphtrr of Mr. onl Mrs. Charles A. I-irUofT, .lied ot the Joseph hospital at 12:03 o'clock a. m. Sunday, April 24th. Heath followed an operation for appendicitis. Fu neral services wore held Monriiy aft ernoon from the Baptist church, Kev. U. J. Minoit ofTiciatintr. , Tln .1fwAatf.fi jl-ci a n mpmtior rf the sophomore class of the Alliance hijrhl chcol, and bifo of the kinunka camp fire girl. Six hov classmates acted s pallbearers: they were Ister Cross, Seth Joler, Cecil Heal, Frank T)ailev. Frrd Purely, and Iee Strong. The campfire girls nerved as body guard. Besides her parents, she leaves a ulster, Lavonia, and two brothers, Herman and William, the latter bav ins; come from Camp I.ewisf Wash., 1o attend the funeral. Beatrice Josephine Liedloff was torn in Leon, Butler county, Kansas, on February 23, 1905, from which place her parents moved to Ravenna, Kebr., and later, moved to Alliance, vhere she lived with her parents un til her death. She was a pupil" in the Alliance JiiKh school, heinir in the tenth grade. She was enthusiastic in all of the school activities and was much be loved by the pupil and faculty bodies. About three weeks bro une was stricken with appendicitis and a com plication of inflammatory rheuma tism and pneumonia set in, which re sulted in her passing away to the tetter world at 12:03 o'clock Sunday morning, her uncle, F. E. Liedloff, be ing at her bedside when she passed . away. She suffered pone at her de parture but seemed to sink into a deep sleep and without a struggle the spirit left the body to await the resur rection morn when it again will in habit it to remain in it forever. While at the St. Joseph hospital all that medical care could do, was done. She leaves a mother, father, two brothers and one sifter. They are Mr. nd Mrs. Charles A. Liedloff, William TIdwin, Herman Edward, and Livonia v Liedloff. Her eldest brother did not nrrive in time to see her before she lied. He was stationed at Camp lewis as a member ofthe infantry in which he enlisted some time ago. Her bright and optimistic charac ter will be much missed and long re membered. She left a great host of friends. The Fophomore class to which fhe. belonged marched to the church in a body, and the various campfire jrirls also marched ina body to show their respect to the one who had been one of them. A much larger crowd than could jret into the church tried to attend the funeral at the Baptist church vhere the services were held. Rev. B. J. Minort, officiating pastor, took; for his text, "She is not dead, but , 6leeiH;th." inu,s another young life has left the community while ju.-t budding into womanhood and our heart are bowed in wonder and submission to Him who knows what i. bet, and in the words of Job we can only say: "The l ord gave, the Lord takeUi awav; blessed le the name of the Ird," sssac 3 BC5 NOTICK. Regular eighth grade pupils' exam inations will be ariven May &th and fith at the court house in Alliance and the school house in Heminirford. OPAL RUSSELL, 43-45 County Superintendent. lou must, see the women a Suits for $58.50, to appreciate them. Hizhland-IIoIIoway Co. 43 James Carmody returned to Bayard Monday, after spending the weeK ena here. Values are not to be dupli cated in women's suits at $49.75. Hiffhland-Holloway Co. 43 Hand Carved Wedding Rings The bride of today cher ishes her Wedding; Ring the more for the beauty of its decoration. Particularly pleasing and appropriate are the Orange Blossom and other Designs at Thiele's. The Rings are 18 karat green and white gold, and platinum, exquisitely hand carved. $10.00 to $2."0.00 Plain band Wedding Rings, Tiffany and English shapes, in 14, 18 and 22 karat gold. All finger sizes. $5.00 to $50.00 Thiele's The Store With a Guarantor Without Re J Tape MmV.WiW.WiWWAWAWSWA'AWAWWiViVAV 2 ! 1 rc3v I I 5 5 3 5 i 5 As I Was Saying Friday 1 3 I heard this very confidential news and I hadn't ought to tellbut you're such a good friend , ...... I 5 5 3: . Gossip Galore 5 This Is Children 's Week AT BIG STORE &Z3ESEtlL4 HI iZ&r a week of special values planned for Kate and Tom and Betty and John and their many sisters, brothers and little playmates. Every day of the year is "Grown up Day" at the Cash Store. And to show our apprecia tion of the patronage of our many little friends, we have designated this week as "CHILDREN'S WEEK" to show how wonderfully prepared we are to supply their every need at substantial savings. So we extend a cordial invitation to everv girl and boy to visit Harper's Big Cash Store this week. We will be disappointed if you don't come. FREE TO BOYS A Monkey Doodle Cap With Every Suit Purchase Exceptional Values In Soys' Clothing NO THRIFTY PARENT CAN AFFORD Boys' and Juvenile SUITS 260 SUITS to Select From Wait until you see these suits. You'll wonder how we can af ford to sell such good, service able garments at such a low price. Just the style you want; well made throughout of good wool mixtures, two Pair QQ Pants pi tJO Boys9 Caps in all new patterns, just ar rived at the new prices. In all sizes. Now is the time to select your new Spring Head wear. TO IGNORE THESE SAVINGS ' Boys' High-Class 1 SUITS 200 SUITS to Select From All the season's newest styles and patterns are represented in this assortment. Choose fromdesirable all-wool values. It will be the wisest sort of economy to buy at least' two of these suits at this excep . tionally low sale price, $18 and $20.00 values, jA or two pair pants yOt) Chtldrens Hats In the new Rah-Rah Shapes, also in Sailor shape. 50c, 65& 75 98& $1.25 Hundreds of new shapes. Bargains in Boys', Girl's A Misses' Shoes Our shoe department is known the country over for the sensational values we offer in shoes for "" grown-ups. This week we are going to surpass even our own greatest value-giving records with v , ; these phenomenal bargains in children's shoes. Savings opportunities were never greater. Come! ; K"- I!!!?!!!--- .. J 1500 Pairs of Misses'Boys' and Children Shoes ALL SIZES; $5.00, $6.00 AND $8.00 VALUES IN ONE HUGE LOT AT Rovs Black and Brown Stylish Dress TTfc I Kiioc rwiish nnd medium toe stvles at... L I I Boys Sturdy Army Shoes Brown only, blucher cut, heavy leather soles, at Boys' Outing Bals Brown, smoked or black ; an ideal shoe for school or play, at Children's Stockkiers Fine English ribs, in all sizes. Most w3) 50 r-For Misses' and Children's Black an! Blown High Cut Lace Dress Shoes with leather sewed soles ; lace or button styles. For Misses and Children's Black Ox fords and Pumps. For Misses and Children's School and Play Shoes; brown, smoked elk and two tones; welt and stitched down soles. CHILDREN'S MARY JANE RLIPpfifca ' JS!!!?.", He."M!?L,49carn? Solendid duality black oatent leather of regular AO ?!r"' desiensi they formerly at, pair JV $p.50 values; extra special at yJ.JO Special at, pair 4tJv Boys' Furnishings AT PRICES THAT DEMONSTRATE OUR GREAT VALUE GIVING SUPREMACY BOYS' BLOUSES BOYS' ATHLETIC I BOYS' PLAY SUITS I MONKEY DOODLE In all colors, in Dark Blue, UNION SUITS 0r CAPS Stripes and Khaki. . 75 Pair ?1.3 All Colors. 98, $1.10 and $1.15 . These are $1.23 values. Extra special, $2.50 values 35 Each Oh, Boy, the Pompadour Cap Combination Colors in Felt. ,60 EACT BIG STORE