TIIE ALUANTCF. IIF.UAT.n rmmv ddii.u ant AMERICAN LEGION NOTES home of the legion. Red Cro . I other patriotic organizations. , Fifteen former service mm, sleep ing in tne. legion quarters, narrnwiy I s r l'reswient Harding Is willing an nnxious to altcnd the third annual con tention of the American Legion in Kansas City next October he told Kan ;nn City legionnaires who waited uMn Jiiin in Washington. Unless pressing Iusines. makes it impossible tor him lo leave the cnpitol he w ill attend the 2ig meeting, the chief executive as sured the delegation. The state department ha forwarded hc legion's invitation to Marshal Foch end is considering sending a spe cial ship to France to ronprt him to the United State, u Washington an nouncement declares. The French gen eralissimo has expressed a keen desire to meet with the former service men. It required hut a' few minutes for 1he chamber of commerce of Kansas City to pledge $100,000 for the enter tainment of the legion's national con vention, official have reported. Three to one is the score of the leg Sslutive program of the American I-e-jrion in Jowa. The following legion measures passed: Bonus hill provid ing fifty cents a day, with a maximum of $3.'i0 to he voted upon at the gen eral election in Nocemher, 1!22; tax exemption of $."() for veterans of the world war, $1,K00 for Spanish-American war veterans, uifl $3,000 for those who fought in the civil war, and vet erans preference on all political ap pointments, state, county, city and schools for both world war and Spanish-American war fighters. A legion 7o.mg bill was pnssed in the house, tiut was defeated in the senate of the owa legislative body. escaped being burned to death; three were overcome by smoke and carried out unconsc'ous, and three legionnaires were injured in rescuing disabled ol diers. The building and contents valued by legion officials at about fl.'O.OOO, were destroyed. The fire was discov ered at 5:30 in the morning. E. G.'s Column "Modem Clothes For Men" 308 Box Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA George Sylvester Vlercck's tniast that he cn control fi.000,000 American votes in the interest of Germany has been denied by letters from twelve leading citizens of Teutonic extraction in Louisville, Ky., to the Jefferson post of the American Legion in that city. The letters, together with a resolution condemning Viereck as an advocate of un-American principles, have been made public by the post. Louisville legionnaires will hold an all-American meeting on Decoration day, May 30. Forty-eight hours after officials of the I-ong Beach post of California cf the American Legion announced lhat several applications for member ship had been denied men suspected of !bcing members of the I. W. W. fire of a mysterious origin destroyed the community service building here, the Here 's Something That will save you money and trouble. To let your watch go on year after year without heing lubricated or exam ined is its ruination. Men's watches should be lubricated every 12 to 15 mouths and small bracelet watches every six or eight months. ' You can depend on your watch getting the expert service it should have at Thiele's The S:ort With a Cuaranlet Without Red Tape When the government salvage de pot employment office at Toledo, O., failed to employ a resonable number of ex-service men, the Lucas county council of the American Legion in vestigated the situation and obtained a promise of adjustment from the cap tain in charge of the depot The le gion investigation showed that, out of 2fl employees, 97 were ex-service men, 50 were ineligible at the time of war and 114 had never been in the service. Although he was arrested and con victed of a misdemeanor, a twenty-year-old wounded veteran of the world war, is to receive through the offices of the American Ix?gion of Detroit, Mich., an education as an electrical engineer. The boy had enlisted at the age of seventeen and was twice wound ed during the St. Mihiel drive. He had always wanted an education, he told the judge, but was compelled to leave school when he was six years old because of the separation of his parents. The judge placed him on pro bation to a representative of the legion who is arranging for the youth to en roll in an engineering course under the government provisions for vocational training of wounded veterans. A French "medal commemorative of the world war" awaits American ami French citizens who went to France to serve with the horizon blue during the period of hostilities, according t a lettef to national headquarters of the American Legion from Brigadier General L. Collardet, French military attache at Washington. He requests that persons eligible for the decotation apply to the French embassy at the national capital. Wanted: Stenographers and book keepers to accept positions witfir banks, lumber companies and other business firms in Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. If you have been thoroughly trained in a reliable Business College, we can place you in an excellent posi tion. We have more positions than we can possibly supply witn our own graduates. Address: Grand Islam! Business College Nebraska's Oldest, Largest and Leading Business Train ing School. . 42 Senators who opposed the honse movie bill and favored the Beebe amendment resent the charge that they are not in favor of clean pictures. They say that they do favor improving the quality of the moving pictures and that they believe the Beebe bill will do more to accomplish the desired re sult than the house bill. All kinds of predictions are made as to what the house will do with the Beebe bill. Some say it will not concur and that there will be no movie legislation at this session. Others say the bill will be accepted. Probably no one knwws at the present time. The other day Clifford Sward, went up to the post office to get some little chickens that had been fhipped from Denver. . Well there was eighty-five little fellows in the shipment, and of course he could hear them and they sounded pretty live, but before accept ing them he thought that he should have a little look nt them, and see if they were most of them live ones. And he discovered there were eighty two live ones, and live ones they were too. Well he lifted the lid just a teeny weeny bit, and that little bit just let eighty two heads stick through, and he couldn't get the lid down without smashing some heads, and the lid was a little bit loose at one end, and the first thing he knew there was eighty two of the livest, yellowest, softest, cutest little baby chicks running around the post office, pecking at the mail saefcs and scratching the floor, and running in every direction. And say you should have seen the post office force all running down these little chicks, and incidentally did you ev er try to catch a bunch of lively lit tfe fellows like those were. I shoo)) have lfked very much to ave seen Miss Benedict chasing those little chicks. But it would not have been so much fun watching Robert Graham, for I saw him one time hold ing on to a rope, down in Grand Island, and putting on bis share of quite a lot of fun. I announcement! Well (We things are funny ali right, and fun is just as necessary to health, as some of the things that "CHO-CHO" told us abeotJier last Tuesday ,and CHO-CHO has a mis sion that is doin & world of good. too among Ine children, loir I anv sure that his words will be; remembered! for raay, many years, and' the little money ami' labor that it co the- Chamber of Commerce to staife this child'a health urganizijQ'on program, both here and in Hemisgford;. will' be- returned an hundred f.old in health and happiness La-the ytars to. come.. AT THE CHURCHES BAPTIST CHt R( II By all means cultivate the habit of going to church. No home is safe where this habit is not sought to be ingrained in the children." The secur ity of everybody depends upon the right kind of religion. The safety of the family depends upon the right kind of churches, rather than upon the policemen, and solvency of the banks depends unon the preachers in stead of the banker. We boast upon the solidarity of our stocks and bonds and mortgages and farm lands as if they were of real value, in themselves they have no value. Their value depends upon the honesty of the clerks, the lawyers, and others who have the responsibil ity of drawing them np. The churches of Alliance constitute the best assurance of the security and safety of the people and capital of our town. But the amount of infuerrce these churches wYH exert ami extend to making the morals" of our Ihvs and girls will denend upon fhe way the people of Alfiance support them by their presence and money. You are wefcome to come tr our service next Sunday wher ethe pas tor witf preach on the following topics: Morning. "The Fringe of Power:" evening, "The Seren Devils of Affi ance." Come, you can't afford to mLrs these two ICCtUTPK. Comer of Seventh and Laramie. Ker, B. X. KflNORT, Partor. See Uie HAREM-SCAREM Dresses for Girls, 4 to 14. Some thing new at ' Highland-IIolloway Co. 42 Dictionaries are forbidden entrance to Turkey because the sultan is usually mentioned in such books, and that is contrary to Turkish law. New Victor Records V ft I. T: ON SALE TODAY. Clever new numbers characterize April Selections in Victor Records. GET YOUR EARLY. WIKER MUSIC HOUSE "Everything in Music" CirCRCirOFCIIRTST "Th BaiV of Faith" and "The ! Church at Work," ar subjtTts far the sermons nest Lord's day. The book teaches this: "It pleased CTd by the foorishness of preach i.tg to save tnean that brieve; The importance of Clos- pel preachingr makes a Heavy responsi bility. Both th pulprif and the pew most recognize the spirit of heverence at warship, Gflf'has gien us n maaf means- of graze. Among these are prayer, praise and comminiom Each Loro" day the fable oS the Cord is! spreaif with trwr emblems- to remind ras : from whence our salvaUtm comes. Remember tfie- Bible school and Christian Endeavor meetings. We can be comTanfes k worship and' iin serve ice. We can strive for greatetr effi ciency through- prayer and! study; The district con-rentioTT mee at Sidney,. April A great program is to Br given; AMI whjr can attend please notify filie mini.st&r by next Sunday:. The imd-weett- meeting: m Weiihes day evening of each wee presents some interesting subjectr for di.ncus--sion. Every irwetmg is to helps yoa and t& bring ycu nearer t your (Sod. He expects us to do our best. Let ns dof great thitrgs for Hi nr. Some to the hurch wittr a message Sand a wefcomev JETEFfTEN I. ETLER. Minister. Now this all' brings as up to the point saying" that. :jfiese things are very necessary things, indeed, but no more necessary no, nt one het than is a "HAT", and. thu week in th Tuesiy paprs we advertised our hats in both, the Alliince papers,, anil we still thint that t&.ere are a few f the men of. Allianu who- Lave nt availed theimselves 'if these: exception ally; low ptices and beautiful styles andl patterns in it new spring bits. And we have all sorts of hats, from the big, wide brimmed cowboy hals in true fuzzy beaver style, along through, the whole list f njee dressy hats of all sorts of shapes and colors, even to the work hat of dark tan cloth, com monly called repp. This hat has a ventilator in the side of it and is worn quite a lot in the summer on the raiW road. Now this hat sells for only a dollar apiece, and it is a good summer hat. .lA'iffUil i 5 i I have purchased the interest of S. P. Jackson and am now sole owner of the Alliance Billiard Parlor I wish to thank former patrons it; their business and will do my best to merit their further trade. At all times you will reoeive prompt attention to your wants, Cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, soft drinks, Dirine service begins at ID .-SO o'clock Sunday morning. The mmia will' Be- is: Eiigj5s&: Sunday school at 10 rirlock. We extend a cordial wlcom- to- all strsngera. Oar church is located on the corner of Seventh and Yelstfw- ste.. F. DROEGEHUELEER, l?astr. QUALITY in Bread IS SOUGHT BY EVERY HOUSEWIFE She wants the family to eat the bread she buys with a relish. Toward this end we have been working. Notice the next loaf of 44 Bungalow Aprons 9? cents toi jttja. HrsMand-Hollcrtray Co. 42 Worsen are growimr; tallees, rays a college 'professor, who hits iost ob served h ow far their skirta are frora the grw.nd. ' Eatmore" Bread you buy. It comes wrapped in a separate sealed oilpaper covering, making each loaf arrive at your home in a clean, fresh condi tion. The housewife has the assurance that the food she puts on her table is PERFECTLY SANITARY. In -the various stages of its journey to your home it .is NOT TOUCHED BY HANDS UNIFORM SIZE AND WEIGHT Is another important feature of "Eatmore Bread," that we have specialized upon. Each loaf is baked in separate pans, which insures uniform size and shape. There are no lop sided or ungainly shapes. Each slice of bread will cor respond in shape to others on the same dish. There is no need emphasizing this feature to the house wife. ( , 'jk HOME-MADE CANDIES ' Nougats, Brattles, Fudges, Taffy, Etc., Always in Stock. Alliance Bakery A firm in Alliance this week had a shipment of barbed wire come in, a carload, and when its freight bill came up it was for the amount of $917 freight and $27.51 war tax. Now, I think that this makes wire come pretty high, don't you? Seem3 to me that the railroad must lose money by such prices as this seems to be, for one hates to have to ask such prices for wire as this no doubt necessitates, for this .is bound to cause a higher price than if the price was more rea sonable; therefore I claim that there is not as much merchandise being shipped as would be shipped if the freight rate were not so high. etc 5 i V DONT OVERLOOK Our regular meals being rved at OUR LUNCH COUNTER for 40c Includes meiA, potatoes, vegetables, coffee and pie. Chris Vallas 1 17 Box Butte Cvenue. And this is the exact reason why we are applying in our business just what we think that the railroad should apoly on their freight rates, We sell our merchandise for the least possible margin of profit, thinking that we will sell enough more, that we will make it back in what we term "turn er." For if we make 2 per cent on each turnover, and turn the goods twelve times in the year we will make more than we would by selling the goods once and making a cash profit of 24 per cent. And we get to handle much more money, to say nothing or the fresher goods that you get and the better service. Yours as always, "Modern Clothes For Bleu." mm mm Be Generous With Yourself You have been "good" to your, friends for a long time. You have been a spender. No ' one ever called you penurious, or close, or tight. But what have you to show in re turn? Why not be a "good fellow" to yourself, open an account with this bank and turn your generosity to your own account and credit? The results will show up in a short time, and of a most satisfactory nature at that Be Good to Yourself. Begin Today. ) First National Bank - 1 I f ' 1 II!