The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 22, 1921, Image 7

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National Tacts Between Unions and
Roads Not Effective After July
1 Sixteen New Rules
National agreements defining work
ing conditions fcr employes on all
.American railroads formerly under
flfte federal railroad administration
Thursday were ordered abrogated, ef
fective July 1 by the railroad labor
bnuvil urmiuMntr In AccAfSaffMl Pfna
The board called on the officers and
system organization of employes of
eacn railroad to select representatives
"to confer and to decide" as much of
the rules controversy as possible.
"Such conferences shall begin at the
earliest possible date," the decision
In connection with, the conference
negotiations the board laid down a
set of sixteen principles which are to
serve as a foundation for rules which !
may be agreed to. The present general
rules hearing before the labor board
in progress since January 10, will con
tinue until both sides have completed
their testimony following which the
board "will promulgate such rules an
it determines just and reasonably pos
sible and will make them effective July
Sixteen Rules.
The sixteen principles outlines were'
as follows:
"An obligation rests upon manage
ment, upon each organization of em
ployes and upon employes to render
honest, efficient and economical serv
ices to the carrier.
"The spirit of co-operation between
the management and employes being
essential to efficient operation, both
parties will so conduct themselves as
to promote this spirit,
"The management having the re
sponsibility for safe, efficient and eco
nomical operation, the rules will not
be subversive of necessary discipline.
"The right of employes to' drganixe
for lawful objects shall not he denied,
interfered with or obstructed.
"The right of such lawful organiza
tion to act toward lawful objects
through representatives of its own
choice, whether employes of a particu
lar carrier or otherwise, shall be
agreed to by management.
"No discrimination shall be prac
ticed by management as between mem
bers and non-members of organiza
tions or as between members of differ
ent organizations nor shall members
of organizations discriminate against
non-members or use other methods
than by lawful persuasion to secure
their membership. Espionage by car
ers on the legitimate activities of
abor organizations or by labor organ
izations on the legitimate activities of
carriers should not be practiced.
"The right of employes to be con
sulted prior to a decision of manage
ment adversely affecting their wages
or working conditions shall be agreed
to by the management. This right of
participation shall be deemed complied
with, if ami wnen, me representatives
of a majority of the employes of each
of the several classes directly affected
shall have conferred with the man
agement. "No employes shall be disciplined
without a fair hearing by. a designated
officer of the carrier. Suspension in
proper cases pending a hearing, which
shall be prompt, shall not be deemed
a violation of this principle. At a
reasonable time prior to the hearing
he is entitled to be apprised of the
charge against him. lie shall have a
reasonable opportunity to secure the
presence of witnesses and shall have
the right to be there represented by a
counsel of his choosing. If the judg
ment shall lo in his favor, he -hall be
compensated for the wage los, if uny,
suffered by him.
"Proper classification of employes
and a reasonable definition cf the
work to be done by each class, for
which just and reasonable wages jue
to be paid, is necessary, but shall rot
unduly impose uneconomical conditions
upon the carriers.
"Regularity of hours or days during
which the employe is to serve or hrid
himpclf in readiness to serve is desir
able. "The principle of seniortv, jorir rp
plied to the railroad service, .is four.d
and should be adhcYed to. It should
be so applied as not to cuue jnuue
impairment of the service.
"The board approvvs The principles
of the eight-hour day, hut believes it
should be limited to work requiring
practically continuous application dur
ing eight hours. For eight hours' pay
eight hours' work shaulj Ikj pcifoimed
by all railroad employes except
and train service employes, regulated
by the Adamson ict, who are paid gen
erally on a mileage oasis us well as an
hourly basis. T
"The carriers an? the several crafts
and classes of raifroal employes have
a sfebsbraitial interest in the compe
tency of apprentices or persona under
training. Oppi ;uiiry to learn cry
craft or occupauoi shtll not be unduly
The majority of any craft or class
of employes shall have the right to de
termine what organization shall rep
resent such craft or class. Such or
ganization shall have the right io
make an agreement which shall apply
to all employes in such craft or class.
No sch agreement shal infringe,
however, on the right of employes not
members of the organization repre
senting the majority to present giiev
ances either in person or by repre
sentatives of their own choice.
"Employes are required to report for
work and' reporting but not used
should be paid reasonable compensa
tion therefor."
J. P. O'Furev. virp m-ispilont nf tVio
Mebrnskn Pres ns nirf inn. u-na olort.
ed vice-president for Nebraska of the
national eu.ioriai association.
Regular teachers1 examination will
be held at the court house April 23,
39-42 County Supt.
After a dehate that -was more or less
warm in spots the house approved
Senator Reed's biTl requiring state
wide registration of voters. Register
ing will be done by the assessors and
new registration is not required unless
one changes his residence. The object
of the bill is to compel voters to re
frain from switching around in pri
maries. A voter may change his party
affiliation by notifying tbe county
clerk not less than thirty days before
a primary election. Non-partisan
league members took the hill as "being
aimed directly at them and all of them
voted against it.
Cottonseed for sale.
(VBannon & Neuswanger. Phone
71. 29tf
Speculation differs from investment
asfishmg differs from buying boneless
litminiHH iiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggtntr
The person who buys a newspaper every day and
i at least one member of every reading family does
spends more money in a year on that item than he does
on any other regularly printed publication.
He spends more on his newspaper because it is
vorth more to him. If it cost him ten times as much
he would still buy it or if it were priced beyond his
means he would arrange to borrow it from his neighbor.
He would have it lecause without it he would be at
a disadvantage among his neighbors and competitors.
He would not Vnow whafwas going on. He would
be left standing still while "the world and his wife"
kept moving on.
When a medium of information is so close to the
people, when it is so vital to them, is it any wonder
that the columns of the newspapers are such a potent
place to advertise?
Is it any wonder that newspaper advertising brings
results in good seasons or bad?
Nearly Everybody Reads the
Alliance Herald
Favorite of Discriminating Readers.
Roth houses have approved a bill
establishing game preserves at Valen
tine and lialsey.
In the future Nebraska girls will not
come of age until they arc 21 instead
of 18 as in the past.
After be'ng pulled back and doctored
some the Omuha charter bill was ad
vanced to third reading by the hou.e.
The senate approved a bill provid
ing for the placing of non-partisan
candidates on the regular ludlqt but
without party designation.
The I?pclo substitute for the house
movie hill passed the senate by a Rood
majority. The next question is what
the house will do with it.
The final big fight in the senate on
April 11th. I resulted in the defeat of
the house bill and the substitution for
it of the Beebe amendment, which
1 are, practically, a new bill. The Reele
bill spcifies pictures which may not be
shown, provides penalties and will
.otherwise regulate the pictures with
I out leaving the question to anyone's
opinion. ,This did not settle the tight,
however. The bill net has to pna
the senate on third rending and wjll
then have to be concurred in by the
house. Some think this will not be
jlfinn nnil i Vi li f t hoi a ti-ill n i.mmm
IrpLslation at this .ossion. j "
Tire and Battery Work
That's what you got here as well as dependable new
batteries and fully guaranteed tires.
Times l'uilding.
Alliance Tire Works
The senate changed the Douglas pri
mary bill so it only provides for two
convention nominees instead of three.
R. B. Howell made a hard fight against
this bill. He ays it means the death
of the primary.
Adjournment is still a live subject
and is. becoming more pressing every
day. borne think the work will be
completed by the 23d, others insist
that it will be the first of May, at least
before the law makers can quit and
go home.
At the time this was written the
governor had signed 90 bills, 66 from
the house and 24 from the senate. The
house had sent 207 of its bills to the
senate, passed 45 senat? files, killed
411 of its own bill sand 26 senate bills.
House members get considerably out
of sorts with the penate. They say the
senate adjourns regularly from Friday
until Monday and otherwise proceeds
as slowly as though it was the begin
ning of the session instead of near the
end. The house members would like
to see the senate show a little speed.
The house reached a high water
mark of speed on Saturday, April 9th,
when it aoted favorably on 37 hills and
only killed one. The lest days of the
session when everyone is anxious to
quit and go home is the time when
bills fail to receive all the attention"
they deserve.
The senate refused to concur in the
house idea for charging tuition of high
school pupils and changed the bill so
it provides that high schools shall
charge actual cost, only. When this
feature was under discussion in the
house it was claimed that such a pro
vision in the law would provide for an
endless number of lawsuits.
Nebraska now has a law creating a
commission to license and regulate
horse races. But the commission will
have nothing to do with races at state
and county fairs. An ohl law pro
hibits racing at fairs and. does not
allow fair funds to be used for purses
but another law allows trials of speed,
which answers the same purpose.
The house took another crack at the
supreme court commission hill and this
time, it is believed, killed it dead
enouch so it will stay killed. It is
predicted that this action will result
in serious delay in supreme court
business. One reason the court is un
able to keep up with its work is be
cause a part of its membership is
physically incapable of work.
The house killed the child welfare
bill which provided for a board of child
welfare in each county. This was the
last of the important child welfare
measures which provided good jobs,
The original bill provided for a paid
superintendent of child welfare in
each county. This was cut out in
committee of the whole but it was
finally thought best to kill the entire
don't spend hours
Washing: Clothes
Over a Hot Tub
There is no need for any housewife in this territory to wear away her good nature,
good health or good looks over a steaming w ash tub during the hot months to come. We
have the electric washer vou want and will sell it to you on terms to fit your income.
Look over these EXCLUSIVE FEATURES and if you don't believe we have the
, Jr.
Come in and We Will Prove it to You Conclusively.
National Vacuum Washer
r i
1. Only successful valve type vacuum
2. Handles most delicate fabrics without
fear of damage.
3. Perfectly smooth, all copper tul)
easily cleaned and never mouldy.
4.. A dependable' "Safety First" device in
the wringer release.
5. Full Swinging Wringer minimizes the '
work for the housewife.
6. Always ready to go on washday. Never
any mechanical troubles.
7. All gears protected no painful accP-
dents possible. (
8. Convenient two-tub folding bench at
tachedoccupies small space folded '
These, statements are strong but we can show you, if you give us the
chance. If you want an electric washer, come in the rest will be easy for
Rhein Hardware Co.
jfulli H i un iiimiiiiinnmmmmTmnr
After mnre fir Ipks RwitchinBT back
and forth the house finally approved
. . . . . . i i
a hill that makes it impossioie lor a
member of a board of supervisors or a
county commissioner to act as county
highway commissioner in counties hav
ing mnw than 8 0.00. nnnulation. The
reason given for the bill is that such
..tiirn An th mart nf members of the
county boards makes it possible for
incompetent men to fill the place.
At the time this was written the big
fight was on in the house over the new
taxation bill. It is impossible to pre
dict what the outcome will be, al
though it is expected that the bill will
he passed in some form. It is apt to
be radically different, however, from
, the bill passed by the senate. A rep
resentative of the Minnesota tax de
partment was imported by the house
committee to explain the workings of
a similar law in that state.
The senate killed the house anti-Jap
bill and adopted in its place a substi
tute prepared by Senator Hoagland
which includes all aliens. Aliens who
are eligible to citizenship have five
years in which to establish their citi
zenship. It is claimed that the substi
tute accomplishes all that was provid
ed by the house bill in the way of
keeping Japs from acquiring real es
tate and also applies to all aliens who
fail or refuse to become citizens. This
is a feature that was frequently men
tioned in the house debate.
Jack Walsh now probably has a bet
ter opinion of the legislature. His
county seat bill was killed some time
ago and then, last week, it was lifted
by the house and passed. If this bill
becomes a law, as now seems likely,
Crete will not have to wait ten years
before making another attempt to se
cure the county seat. Several other
counties are interested in the bill. One
of the objections to it was that it
would start county seat fights all over
the state. i
j Wanted to buy both your fat
and stock hogs. O'Bannon and
Neuswanger. Phone 71. 18tf
Eileen Percy in "The Husband Hunter"
A Brilliant Comedy of Near Matrimony Plot and Counter, Plot
epSode "The Son of Tarzan"
(From the Story by GOUVERNEUR MORRIS)
A Thrilling Story of Love and Adventure A Strange Theme of
Three Lives All Different It Holds You Spellbound
Justine Johnson in "BLACKBIRDS"
A Very Clever Crook Story Full of Human Interest Love and
Gladys Walton in 'ALL DOLLED UP'
St. Agnes Acadamy School Play