- - I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want to bur xomfthlnp? Hun llreda of people scan these Want Ad columns looking for what ou or others have to offt-r. Gel quirk results by advertising in The Herald Want Ad appartment. ItATKS One cent per word per Insertion. t'osts no more than other newspapers and we mitir antee that ou reach several hun dred more readers. Huy circula tion, not hot air. WANTED WANTED Stock Hogs, NEBRASKA LAND CO. 103-tf "WANTED To hear from owner of pood farm for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 6Sp AG RNTSW ANTED sell the penu ine Watkins Products! Medicines, Ex tracts, Spices, Soaps, Shampoo, etc. Live lady or gentleman ajrent wanted in Alliance and o'her vacant cities. All or spare time. Particulars and sample free. Write to day. The J. R. Wat kins Co., G2, Winana, Minn. 37-30-4 lp AGENTS WANTED Good hustlers, bii? money, 6xK photo medalions . copied from any picture f0c each. Large variety of designs to select. Quick service.- Send for illustrated circulars. Benjamin Harris Co., Inc., 229 Bowery, New York. 3S-45 FOR SALE 320 ACRE relinquishment for sale cheap if taken at once; 3 miles Up ton, Wyo. New house. Main Sun dance road.' W. S. Sajre, agt., C, B. & Q. R. R. Co., Upton, Wyo. 37to40p FOR SALE Herts Mountain IW'eis Imported Canary birds, either sinirly 4 or in mated pairs. Young singers. Rodirers' Rooming" House.. 35tf FOR SALE At a bargain almost new household furniture and player piano. Call C01 Big Horn or phone 347. 32tf FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne. tf FOR SALE A number of registered Hereford bulls. John King, Bayard, Neb. 33-40p FOR RENT FOR RENT A (i-room house, modern except heat, close in. Phone 585. 3 MISCELLANEOUS COLUMBIA HATCHERY P. O. Box 1102 Denver, Colo. Capacity over 10,00 Chicks Weekly We can supply you with any quantity of Caby Chicks 15 varieties. Live delivery guaranteed. Parcel post pre paid. Write for prices and full par ticular. 19tf The crime wave is due to the want of pinching rather than to the pinch ing of want. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. WOMEN GIVE OUT Housework is hard enough when healthy. Every Alliance woman who is having backache, blue and nervous spells, dizzy heartaches and kidney or bladder troubles, should be glad to heed this Alliance woman's experi ence : Mrs. C. Brown, ".12 Box Butte St., says: "I had a severe attack of kid ney trouble accompanied with dizzy spells. 1 was completely run down an l felt that 1 would have 'to go away and take a rest. Through an adver tisement of Doan's Kidney Pills I be gan to use them. I got great relief from the fir.-t box and when 1 had taken three boxes I felt well and t-trong again. I highly recommend Doan's." (Statement May X, 1907.) On June 9, 1920, Mrs. Brown says: "I am glad to confirm the statement I made some time ayo. All I said at t),.. :. ii yoU- irwl T Trice COc, at all dealers. Don't shop... a tor a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Brown had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Gene Byrnes v y - --" (L4 ,r) L-J pounds! NOTRE FOR PUBLICATION li pariiiicht ot 'the Interior. U. S. Land Otfice at Alliance, Nebraska, March 2X, 15)21. Notice is hereby given that Stephen S. Nice, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, or, January 7th, 15)18, made Hoincstcur Entry No. 01S41!), for SH'NEU am SE4 of Sec. 21, and SW'iNW'i and WlgSWU of Section 22, Township 24, North, Range 47, West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the-land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Otfice, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the Gih day of May, 15)21. Claimant names as witnesses: Joe Bills, Will Campbelf, James Blagraves, Cora Pealer, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEKFE, Register. . Mar2!)-Apr29 NOTICE In the District Court of Box Butte j County, Nebraska Floyd S. Trine, Plaintiff, vs. Sarah' Ann Small, the Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Per t.i pAtiKAAntai ivnu ah Other Persons Interested in the f aV corn -c at 5. Mmneapolis Estate of Sarah Ann Small, de- 1 ,Mar ''0Wno? 4V 1'2,?: ceased, the Southwest Quarter of Kansas City May 3', at $1.2 ',: W in Section 32, Township 2(i, Range 'PpK May fi;-c at $ .'.. Mmne 49, Box Butte County, Nebraska, . aP01'" flou,r fmand lull; wheat e a.id All Persons Claiming Any In-' maml food. Kansas City wheat de terest of Any Kind in Said Real j mand fair. No. 2 hard 13c over Kan Estate, or Any Part Thereof, De- ! "a City May. fendants. j Live Stock and Meats. Sarah Ann Small, the Unknown . ,. , , . Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal! Chicago live stock prices changed Representatives and All Other Persons ! (,nly s ightly during the week. Hogs Interested in the Estate of Sarah Ann ! ranged from !jc lower to 2oc. higher Small, deceased, and Any Persons ! P" 100 pounds, light hogs Rowing Claiming Any Interest of Any the decline. Beef steers steady tor 4()c Kind in Said Real Estate, to-wit: The j lower; cows and heifers down 2;c. Southwest Quarter of Section 32, 1 Feeder steers and veal calyes prac 'lownship 2, Range 49, Box Butte ; tically unchanged, rat lambs steady Countv, Nebraska, or Any Part There- ! to 2."c higher; feeding lambs steady to of, non-resident defendants. Defend-! 'rOc lower. Fat ewes unchanged. April ants, real names unknown, will take ' th Chicago prices: hogs, bulk of notice that on the 31st dav of March, ; sales, $8.75-$ 10; medium and good beef 1921, Floyd S. Trine, plaintiff in the steers J8-!9.40; butcher cows and heil above entitled case, filed his petition in , ers $4..r0-$9; feeder steers $7.2:-$9; the above entitled action in the Pis- lifht and medium weight veal calves trict Court of Box Butte County, Ne- ! $7-$!..'0; fat lambs $7.7'-$10; feeding braska, against all of the defendants J lambs $7.o0-$8.75; yearlings $7.2;-$i; named in the title to this case, the ob- fat ewes $.")-$r).75. iect and nraver of which are that the Eastern wholesale fresh meat prices mortgage recorded in Book 8 at Page also Changed but slightly. Beef, veal 452 of the Mortgage Record of Box ' and mutton, about steady. Iimb and Butte county, Nebraska, executed and pork loins steady to $1 hfghcr. April delivered to Charles S. Ailing, and as- ! ith prices on good grade meats: beef signed by the said Charles S. Ailing ' $ir-$l7..r)0; veal ?17-?20; lamb $18 to Hester A. Huntand assigned by! $23; mutton $12-$lfi; light pork loins, Paschal D. Bertine, executor Of the j $2"-.2S; heavy loins $l8-$23. Last Will and Testament of Hester A. 'j Hay. Hunt, deceased, to the defendant, Sarah Ann Small, may be decreed to Most hay markets depressed, un-' be cancelled, extinguished, discharged I settled and generally easier. Balti of record anil decreed to be wholly I more prices off $2 per ton. Receipts forfeited and determined, and no lien , in eastern markets continue heavier upon the said land; that all claim of than in western markets. Prairie re right, title, interest, lien and owner-j ceipts increasing in Chicago but de ship of any kind and nature, either ! man decreasing. Mnjority of arrivals actual or contingent, if they have any. ; in Chicago of low grade; trade not in of all the defendants, in ami to said i terested ever at sacrifice prices, which land, be found and decreed to be sub-1 are $l-$2 lower than on the 2d, for ject, junior and inferior to the right, j nearly all grades and kinds. Few ship title, interest, lien and ownership of . ping inquiries. Midland and low grade the plaintiff in and to said land, and practically unsalable in Minneapolis, that the cloud or clouds thereby cast ' Kansas City ami southeastern mar upon the plaintiff's title to said land kets easier. Receipts in western mar be decreed to be removed and set aside, ' kets adequate to meet present de and that all claims of right, title, lien, j mand. Quoted: No. I timothy $22 at interest or ownership of all of the de- ! Cincinnati; $19 at Minneapolis; $19 at fendants, each and every one of the Kansas City; $30.50 New York; $24.50 them, of every kind and nature, in.said at Philadelphia; $27 at Memphis;No. land, if they claim or have any in said ; 2 timothy: $19 at Cincinnati; $17.50 land, may be cancelled, set aside and ; at Minneapolis; $28.50 at New York; decreed to be held for naught, and no j $23.50 at -Philadelphia; $24 at Mem lien or incumbrance upon or against phis; No. 1 alfalfa: $18 at Cincinnati; -aid 'ami; that the plaintiff's posses-, $17 at Minneapolis; $18 at Kansas sion. right, title, lien, interact and Citv: $27 at Memphis; No. 1 prairie: ownershio in ami to said land be quiet-1 ed and confirmed in the plaintiff, and j City, that the defendants, all of them, and ' each and every one of them, and their servants, agents, employees, heirs,! Practically all feeds quoted lower; executor, administrators, grantees I demand unimproved. Offerings fair and asMgn.-:, and all persons claiming ; for early shipment but there is con by, through or under them, in any ; sideraMe pressure to sell for deferred way or manner, be enjoined from shipment. Speculative buying has claiming or asserting any right, title, J dwindled as distributing trade is well interest, lien or ownership of any kind , stocked and not disposed to make bids. in-sawl !anl ailverse to Hint of the plaintiff, his servants, agents, em- ployees, heirs, executors, administra- tors, grantees and assigns, or from interrupting or disturbing the plain - titr's use. poews'on and enjoyment of said land, and the use, ppssession and enjoyment thereof of the plaintiffs servants, agents, employees, heirs. executors, adminitrators and assigns and grantees, and for such other pnd further relief as may be just, equitable .and proper, and that the plaintiff re - cover his costs herein. You and each of you are required to THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY. APRIL 3.1021 Says:-'Ain't it answer said petition on or before the I 23rd day of "May, 1921 Dated this T.th dav of April. 15)21. FLOYD S. TRINE, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys: Apr.VMavfi WEEKLY MARK ET( RAM (U. S. Bureau of Market) Grain. ' Market unsettled the past week easily influenced and prices fluctuated rapidly. On declines there were liqui dation of coarse grains for country ac count and good export demand. On the fith reports of wet and freezing weather and ' much . colder -weather forecast caused a rally from low point but prices declined again at the close. Secretary Wallace's statement that the supply of farm products on hand far exceed present demand was given lavish construction in grain trade. In inicago casn maiKev .u. rt-u win- ter wheat fic-5)c over Chicago May; No. 2 hard 11c-13c over; No. 3 mixed corn 4'ic under Chicago May; No. 3 yel low 3c-4'ic under. For the week (.hi- oaco May wheat down 2,c at $1.36 V; sir," .at Minneapolis; $13 at Kansas . , ,, , . , 1 Fruits and egetables. , Potato prices down 5c-15c at north-j ' ei 11 .'hipping stations, closing 75c95c j per 100 pounds sacked. Chicago car- . t market it low level, down lOcat t()c-$l. New York round whites held at $1.40-11.50 bulk, New York. Florida So. 1 Spalding Ro-e in double head barrels closed lower at $10.50-$11 at j Chicago; $7-$7.50 at New York. Texas j Bliss Triumphs $9-$9.50 per 100 lbs. 1 Kansas City; $8 St. Louis. Movement 1 of white potatoes increased rapidly J during the week ended April 5th, the Truth?" shipments 3-113 cars compared with 2,1(17 the preceding week, Dairy Product. Rutin markets recovered steadily throughout week until the sixth when sharp break's occurred and the prices dropped in all markets. Heaviest de clines averaging 2 cents were in the east. Weakness attributed to tempor ary surplus although at Chicago weak ness is apparent reflection of drop at New York. Closing prices !2 score: New York 4!)'s; Chicago 4s34; Phila delphia .'.Oc; Boston oO'ic. Danish butter at New York selling at close to domestic prices. ANGORA Claude Murphy came home from Lincoln last week and is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. G. T. Temple. George Burry took his tractor and faming implements to Berea Monday to put in the crops on their farm there. Bill Marshall is helping him. Mrs. L. I). Carnine returned from Torrington, Wyo., Monday night where she spent a few days w.th her sis ter. ' W. II. McCroskey is hauling broom corn to the factory at Gering this week. c . : !..!. .u : .l- uirai iiiinrM i i I'lnx miowii in " nurse meeting by a very regular at tendance. Mrs. Lela Funk has resigned her: position in the Angora school and will j leave for Douglas, Wyo., in a few days, Eeirhteen seventh and eighth in-". lei pupils are taking the exams here this week. Miss Lucy Burry entertained about twenty of her friends at uiarty Sit - urday night, the occasion being her fourteenth birthday. The even;ng wis spent in olaying games and at a late hour a delicious lunch was served after E2 Decoration Day Hundreds of the Best Monuments in the Alliance Cemetery were bought from us at lowest prices. Ask. Al Wiker, Phone 256, or Write Us for Catalogue. Paine-Fishburn Granite Company GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA ::::an;:::nKn:n:a::::::::t:un::::::::n::::::n::uaan:jn::nn::Kmn: . REAL ESTATE ' Box Dutte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C McCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First Nation Cu& which the guests departed wi.-hing their hostess Many happy ' returns of the day. Miss Lucy was the recipient Of many pretty and useful presents. Theodore Hoodry came from Bridge port Friday to spend the week end at home, bringing two of his young friends with him. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dove enter tained a few friends informally at a card party Wednesday night. Misses Ilu and Eunice Boodry, Ethel Ilazen, Gladys Fletcher and Mrs: Lela Funk attended the teacher's associa tion at Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wozny en tertained a large crowd of friends on Saturday evening in honor of Miss Francis Micek. Cards and dancing were indulged in and a jolly good time enjoyed by all. Lunch was served and the guests departed, having spent a most delightful evening. Cottonseed ca.ke fof sale. OTIannon & Neuswanger. Phone 71. 29tf NO CART ALONG The girl walked briskly into the store and dropped her bag on the counter. "Give me a chicken," she said. nt n tMillot?" the stove- . t"" . keeper RSKOil. "No," the girl replied. "I wanta tarry it." Biovvn Bull. Wanted to buy both your fat and stock hogs. O'Bannon and NeUSWancef. . Phone 71. 18tf t I The internal revenue department ' says that 500,000,000 pounds of butter ' so'd annually to 'American consumers j is made of impure and rancid cream, says Hou: ton Post. Sometimes it looks to us if they swindle us more for the fun than the profit of it. SEVEN One withdraw and five enter. That league of nation is just simply shot all to pieces, Isn't it? Little Rock Arkansas Gazette. America will never et over being fentimental. It crew it largest rye crop this year. Louisville Tost. P. A. BALD Attonioy-at-Itw ' Office in Reddish Mock K. of C. COUNCIL No. 97." Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month, at , I 311 Box Butte Avenue Upstairs j n. (;. it , r man, r. s. ! Phones 1037 and 734 TAXI g. i madsi:n, pop. TELEPHONES Day 24 Night 1073 , MOVING. PACKING, STORING ! AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When If Your Mo?e, Let T's Know." Office Phone 15; Ren. 881 and Blk.730 PHYSICIAN and Sl'RGLON DR. EINAR BLAK OFFICE IN MALLKRY BLOCK Office 101 Phone Residence 101 ' C. F. MORANVILLE Carpenter Work of all Kind Phone 970 or Red 413 DR. A. CLARENCE SCIIOCH General Surgeon Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb, Office Phone 187 Rea. Phone, Blk. S21 Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Telephone 384 L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMF.R BLOCK PHONE ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors- . Palmer School Telephone 8C5 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and .Insurance dVJ F. E. REDDISH . Reddish Iilock tf Phone 661 Alliance Harry P. Coursey 1 Live Stock and General Farm Salei J. D. .EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract Books in Box Butte County First National Bank Bide. PHONES: RES. NO. 13 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successor! to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to PleaeM Have it WELDED with tu OXT.ACETYLENE fROCESJ Cylinder Blocks, Frams Transmission Cases a Spadalty ALL TRACTOR FAX TB Geo. H. Breckner 5v Untm 111 Vast U a