THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, MARCH "9. 1921 KEEP-U-NEAT PROMISES ARE ALWAYS FULFILLED IVoman Makes Quick New York Train and Goes with Garments in O. K. Shape. MARVELOUS SERVICE The busy merchant or manufacturer f today must "go easy" on promises, for in the stress of things it is easily rossioie to xail down on getting out a job of work at a promised time, even though the promise were made in the joesi 01 i aim. But seldom, indeed, has the Keep-U' JJeat fallen down on a job at their in -anense Dry Cleaning and Dyeing es tablishment at 207 Box Rutte Here's an instance of a Keep-U-Neat plfji Keep fTTT Warm Keep y 1 Well BESIDE the high chair in the nursery -wherever you need a little extra heat that's when the Perfection Oil Heater shines. Let us show you this handy, economical, effi cient heater and explain 'Perfection Selective Heating." PERFECTION OH Healers GEO. D. DARLING, Alliance, Nebraska nronv'e made and kept in a marvelous manner: ihe other day a lady customer of the Keep-U-Neat came into the plant and said breezily: "Mr. Hradnury, I have just gotten word that I must leave for New York tomorrow night, and I know of no dressmaker who can care for my gowns in so short a space of time. You simply must fix up my gown and my suit for me "and have them to the house so that I can make tHt train for the east tomorrow night" "Go ahead," Raid Chet Bradbury to the lady, "you may go to New lork tomorrow night and your garments will be in a first-class shape. And the suit and dress were- in lovely shape at the required time, the suit pressed and cleaned beautifully, the dres3 as crisp and tidy as Uie day it originally left the dressmaker's. When the lady left for New York she was toned to fashion perfectly all in prim shape. But it takes a whopper of a plant to do such speedy work and do it good. There must always be enough em ployes about to permit oftwo or three being put on to a rushjob with in structions to "get the job out" at any cost within a prescribed period of time. Better depend upon the Keep-U-Neat when you need cleaning work in a hurry, but give them time to do the work if you can see your way clear to do so. The Keep-U-Neat may be reached by phoning No. 133. Advertisement. Religious Fervor Is Running High at Hay Springs ITnv Snrlnrra Kws! Pponl are fret- - J I r ' ' VT tinor such tvn written letters as this: "Your family i on the road to heaven and you ought to go along." There may be a whole lot or train in tnis statement but coming at a time when tha twa minictoi la frvinir tl ndvanre the church work and from anonymous sources, nas a tendency to reneci ac credit on him and his staff of co- urnrlrora. The minister and his Co workers have no part in thi3 seemingly slight of hand performance on the part of dramatic writers, as will be seen by a statement over nis signature on me front page. AftpnH the Aluminum Sale at the National 5-10-25c Store this week and get in on some unheard of bargains. 33-36 An v way a woman can shop twice as hard and as long with a high-power dollar as with an inflated one, so there is no, reason why she should be un happy. A.l.litinnal nroof of the fiTOWth of civilization in Mexico fs furnished by the development of a row between two factions of organized labor. THREE COMMENT & DISCOMMENT The great American public is, as a rule, lazy and indifferent, especially so long as no effort is made to ntei fere with it The result is, of course, that not only welfare workers, vho boost for bills which carry with them appointments at good-sized salaries, but all sorts of bureaus and societie take advantage of them. American- have been called gullible, when n r matter of fact, they don't care. There is usually a tainful moment once J year, when the taxes are paid, mt the most difficult thing in the world is to get enough people interested in tax reduction to howl at the con?rres and the legislators at the same time. Of course, one reason for this indif ference is the fact that so much money is spent that the average citi zen, if he got interested, would have to hire a corps of assistants and de vote all his time to it if he were to have a check on even a small portion of public expense. The truth is that the public money , is simply shoveled out. Every department and bureau head feels a sort of pride in having the appropriation- for his department kept up to the usual fisrure. or en larged, and once he hires a clerk, dis likes to let him go. it seems, some how, rather a reflection on the impor tance of his work. To a great extent, this is true of the state government, although a legislature of tight-fisted natives sometimes succeeds in cutting down expenses a trifle. The national gov ernment, however, is almost without a check. Once in a while a congress man or a senator lets out a howl, but this is done usually for the sake of impressing his constituents, and not because he has any real desire for economy. Some day he may want a $50,000 postoffice for some little town in his district, and if he had made him self obnoxious, his chances of getting it would remind one of the far-famed snowball. - - - Do you have Music in your Home If you are not having the enjoyment of MUSIC in your home, , you are missing one of the pleasures of living. We will be glad any time to show you our line of Pianos, Playerpianos and Victrolas, Music Rolls and New Records. WIKER MUSIC HOUSE "Ererything in Music" For instance, thousands of people are employed in these United States at gathering statistics. Many of these are or doubtful value, and most of them could be dispensed with without causing any great concern. It's true, of course, that occasionally statistics, such as in life insurance, finance, and other affairs, are of genuine value, but as a rule one is reminded of the old adage that there are three kinds of liars plain liars, d n liars and statisticians. In Nebraska, it seems, there is be ing issued volume after volume of sta tistics, every state officer being not only permitted, but encouraged to print an annual report. The value of an annual report is ordinarily gauged by the number of pages of statistics. Aside from the fact that it costs good money to gather these figures, and more good money to print and distrib ute them, and thus keeps currency in circulation and helps the poor printer somewhat, there Isn't" any excuse for a fifth of them. Miss Benks some time later anil in-1 iuire., 'Haven't I met you some place before? . . . It me think. . . 1 Oh, to be sure! It was in a bathtub t Back bay the day of the foursome.' "And if getting four people into a tub is admittedly difficult, imagine trvimr to crfiho r.i,ir.iinho nr tru jerson as provided by the census fijr-1 ui "Would the fifth person be willing o l.4iiic im., torn -i.-iitn : "And which four-tenths? "Missachusetta is mum on these 1m nortant questions, and lets it be in-i ierre.1 that the fifth person at every bathtub party will have to be content with four-tenths of a bath, making it necessary for him or her to make two trips and a half in order to ret one complete bath. The cry of discrimination is sure o go up from the throats of the Four tenths classes, and the soviet ami no- cial revolutionist movements given further impetus. Mill, it is well Massachusettn did not announce the bathtub census years ago, as the comparative figure now made public for the first time shows 'hat in 18X0 there was but one bath tub to 40.2 persons, a condition of crowding that defiies the imagination! "This is the first inference that when they called Boston the Bay state they used the word 'bay' in the color shade sense. "But, to repeat an old ndatre. where there is life there Is soap: and Massa chusetts believes that if the ration of increase since 18X0 is maintained there will be one bathtub for every person inside of five years. "In other words, Massachusetts is hopeful of being able to allot one bathtub per capita. This per capita stuff is most interesting. For in stance, the government says the per capita wealth of the nation is $53.08. You ought to have that sum, but have you; similarly in Massachusetts. when that glad day comes when the governor can announce that every citizen of the state should have one porcelain bathtub there will be many people able to take a complete inven tory of their belongings without find ing one. "And, should the happy condition of affairs lie really achieved would there be enough Turkish towels to go around, "(N. B. Inquiry around New York failed to reveal that any census had been taken here to show whether New York had one bathtub per capita or forty per capitas per tub. Travelers using the Bronx subway trains, how ever, expressed the opinion that in certain sections of the citv there could not be more than one bathtub to 5,000 persons, and that that one was out of order.)" , A World . Necessity w HAT makes possible the running of farms and businesses; the erecting of schools and churches and homes; the building of roads; the payment of wages; in short, the carrying on of human activ ities and life itself? It is saving, your saving, our saving, the saving of those who lived before us, that makes these things possible. You couldn't borrow if someone hadn't saved and when you haven't saved enough for your own use you must pay others for the use of what they have v saved. It's fair, isn't it? But why not save for yourself, receive five per cent interest on your savings and accumulate enough to buy things you will want with your own money? Opening a savings account with us will help you to do these things. Come in today. The - First National Bank Just as an instance of statistics gone to seed, we might mention that the bureau of biological survey is engaged in working out an extensive plan to keep tab on the travels of wild ducks. When a wild duck decides to quit bis summer home "somewhere In Canada" he invariably leaves in a hurry and neirlects to leave any forwarding ad dress. This doesn't suit the bureau of biological survey, United States de partment of agriculture, who would like to keep track of Mr. Mallard's ramblings, so the department is work ing out a system to offset this careless ness. This consists of trapping the birds and marking them with alumi num leg bands, each carrying a num ber and the address of the depart ment. When a duck is killed the hunter is requested to refhove the band and forward it to Washington, to gether with information as to when and where the duck was killed. Wanted to buy both your fat And stock hogs. O'Bannon and Neuswanger. Phone 71. 18tf A cooking school for men has been stablishcd by the state college in! Pennsylvania. . More sobbing into he' dish towel when she tell him the bis cuits are not like father used to make. We hope never to get so rich that there won't still be something we want for Christmas. Massachusetts recently completed a census of the bathtubs in the state. II. I. Phillips, writing in The State Journal, discusses the matter most hu morously, but no one seems interested enough- to figure just why money should be spent to chai't the distribu tion of bathing apparatus in the Bay state. It s true that this information ought to be of value to the manufac turers of bathtubs, but if so, why shouldn't they spend the money. If the United Cigar Stores wants sta tistics on the number of possible cus tomers at any prospective location, they send out their own scouts. The state of Massachusetts, which planted a heavy foot on the Boston policemen in their fight for a living wage. oblig ingly does this work for the porcelain manufacturers. However, the census expense hasn't been entirely wasted. It will give a few cheerful moments to some light minded people to read Mr. Phillips' observations on the bathtub census, and we are going to reprint what he has written: "Massachusetts has completed a census of bathtubs. Whether condi tions in that particular state made this highly imperative or not is not disclosed, but the figures reveal there is one bathtub for every four and four tenths (4.4) persons. "This is extremely unsatisfactory. Four persons have never succeeded in getting into one bathtub at the same time with any degree of comfort. In fact, it is quite a difficult trick. "Even tho the four people are well acquainted and able to make allow ances for another s bathtub manners, quartet bathtubbing is never a high ly successful diversion socially, ath letically, or acquatically. And a bath tub census takes its people hit or miss picks them at random, as it were I GENUINE HULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for rih ,0c In getting back to dancing normalcy, Poll tax for women would brin compromise might be reached on the them another of the doubtful joys of ...I.. 111.. I , cuizensnip. a com quadrille. Imperial Theater XT J. Warren TVT ERRIGA AND HIS OWN COMPANY "$30,000" 5 ACTS COMEDY DRAMA 1 ADDED ATTRACTION "HER CIRCUS MAN" -WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30- Madge Kennedy in the : "Highest Bidder" Photoplay, Matinee at 3 o'clock SPECIAL ATTRACTION EVENING Boane College n MEN'S ' 1D L E E G LUW Tickets on Sale by Members of Alliance Woman's Club. -THURSDAY, MARCH 31- Western I lebraska Declamatory Contest Afternoon and Evening. PHOTOPLAY EVENING ONLY. COMING FRIDAY, APRIL 1- - James Oliver Curwood's "Nomads Qfthe North" "The Massachusetts census, followed to its logical conclusion, simply hurls the populace into the available bath tubs, four to a tub, without as much as 'Mrs. Jones, I'd like to have you meet Mr. Smithers; Mr. Smithers, Mrs. Jones, etc. "And then come those embarrassing aftermaths (or fhall we Fay after baths?) when Miss Jenks runs across USED CAR SALE We Have On Hand 1 1919 DUICK 65 passenger 1 1917 BUICK 45 passenger 1 1918 REO 4 5 passenger 1 1918 DODGE, 5 passenger These cars have been thoroughly overhauled and are put out under an absolute guarantee and at attractive prices cash or terms. WE ALSO HAVE THE BEST MECHANICS THAT CAN BE OBTAINED. GIVE US A TRIAL. Now is the time to have your car put in first class running condition. Buick' Garage