II Authentic Styles For Men Hart Schaffner &.Marx Clothes I Xaojhes Know What To Buy and Where THIS Season differs from those of past years in many respects. After several months of fluctuating markets prices have stabilized on the better grades of clothing. There is no way of knowing the value of "maverick" brands. There never was a time when it was so important to know values to know the kind of clothing you select. The price ticket means nothing it is what you get that counts. The markets are filled with all kinds of clothing good, bad and indifferent. That is why we say ...... N N "Buy Clothing With a Pedigree" Hart-Schaffner Society Brand and Marx Clothes Priced at $35-$40-$45 -$50-$60 These grades sold fast season at from $55 to $90 ALL OF THE WORLD'S BEST STANDARD ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE These Standard Lines have been featured here year after near, not only because of their indisputable style leadership, but because they represent the very highest grade of all-wool materials and workmanship. "trade mark" 'goods backed by the reputation of individual manufacturers Our Spring Stocks Are Now Complete Consider These Specials Our Large Stocks Afford You UNLIMITED CHOICE OF SELECTION ARROW COLLARS STARCHED 15(JEACH BOYS' FINE ' PERCALE WAISTS . 590 LEATHER FACED' GAUNTLETS FOUR PAIRS $1.00 SEVEN PAIRS GOOD GOOD CANVAS GAUNTLET GLOVES for . 1.00 . GOOD GRADE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS 75 HEAVY BLACK SATEEN WORK SHIRTS $1.25 THREE PAIRS SILK SOX for $1.00 . FINE DRESS SHIRTS -for- ; ft.. $1.25 TWO PAIRS WILSON TOP HOSE 25( SILK STRIPE MADRAS SHIRTS $2.50 GOOD WEARING MEN'S SHOES $5.00 VALUES Black and Brown $3.95 20 DISCOUNT on BOYS' .SHOES FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY LIEN'S FINE ALL WOOL TROUSERS $5.00 YOUNG MEN'S m suits it Hit,' $18.50 AND UP 100 PAIRS $15.00 WALK-OVER SHOES l $7.50 PAIR MEN'S MULESKIN SHOES PAIR .-"s,v $2.50 3 m 1 1 n CLOTHING HOUSE l 1 FAMOUS for the quality of every garment in this big store. FAMOUS for the range of choice in nationally known goods. FAMOUS for the low prices charged for the world's best.