The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 25, 1921, Page THIRTEEN, Image 13

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    u -
(Continued from Page 9) ,,
We believe an impartial investigate
would show that the actual cost was
very much less than that estimate.
For the purposes of this argument,
however, we can a fluid to accept the
highest estimate.
The wage increase was in effect for
eight months during 1020 from May
1 to December 31. At $00,000,000 a
month this would mean an addition
to operating expenses of $40,000,000
. on account of wages.
But the total increase in operating
expenses under private control, as
fhown by the Interstate Commerce
commisfron was $1,301,000,000.
After allowing the most extreme
estimate of the wage increase, we still
have $911,000,000 to account for.
What did the railroad managers do
with that vat-t sum under private own
ership? It can not be claimed that they in
vested it in equipment or in construc
tion and maintenance. Their additions
to equipment are vnimpoitant and in
stead of maintaining and reconstruct
ing they have dismissed tens of thou
sands of employes who might have
performed that essential work.
Government control has been de
nounced by the publicity agents of the
railroad executives as an "orgy of
waste." -
what should be Raid of the perform
ance under private ownership?
The rabbit that picks a quarrel with
bull terrier has nothing on the Ru
pian army transport the -French pay
tried to sink a French fleet.
South American women petting to
be leaders in fashion.. Of course, clown
around the equator there's not ko
much chance of catching cold.
The crusade on baby talk Is non
sense. Let the bjibies tell things theii
own way lest they acquire proficiency
in profanity from the grown-ups. .'
There is also a question of how much
more than a quarter of a cent a ta
of a quarter of a cent a gallon or
gasoline would add to the retail price.
American are said to spend $5,000,
000,000 annually for amusement and
.till remain bored. We may be clever
people, but pomebody Is not giving us
our money's worth.
Austria oujjht not to welcome the
suggestion that the join Germany. Mie
tried that once.
Luckily for poor John null, he has
had long training in keeping three hot
potatoes in the air at once.
It Is a pretty safe gamble when two
women claim to be the "widow" that
leceused did not die bankrupt.
If the hostilities between naval and
lir experts could be stored for use in
war, the enemy would be licked from
he start.
Fire has destroyed the government
census records of 1790, but surely even
a government bureau has 'em counted
by this time .
It takes a keen eye nowadays to dis
tinguish between the advertisements
of underwear and thee of motion
No matter how much right mav be
on his side, a man will find himself in
the wrong at the end of any argument
with a woman.
The census office asserts that Amer
ica has the biggest collection of bach
elors in the world. Has anyone count
ed the old maids?
Chauffeurs in Buenos Aires, It is re
ported, earn $300 ft month, which Is
about what some get in this country
regardless of what they earn.
It is said that Cuba's supply of wet
goods is running low, and tourirts
should remember that rum wasn't built
in a dayl Brooklyn Eagle.
Stock hours wanted by the Ne
braska Land Co. 103-tf
Natives in the Yukon pay the tem
perature of CO below is Just "a cold
snap," but few will be in any sweat
to get there.
Easter flowers, all kinds. Alliance
Florists. 106 West Third St. 31-34
Food prices are repoi ted to be going
down, but pome of the menu cards are
reluctant about printing the news.
If that be an accurate description j
iiiiiui j i... ......... ... ....
i ii ii.. ...,.'. ...
1 he
orace Bo
to Store
. Loveliest Easter Styles in
New Suits, Wraps and Frocks
' '"' i
,'. - 7' .
t!! '
-fffi nnm..
Clever Wraps I The New Suits New Frocks
In the new Flare Models of Nonnandie Cloth,
Evora, Superior Twill Cord and Tricotine.
Cape effects with the new Mandarin Sleeves
in lovely shafles of French Grey and Blue,
Brown, Tan and Rooky. Never before have
we been able to show as large a variety of
styles at ' ,
$18.75 to $65
Are Charming
of Twill Cord and Poiret Twill and Tricotine
in Navy Blue, French Grey and Rooky Shades
Hand Embroidery of Chenile and Beads. The
new flare skirts with nobby saches of Brocade
Ribbon. Prices
25 to $75
In a big variety of styles in Taffeta, Canton
Crepe and Georgette, in lovely shades of
Grey, Brown, Tan; also Navy and Black.
Very pretty models of Taffeta with the new
Eyelet Embroidery effects; also Canton-crepe
with Chenile Embroidery and Beaded effects.
$19.75 to $65
New Pattern Hats For Easter
A Very Smart Collection of
New Easter Hats
$7.50 and up to $25
1. ?