I tSTrrTS LSST ' ORCHIS TO K1 ' . I S -v V (D 1 I Too-T V HO P CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Tant to buy -omethlni?? Hun dreds of people Bean thvsp Want Ad columns lookinir for w hat vou or othors have to otYVr. jt quirk C Jesuits by advertising tn The Herald Want Ad department. RATIOS One icnl por word per Insertion. (it.s no more Dmn " other newsp:tet m nd we puai -ann e Unit you reach several hun dred nmie read. ms. Jiuy circula tion, not hot air. L'I WANTED WANTED By man and wife with .boy 12 years old. cookintr iob on ranch. Ad.lress, W. A. TAYLOR, Ard-'rr more, h. u., r,o o.. 30-31 WANTED Stock Hogs, NEBRASKA 1 LAND CO. io.'3-tf WSIT MiW"-ryinhberSter of the estate of Mar Woolen Mills Co., Inc., for rural' ? I nllv Dereised r' Ha" at D,ake Hotel- 31P state of Martin Lally, deceased. ELDERLY LADY wishes place as j . O. W. Andrew having filed his peti- companion to elderly ladv. Mrs R on under oath- in this court, praying L. Harness, Lakeside, Neb. ' 2l';i!?at administration of the estate of . , Martin Lally be dispensed with and WANTED Lady or Gentleman agent , for a decree determining wh are the in the' city of Alliance to sell the heirs of the paid Martin Lally; it is genuine J. R. Watkins Medicines, ' ordered that a hearing be had on said Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations, i petition at the County Court room in etc. All or spare time. A wonderful j county on the 4th day of April, opportunity to get into business for yourself. Write today for free parti culars and sample. J .R. WATKINS, Co. 62 Winona, Minn. 30-3 lp GET BUSY. . Keep Busy. LTouT job unsafe? Is it permanent? You want a life-long business. You can get into such a business selling more than 137 Watkins Products direct to farmers if you own auto or team or can get one; if you are under 50 and can give bond with personal sureties. We back you with b;g sellinjr helps'. 52 years in business, 20.OUO.000 users of our products. Write for informa- i tion where you can get territory. J. R. Watkins Co.. Department C. Winona. 1C-. nnP.it- I Minn. FOR SALE FOR SALE Good used care. A. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne. H. tf ; vrw UATV wTt ,. . 7T FOR SALE Will sell the Rodgers rooming house-19 rooms, newly , furnished; good bath, good business both transient and regular roomers; best location m city. 1 am selling on. account of Mr. Rosetta having gone i..lw ... .u c c uujihk - home here. Will sell very reasonable. mrs. ;uinnie noseiia. ()Ll SALE OR RENT SWli sec. 23, twp. 24, range 52, and SE'i sec. 12-25-51, Box Butte county. T. A.. Milliard, Sioux City, Iowa. 32 FOR SALE A PORTABLE ROLLER SKATING RINK. Stored in Alli ance. On account of other business will sell at a bargain and will take Ford truck in on deal. For price ,and description write Wichner Bros., Win ner, S. D. 31-32 FOR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE My ranch of 400 acre near Edgemont, S. D. PARK BALDWIN, Ridgeway, Ohio. 30-32p FOR RENT A well heated room in i modern nome, z per weeic. i none 347 30tf FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms or could be usetl for light housekeep ing, furnished. Phone Black 1013. 29-3 lp FOR RENT Room or light house keeping rooms including bath. 114'v West 4th. 2Ctf FOUND FOUND A 32x4 casing on road. Schafer Auto Supply. 2Mf MISCELLANEOUS COLUMBIA HATCHERY P. O. Box 1102 Denver, Colo. Capacity over 10,00 Chicks Weekly Gene Byrnes Says: "It's a Great Life Nt can supply you with any quantity f Caby Chicks 15 varieties. Live Jelivery guaranteed. Parcel post pre jaid. Write for prices and full par iculars. 19tf HOPE vs. EVIDENCE At the jrrave of the departed the old darky pastor stood, hat in hand. Look ins into the abyss he delivered him self of the funeral oration. "Samuel Johnson,'-' he said sorrow fully, "you is gone. An' we hope you is sone where we 'specks you ain't." The American Lejr'pn Weekly. aii nooueK. ls "ai, oui some is worse III I. 11 I A than others. 1,10 onl' H"cct tax is one which tno othcr lol,ow W- r NOTICE In County Court of Box Butte Coun- 1521, at 10 o clock A. M., and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate by publication of this order for thirty days in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated February 23, 1P21. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. Feb25-Mar25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. 1 In the Matter of the Estate of Oscar ,0'Bannon, Deceased. .1 Vnkrn -Vn Dav State of Butte County, ss. To the Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified that 1 will sit at the County Court Room in the city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 30th day of June, 1921 t ten 0.cock in thc orenoon to' recejve and examine all daims against said estate witn view t0 their justrnent anl allowance. The time limite(, for the presentation of claims aRain;t paill e!Ttate if5 four months from tne 28th dav of February, 1921, and the time ,imited for lhe payment ftf loKta ia nno vanii f inm iuwl 9Wfh IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Feb25-Mar25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Countv Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Eva D. Treat, Deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, ss. To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit in the County Court room in the Court House of Box Butte County, Nebraska, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 24th day of June, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to receive and examine all claims against said estate for the purpose of their allowance and ajdustment. The time limit tor the presentation of claims against said es tate is ninety days from the 18th day of March. 1921. and the time imit for paying debts is one year from said isth day of March, 1921 IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. F. A. BALD, Attorney. Feb22-Marl8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles E. Hershman, Deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, ss. To the . Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in the city of Alliance Box Butte county, Ne braska, on the 23rd day of June, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to re ceive and examine all claims against aid estate with a view to their ad- TIIE ALLIANCE HEPALD. justment and allowance. The time! limited for the presentation of claims . against said estate is four months : from the 21st day of February, 1921,! and the time limited for the payment j 'of debts is one year from said 21st I uay oi rcoruary, ivi. (Signed) 1KA E. TAS1I, (Seal) Count v Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Febl8-Marl8 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE KEREA COM Ml'NITY FED ERATED (TIl'KCII OF I5EREA, NKMRASKA. Notice is hereby riven that the un dersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Ne- braska. That the name of said cor poration is The Berea Community Federated Church o' Berea, Nebraska. That the principal place of transacting the business of said corporation is Berea. Box Butf '""lnty, Nebraska iThat the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted by said corpora tion shall be (a) the gathering togeth er in fellowship of Christians, that we may better promote the Kingdom of : God; that we may give our community spiritual, moral and physical help; that our children mav win in the race of life, and thus fulfill their mission, which is to glorify God; (b) to buy, own, sell, lease and otherwise" acquire and mortgage real estate and all kinds of personal property, needful and useful in carrying on the object and business of this corporation; (c) to borrow and loan money necessary to the business of this corporation: to make and issue nromisvorv notes, bills of exchange and other evidences of in debtedness of every kind, secured by mortgage pledge or otherwise; (d) and to do a'l things necessary and in cidental to the genera) business of this corporaCon. That the amount of capi at stock of said corporation authorized is the sum of $5,000.00 to be raised by donations of the members of said cor poration and of persons not members I of said corporation. No stock in sa'd corporation is to be owned by or issued to any person. All property .donated to said corporation is to be owned by said corporation. That said corpora tion shall commence on the 1st day of January, 1921, and shall continue for the period of fifty years, unless sooner dissolved by the members thereof. That the highest amount of indebted ' ness or liability to which said corpora i tion may subject itself, at any one I time, shall not exceed a su:n equal to two-thirds of its authorized capital j stock of J5.000.00. That the, affairs of said corporation shall be conducted bv a Board of Managers, consisting of five persons who are members of said corporation; that the officers of said corporation shall be moderator, who shall be chairman of said Board oi Managers, clerk and treasurer. The moderator, clerk and treasurer may or may not be members of the Board of Managers. THOMAS HAWKINS, CLARA ROWLEY, I. E. BARRETT, JOHN NIELSEN, ANTON STENBERG. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Febl8-Marl8 NOTICE OF TAX DEED To Chas. Atchinson and all other persons interetted in Lot Four (4), in Block Eight (K), in Hill's Addition to the City of Alliance, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska: You will take notice that Cleveland Lewis on the 4th day of November, 1918, purchased at public tax side from F. W. Irish, County Treasurer cf Box Butte County, Nebraska, the fol lowing described lot situated in Hills Addition to the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, to-wit: All of Lot Four (4), in Block Eight (K), in Hills Addition to the City of Alli ance, Box Butte County, Nebriska, according to the recorded plat thereof, for taxes for the year 1917, nl has since paid as subsequent taxes, the taxes for the years 1918 and 19:9; that said lands were assessed, t.i:.ed or specifically assessed for ihe years 1917, 1918 ami 1919, in the name of Chas. Atchinson und that the i.eiM-n in whose name the title to said land j appears of record in the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio legi.-terj of deeds of said county, is Chas. Atch- ( inson. After the expiration of thiee: months from the date of the service of this notice, a deed to said lands will be applied for. ' Dated this 7th dav of March. 1921., (Signed) CLEVELAND LEWIS. I LEE BASYE, Attorney. ; March 8-April 1 incl, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1921 If You Don't-Weaken.' LAKESIDE O, E. Black drove to Alliance Thurs day. Mick t.vans was an Antloch visitor Sunday. Edward Jameson went to Alliance Thursday. Mairgie Cody was a Lakeside vis itor Saturday. i Frank Westovcr drove in from the countn Saturday. Mrs. I:. M. Johnston went to A.-Iiby j on No. 41, Sunday. Harcy Whalc-y drove to Antiochi Wednoi.ilav evening. - T. V. Corman is here visiting friends at the pieent time. crowd from here a'tcndod the dance at Antioch Friday night. 400.00. Mrs. Jiarvey Whatey went to Alii-, K. T. Kibble and wiTe rt ul to C. C. nnce Frid-.y and returned Saturday. Ackcrman et al, NE' of section 20 - Ellswvrth .Uh visited relatives j:t 25-47, $!,(;00.00. Ashby the latter part of the week. , Wilber F. Patterson and wife to Er Mr. and Mrs. Jake Herman drove "n win S. Patterson, NWU of section 12- rrom me rancn Minuav aitern n. Mr. ami Paul Gillisp'e and little son spent Thursday at the Pollard home. Mr. and Mrs. Ch is. Carey and Mrs. King were Lakeside shoppers Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Maggie eib"ng went to Ashby Saturday to visit relatives for a M. S. Hargraves and wife to P. O. couple of weeks. Beckwell, lot 3, block M, Sheridan Ed. and Bertha Tyler were in from addition, $500.00. the country Wednesday evening and Annie E. Duncan and husband to attended the dance. , William A. Wadum, lot 1, block 2, Carl Miller came up from the ranch Hitchcock Hills and Snedtker's addi Wednesduy to r.t'end the dance and tion. $900.00. vis?t his family here. Philip J. Michael and wife to Her- Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFranee were man F. Peterson, NWU of section 12 up from the ranch Wednesday evening 27-51, $7,fi00.00. to attend the laV dance. 1 v Messrs. Dick Williams. Burl Coe and Harold Fessenden were Bingham vis tors Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Roe purchased a fine new Edison phonograph whicb was delivered to their home la t week. Ernest Underhill returned home last absence workinir in the northern part of the. it of the,0" a d charge fr cntn .Mrs. Will Chase and baby went to Alliance the latter part of the week to visit at the Albert Hudson home at that place Clarence Fessenden is able to get around with the a'd of crutches now. He is recovering nicely after sprain :ng his ankle two weeks ago. Mrs. R. D. Kirkoatrick very pleas antly entertained the Lakeside kens ington club at her home in West Lake side last Thursday afternoon. Ray Toline returned from Alliance Saturdav where he h- been the last few weeks. Frances Kitcken met him ?! 'mpi:nir to run nis quu across here and took him out to his home in foun,1 e Fpreal in all dnec the country tions and dived in a blur. .Mr. an.f Mrs. KahW and son are ' A" .h rtarin at it the i, lea of leaving for Gillette, Wyo.. the first of . Wottiny paper came to him as an this week where they will reside on a inspiration, and it needed but a touch ranch. They. loaded" a car with the-r ? wo to produce a paper s-milar to household goods and stock. Their that use tlay. It was made of red friends here wh them prosperity in raP; unl ?oul(1 not e bleached into their new location. , 8 titr color, and as there were few The ladies of the kensimrton club rendered a home talent play at the dining hall last Wednesday night which was enjoyed by a large crowd. After the play the big dance wa at tended by a goodly unmler, some from other towns and others from out fn the countrv. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warren on. I fnt'f ! t- li-iir l-f s fTI i vi . I floiwlu Dick nson. Greenfield. Bob Campbell,! Ragland, Brumbeau and Dalbey, were down from Antioch. Excellent music was furnished and a jolly time was re ported. Stock hoes wanted by the Ne braska Land Compnny. 103-tf CARELESS The motor-car of today is a splendid example of scientific progress. And yet careless pedestrians are continu-1 ally spo'ling its delicate mach'nery w ith small pieces of themselves. Lon- don Opinion. REAL ESTATE Box Dntte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C MfcCORJO-E, Manager Office Ground Floor First National Hank KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Filed for record for week March 12, 1!21: en.linK C. E. Herrcnkohl and wife to Grace Beeman, lots 11 and 12, block 4, Mc lick's addition. SKI.VOO. Myrtle E.- Sairord, widow, to John Henderson, SEUNWU. NE'iSW'i, jlots 2 and 3 of section 1!, SEUSW'-i, . lot 4, section fs, NEUNW'i, lot 1, section 19-25-52, $10,000.00. .T. F. Swarts, single, to Wilbur Allen, NWU of section 12-20-50, $10,100.00. Frank Abegg and wife to J. R. At- wood, h1 of section 1 and NYY o' section 1-25-51, $10,000.00 Keorire C. 0:born and wife to John AozrU. I'.'-, nf Dillon r!:?-0s-.ii . 2G-4S. 51 000 00 J. D. Cantrell and wife to J. C. Ber- zina, part of SE'4 NWU of section 35-25-4 S, $1,750.00. M. B. Price, widower, to J. D. Can trell, part of SEUNWV sect'on 35- 25-t. s''00 00 Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf BLOTTING PAPER Blotting paper was an accident. Its ! I ?. . 1 "'scovery gained us inventor noin.ng but l:-harge from his portion,. and 1 a first rate srolding to precede that Larl' ,n the 19th,centUry a Berkshire Par manufacturer Wandered out into h"; fuc,tPor'' ''"J1 ulanced into a vat of pulp. The next moment he was raging "P hkI down, and calling curses on the jeaci oi a .ucK.ess workman wno na forgotten to put in the "sizing." and whoe carelessness had ruined the batch. The workman was discharged on the spot, und the "sjio'lt" batch was thrown aside. Later the manufacturer dee'ded to use it for scratch paper, an" .was mole 'WW", wnen, Ior le" PaPer. lne P'nK or ,e" style remained in force for many years, and today is still the most popular color in the cheaper grades. The reason it "blots" is that the ma ler'al is merely a mass of' hairlike tubes that suck uo the -liouid by capil lary attraction. Empeco Paper News. Cottonseed cake for sale. O'Hannon & Neuswanger.; Phone 71. 29tf self-explanatory Recruiting Sergeant: "Wo'ts your name and wot branch of the' service d'ye want to bejn?" Perkins (who stammers): "Pup-p-p-p-pup-pup " R. S. (writing): "Can't speak Eng- lish and wants to join machine-gun outfit." American Legion Weekly. . A dispatch sav whole Polish towns are babyless; perhaps the people are all living in flats. SEVEN SOMErillNG TO LEARN A New Yoik paper says that the United Sttes have three hundred thousand men idle in the building trade. Thry may think Jhey are idle, but they ought to see some of our bricklayers at work before they brag about it. Punch (London). TO MAKE THE WORLD SAFER If Germany's piioposal for chemical disarmament is accepted, we might egin with the blondes as the most deadly. Richmond Times-Dispatch. .. , - - K. of COUNCIL No. 97." Meets 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 311 Box Butte Avenue Upstairs B. O. HA I'M AN, F. S. Phones 1037 and 734 TAXI Cm. C. MADSEN, Prop. TELEPHONES ' Day 24 Night 1073 MOVING, PACKING. STORINO AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It's Your Mote, Let Us Know." Office Phone 15; Res. 884 and Blk.73(l PHYSICIAN and SURGEON DR. EINAR BLAK OFFICE IN MALLERY BLOCK Office 10 Phone Residence 101 C. F. MORANVILLE Carpenter Work of all Kinds Phone 970 or Red 113 DR. A. CLARENCE SCHOCII General Surgeon 1 Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 187 Res. Phone, Blk. 621 Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 12.12 Missouri Telephone 384 L. A. KERRY ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 . ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted I Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 805 Wilson Building i . Real Estate, Loans and V Insurance s4TUF F. E. REDDISH " Reddish Block tf Phone 66 i Alliance Harry P. Coursey ? AUCTIONEER ' "'1 Live Stork and General Farm Sale J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor , I have the only set of Abstract Books in Box Butte County First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: RES. NO. 113 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successor, to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company piano moving by auto truce: packing and crating furnitue a specialty Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Pleaae" Have it . WELDED With the OXY-ACETYLENE PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frames a4 Transmission Cases a Specialty ALL TRACTOR FASTS Geo. H. Breckner itv Lacatt 111 Vsst U U