THE ALLlAWCt HkUIALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 1. 1021 HIREE N nify For the Next 1 0 HORACE Openin Our policy during: this sale and throughout the year is to mark our prices at the lowest possible level, depending upon a large busi ness volume to make a fair and legitimate profit. A 2 per cent profit on $100 in sales amounts to but 2, but if our sales are increased so that we can make this turn-over once a month it is as good as a 24 per cent profit once a year. L J o Days Only at The r BOGUE ; i ! I Saturday TORE Morniii A large sales volume distirbutes the cost of doing business among more people and permits each individual to buy for less. That is why these prices are posjible. They mean a drastic reduc tion of profit on each single sale, but the rapid frequence of sales will make possible a reasonable return on our investment. SILKS Silk Tafreta, Satin, Messaline, Crepe de Chine and Georgette, in all the leading shades $1.95 Silk Poplins, 36-inch, in black, brown, navy, tan and gray former price, $2.50, at $1.45 Fancy Satins and Taffeta in stripes, plaids and checks, former price $3.50, at $1.59 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Of a fine quality gingham, in plain and with plaid trimming ; values up to $3.50, at $1.59 Children's in plain and checked ginghams; sizes 1 to 4 ; values up to $2.50, at $1.19 LADIES' SILK WAISTS , One big assortment of these in all the leading shades r former values up to $12.50, at $5.95 One big assortment of Georgette Waists in a good range of colors ; also fine White Net Waists, former values up to $8.50, at 3C1 SHOtiS Our entire stock of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILD REN'S SHOES put into this, sale ift greatly reduced prices. ' , $15.00 and $18.50 values ladies' 9-inch lace shoes, in patent kid, brown kid and black kid.j Covered French heels; also leather French heels (and Cuban and military heel, going at $9.45 j Ladies' Pump and Oxford Ties in patent kid, brown kid and black leather. Covered ,Frcnch heels ; all $15.00 values goingjat $9.45 j Ladies' Shoes in brown kid and Mack kid; Cuban and Military heels; $15.50 and $11.50 values going at $7.65" Ladies' Shoes, black, gray and brown kid, button; $G.OO and $8.50- values at $3.05 SILK UNDERWEAR Envelope Chemise of a good heavy quality wash satin; also Crepe de Chine; former values up to $5.50, at $2.45 Ladies' Dloomers of wash satin and fancy silks; former values up to $1.50, at $229 Camisoles of Satin and Crepe de Chine, fine lace trimmed and hand embroidered, at ' $1.95 LADIES' DRESSES AND APRONS Home dresses of a fine quality gingham, made up in neat styles, in plaid, striped and checked patterns; values up to $5.00, at $1.59 Ladies' I'ungalow Aprons of a good quality percale; former values up to $3.50, at 98c SSBDS $3.95 CHILDREN'S SHOES t Children's Shoes, sizes 8'i to 11 in black and brown kid; also calf-skin, at CHILDREN'S SHOES In kid and also fine velour, of sizes 6 to 8; good heavy turn soles, at '. $3.29 One lot of good, heavy kid button, with a good, heavy sole ; sizes 2 to o1, at SHEETING Feppcrell Sheeting, 2' yards wide, in bleached, at 59c Pcpperell Sheeting, 2 1-1 yards wide, in full bleached, at 53c Pepperell Sheeting, 2 yards wide, full bleached, at 49c CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.75 $1.39 $ o nc This Sale Includes Everything on Our First Floor SILK HOSIERY Fancy Lace llose in black, white and brown, also plain all silk hose in black, white, brown C1 PA and gray; former price $3.00, at J)l.Jj Silk Hose with lisle tops in black, white, CI 1Q brown and navy; former price $2.50, at Lisle Hose in black, white and brown, a fine quality spring and summer weight; Q former price 75c, at JJL SATURDAY SPECIAL Hours 9 to 10 Olock 50 EXTRA LARGE FANCY TURKISH TOWELS with pink, blue and gold borders -a, 19C each One to a Customer TURKISH TOWELS Fancy Turkish Towels all over Jacquard patterns with pink, blue and gold borders ; 7Q fnrmpr value $1.50. at Extra heavy ribbed pattern, size 18x"G, in plain also colored borders, a $1.00 value, at Size 17x33 in plain white only; an extra OO good weight, former value 75c, at OoK 59c Dress Goods Ginghams, the very best quality in fast colors, new plaid patterns, also plain colors 9Q to match, at, per yard LdC Dress Ginghams, standard quality in plaid stripes and check patterns, at . 17c 14c Amoskeag apron ginghams, fast colors, full 27-inch, the best quality made, at, per yard-.., Manchester Percale, 36-in.; the best quality we can get in light and dark patterns, OAo fast colors, at, per yard tJt Standard 36-inch Percales, a very good quality, in light and dark patterns, at, yard VALICOES American prints, the best quality in light and dark patterns; also plain 1 1 oil colors at, per yard . 11C 19c MUSLINS 36-inch, Hope and Deacon, free from starch, soft finish, at, per yard 16c CURTAIN MATERIALS Curtain Net and Lace with plain, also lace edges in white, cream and ecru, former values 7Qn $1.54); at, pef yard I VC Scrims in plain and colored borders, in white, cream and ecru,, former value 75c ; 31 at. per yard OIC Curtain Swiss, in dotted, checked and flowered patterns, white only, former value 75c, at 3 MONDAY SPECIAL 50 HUCK TOWELS. PLAIN WHITE AND FANCY Uorders, from 9 to 10 o'clock only at 19c each One to a Customer 11.59 PETTICOATS Fine quality Sateen in plain colors, also fancy flow ered patterns, values up to $1.50, at EMBROIDERY One big lot of these in 9- and 12-inch; also 1Q- corset cover width, at, per yard lfC LACES , One big lot of this in 2-inch and up to 5-inch for . 1 A underwear and dress trimmings, at, per yard 1UC Don't Forget the "HOUR SALE" Saturday and Monday The HORACE . BOGUE STORE, Inc j