SEVEN THE GREATER SHAME Wifey: "Aren't you positively .shamed that j our wife and daughter ire all out lit the elbows?" Hub: "Nope. But I am ashamed hat they are nil out at the knees." Gene Byrnes Says: "Thanks for the Advice." ( T i V rSMt oowT rut There is no decrease in baseball in ere.'t in the baibor shop league. tw raffia wss&Vw. TAXI G. C. MADS EN, Prop. TELEPHONES Day 24 Night-1073 CTfV7rl,' THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY. FERRUARY 22, 1021 ' 7 THIS i-THE- 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want tn buy sonifthins:? Htin dr"d of pi-opii? sran lluxf Want Ad oluimiH IddUinir for whnl you or olheix have olT-r. G-t qui-k ipmills hy hiI wi t islntr In The HfiHld Want Ad department. HATKS Two rents -per word per insertion. CokIn more than other nnvspopcm, hut we guar antee that you reach Heveial hun dred niorf redei. liuy circula tion, not hot air. FOR SALE ITOR. SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf WANTED WANTED Stock hogs. Nebraska Land Co. 103-tf FOUND FOUND Black fur muff about a ' month ago. Telephone 109. 25 FOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooms. Cheap if taken t one. Phon G54, or call at 224 Big Horn. 25 MISCELLANEOUS COLUMBIA HATCHERY P. O. Box 1102 Denver, Colo. Capacity over 10,00 Chicks Weekly We can supply you with any quantity f Eaby Chicks 15 varieties. Live delivery guaranteed. Parcel post pre paid. Write for prices and full par ticulars. I9tf SEEMS INCREDIBLE "Do tell ua about the great wild west." said the impressionable young Woman. "You may not believe it," replied the tourist, "but I found a little town in North Dakota where there was not a single motion-picture theatre." Birm ingham Age-Herald. " StifcKlFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court in favor of Charles Brittan, plaintiff, and against Amos J. Abley, defendant, I will, on the 2nd day of March, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., on said date, at the west front door of the court house at Alliance, Box Butte county, Ne braska, sell the following described real estate, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of Section Eleven (11), Town ship Twenty-six (26), North of Range Fifty (50) West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Box Butte county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale, in the sum of $3,766.35, with interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum, from December 18th, 1920, costs and ac cruing costs. J. W. MILLER, Sheriff of Box Butte County, Nebraska. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Jan28-Marl NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. , In the Matter of the Estate of Charles E. Hershman, Deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, ss. To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in the city of Alliance, Box Butte county, Ne braska, on the 23rd day of June, 1921, at ten o'clock in the- forenoon to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is four months from the 21st day of February, 1921, and the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said 21st day of February, 1921. (Signed) IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Febl8-Marl8 cF5 js -"-i A fef) NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! AND HEIRS i In the County Court ot Cox Butte I County, Nebraska. 1 In the matter of the estate of Mat tie M. Barnes, deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun-; ty, ss.: ! j To all persons interested in the e.- : ; tate of Mattie M. Barnes, deceased, j , both creditors and heirs, take notice, i that on the 7th day of February, 1921, John W. Armstrong filed his petition i i in the County Court of Box Butte ' County, Nebraska, setting forth that j Mattie M. Barnes, deceased, departed , this life intestate on the 24th day of , November, 1900, at ncr residence near iPrnirle in. Custer County, State of J South Dakota, and being immediately i preceding her death a resident and in j habitant of Custer County, State of j Souih Dakota; and was possessed in I f simple at the time of her of the following described real estate, ; to-wit: the southwest quarter (SWU) ! of section four (4), In township twen- ty-seven ytt), norm oi range lony-. eight, west of the sixth principal me-: j ridian, in Box Butte County, Ne braska, and that said lands were all of I ' the real estate in the State of Nebras-1 ka, owned by the deceased at the time of her deuth; that the petitioner is I the owner in fee simple of said lands and derives his title to the same through the said Mattie M. Barnes, . deceased. 1 The petitioner further states that more than two years have elapsed since the death of th? said Mattie M. Barnes and that no application- has ever been made for an administrator of her estate, in the State of Nebras ka, either by her heirs or by persons claiming to be creditors of her estate, and at the time of her death she left ! surviving her, as her sole and only heirs at law, the following named per ! sons, to-wit: Albert G. Barnes, her ; husband, of Custer, South Dakota ; and ! their children, Mattie M. Barnes, a j daughter, now Mattie M. Sutherland, i of Pringle, South' Dakota, and Merle i Barnes, a son, of Custer, South Da- kota, each of whom is now more than I twenty-one years of age, and that said j lands descended to said persons at the death ot the said luattie iw. uarnes in the proportion of an undivided one third interest in fee simple as tenants in common, to each of said persons as his distributive share in and to said estate. The object and prayer of said peti tion is that the court appoint a time and place for a hearing upon said pe tition and that notice may be given and issued to all persons interested in r.i id pstate. both creditors and heirs. ! to the end that the regular administra tion be dispensed with and that the estate of the said Mattie M. Barnes, deceased, be fully administered in ac cordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska, providing for the deter mination of heirs and the right of suc cession to real estate when a period of more than two years has elapsed since the death of the intestate, and for such other and further proceedings as may be proper for the full administra tion of said estate. That the court will find, determine and decree. that the said Mattie M. Barnes, deceased, died intestate on the 24th day of No vember, 1900, at her residence near Pringle, in Custer County, South Da kota, being at the time of her death a resident and inhabitant of Custer County, South Dakota, and that more than two years have now elapsed since her death; that the said Mattie M. Barnes, at the time of her death, was the owner in fee simple of the southwest quarter (SW'i) of section four (4), in township twenty-seven (27), north of range forty-eight (48), west of the sixth principal meridian, in Box Butte County, Nebraska, and that the petitioner is now the owner of said lands; that no application has ever been made in the State of Ne braska for the appointment of an ad ministrator for her estate; that the sole and only heirs at law of the said Mattie M. Barnes at the time of her death were her husband, Alfred G. Barnes, of Custer, South Dakota, and their children, Mattie M. Barnes, a daughter, now Mattie M. Sutherland, of Pringle, South Dakota, and Merle Barnes, a son, of Custer, South Da kota, and each of said persons Is now of lawful age and are the persons to whom said lands descended at the time of the death of the said deceased. It is hereby ordered that a hearing be had on said petition in the County Court Room in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the IHT OC r0 tOO 10th day of March. 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M and that notice thereof be Riven all persons interested in said estate, both creditors and heirs, of the time and place fixed to: said hearing, by the publicat;on of this notice for three successive weeks prioi to said hearing, in the Alliance Her ald, a newspaper, published, printed and circulated in said County. In witness whereof, I have hereun to set my hand und the official seal o said County Court, this 7th day o February, 1921. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) " County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney. Feb. 8 March 4,1hcl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebr. January 20, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Joe D. Bignell, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, or. Febr. 12, 1918, made Homestead entry No. 01S436, for S'iSWU of Sec. 13. SiSEV4 of Sec. 14; NE'4; NiSEi of Sec. 23; WttNWU, NEViNWU an: NWViSWtt of Section 24, Townshii 23, North, Range 48, West of the Sixtl Principal Meridian, has filed notice o intention to make final three-veai proof, to establish claim to the lam above described, before Register ani Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Alliance Nebraska, on the 20th day of Fcbru ary, 1921. Claimant names at witnesses: Frank Cantwell, Robert Graham, Julius Bir kle and Norman Newberry, all of Alli ance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. Jan21-Feb22 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE HERE A COMMUNITY FED ERATED CHURCH OF BEREA, NEBRASKA. Notiee is hereby given that the un dersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Ne braska. That the name of said cor poration is The Berea Community Federated Church of Berea, Nebraska. That the principal place of transacting the business of said corporation is Berea, Box Butte County, Nebraska. That the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted by said corpora tion shall be (a) the gathering togeth er in fellowship of Christians, that we may better promote the Kingdom of God; that we may give our community spiritual, moral and physical help; that our children may win in the race of life, and thus fulfill their mission, which is to glorify God; (b) to buy, own, sell, lease and otherwise acquire A I - . - J 11 anil mortgage ifui estate umi uu kinds of personal property, needful and useful in carrying on the object and business of this corporation; (0 to borrow and loan money necessary to the business of this corporation: to make and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange and other evidences of in debtedness of every kind, secured by mortgage pledge or otherwise; (d) and to do all things necessary and in cidental to the general business of this corporation. That the amount of capi at stock of said corporation authoiized is the sum of $5,000.00 to be raised by donations of the members of said cor poration and of persons not members of said corporation. No stock in said corporation is to be owned by or issued to any person. All property donated to said corporation is to be owned by said corporation. That said corpora tion shall commence on the 1st day of January, 1921, and shall continue for the period of fifty years, unless sooner dissolved by the members thereof. That the highest amount of indebted ness or liability to which said corpora tion may subject itself, at any one time, shall not exceed a um equal to two-thirds of its authorized capital stock of $3,000.00. That the affairs of said corporation f-hall be conducted by a Board of Managers, consisting of five persons who are members of said corporation; that the officers of said corporation shall be moderator, who Khali be chairman of said Board of Managers, clerk and treasurer. The moderator, clerk and treasurer may or may not be members of the Board of Managers. THOMAS HAWKINS, CLARA ROWLEY, I. E. BARRITT, JOHN NIELSEN, ANTON STENBERG. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Febl&-Marl8 For results a wan ad In the ITerald THAMU5 FOR OOfcKTTD TMt ADM ICC NOTICE I'O CREDITORS In tlu County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Eva I). Treat. Deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun- ' To the Creditors of Said Estate: You hereby notified that 1 will it in the County Court room in the "ourt House of Box Butte County, cbrnska, at Alliance, Nebraska, on vhe 24th day of June, 1921, at ten )'c!o"k in the forenoon to receive anil am!ne all claims against said estate "or the purpose of their allowance and ijilustniert. The time limit for the j-rcsentat'on of claims aga;nst said es- ate is r'tiety days from the lKth day of March, 1921, and the time limit foi aving (! bis is oie vear from said Sth day of March, 1921. Hi A E. TASH, (Seal) Count v Judge. :- A. BALD, Attorney. Feb22-MarlK WEEKLY MARKETGRAM (U. S. Bureau of Market) Hay and Feed. Hav receipts light in eastern mar kets; heavy in we t. Trend of mar 'cet downward. Prices declined tht week but a few have reacted from the 'ow po'nt. Cincinnati still congested. Good demand for best hay noted at M'nneapoUs and Omaha. Quoted, Feb 1 No. I Timothy New York $:.", Phil idelphia t24, Cincinnati $23, Ch'cng. 23..r0, Minneapolis $20. Memphis $29 Kansas City $18..f.0. No. 1 Alfalfw Kansas City $19.50, Memphis $27. Omaha $19. No. 1 Prairie Minneapolis $15. Kansas City $13, Omaha $10. Wheat feed market slightly improv ed; linseed ami cottonseed meal re main dull and in light demand. Al falfa meal and beet pulp quret. Hom iny fed and catfeed quoted higher. (Jluten feed unchanged. Weather con ditions restricting demand. Stocks in ill sections reported as normal or 'arger than normal. Cotton-eed stocks at mills about 7,000 tons larger on January 31 than last year, insuring sufficient production from now on to equal that of last year. Feed prices in general barely holding steady. Quoted bran $20.r0, middlings $20, flour middlings $24, Minneafudis; lin ked meal $3G Minneapolis, $12 Cincin nati; 30 per cent cottonseed meal $20.50 Memphis, $33 Chicago, $35.50 northeastern markets; white hominy feed $22 St. Louis, $2fi Cincinnati, $30 Atlanta; No. 1 Alfalfa meal $19.50 Kansas City, 21 St. Louis; Gluten feed $35 Chicago, $28 Cincinnati; beet pudp $33 New Y oik. ' Fruits and Vegetables. Sacked Round White potatoes down 5c per 100 Jbs. f. o. b. northern ship ping stations at K0-90c. Chicago car lot market off 10-15c, reaching $1.05 $1.10 sacked. Round Whites held around $1 at western New Y'ork ship ping points. New York markeflost 10-l5c, reaching $1.40-11.50 bulk. Car-lot shipments week ended Fed ruary 16: potatoes 2,901 cars; boxed apples 516, barreled apples 1,018; cab bage 495; celery 40.) lettuce 391; onions 357; sweet potatoes 410. Ship ments weed ended February 9; pota toes 2,763 cars; boxed apples 451, bar reled apples 1,093; cabbage 429; cel ery 361; lettuce 391; onions 351; sweet potatoes 380. Live Stock and Meats. With the exception of sheep and lambs Chicago live stock prices show ed advances compared with a week ago. Hogs advanced 25c-f0c, beef steers C5c-95c, feeder steeps 25c-$l per 100 lbs. Common cows and heifers unchanged but better grades were 50c- REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance Citj Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C McCORKLE, Manager " Office Crowd Floor First National Bank - , y 75c higher. Fat Iambs declined 60c $1; feeding lambs 5()c-75c. Yearlings 25c-50c lower; fat ewes steady to 25c higher. February 17 Chicago prices: hogs, hulk of sales, $9-$9.75; medium ami good beef steers $8,401$ 1 0. 1 5; butcher cows and heifers $4-$9.25; feeder steers S7-SM.75: litrht and medium weight veal calves $9.50-12.25; tut lambs $-9.50; feeding lambs $fi.2; -7.50; yearlings $5.50-$7.25: fat ewes $3.50-$5.25. Eastern wholesale fresh meat mar kets, compared with a week ago beef ranged steady to $1 higher per 100 lbs. Mutton up $l-$2 higher; veal up $1 at some markets, $1 lower at others. l.;iml and nolle loins nrnrti- cally steady. February 17 prices goxl grade meats: ocer flo-$l.r); veal $1S $20; lamb $17-$20; mutton $10-$13; light pork loins S19-J21 : heavv loins $14-$ 17.50. Grain. The weeks grain trading had a poor start, prices dropping about 2c on ac count of evening up for the double holiday. On the 14 ami 15 prices rose 10c as result of reports of green bugH in southwest. Later, un overbought condition was disclosed and u part of the advances was lost despite more serious reports regarding green bugs, Larger movement, small demand and entire lack of export business are now dominating markets sentiment. Mill ing demand slow. On the 17 five lown banks reported closed. In 'Chicago cash markets No. 2 Red Winter wheat ?0-31c over Chicago March; No. 2 Hard 4-7c over; No. 3 Mixed Corn 4 l-2c under May; Yellow 3 1-2 to 4c under. Minneapolis reports flour de mand dull; wheat milling demand fair. For the week Chicago March wheat advanced lc at $1.08; May corn 2c at 697i.c Minneapolis March wheat up lc at $!.); Kansas City March down "ic at l.5S'a. Chicago May wheat $1.59 1-8. Dairy Products. Butter markets gained strength during week prices of higher grades advances 'a-lc nlmost daily. The hand to mouth buying by jobbers and retailers has given wuy to more con fidence ami more active trading. About 900,000 lbs. Danish butter have arrived at New York with present markets at 45-4lc for it. Prices 92 score Domes tic: New York, Boston and Chicago 47c; Philadelphia 4 Sc. ONE GOOD POINT The man in the rainbow stockings was trying to play golf. The diffi culty was, of course, to hit the ball. It was so much easier to hit the ground. He hit that every time. The turf fiew in all directions. Swish! Swosh! Plop! More excavations. Something was wrong somewhere. It couldn't be his stockings. It must be the links. He turned helplessly to his opponent. "Whnt do you think of these links?" he exclaimed. "What do I think of 'em?" gasped his opponent, wiping a bit of soil from his lips. "Pouf. Best I ever tasted." THAT HORRID WORD AGAIN "What's the matter?" cried Mrs. Jones, when Bobby came running into the house in tears, dragging his little tin sword behind him and rubbing the seat of his trousers. "I thought you were having such a good time playing soldier." "We were," Fobled Bobby, "and I was Sherman, and papa heard me." Well, everybody can remember when dollar wheat was the talk of the town. T MOVING, PACKING, STORING AND SHIPPING SNYDKIt TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It's Your Move, Let I'm Know." Office Phone 15; Res. 881 and RIk.730 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON DR. EINAR DLAK OFFICE IN MALLKRY BLOCK Office 101 Phone Residence 101 C. P. MORANVILLE Carpenter Work of all Kinds Phone 970 or Red 413 1 DR. A. CLARENCE SCIIOCII General Surgeon Rumcr Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 1 87 Res. Phone, Blk. 52J When in Anticch Take Your Meals at The Liberty Cafe Meals at All Hours JOHN STRATE Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri ' Telephone 384 L. A. 1JERRY ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doclorx of Optometry 1 Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone fc65 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and Insurance F. E. REDDISH " Reddish Rlock tf Phone 661 Alliance Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER 4 1 Lire Stock and General Farm Sa(et J. D. EMERICK KonJed Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract Books in Box Butte County First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: RES. NO. 113 OFFICE NO. i, JVansfer ancT Storage Successors to Wallace Trans, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVINO BY AUTO TRUCK PACKINO AND CRATING PURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Please' Have it WELDED With tl OXTVACETTLENE PBOCESJ Cylinder Blocks, Frame aal Traxumiulon Caae a Spedaltj: ALL TRACTOR PASTS Geo. H. Breckner Nev Ifitt tlM Vest tl