The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 22, 1921, Page THREE, Image 3

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    TitE A.J.IAM'h Ilr.lwM.D.
TupiM of Miss Leone Mallery Write
to Student! in the Alliance
Public School
(OotitlniiPil From Last Issue.)
From I'nrlmirtr Hoy -II Vrara OM.
Ipr Krlcnd. Sometlm-n I wish I
rou)il K to N w York Oly In tlie win
tor timp. W do not have Know 011
Kauai a you lo m we wear very thin
clothing nt HioHt or the children lo
not wnr Fhoi-H.
I am in the sixth grade of the Kleele
cnool. Wnen the nell nnRX nil the
children ten out In the yard and play
-rumen. We play volley hall, football
and nome other gainr. We do the
Janitor work of the m hool and keep the
yard clean of trnxh and v eed.
Kvery Sunday 1 bo pwlmniinx' with
.ome other boy. We ten down to the
heach at half pant eleven and come
home at two o'clock. The water In never
I am a Portuguese boy. I am four
teen yearn old. I work In a grocery
jptore after school and on .Saturday. I
drive a truck part of the time and part
of the time 1 work Inaide. the more
ellinar Brocerle.. What do you do to
arn money? rinase write noon.
Your truly.
From a Japanea ;irl 12 Years Old.
l"ear Krlend. I am a Japanese jrlrl In
"the sixth (Trade. I am eleven yeara old.
I will tell you about our island. We
liave rainbows when It rains and the
colors are, purple, blue, preen and
.sometimes red or pink. Sometimes there
-are rainbows at night.
The mountains are blue. Once we
looked the mountains It waa very blue
and beautiful.
There is one Is rare bridfre In Hans
pope. Near this bridge Is a hotel and
it Is very large. The other two small
bridges were destroyed by the winds,
nnd the rains. When there was the
Hood, the rice patches were covered
-with water.
In Kleele school there are grades
from the baby room through the eighth
grade. My sister is In the eighth grade
now. There are pineapple factories in
"Koloa. The age from fourteen could go
.nd work. And there are many bananas
-nd pine trees In the way of Knloa, but
om near our school yard. The flag
role Is In the front of the school, is
broken Into pieces.
There was a big flood at Hanapepe.
"The waves of the water was very high
nnd three of our big trees were blow n
down. The water was deep as the
man's chest on the road, and It came in
my bed room so I went away. A man
carried me to a place, there the water
Is not deep. When the water was lower
the ground was very muddy. The next
day we had a hard time to clean our
Now I have told you something about
our place so 1 will ask you to tell we
.about jour city and life .
Your friend,
From a Japanese ;lrl 12 Years Old.
Pear Friend. I wished to tell you
.something about Kauni. Kauai Is the
most northern of the Hawaiian Islands.
I am a Japanese girl, twelve years
old. I am in the sixth grade. My father
and mother are Japanese. I have two
lirothers and two sisters.
My father and mother work In the
fane field. They carry the cane into the
-cars. First they pile the canes and
arry them into the cars then the
mules pull the can to where the train
taka it to the mill.
The climate 01" the Hawaiian Islands
Is mild. In winter it rains and the
wind sometimes blow so hard that it
tireaks trees. Hut it Is' not done often.
Our drinking water comes from the
rieasc tell me something about your
liomes and tell me something about
Know because I have never seen It. I
liave seen only ice in Ice cream freezers
and I would like to see it coming down
from the skies.. I think it would be
very beautiful.
1 wished to meet you some day when
there is no school. Then we can play
together. I will take you home with
me. you can eat rice with chop sticks
as we do.
Yours truly.
From a Sixth ;rade Chinese Boy.
tear Friend. I am a Chinese boy In
the sixth grade. My name is yuan Sock
Tal ('hong. I suppose you think it Is
very different from the names of most
of your friends.
Kauai is mild: the temperature of
Kauai is fifty degree to eighty-five de
gree. Sometimes we can see the beautiful
rainbows of many colors. The moun
tains of Kauai are not very high but
they are beautiful.
one dav 1 went up the mountain to
liunt. When I went up a cow chased
me. I went up the tree. I had a harder
time climbing down than up. Hut my
friend came and chased the cot away.
1 hope you can come over to Kauai for
a visit. Yours truly,
From Ah Yip SI to a Chinese filrl.
I am a little Chinese girl and I am
In the six grade. ....
We have the most wonderful lana
you ever saw. We have mountains,
blue and purple. We have a lighthouse
Just like Ft. Lorn a. in California. Our
school Is built above the valley and lh
ea. It is shaped like an H.
We have beautiful sunsets. At night
you can see a rainbow set upon the blue
We have cane here and when It Is
time to cut they bear purple plumes.
Hanapepe Is a small town. At night
it is all lighted. We have many plan
tations and camps. We have pineapples.
It is a fruit which is very delicious.
The color is red.
We have flowers called Hoeginvllla
It is a purple flower. We had a terrible
torm on January 16, 1921. Our flag
pole was broken.
The flood carried away pigs and
chickens. We have rice patches. The
rice is white. .
Will you please write me about your
big Cities?.
Your friend from Kauai,
From a Japanese Boy 12 Yeara Old.
Hear Friend. I am a Japanese boy,
13 years old and have lived on this
Island for eight years. I was born in
Honolulu. Our school Is shaped like a
capital H. From the platform of our
ftchool we could see the town of liana
pene and other beautiful sceneries.
The mountain near Camp II has beau
tiful colored rainbows and sometimes
the color of the mountain will be heavy
blue and purple. Ilanana trees r
planted all around the school but when
the violent storm came, the bananas
vent to pieces.
We can see a cape projecting out on
tvhich the lighthouse is located from
the school. There are two big stores
In Eleela where we buy goods and
The McBryde riantatlon In Eleele has
many cane fields. Port Allen is the
port for Kleele. In front of the school
roganlrllls is planted. We don't have
lice fields in Kleele but In Hanapepe
valley there are lots of them. Hana
pepe has many coffee shops and some
Fmall stores. There is a little land area
covered with cane fields in Hanapepe.
lloys and girls go and chew the cane
and the men scold us. There la one
liver that flows through the Hanapepe
valley which is the Hanapepe river. In
January a tornado came and threw
down (he flagpole and did a great dam
age to the people or Ihe Island. I
liveon Ihe hill In F.lleele. so 1 don't
know miK.h s limit the storm.
Some of the boys will tell you more.
I wish you send me a letter as soon
as you can and tell us about the great
city. Yours sincerely,
Pear Friend. I know that you wanl
to know where I live. I lite In Hana
pepe, Kniial. Kveryday I g to school.
I go to Kleele school. One day a strong
wind enine and our school flag pole
fell. Our school has a coin Held and
many corn plants fell down.
There Is a rler In Hanapepe. There
is a coTee shop near Ihe river and there
Is also a hotel near the river. Kvery
week there are moving pictures In
Kleele. There Is also lauding where
every month ships came. There are
mtny sunar factory. There ate tnany
train In Kauai hut they are used for
carrying sugar cane to the factory. Mv
teacher say you ruise beets for sugar
and that you have larger factories than
w e do.
Please write to me about you and
your countt. v.
Tours truly,
.11 1 m' KAN'A,
Jltsu Kano. Kleele, Kauai.
Pear Friend. I am In the Kleele
school. I have to walk about one and
a half miles to school from my home,
our school is on the top of a hill. Our
school colors are black and gold. There
is a river and an ocean near the school.
There are two canyons on Kauai,
Olokele and the Waimea canyon. Some
of the fruits of the Hawaiian Islands
are bananas, mangoes, pineapples, or
anges and grapes.
There are volcanoes on the Hawaiian
Islands. One of them Is the Kllanea.
Manv people go to see It. 1 don't know
very much about the volcano because 1
did not go to see It. Honolulu Is the
capital of the Hawaiian Islands. This
is all but I will write more again.
Y'ours trulv.
Pear Friend. I think voti will he
interested to read a letter from a coun
try so far from yours. I wanted you to
know something ahnutour island of
Kauai, about the crops and other things
The chief Industry Is agriculture.
The chief crops are sugar cane, pine
apple, rice, fruits and vegetables. Sugar
cane Is raised both on hills and In the
valley. Pineapples are raised on low
slopes. Itica is raised In the valleys.
I live among the rice fields.
Beside crops there are beautiful
places In Kauai. Olokele canyon Is In
the mountains north of my home. This
is one of the most beautiful places you
can imagine. There are hundreds of
different kinds of ferns, beautiful trees
and flowers. People who come here
from the States think it is wonderful.
Our school is on a hill. I think it
has the best view of any on the Island.
We can look down through two miles
of vail so- land to the oceon.
Hoping to receive a reply very soon,
Y'ours truly.
HOU till' CHANG,
with privilege of buying at ppecial
prices and having all rent paid applj
on purchase price. Must he willing tc
rent at least six months. Give full
references in first letter.
Denver, Colorado. 19-2fr
A Scotchman, very much downcast,
waa found by an acquaintance, another
Scotchman, sitting in a corner of a
waiting room at the station.
"What's the matter, Sandy?" asked
the acquaintance.
"Ah lost my looggage," was Sandy's
gloomy reply.
"Lost your looggage, mon? Why
how did it happen?"
And the reply came, very gloomy
this time: "The cork came oot and it
all ran away." Foresight.
Will Destroy Moonshine
Confiscated in Nebraska
In Last Seven Months
Between r00 nnd ('00 gallons of
moonshine whiskey nnd 110 "stills"
confiscated during the last Fevrn
months in raids on Nebraska hooch
distilleries will be deployed under the
guiding hand of federal prohibition
enforcement officials within the neS
few weeks. The fovb'dden juice which
has been gathered in from farms,
basements of homes, garages, hay
stacks, river bunks, and hundreds of
other conceivable hidden places out in
thp state, is at the present time stored
"somewhere in Omaha and Lincoln,"
says the Lincoln Star.
Destruction of the liquor and the
boor.e-making machines will be car
ried out with ceremonies as solemn as
a funeral, according to local govern
ment sleuths. There will be no pall
bearers to carry "Al K. Hall" to his
final resting place but Uncle Sam will
draft a number of olficial witnesses to
the interment.
Plans for the execution have not
been completed and probably will not
be made public before the zero hour
arrives. This much is known, the
liquor will disappear via the sewer
and the "stills", some of them the
handiwork of skilled mechanics, will
be placed upon the anvil and crushed
with heavy sledge hammers and iron
The copper parts of the Ftills will
be advertised and sold as junk, thff
money derived therefrom to go to the
United States treasury. Stills of
every size and description are in the
hands of federal officials. These
booze plants range in size from a
common tea kettle to sixty gallon
llllH.,,1 Mi
In connection with the statement
that the demand for baby buggies has
fallen off SO per cent it should be re
membered that baby now goes out in
the benzine runabout.
Stock hogs wanted by the Ne
braska Land Company. 103-t
In a divorce action in Louisiana
(Clark vs. Clark, 82 South 875) the
court decides that a casual spectator at j
a wedding might not be able to ident- (
ify the groom later on, but he could
identify the bride, the reason being 1
that the bride attracts more attention :
than does the groom. Cincinnati En
quirer. I
For this Week
For Cash
Seamless 9x12 Ax
minster Rugs for
$2.75 $4.60 $4.75
and $5.75
Geo. D. Darling
113-117 West Third Street
Alliance : Nebraska
Air Cooled Spark Plugs
Are in a Class by Themselves
Has a heavy ventilated copper electrode tipped with silver Two
of the best conductors known to science.
Carries a heavy ribbon spark. Does not feather off as it does on
a small steel electrode.
Produces a Hot Spark and a strong explosion which keeps plugs
and cylinders free from soot and carbon, and more miles to the gallon
of gas.
I want a live agent in every tawn in Western Nebraska, or would
consider county agents. For particulars address
Alliance, Nebraska
Distributor for Western Nebraska.
Each burial service planned and executed by us is marked
by the distinction that our good taste makes possible. Our
undertaking wisdom solves every burial problem. Local or
shipping funerals attended to in a manner that warrants
your confidence.
Glen Miller
Phones: Day, 311 123 West
Night, 522 or 533 Third Street
When the church in Newton, Mass.,
attended by Darius Cobb, the well
known painter, was trying to raise
money to lift the moiteage, a mass
mectinr was held to solicit contribu
tions. It came Mr. Cobb's turn to tell
what he would give for the cause.
"I haven't anv money, but I'll gixe a
$200 pivture," he said.
When all the contributions were in
it was found there was still a deficit
and the members of the congregation
were asked to increase their dona
tions. "All right," said Cobb, "I'll do my
share. I'll raise the price of my pic
ture to $.:oo."
Wanted to buy both your fat
and stock hogs. O'Bannon nnd
Ncuswj)nger. Phone 71. 18tf
Consumers may not generally appre
ciate it, lut there is a bumper crop of
poetry tlJis year.
Winding' a watch at about
the same time each day
liclps it to run accurately.
A little attention to this,
a little care in handling,
a cleaning and oiling once
a year, and your watch
will last a life time. A
little negligence on your
part and the watch is use
less. Why not take these precau
tion ?
Thiele 's
Jewelry Department
Imperial iiieuLd
The Crowned King of Drama in a Romantic Role
A Great Star A Groat FeatureA Great Treat.
Century Comedy "LAUGHING GAS?
Admission -Children, 20c; Adults 10c and war tax.
This is the picture that proves a man cannot worship pride
with success. It proves what all men know
That Pride is the First of the Deadly Sins.
Pride is cause of many wrongs and much unhappiness.
Did you ever know that Pride often becomes a Disease?
Admission Matinee and Night:
Children, 15c; Adults, 30 and War Tax
A Human Interest Story of the Picturesque Mississippi
River Shanty Boat People.
One-half of America laughed over Ellis Parker Butler's book:
"Pigs is Pigs." The balance will enjoy his charming photo
Usual Comedy and Fox News
Admission Matinee and Night:
Children, 15c ; Adults, 30 and War Tax
The Comedy Hit of the Year
Whats Your
Firt Name?
I know your last name it's the same as
mine. And our first names begin alike; but
the ending, that's where the difference may
show up.
Consumer is your last name mine, too.
My first name is Careful, but one branch
of the family answers to Careless. Where do
you come in?
If you are not sure, then here is a sure test.
Careless Consumer says advertising is all
"bunk" that it's a waste of time to read it, a
waste of though to believe it, and a waste of
money to buy things advertised.
Careful Consumer, that's me, says time
spent reading advertisements is well in
vested, that here you get news of the latest
and best things made, word as to where to
get them, what they cost, what they will do;
and that you have the pick of the whole mar
ket of the whole country, and the pick of the
particular kind, shape, size and color that
best suits your taste and fits your purse.
If you are not sure who you are, try reading v
advertisements for a while. Then you will know,
for you, too, will be Careful Consumer.
The Alliance Herald
New Location in the Masonic Temple Building;