The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1921, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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couple of mimm
The city council met in K"
F'on .it tb city hall last cvn'o'i Mid
in ionic other things passed a couple
r'iin- '"w, One of ho-- provided
for the calling of a special obvtbn to
tte k 10.000 water c:1cn-iori Nm!.,
i (I the tther ordinance p,v.i for
th cmuimico of ome 2M.CH)' bond.--to
foit the pr-,ne- In sevi distict..
Vii -ift.n was taken on the welfare
o.-dinanc? f.r the crdinances providng
lor li;'e i.j fees for plutnl-er.. t'e.Mri
c'ans, moving picture shows an I por!
lid's, (iuirett, a house mover, vrn
present, ami asked that the lieen -o fee
fr house movers lie wet it $r per
year, but some of the councllmen
thoi'ifht he was trying n mak'! n
I .onopoly out of !iimse!f, and the c'ty
i ttoi ney was instructed to .Ira up in
i. id nance leaving the :iconie fe, i.nil the council will then tel a
lopsonalilo figure.
(My Attorney Mctr. reported that
i had compiled a welfare oHmit.ce,
j.Mhough he douhted whether it would
r ppeul lo the welfare committee. He
was inrtiuctcd to mail a copy to the
committee, after which he will he
privileged to meet with them rnd
tlv.c. h the matter out.
Ir. and Mr. C. K. Slagle, Mr. and
Mr. Fred Hoi, ten and ir. and Mr. I
Uernard Holsten were dinner 'guests tt
(he home of Judge and Mrs. I. I). Tah j
Sunday, and assisted in appropriately j
celebrating the judge a liity-n.nlh
The regular meeting of the Woman's
club will be held at the I brary Friday
afternoon. February IS. The program
follow: Subject: "Meat." Iloll call,
"Oood Ideas In Huying"; papers:
"Comparative Food Value in flxpen
ive and Cheap Meats," Mrs. Anna
Miller: "Meat Substitutes," Mrs. Min
elle Smith; "Meat Salad," Mrs. Myr
le Ilubuiiue. Discussion. Music.
Hostesses. Mrs. Howard Kcdditdi, Mrs.
Harvey, Mrs. Churchill.
with privilege of buying at rpecial
prices and having all rent paid apply
on purchase price. Must be willing to
rent at least six months. Give full
references In first letter.
Denver, Colorado. 10-28
The debating team of the Alliance
high school met thut f Chadron at the
latter place Saturday evening, winning
a splendid victory, the decision of the
judges being unanimously in their
favor. Those composing the home tet'm
were Ruth Stanton. Edward Morrow
rnd Tom Miller. They wee accom
oanied bv their coach, Mis Keith.
The Chadron debaters were Dwight
Northrob, Harry Puima.! apd Reginald
Chalfout. The subject under discussio.i
was "Resolved, That t'le Literacy Te:t
for Immigration Should be IJepei'ed,"
Alliance taking the negative.
Judges were Prof. K. P. Wilson o'
the Chadron nt-vto n iimal school, Supt.
H. T. Acre if Gordon, Supt. C. A
Sheets of Valfn'.ire. Supi. T. R.
Crawford of Chalron piesided.
Sidney will M.t' at IViyard within
the near future, aid Alliance is to
njeet the winner. ThU latter contest
will decide the district championship.
The regular meeting of the Aloyah
rhapter of the Eastern Star will be
held this evening. Grand Matron
Anna J. Davis will be present and
special work will be given. After the
chapter, the men will entertain the
ladies with refreshment.
Mrs. E. G. f.aing. worthy matron,
will entertain the oiricers of the O. E.
S. at a six o'clock dinner at the Palm
Room, this evening, in honor of Grand
Matron, Mr. Anna J. Davis. Those
invited are: Geo. E. Davis, worthy
patron, Mrs. Ella Young, asociate
matron, Mrs. Nellie Wilson, secretary,
Mrs. Ada Spencer, treasurer; Mrs.
Ethel Kogan, conductress; Mrs. Doro
thy Hershman, associate conductress;
Mrs. Martha. Patmore, chaplain; Mrs.
Helen Ponath, organist; Mrs. Ruth
Pdack, Adnh; Mrs. Lillie Wilson, Ruth;
Mrs. Ethel Churchill, Esther; Mrs.
Amy Sturgeon, Martha; Mrs. EfTie
McKenzie. Electa; Mrs. Lellie Laing
warder; Alton H. Kobbins, sentinel;
E. G. Laig, and Mrs. A. H. Robbing
After the dinner, they will adjourn CO
the lodge room for the regular meet
ing of the O. E. S.
Tliio tininnr nntrintic weelf MetwCCn
t lnln'o ami Wnubintrtnn 51 hirtndaVKl
the school children of Central school
are observing same by singing Amer
ica" and giving the national Americal
school salute each noon, just after
marching in, ami wniie vncy are mih
; f V,a Kail Tli a rnmliinpfl PtTort
an in v in- ! - " - -
of the six hundred voices is moft in
spiring. Emerson school is louowinK
. .... irvri-n tin OVnnt t tint it
-.lf irnT iimkiiiiii -v ---
carried out the first thing in the morn
ing, und in all me rooms simultane
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hicks enter
tained about twentv of their frien Is
the evening of the 14th at a Valentine
and rook party. The tables were pret
tily decorated red and white and a
dainty two-couse lunch was served.
Miss Inez Jennings was assisting
Mrs. Howard Reddish has been
called to Lead, S. D., on account of
the iciiou:! illness of her mother. She
will leave tomorrow morning.
Archibald Adams ,of Havelock, the
birthday of her hu.-band, George E.
Davis, and the eighteenth wedding an
niversary of herself and husband,
Mrs. W. C. Mount delightfully en
tertained the Piesbyterian choir at-t
evening at a Valent'ne party. A four
course dinner was served at six-thirty,
after which Valentine games arid
music were enjoyed. The house was
appropriately decorated with red
hearts and cupids and red carnations.
James G. Kennedy of Berea reports
that since the visi tof Sheriir Miller,
Chief Jeffers and Deputy Sheriff Mis
kimmen to' his dance hall on the night
of January 22, cveryth'ng has gone
along peaceably. There have been no
evidence of white mule or other dis
turbing factors to mar the sweet
serenity of his existence.
Miss Cora Hershey of Chicago, ar
rived Sunday to take charge of the
millinery department at the Fashion
L. R. Hoag of Shickley, Neb., and
J. H. Easley of Alexandria, brother
and brother-in-law of the late G. N.
Hoag. were in Alliance to attend his
Mr. Clifford Horner, of Marsland,
came Friday to make an extended visit
with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
True Miller. Mr. Horner was also a
guest at the Miller home over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell will
leave Saturday morning for the south
where they will spend the remainder
of the winter, making their headquar
ters in New Orleans, La. They will
also visit points in Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Adams ar
rived Sunday from Havelock, Neb., to
make a ten days visit with their
daughter, Miss Daisy Adams, who is
spending, the winter at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Geo. E. Davis of this
II. H. Giles left Saturday morning
on train 44 for Chicago, following the
receipt of a telegram advising him
thata brother, who was a trainmaster,
has been crushed between two cars.
The brother died before Mr. Giles
could reach Chicago.
The Red Cross is offering for sale
some 200 hanks of yam, in gray and
brown, at 50 cents a hank. Some of
this is of fine quality and cost as
much a foffr times that amount. Call
at the home service bureau office at
the court house.
I H. Mosher was taken to St.
Joseph's hospital Saturday and the at
tending physician states that his con
dition is as good as can be expected.
After a few days an X-ray examina
tion will be made, and it is hoped that
he will be able to be up within a
short time.
Another championship wrestling
match will be staged at the Lowry &
Henry roof garden at 8:30 Friday,
when Clarence Eklund of Sheridan,
the light heavyweight champion of l'e
world, will a second time defend his
t:t'e against Fred Mortensen, the
I "Terrible Dane" of Alliance. It will
be a finish match, best two out of I
( thine, no time limit, for a purse ifl
, $7.')0, secured from the business men !
of Alliance.
Dr. (.. H. Hand of Alliance has'
been selected a referee. There will I
i - - i i !
oe some Riiim preliminaries, jieats are
now on sal at the C orner Uarber shop
end at King's Coiner.
Mortensen was defeated by Eklund
in Aliance a month ago under Police
Gazette rules," where one fall decidod'
the match. The champion won lhat
fall arter nearly two hours of wrest
ling. The return match will be a
Pete Sauer, brother of Barnes, Mor
tensen's trainer, is now in the city,
and efforts are being made to match
hi mwith Earl Caddock of Anita, la.
If this match is arranged, it will be
the biggest match ever pulled off in
Mr. George E. Davis gave a family
dinner party Monday evening in cele
bration of the fifty-second widding an
niversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Day 24 Night 1073
Former Price . , Sale Price Your Saving
$18.00 $13.50 $4.50
15.00 - 11.25 - 3.75
.12.50 M, 9.35 3.15
10.00 i & 7.50 - U 2.50
'. 9.00 '-"S-6.75.:m 2.25 ;
8.50 Si 6.35 ii 2.15
' . 8.00 'iS' 6.00 2.00 :
7.50 ifc 5.60 1.90
..... 7.00 Ml 5.25 1.75
6.50 S 4.85 1.65
6.00 ;s;'4.50 1.50
5.00 3 3.75 1.25
'Famous Glothk
g House
"Famous For Quality"
Stock hogs wanted by the Ne
braska Land Company. 103-t?
If the period for filing nominations
for the city primary had been only a
week longer, the other five thousand
citizens might have been persuaded
to run. - However, the record is very
ood considering the ten-day limit.
Advice is comparatively inexpen
sive, and political advice especially so.
When it comes from the man who
has an axe to grind, it is worth even
less than it costs.
With a (rood field ami a fair
the voters will do the weeding out.
Their judgment is usually pretty good,
and even if it isn't nothing can be
done about it.
The fact that a man Is not rich
enough to own scads of city property
Is not a valid argument against him.
There is no property qualification for
voting, and there should be none for
holding office.
The cautious editor, not desiring to
offend the touchy among his readers,
printed it this way: " 'John, you d
f said Joe, 'see what you got me
into.' " The strain of trying to figure
out what those censored words stand
for may lose him hundreds of sub
scribers. The Office Test, who likes
his movies undiluted, says the letters
stand for "dangerous fanatic."
r . f .i . .
i une oi me worst insinunaiions
against us is made by Ole Buck, who
tells the following wicked lie with a
straight face:
"Alliance is going to put slot ma
chines and poker parties out of busi
ness. First thing they know the town
will become so tame the Burr boys
won't stay there."
Favorite fiction: "Now, speaking in
the interest of the public "
Referring to the decision of the
Scottsbluir chamber of commerce not
to attempt to build a packing plant
this year, the Rushville Standard in
sinuates that those hard-headed men
have more sense than dollars.
Here's a surprising thing. The Pot
ter basketball team lost a game, and
they didn't pull a single excuse. They
didn't even say that it was the referee's
fault. And the Review adds this suc
cinct statement: "Good sportsmanship
has no alibi."
We don't quite understand what Ole
Buck means when he tells about some
brother who, after reading the corset
ads in a couple of women's magazines,
declares that he is now quite certain
that stockings will never come down.
Every New Whim of Fashion Receives First Showing in the
'litan Millieery
T -TV !
Alliance Largest Selections
of Character Millinery
FEATURING the new fashions when they are new at prices that
cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Combining all that discrimin
ating women demand. Assuming that all discriminating women de
mand utmost value as well as premier fashions.
Picturesque Hats, alluring creations. $10.00 to $25.00
Chic Tailored Hats, original ideas. $7.50 to $20.00
Cage Sailors, the west's largest showing. $5.00 to $15.00
Smart Misses' and Children's Hats. $2.95. to $13.50
Here you may shop in an atmosphere of refinement no crowding, no confusion. Compe
tent saleswomen who know the value of giving you service whether you wish to make a
purchase or if you are just reviewing the styles you are welcome.
New Trimmed Hats
A Special Showing Prepared for
Wednesday unusual values at
If you are interested in a smart hat of good material and workmanship at a low price you
will find it to your advantage to see the specially priced group of trimmed hats we offer
Wednesday at $10.00
Our Gage Trimmer is Here With New Ideas.
rmiPAPR 61 II GTi Gil