FIVE As Good As the Best and Better than the Rest Telephone 133 KEEP- U-NEAT We Call and Deliver THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, FEMUWRY tt, 1021 WAGE CUT TO AFFECT EVERY PART OF SYSTEM Reports indicate that the reduction of ioices that affects employes of the Burlington railroad from the rank of superintendent !own will extend to every dhision of the system. The fctory of force ii.nd rank reduction that comes from the Burlington is Itogln ning to filter in from every system in the middle west. It is a week or more old on the Union Pacific, although the reduction process there is still work ing; the Santa Fe has been doing the same thins: in about the same way during the past ten days; the Hock Island has been trying to reduce the number of working days to a point where a large force could be kept but it is understood that it has encount ered opposition from the men who have insisted on agreement as work ing time being lived up to. The rail road officials say they have been forced to make wholesale reductions where change of woiking conditions would have been much more to their I ikintr and would have kept more men at work. This is the way a railroad official expresses it: "The money spent for h.bor not performed is what is hurting the rail roads. Recently it was reported that Chicago Great Western employes at a certain point were detained by a late train, twenty minutes after quitting time, to get their pay checks. They put in a claim for overtime for being detained waiting for their checks. On me ftama fe in a snop center uiniy four cases of overtime were investi gated, where the time actually worked was 4(5. 'I hours. The men were actu ally paid for 170 hours overtime. Six men working on an engine on the Omaha road worked an hour and a I half overtime each. They were paid each for five and one-half hours over time. That made nine hours work for which they were paid thirty-three hours overtime. It is just such cases as these, brought about by the na tional agreement wrought under gov ernment control, that has put the. roads up against it. "The interstate commerce commis sion can give no relief. Further in-1 creases in rates will work an injury ' to the business of the country." Announcement t HAVE decided to run an oil wagon daily within the city limits. I will carry the highest grade of illuminating oil, gasoline, lubricating oil and grease. Prices will be reasonable. I am also. installing a first-class fill ing station at the foot of Cheyenne ave., opposite Nolan & Company's Coal Yard. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED TERMS STRICTLY CASH M. F. Nolan ter. Viva, drove to afternoon. I. Antioch Sunday works' visit at the home of her friend, i IWilmu We stover. LAKESIDE Mr. Palbv drove down from Antioch i Sunday. 1 The Ash brothers drove in from the ranch Thursday. . Mrs. Hattie Whaley was an Alliance: visitor Saturday. I I.uthcr I'hipps returned to Whitman Saturday morning. Hattie Ash drove in from the ranch Thursday afternoon. O. K. Black was an Alliance visitor, Friday and Saturday. ' Operator Reach returned from the 1 west Sunday mornrng. ' Charles Carey was a Lakeside busi ness visitor Thursday. Mrs. Ray Toline returned from Alli ance Saturday morning. Herman Wurzbache returned from Denver Friday morning. R. C. Brun.-on was in town Thurs day from the Star ranch. i?url Coe is working at the Horde plant at the present time. Rruce Hunsaker and Roy Skilos went to Alliance Saturday. V. P. Wilson was a Lakeside visitor the latter part of the week. Ollie Olson returned from the west Sunday morning on No. 40. Miss Kdythe Harris spent the week end with relatives in Alliance. Martin Roehford was in fioni his home in the country Thursday. Misses Bertha ind Anna Tyler were Alliance visitors Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnston re-tni-nod from the west Sunday morning. Dr. Moore was down from Antioch ; on professional business Friday night. Rev. Charles Burleigh preached a very interesting sermon Sunday eve ning. , Mrs. J. L. Roe and children returned from a visit at Dunning Saturday aft ernoon. Harvey Whaley treated his automo bile to a coat of paint the first of the wcclc. Mr. anil Mrs. Ed 0 shorn and daugh- W. K. Richard.-on was bore on bud-) ness for the Horde 1'otash company; lasi wcek.- Seotty, the ni' wat(hman nt the Horde plant, resigned from his posi tion last week. Mrs. Ct.-ant Keith and children left Saturday morning for a visit with rel ative sat Mullen. Fred Riumer returned from a visit w th relatives in Omaha the latter part of the week. Art Sliie'ds, stenographer at the Standard oll'ice, was an Antioch visitor Sunday afternoon. Waiter Nelson, former head clerk at the Horde plant office, has icturned to his home in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Kvans of east Lake side are the parents of a girl who hi rived Saturday morning. Mr. Albert llud-on came down from Alliance and visited at the Hud son home between trains Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Sum pies left Sunday morning for Dunning they will reside on a farm near Brewster. Rev. Charles Burleigh went to Whit man Saturday to fill his appointment at that place and relumed to Lakeside Sunday. Mrs. Brown came down from Anti och last week for a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Iivans of east Lakeside. Miss Fauvette Marti narrived Sat urday morning from Norfolk for a few M omey savers , You Save Money When You Buy Things You Will Need at an Advantage in Price We Know the Price is Right Can You Use Them? I Sill SPUING is not so many weeks distant and with spring conies ever changing weather. There will be days when you need light, cool, garments and there will be days when warm wool clothes are very acceptable. Among th list given below there are several items that you can use to good advantage many places in the family, and we sincerely believe the prices are right. - Plan For the Family Look Over the List. End of the Season Bargains in WOMEN'S WOOL DRESSES Values $32.50 to $G2.50, for 10 days only $19.75 Extra Sizes Included. SILK SALE Fancy Plaid Dress Silks, 36 inches wide, Values to $3.00 $1.59 NEW ZEPHYR GINGHAMS In Fancy Plaids, 27-inch 19 SILK WAISTS One Lot Ladies'. Values to $12.30 $3.95 PETTICOATS All Silk Jersey, Satins, Taffetas and Sateens ONE-HALF PRICE Bungalow Aprons Light and Dark Patterns; Values to $3.00 $1.25 20 DISCOUNT Ladies', Misses and Children's SHOES t 7 Horace Bogue Store, Inc. Mi.s Grnre tlonahue of rear Klls worth returned to her home Sunday ' after spending tlx? work-end her j friend, Blanch llud.-on. , Miss Violet Uutler returned to her home at Alliance Sunday on No. iV.t alter u short visit nt the Wilbur Good rich home. M!ns Duller is a neice cf Mr. Goodrich. Warren PeUord made a drive to the Pe France ranch Sunday afternoon to take Mr. Pirnnge out, who wan here in the interest of the Strange Hi oth ers' Hide & Fur company of Sioux C.ty, la. The news wm received last wek of the recent death of Clara McMillan, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. t.iid Mrs. Y. ('. McMillan, who Ere former Lakeside resident, hut are at the present located on a farm near Nor folk, Nebraska. The little one has been an invalid all her life. She died at the hospital in Ilcatrice and interment was also made at that place. Mrs. J. Harry Graybill very pleas antly1 entertained the ladies' kensing ton club at her coxy home in east Lakeside Thursday ufternoon. The invited guests were: Mcsdamos Dr. Wessen, lva Thompson and Longacre; and the Misses F.dythe Harris and Julia Alice Wilson. Kefreshments were served in the course of the after noon. It is wife to report a dandy Rood time was enjoyed by all. Read The Herald's adv. column."?. TRAINS 39 AND 49 TO BE TAKEN OFF SUNDAY KSf Burlington officials announce th". lwginning nest Sunday, passetirtr trains No. 39 and 40 will be taki t off. The traffic between Alliance ar I Seneca will be handled by trains and 14. which will make all stops be tween those two po;nts. This announcement will be received with pleasure by reme of the nmidler towns a'ong the route. wh'ch have been protecting bitterly becau e tb "stub" trains do not give them as p o.l service as the through trains. In Alli ance, the change will not meet so prurli favor. The action was takn following a conference of rail officials in Allian o several days ago, at which time ways and means of reducing operating e..-pons-es were discussed. DR. BOWMAN office in Fit National Dank Euilding. 8tf R. T. Morgan was given Judirme-t for $3'20.73 in county court Monday morning against. P. P. McLean, a rancher living in the extreme rou'V western part of the county. Tl s amount covers groceries furnished t't'ff defendant. Trial of the suit has bee t twice postponed, and judgment v j rendered by default whn the plaint failed to appear in court. National. PL epait Week February 28 to March 5 Look Them Over Now and Find Out trxH. i gh-iAV-A What Repairs You Will Need. fax ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA S Mr. Progressive Farmer, Alliance, Nebr. Dear Sir: "I V .... r-,-. rr--nrr ' ' i'l1 ; ' ' ' Prepare now for National Repair ' Week- Inspect, overhaul, clean and oil every farm ma- r chine you own, and put it in good running order. You can make money by placing one order now for all repair parts you need. Thi3 will save you the expense later on of long distance telephone or telegraph tolls, and of freight, express or parcel post charges on numerous shipments of repairs which you may be obliged to order Do the re pairing now when you have time. We try to anticipate your needs and carry a full line of repairs at all times. The only way for you to be sure that your machines will be ready when you need them is to order your repairs now. This will enable U3 to replenish our stock. Our service is yours when you need it. .1 . F' MWBG -'r- " j- , vi Yours truly, r NEWBERRY ' S HARDWARE CO. DON'T WAIT-r-Delays Are Costly 3 We Sell the Genuine (L H. C) International Repairs. Newberry's Hardware Co.