AT THE CHURCHES .called away by the dath of hi., sister, ! Kl.lor 41. L. klme will have charge of THE ALLIANCE HERALD, RANDOM SHOTS BAPTIST I HI Rf ii - v vires Minnnv l n . Again the rr.v tk. , I.-:. .1 Frenned English from the Or.l ance surprise,, some when fifly" nt of ir'1 ,rnPr ,r ltn h" fathered at the church to stuiy the "02 Emerson. Gotten, tavry wdl reveal the secret" How W aim5nr t wventy., STKl'HKN J. EPLKK. Minister. . Kdgar Howard says that some of the modern dances would make a wo man in a Turkish harem want to wear two veil instead of one. When we learn the new dances, we shall ar r. onan we have them? A con versjon took place today, thtit of a young man, and we are sure of four baptisms next Sunday evening. Thu uP0'M, u M?r proe!' on ncourajrinrly. I he Phdi-Baraca class will have Feveral new recruits next morning at .Sunday school CIlt'RCII OF THE NAZARKNi: (Corner Fifth and Laramie) Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preachin? an.l ine district superintendent, Rev. rnnPe to po to Columbia for ins true- I hOO. I.tiduifr ill hA..i. 4 t inn one of us. The nastor tearh thi. "l. ! .. class in the naromre i . w , nPar" Kev- fl,r- l-u.lwig ' vie muck orings up a rood po:nt L.: "'. .:'K paisonnge. ias sni. i ..., .... r u-hn im ...i... .! t.. lne fo owner wn-icu. Ml 1 i.i i ... . . . f V. "'5 wmcn ".v niMimi masni-u '" was neui in th rhm-rh nis opportunity ti Come out Sunday n Sunday, to all of which vnn Y, I 'i v. , , lP cnur,n. no doul.t "-' nra always considered an es- . "J ' .'V,10 . 0I.wn'Cn you aie Wei- be glad Of th S nnnnrtnnlf !,.,- Sent a nrl nf a ln..,. ai. w wonners why the helpings are so lib- come: hunlay school at in. rui.a i,: .- for all ages. Morning sermon .bwi . . e "J" "nV.'y I V ' . 11 " ,b P U .Wo?eR?li?y" B- Y- ofGd- KC lP,S apiateirnlhhotV, the finale'of tL "Fatal SpoV'sTory. ' V- W "TTRKLU Pastor. there isn't any room left to Jut food end. Come and make .ou7Vys. sorv;ccs nt the :ee how near " ou wm ,hr i0 m' P veral are writing their ST S L'SToik. " A ten minute guessing contest will be had proced:ng the sermon as to how the story w: your guess. See come to it. Se opinions. These two questions were found in the box last Sunday: "What do you think of the proposed effort to enact a national law covering Sunday activ ity?" and "Ought Christians keep the first or seventh dav of the week?" Whew! The first of these' will be answered at the morning service this week; the other will be made the basis for a sermon the morning of the 27th. A B. Y. P. U. social will be held at the home of Mrs. Herbaugh, 424 Mis souri, to which all young folks are invited. Follow the crowds to the church where there is always " something doing. B. J. MINORT, Pastor. LUTHERAN ( HLRCH Sunday's services nt the Lutheran he serv FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1921 luaintance! Ami so Mrs. N. told her husband when he came home. She was mighty wrathy and he tried to pacify her, but didn't get away with it. ihen, when Mrs. R. called up and said the fellow had told her that she had i accepted, Mrs. N. was hopping mud. Nothing would do but what her hus rnand should seek revenge. And so the husbands of the women got to pether and" came down town, appar ently intent on venoranrn UK nr. . . , " ..... . . llt.ll ln-J got downtown they bought the drinks for Jack Hawes. who had been pulling I another one of his practical jokes but the husbands knew about it all the time. Some day that Hawes guy wifl i- iiung, mai K our words. Come in at jour earliest con venience to see our offering of Ladies' New Spring Apparel. The Fashion Shop. 22 The forty d-iys before Easter we call Lent or the I,onten season. Pur- j ing this season we shall consider lhe seven words of Jesus while dying (n the cross. Sunday the tonic will be: "Our Pyinir Redeemer's First Word ,nPMrnsive rrom the Cross." All are cordially invited. F. PROEGEMUELLER, Pastov. The department of Agriculture is to establish a bureau of tob iceo stand. ' I. If it. . - - , school ' 1 1111 v Wlil sl0P lnP fS!I of a 5- ni ween lor tnree limes its value. we re lor it. We never theur-hl we should see a time when the old cob pijie shou'd sell for 3" cents. Cob are comparatively 4 METHODIST CHL'RCH M iss Ethel Graham will lead the League Sunday night. Subject: "Re storing a Country. lhe sermon topics for next Sunday Council metingi are getting shorter as the city manirger plan draws n'gh. Rut they don't get ftarted any sooner. Out in the simple seclusion of thse western wilds, we do not know what is happening on the Great Wh'te Way. We fire fortuna'e if we even know there is a Great White Way. There are: "i ertainty -or saivat on" anl "Gods Purpose for Every Man." "we ioarn that the chorus girls Rre 1 - prosperous enough to wear gold fillings Ilflvp von tripH n iar nf nur rlo. in their teeth after several tolernhlv PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I lidous home-ninde minrp meat? bar1 ear5- T,ie dramatic critic of Greene, in his history of the English w n,i,Jn. .,n(i,:nn jf i rr?! f"11".1 Wl,h a spyglass, sat in a the modern world strikes its roots, for anWry Meat Maiket. 11 no less than seventeen glints of gold it was Calvinism that again revealed I in the front row alone. He looks upon I mis asinuning Toiai as evidence tnat the country is fast returning to nor Down in Argent'na they have dis covered that V00,)0 peso's have boon "unduly disbursed" in building the new rapitol. It takes those Latins to use language. HIGH GRADE PIANO AT SACRIFICE PRICE For quick nale will give big cut lr irice. This ia one of our best piano 'eft on our hands in public storehouse n Alliance. Examine it Easy pay mnts to responsible party. Write to lay for full information to The Pen ver Music company, Denver, Colorado F12-2? Miss Leila Cutts is confined to her home on account of illness. ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE MAY RE CLOSED IN ALLIANCE The army recruitinir f.ffirA. uKirh has been in Alliance so long that it has almost become a landmark, may close down within the nest few weeks, unless the victory medal rush keeps up w th more briskness than it has in the past. The national senate and house last week voted to overr'de lhe veto of President Wilson on the reso lution limiting the size of the amy to 1".",000 men, and recruiting has been stopped in this district. For the present, however, the otfice will remain open and will take rare of the victory medal work as here- torore, ns well as assist the Red Cioss in making applications for travel pay, minus, etc. f 1 . . tit . . a. i.ieuicnam t ninp, accom panied by a field clerk, Miss Gertrude Harden, arrived in Alliance Thursday afternoon, and Mr. McRae appeared before the meeting of Alliance post of the American ;on i?i the evening. A number of applications for victory medals were taken, and some were-is sued. Under the regulations, thoe not entitled to battle clasps were is sued their medals on the spot, wh le applications were accepted for the others, to be pent to Philadelphia, from which place the medals n-ill be mailed. Miss Harden remained In Alliance over Friday and spent the day nt the home service bureau head. matters nt the court house, for the purpose f taking the applications of thone who were not present at the legion meet ing or had neglected to bring their discharges with them. , fivh landscape architect and gardener Roselta A Co, 104 East 2nd Street ' We carry a full line of trees, enrob bery, flowers, plants, fruit trees undl small fruit. W grade yor lawn ar4 plant it for you. We also introduce the famou 3ufk blue grass. See as at once for ycue spring work. All work done by pto- fesslonal architects and gardeners. No Job tow Iaj re or too small. 1 Pt New Lamp Burns 94 Air Heats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amcz "ngly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has beeni ested by the U. S. Government and 3! leading universities and found to ba .-uperior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise no pumping up, is simple .clean, safe. Hums Ul7r nid and fi common kero- vnf (coal-oil). The inventor. S. Z. Johnson. f09 W. Lake SI., Chicago. III., is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also ask him to ex plain how you can get the agency, and. without experience or money make $250 to $500 per month. F22-24 WILLIAM JACOB KEISER DIED THURSDAY MORNING the worth and dignity of man. Called of God and heir of heaven, the trader at the counter and the digger of the field suddenly rose into equality with the noble and the King." The his torian Motley says: "To the Calvin-' kts more than to any other class of men, the political liberties of Holland, England and America are due." Services Sunday, February 13: The Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock "The Scriptural went." Congregational meeting and h'-8 ltathl anl. early William Jacob Reiser, the fourteen year-old son of Peter Reiser, died from." snoniy alter nve ociock inursrtay morning, from inflammatory rheuma- tism. He had been suffering from "Pity the poor bachelor," laments a maker of epigrams, "for he knoweth not where his next kiss is coming Today's Rest Story. In the dear days beyond recall eettin alon nicelv until ,.. ihv bpf?re Great Drouth set in, an in - " nhf ntA. 1 . 1 I. ci'i itiicu uiuuitri lay wiriiciy in a ditch. A passerby, also carryine a Wtin nf nflTirii-. 1 nuis iay morning me rneumatism at at 7:30 o'clock. Civil Government and "rl. " ,f ?lL the Lord's Pay Commonly Called the "j m. "7"V" . y""'""?' outa here, Sabbath and in the secular calendar as Sunday. All are cordially invited to these services. First Presbyterian church, comer Box Butte avenue and Seventh street. A. J. KEARNS, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST Do not forget Him who is the in spiration of our life! Interest in reli gion is growing. Reports from all over the country are encouraging. The attendance is increasing and additions every Lord's day, mark a new era in ehurch work. Are you in ? How much does your influence count? The min ister's subjects for next Lord's day are "Fight the Good Fight of Faith,' and "What Must I do to be Saved?" Every service an evangelistic service, and very member a soul winner will bring the results. How many are you re sponsible for? At the morning wor ship this great theme will be present ed. All services are open for your presence. Come to the church with a message and a welcome. Owing to Rev. S. J. Epler being Mr and 1 Mrs Reiser ja' not!cetl him' Saifl the man in the ay to Wiggins Colo- diteh: -Shay, oP fellow, help me (hie) Vrevious! bv the outa h.e'" . Witl?.P?rf th death of a niece, and only returned TVJ fPiieS: " TmTT about an hour before their son passed VtrlST About two weeks ago the boy,with you' sprained his ankle while playing bas- . j . .tr v krth.ll. ht th fttnH;n I A story for today: "Excuse me, but states that this injury was ia no wise ZVln "?r!n!vU. the cause of his death, in spite of "fnxJ f8".8! rumors to the contrary. man wn2.wtT f pf 1 the8ame Funeral services will be held Sun- ra'n' atf fto ton you," he a rf u n u continued, "but I am very large and corner of Sweetwater and Third, con- SELLS ra,n,1 Tave ,to aa k.. t- vt-i n backwards, and the conductor alway sisted by the pastor of the German sJLray,ng t0Jiel aboard and Methodist church of Gering. ! JVf'P" on aa,n- He. has that Th imminte familv surviving t.hre t8 ntl mv nom both parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter. tnrec at.ons back." Keiser. and three brothers. George. .... ... Adam and Henry, the latter living in ' j- 8 v af Zt aVV M" Portland; Ore., and seven sisters, m.fS'n tt uU,,i.,M iSSUed, by Anna, Mary, Katherine. Lena. Eliza-, of the faculty that her powder puff beth. who are unmarried, and Mrs. E, mu not b? used dutnn ho1 hoursi R. Craicr of Ordwav. Colo.. nn,l Mn .wnll ."' Geo. B. Hoffman, of Wiggins, Colo. William was a student at Central school, in the eighth grade, Miss Wil cox, as teacher. The class will attend the funeral services in a body. Inter ment will be made in Greenwood. Comfortable! c9 fiifW PRACTICAL If .tront f.".:f m flip? as an Old Shoe A Homely Expression That Describes the Sensation of a Woman Who has Been Fitted to a "N.-P." PRACTICAL FRONT LACE CORSET The Front Lace Corset that has the clasp located in the center of the body, eliminating the pressure under the bust from other corsets that have the clasp to one side. Regular and Stout .Models in all Sizes. Highlanb-Hollo way Co. all. "I just know I can study lots bet ter when I'm sure my nose isn't shiny," she wailed. Of course, no woman teacher would ever make that sort of a rule. They know how shiny noses can become. Our guess is that if they ever make that sort of a rule stick, some nf the male teachers will be going home through the alleys. Thursday noon, about the time the woman's luncheon at the chamber of : commerce was scheduled to begin, a j woman entered the Palm Room down : at the Alliance. She was rather out I of bretith anl seemed considerably surprised that there weren't a hundred women in there. "Isn't this the place the women are meeting today?" she asked J. M. "No, madam," he told ' her, "they re at the chamber of com merce rooms." "And where is that'' asked the woman. Jesse told her. "I don't know that building," she said, I "I'll have to hunt all over for them." "Oh, no," Jesse replied, "that won't be necessary. Just as soon as you get to the bottom of the steps you'll hear them." A story is going the rounds iuite a scandalous yarn about the T. P. A. dinner and dance the other evening. It seems there was a visiting member present, with a French name and the most beautiful manners. Also he was a whirlwind on the floor. He danced with two or three of the married I women, ana was most polite ana painstaking in showing them the very newest steps. All the women were ouita taken with him. and some of I them told their husbands that he was indeed a nice man. The next day they changed their minds. The tele phone rang in the home of Mrs. N. A voice at the other end of the wire said sweetly: "This is Mr. PeV. I am giving a little supper at the Fern Garden this evening, and thought you would honor it with your presence. I can promise to teach you all the new dance steps, and can guarantee you a most pleasant evening' Mrs. N. thought it strange, but , she decided right off the bat that she wouldn't be one of those present She told him so. A few minutes later the phone rang at the home of Mrs. R. The same pleas ant voice told the same fairy-tale, adding, "Mrs. N. has promised to come. This last information was quite a jolt to Mrs. R., but she decid ed she didn't care to attend, no matter what her friend was going to do. A third woman, say Mrs. B., was ven called, and the same plea-- nt v0'ice and Mrs. R. Confidence and Prosperity vs. Doubt and Stagnation Continuing our policy of FAIR DEALING, we cannot claim prices in our line are as low as they will go, but they are suffi ciently reduced to warrant anyone in continuing his line of activ ity at prevailing prices. By so doing he will prosper, while to continue the tse of worn-out equipment or material waiting for greater reductions means stagnation or loss. 1 Talk to us about your particular problem and merchandise necessary to carry on your household and business requirements and , i We Will Be Fair in Advising You Rhein Hardware Co. L.iL miu iiiai uuiii Mrs. lias) nuAivkicAjl 4 how many No on know row many nj . ut v m "vie wen taiiri u(J uufc Mrs. N. thought of it. the ".adder she trot TVi ik. fi. 'low, to presume on such riight as- Why Keep Advertising? 'Things are slow this time of year; why should I advertise now?" is the question a man asked me one day last week. That man has driven an automobile. He knows that you can't start an automobile onhigh. First, you get the engine going; then you "put her in low." When she's moving a little faster, you change her to second speed and finally, when the wheels are going round at a pretty good clip, you shift into high. ' , ' . - ' Why is this? Because an automobile is a heavy load weigh- ing thousands of pounds.- It takes time and lots of power to get that big piece of metal stalled and rolling along smoothly and rapidly. You can't start an automobile right off at sixty mlies an hour. a. . In the same way you can't advertise today and have the orders you want on your desk tomorrow evening. People don't do business that way. You have to tell them what you want to sell and keep on telling them many times over to get their orders. Some people are harder to start than automobiles and they move more slowly. Some Herald readers are just as anxious to buy your goods as you are to sen them. But they don't know about 'em. Tell them what you have got. Start In at once. Tell them facts In your advertisement every week and when they are placing orders YOU'LL GET, YOURS. , The Alliance Herald Telephone 340 TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Masonic Templo EUj. 4