TlIE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, FEllJiUAUnObJr RANDOM SHOTS From dear old Boston cornea a conundrum that is so Rood that we'll have to break over our rule and pass it alonjr: "Why is an after-dinner speech like a woman's skirt?" The answer: "Because it should be lonjr enough to cover the bare facts, yet short enough to be interesting. ' A friend of ours, who happens to be spending his third week in ouar antine. telephones that it's a hard life for a busy man. "I've even got tired of holding my wife's hand," he com plains. If John Ladd is having as hard a job as we are to line up a feminine part ner for the printers' party, there'll be a couple of unattached men absent and not accounted for. Heaven protects the poor wovkfng girl I There's a regular crime wave at Bennet, which is in this state some where. Vandals are doing such devil ish tricks as untying hoies, carrying away signs, and one assassin tore down the town's only thermometer ami "completely smashed it." The Sun calls it "guerrilla warfare" and is as much worked up about it as Kufus Jones is over the Minatare firebugs. Five years ago when a man talked about passing a law to enforce his private opinions no one paid any at tention. But times have changed. It pays to listen to anybody who men tions a new law nowadays, because the first thing you know he may go and get it passed, says the revered Saturday Evening Tost. A painter got a serious fall while decorating the interior of the Sun of fice at Aurora. That's nothing most of the customers will have heart fail ure the first time they get a look at the place after it is dolled up. Those are the penalties a printer must ex pect to pay when he puts on style. If the "bluenose" element ever puts through their list of Sunday restric tions, we may see the day when it will be illegal to sell gasoline on Sunday, except to a doctor. Think of slapping a stiff fine on a gasoline bootlegger. Suggestion for the historical mu seum of the chamber of commerce: A copy of President Plumbe's three-hour speech to the stockholders of the Alli ance Packing oompany, which ended half an hour before the organization breathed its last. It's a terrible death to be talked to death it's a horrible death to die. We were getting our shoes shined the other evening we do that once in a while, despite the general impres sion to the contrary and in blew a breezy high school youth. He chatted away quite merrily about how easy it is to put things over on the faculty. ''Why," he said, "time and again I've smoked cigarettes right outside the main entrance. And I've chewed to- acco in the assembly room, too." Hi; ompanion, who was openly admiring the nerve of the intrepid youth wht lidn't give a hang for the regulations asked: "But where do you spit?" The Fearless One told him, without a mo ment's hesitation. "In the inkwell, he said. The following poem shows the feai i'ul trend of the times: YOU KNOW IT. Sam's girl is tall and slender, My girl is fat and low. Sam's girl wears silks and satins, My girl wears calico. Yarn's girl is fast and speedy, My girl is pure and good. Do you think 1' swap my girl foi Sam's ? You know darned well I would! We suppose this sory will Ik grounds for some reformers to rise up and demand that chewing tobacco !e abolished; or th;it front doors br done away w'th; or that teachers br removed; or shoe shining parlors reg ulated. It's the chance of a lifetime nnd we aren't charging a cent for ih tip on a first class crusade. The high school youth spoke with evident sincerity, but there was onr po'nt that troubled us. Once in p while, in our unregenerate youth, we took a chew, and we have never yet seen "an inkwell large enough to last u.1 over five minutes. We'll gamble, however, that some one looks over the inkwells, just to make sure. It mav interest some people to know that the' Pennsylvania state movie cen sors held up "The Miracle Man" fo some time, and finally insisted or chopping out a scene or two. See if you can figure out which ones. In the scrimmage the little man had been knocked down and trampled or "Stand back, there!" shouted the be nevolent stranger. "Give him air. and hurrv up with the brandy." "Nevei mi mi about the air," murmured the patient in a faint voice. Heretofore the only way to get fifty seven people out to the same prayer meeting has been to serve ice cream and cake. Never again will we say that a w man can't take a joke. The Boss o' the Palm Room, in conjunction with the Incomparable Waitress, put one - in innniviinn with reindec l I Kill U- in 1 - sausauge that will keep us properly sub dued for the best pan 01 a muma. You see, we rather wittily comment- ! ed on the fact that we migni, eav irm ; .1 nn,i Mint vprv niirnt the i I. W. informed us that no matter what I we ordered, we'd get reindeer sausage. , Now, reindeer, according to our ideas. xnp like a mixture of mutton and dog, and you can figure how our ap ; petite faded away between the time we reluctantly put in our order for rein deer sausage and the time we got our veal chops. Boys and Girls Ask Yourself These Questions And Then Answer Them What are you going to do when you grow up? Are you going to be your own boss or work for someone else? Will you be independent and have your own home, or will you be one" of the many who just scrape and manage to make both ends meet? It all depends on you. Nearly all of the great men of this country began to prepare for success when they were young like you. The first step is to save what you earn and are given. The folks at home will be glad to help you. Then, when the time comes for you to go to college, or start out for yourself, you will be equipped for the fight Every penny you save now puts you that much ahead of the boy or girl who does not save. Children's accounts are always welcome at this bank, no matter how small they may be. First National Bank ALLIANCE -:- NEBRASKA iRUUKS AGAIN ( KNSORSIUP AND SUNDAY CLOSING (Continued from Page 1) The ii-utit is mat the eoi!e who are lamoring foi censorship are at'ompt ng, in the name of protecting the hildren, to impose on you their ideas what is right and wrong. There s no assurance that their ideas nre he right, ones, any more than the leas of the fanatics w ho burned inno rnt gills to death as w tches were ght, but if they succeed in getting his bill passed, it will make no Kf rence. Physicians are positive that 'ie average man and woman eat a ood many th!ngs that are harmful nd detrlment-.d to health, but they ave rot as yet h;id the sublime nerve o attempt to cet- the legislature to egulate your diet. The Child Standard for Adults. We bri eve that, you wll resent thi ttcmn on the part of a handful or ' '.nnt'ral reformers to s'y what kird f moviPT pictures you may see. We HMieve mat you wll otucct to unv at- ompt. however well inenn'ne, to make be i-'tandard of amusement for ten e:ro'd children vour standard, just s you would object to bc'ng forced v sti-te nuthor'ty to wear knicker ockors. e:it h-il'liy oatmeal for your ireaktf t. or hraul your hair, it you have hair to braid. If you will ro over the answers to 'he movie miestinns given by Alliance pupils, you will realize that if this is the best case the censorship advo cates can make, it is pretty weak. You will f!nd that the treat majority f the pupus go to the movies nut mce or twice a week, which is cer vn'v not oTon enough to interfere their r.tuies or their health. You will find th;t a large proportion ot them like tir wnoiesome western days, or the good dramas, which is a 'lir indication that the minds and the norals of ninety-nine out of a hun r"t hnve rot been damaged. You v" 11 f'pd. of course, hr.t the children lo not like all the pictures they see. Fbo younger students sny they cannot inderstand some of them. A few of he oliler girls sny they think parts of few films are emnarrnssing, hut in 11 the time we have conducted a mo tion picture show at Alliance, we havj never heard a high school girl or a parent compla:n that a picture was in- lecent, nor have we ever seen one get up and leave a performance for tha reason. A Youthful Entertainer. Two children are reported to hac declared that they spend as murh as 5 a week at the picture show. That sounds like a whole lot of money it js a wnoie lot oi money ana we lire prepared to say there isn't a child ii vlliance who has spent that amount n any one week, let alone maintain ng that hih an average. Figure it ut for yourself: Children's admis sions are 20 cents. To spend $5 in week, a child would have to attend twenty-five times. We have but seven shows a week. To spend that much, a boy would have to bring three friends with him and attend every night. It's simply out of the question. if this had actually been done, how ever, we can assure you mai in no other way would he have been able to entertain his friends tor so little money. This Fort of statement is character istic of the so-called evidence that will oe presented to the legislature. Do vou not object to being "made the goat" on such flimsy testimony? We do our utmost to conduct a clean, hiirh grade show. We use every care in selecting the films to be pre sented. Without casting any bouquets at ourselves, we believe the Imperial runs as high grade a performance as any in the state. Sometimes we are disaonointed in the films we receive but we never make the same kind of a mistake twice. The chief fault that we have to find with the few films we disapprove is not that they are inde cent, but that they are dull and unin teresting. Censorship in the Home. No person in Alliance is obliged to attend the picture show, t.very ai traction we run is advertised in four or more ways. We use newspaper sDace in both papers; we use the lm perial News, our own publication; we distribute handbills and plaster the billboards. Anyone who can see or read can tell in advance whether any particular show will appeal to them If parents think a play may be unfit ior their children to see and we will never bring one of that kind to Alii ance if we can help it they should exercise their own authority of cen sorship and stay away, an dkep their children at home. They have no right to say that another, whose judgment may not coincide with theirs, hal not see the play. Neither should this au thority be granted to any three people trt the sti.te. there are no three peo pie fit to exercise it. State censorship, however, is not the only problem that is up for discus sion, in Alliance, wimin me past iew days, a petition has been circulated on the quiet, the object of which is to close the Alliance theater on Sunday. This petition has not been made pub lic in fact, there is evidence ior be lieving that the people behind this move do not want publicity. They are making a house-to-house canvass, and presenting it only after they are sat isfied that the person with whom they are talking is in favor of Sunday closing. Those who think otherwise are not let in on the secret if it can be avoided. People Favor Sunday Shows. The Sunday closing question has been fought out in Alliance before, and the last time the public voted upon it. the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of allowing Alliance people the right to spend their bundaya as they wanted to spend them not as a minority thought the day should be observed. We are safe in calling: it a minority, for the last election showed 70 per cent of the people in favor of Banday theater. if this matter ever gets as far as a vote, think the matter over seri ously before you mark your ballot either for or against. Remember, among other things, that the moving picture keeps no man or woman away from church. No one Is forced to t- tentl Sunday shows. If Sunday clos- ng is adopted, however, there will be no place but the chuich to go. If any one neglects his church, why blame the moving picture show? Why not place the blame where it rightly be- ongs, on either the man himself or he church he neglects? When the last election on this ques on was held, the writer made no fight for or against the proposal. He was absent from the city, in Montreal, where his mother was seriously ill. luring the entire campaign. The fight was carried on by tho-e who were not financially interested, yet. he decision of Alliance was over whelming. We believe th;it the i cision today would be just ns em lhatic as it was in 101 a. Self. Hi h Icons Reformer. The move to c'ose the theatres on Sunday is closely allied with the moe for state censorship. In both cases. the agitation is started by a few who are not content that others shall form their own judgment., but instead de- ire to impose their opinion.- on the re-t of the city or the state. If vou believe that these self-righteou.j pee- ie should he rebuked; if you bel.eve hat you have a right to choose jour own amusements on week days, and spend Sunday, your only day of rest, as you see fit, have the courage of your convictions and take a stand openly. If the matter were ever put to a referendum vote, it is probable that the result would be the same as in Nelson, where a secret ballot taken showed that 75 per cent of the people were opposed to censorship. The leg- slature will not allow you to have any vote as regards censorship, hut you do have the right to write our senator and representative. A letter o Senator James W. Good, or Kcp- resentative D wight P. Griswold, Lin coln, will have an efTect. The bill will Foon be up for action, and if the letter is to be written, it should be lone at once. Fortunately, you con settle the Sunday closing agitation by your own vote. Ict me repeat that at all times, it will be the endeavor of the Imperial theater to exhibit only the n;ghest grade shows, in the future, as in the past. Any censoring that is to be done should be done by yourself, not by a board of fanatics whom you have no power to either appoint or remove. 11. A. DUBUQUE. COOl) PIANO FOlt RENT ALLIANCE IN with privilege of buying at rpecial prices and having all rent paid apply on purchase price. Must be .villing to rent at least six months. Give full reference in first letter. THK KN I GUT-CAM l'HHLL MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colorado. 10-28 Th - n Icrion In Nebraska has refused to endorse a bill intra duced in tne state legislature to pay service men a cash bonus but havej taken the ftnnd that substantial aid in establishing the veterans with farms and homes will prove of great? benefit to the men and to the state In Misourl, however, the legion Is back of a bill which will provide a $10 cash bonus for every month of service ot Missouri veterans. Hoth state organ izations are asking that November 11 be made a legal holiday, that service men shall be given preference in pub lic appointments and that the sport ot boxing be legalized. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf . A NNO UN CEMENT THE SANITARY MARKET wishes to assure the public that the beef Ixiught for pur: lie consumption of Wayne Wilson, was thought by a few to lie diseased and therefore unfit to Ik? sold, has been inspected by United States Veter inary Inspector J. M. Simpson, and pronounced unquestion ably O. K. The herd is tested every six months by State or Federal Veterinarians and lias passed two consecutiva. tests without evidence of tulierculosis. This meat is now being sold over the counter at our market. The Sanitary Market is careful at all times to handle only those meats that are lieyond question, and takes this means to assure the buying public of this fact. Sanitary Market F. E. MELVIN, Prop. o tl 5 A Few Specials That Recommend Themselves Espe cially to the Conservative Buyer i A We Find Ourselves Overstocked on Several Items After Inventory and Will Sell Them Now for Less Money Than Replacement Costs Will Permit. END OF THE SEASON BARGAINS IN PS Wool Dresses Originally Priced at $32.50 to i $62.50 FOR THIS WEEK YOUR CHOICE AT $i 9.75 Extra sizes included in This Sale. 2d Floor. ? 9 -o i We have a fine selection of Slightly Soiled Bungalow Aprons to be offered at $1.15 A full assortment of Ladies' Silk and-Wool Munsing . Underwear $5.50 and $6.00 values at REDUCED PRICES LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES HIGH SHOES, PUMPS AND OXFORDS at 20 Discount Our entire stock Pumps and Oxfords; of Ladies' High Shoes, also Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes at a Discount of 20 PER CENT. Horace Store