TTfK a 1 MANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921 when a wimr Don't SVt Dcwm VST HL, f-J IS QcMDV ,1 WANT TO BUT omth1nT Hun red bf people acan these Want At column looklnr for what you r other- have to otter. Get quick result by advertising In The Herald Waal Ad department. stATES Two cents per wori per In sertion. Costs mora than other newspapers, but we guarantee . that fou reach several hundred more readers. Buy ircuUTirn. not hot air. FOR SALE BARGAIN 320 acre relinquishment for sale. Two and one-half miles east of Upton, Wyoming on main road. House 12x20. Must sacrifice at actual cost. Inquire W. V. Sage, Agent Burlington, Upton, Wyo. 10-17p FOK SALE USED OARS roil SAL)? Good used ears. A. H. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Two extra large south rooms, all modern except heat, partly furnished, ground floor, outside en trance. Call Herald OiTice. 12tf FOR RENT Three rooms for light housekeeping at C03 Box Butte. 15 FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms, modern. 215 Yellowstone. 15ff WANTED- WANTED By experienced woman, work by the day. Tel. Black 791. 16-18p WANTED School girl or woman to work for room and board. Small family. See Mr. Carey, secretary of Chamber of Commerce. 16-18 WANTED School girl or young girl for company. Board and room free. Phone 889. lCp WANTED STOCK HOGS WANTED Stock hogs, Nebraska Land Co. 103-tf FOR TRADE Will trade gilt edge notes due November 22, 1921, for good young farm mares. Address Beckwith, Box 446, Columbus, Ne. 15-18p LOST LOST Bunch of keys, either In Anti och or on road to Alliance. Leave at the Herald office. 15-17 UNPROMISING Bounder: "What are all those trunks doing over there by the stage door!" Rounder: "Why those are the chorus firls' clothes." "Let's go to another show." Brown Jug (Brown University). P ' ' 'II U Hi Ur- P f t f Cv , . 1 W mt I " n 1r I I . v-' t r- ,T.n ..7' vv us ' i Gonna BE. Mo K wclb ruii I MM Bone. ! J ipg l-V7r H NOTICE. r- , vXMlTTLt Mt A PECC O MMT, HAL CHnC To In the matter ot the Estate of Charles E. Hershman, Deceased: ' In tho County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, 1 State ot Nebraska, Box Buttt County, ss. To All Tersons Interested in the Estate of Charles E. Hershman, De ceased: Whereas, Harry E. Gantz of Box Butte County, Nebraska, has filed in my office an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Charles E. Hershman, late of said county, deceased, anil said Harry E. Gantz has filed his petition herein praying to have the same admitted to probate, and for the issuing of letters of administration with the will an nexed, to The Guardian Trust Company of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne braska, as executor of said will, which will relates to both real and personal property. I have therefore appointed the 31st day of January, 1921, at ten o'clock in' the forenoon, at the county court room in said county, as the time and place for hearing said will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the allowing of It is further ordered that said pe titioner give notice to all persons in terested in said estate of the pendency of this petition and the time and place set for the hearing of the same, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county, three weeks successively previous to the day set for the hear ing. In Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and official seal this 5th day of January, 1921. (SEAL) IRA E. TASH, County Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Jan7-28ine NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska, December 23, 1920. Notice is hereby given that James A. Byers, of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on July 31, 1917, madj Homestead En try No. 018323, for Lot 4, S W NW WHSWVi; SE?4SW4 of Section 1, and NttNWK, of Section 12, Town ship 23, North Range 50, West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of February, 192,1. Claimant names as witnesses Clell Underwood, Grover Sutton, Burr Un derwood, John W, Sutton, all of All ance, Nebraska. ' T. J. OTCEEFE, 8-17 Register. NOTICE m si- In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In re Application for Dissolution of Alliance Packing Company, a Corpora tion. Notice Is hereby given that the Alliance Packing Company, a eorpo ra "t v ilk j nun i i tl V . .Vl I i iflfH IV III - I who S I r.c; Lj-j in. i . ' r wmm vxTlvA THAT HtLP L tion, organized under the Vuws of the tie oi Nebraska, has 'filed in the District Court of Box Butte County Nebraska, a petition praying for a de cree d'xMtlving and declaring dissolved said corporation, for the payment of the eo.-ts and all expenses of this ac t on and incidental thereto, and for such other and further relief as may le just and equitable, and that Satur day, the 12th day of February, 1921, at the opening of court on that day, or as soon therealter as counsel can be iieard, has been appointed as the time, and the district court room in tht court house at Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, as the place at vh!ch said application is to be heard. ALLIANCE PACKING COMPANY, A CORPORATION, By MITCHELL & GANTZ, Its Attorneys. Mitchell & Gantz, Attorneys. Jan7-Febll NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mar garet Triplett, deceaseo. To all persons interested in the es tate of Margaret Triplett, deceased. You will take notice that on the 2Sth day of December, 1920, George D. Darling, administrator of said estate filed his report and final account of his dealings with the said estate in this court and that said account will be for hearing on the 28th day of Jan uary, 1921, at the county court room in Alliance in said county at the hour of 10 a. m., and if no objections are filed to the said account the same will be allowed and the estate fully settled. (Signed) IRA E. TASH, Jan4-21 County Judge. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT in the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Leroy Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Leroy Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $978.67, a writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, grain, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tioh filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. LEROY BOWSER, Plaintiff. MITCHELL &. GANTZ, Attorneys. Dec28-Jan25,'21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Charles M. Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, in aa action pending before said county court wherein Charles M. Bowser was plain- n i tifT and Daniel Corcoran defendant, toa description of the real estate of recover the sum of $ 326.90. ft writ of which he died seiied, the interest in attachment was issued and levied upon said real estate of the petitioner, and the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming Implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, grain, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, February 7th, 1921. namely , CHARLES M. BOWSER, Tlaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ. Attorneys. Dec28-Jan25,,21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. , Orange Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcorn, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu- I ant to an order of attachment issued y Ira E. Tush, county judge of Bos Butte county. Nebraska, in nn action pending before said county court therein Or.intre Bowser was ulain- ulf and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $.rH8.67 a writ of itluchment was issued and levied upon he following described projterty, to wn: noises, cattle and other live ock, farming implements, tools and .lachinery, furniture, wagons, harness, '.rain, hay, gasoline engine and all it her personal property. 1ou are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti Jon filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. ORANGE BOWSER, Tlaintiff. I ITCH ELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Dec28-Jan25,'2l NOTICE ' In the matter of the estate of Au gust F. Forsstrom, Deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, Mate ot Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, HM.i To All Persons Interested in the Es tate of August F. torsstrom, De ceased, both Creditors and Heirs: On January 21st, 1921, Karl M. Forsstrom filed his petition and affi- lavit in the County Court of Hox Butte county, Nebraska, setting forth hat on May 12th, 1916, he filed in he office of the County Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, a potition to letermine the heirs oi August F. .'"orsstrom, deceased, who died on or about June 22nd, 1911: that in said etition it Was alleged and represented that the legal heirs and sole and only heirs of the said August F. Forsstrom, deceased, were the petitioner, Karl M rorsstroin, a son, and Julie M. tors- vtrom, a daughter; that said August F. Forsstrom, deceased, was a resident nd inhabitant of Box Butte county, Nebraska, at the time of his death tnd was the owner of the following lescribed real estate, to-wit: East lalf of the Northwest Quarter and South Half of Section 20: Southwest Quarter and South Half of the South east Quarter of Section 21, all in Iownship 2S, Range 49, Hox liutte ounty, Neinaska. Said petition also et forth that more than two years had siapsed since the death of the said August F. Forsstrom, and no applica tion had been made for administration of his estate, and that there were no .lebts against his estate; that no last will of the decedent had berrliTls ov ered, and petitioner believed that the -aid August F. Forsstrom died in testate. That upon the filing of sai ictition the coun'v court of said coun tv set ami fixed the 20th day of June !9K, as the time and place for hear ng said petition, and ordered that copy of said notice be published for thirty days prior to said hearing; th;s through a mi.take the said notice wa only published 22 days, and objection has now been made to the title to sau real estate on account of same. Sail petition contained the following pray er: lour petitioner therefore prays that an order may be made fixing time and place for hearing said peti tion, ami that notice thereof be given in the manner provided by law, am that upon said hearing a decree may be entered dispensing with adminis tration of said estate, and determining who the heirs of the said August F. Forsstrom were. Said Karl M. Fors strom now prays that he be allowed to re-ftle his said petition in this mat ter, and that the order, notice and de cree heretofore rendered by the coun ty court of said county, to-wit: On July 31st, 1916, be cancelled and set aside, and that the court issue a new notice in said matter, on the petition aforesaid, to all persons interested in said estate, both creditors and heirs, setting forth the filing of said peti tion, the date of death of said August F. Forsstrom, his place of residence, MOVING Snyder Transfer and Fireproof Storage The World Moves and So Does Snyder" Office Phone 15; Res. 884 and Black 730. "When It's Your STORING ! & . REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches b Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C McCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First National Bank the prayer of the petition, fixing time r.nd place for hearing said peti t on. and that upon the date set for said hearing the court will enter a decree dispensing with administration of said estate, and finding and de termining who are the heirs of said i August F. Forsstrom. deceased, and right of descent of said real estate, in accordance with the laws oi Nebras ka providing for the determination of heirship when the intestate has been dead for more than two vears. It is hereby ordered that said peti tion be re-filed as of January 21st, 1921, and that a hearing he had on said jetition in the county court room in said county, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 2."rd day of February, 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., and that notice of the time anil place fixed for said heaiing be given to all persons interested in sa d estate by publication of this order three successive weeks in The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed, published and circulating in said count v. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and olficiul seal this 21st day of January, 1921. (SEAL) IUA E. TASH, County Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Jan21-Febll NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebr., January 20, 1921. Notice Is, hereby given that. Joe D. Bignell, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Febr, 12, 1U1S, made Homestead entry, No. 01S130, for S'iSWU of Sec. 13; S'kSE'4 of Sec. 14; NEU ; N'iSEV of Sec. 23; WaNW'i, NEKNW14 and NW'iSW.4 of Section 24, Township 23, North, Rnnge 48, West of tha Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notico of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Alliance, Nebraska, on the 2(ith day of Febru ary, 1921. Claimant names at witnesses: Frank Cantwell, Robert Graham, Julius Bir kle and Norman Newberry, all of Alli ance, Nebraska. T. J. O KEEFE. Reir ster. Jan21-Feb22 LAKESIDE Mrs. Ed. Zurcher Is reported on the sick list. Carl Miller was visiting his family here this week. John Schonard was a westbound passenger Monday. R. A. Cook returned from Omaha the first of this week. Mrs. J. L. Roe went to Alliance on No. 39 Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Deck went to Alliance Tuesday on No. 43. R. A. Westover returned from the west on No. 40, Wednesday morning Mr. ana Mrs. Walter Kice were Lakeside visitors Wednesday morning. Mrs. B. M. Johnston was a west bound passenger Wednesday on No. 39. lhe ladies aid society held an all day meeting at the church Wednes day. George Deford and son Warren went to Antioch Wednesday after their automobile. George Staples and Harold Fessen den helped the Mercantile force unloa ice this week. IJevrl Rpvnoldu were lfushville visitors the fore part of this week. Charles Hitt went to Broken Bow on No. -14 Monday to take the place of the operator who is ill at that place. John Spanache left for Excelsior Springs, Mo., the first of the week to receive rvi.tmcnt for potash infect 'on. Henry Bond, traveling salesman for Pa.viOi. a: t,alle, was a Lakeside business visitor Tuesday and Wednes day. Miss Estella Hane returned from her eastern visit Monday and left Tuesday for Belmont where she has a (.os tion. H. S. Blacklcilge came down from Hofflund Monday and i. at the pres ent time working on his lake property south of town. Hans Peterson has installed motor power to run his big shoe repairing machine since the electricity is a thing of the past. Velma Simmons is recovering from an attack of tonsilitis which has been the cause of her being absent from school this week. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Verge Dwiggins passed away Satur day night. The little body was ten-' derly laid to rest in the Lakeside ceme tery Monday. Miss Beulah Hendrickson, reader and impersonator, rendered a very in teresting program at the church Mon day evening. A fair sized crowd was in attendance. PACKING Move, Let Us Know." J. ; " SHIPPING THE ZERO HOUR A captain In the merchant marine who received much commendation for his wonderful courage and endurance luring the war was asked to address a meeting in the west. Ex-P"esident Taft spoke first and at considerable length, and when he had finished tbb audience rose-, almost to a man, to leave the building. The chairman sprang to h's fee, rushed to the edge of the platform, and called excitedly! "Come back and take your seats. Come bick, every one of you! This man went thronp-h hell for us during the war, and it is up to us now to do the same for him." Christian Register. There is significance In the fact that nobody is able to whistle jazz or to pio'e free verse. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON DU. EINAK BLAK OFFICE IN MALLERV BLOCK Office 101 -Phone Residence 10S C. F. MOUANVILLE Carpenter Work of all Kinds Phone 970 or Red 413 DK. A. CLARENCE SCHOCII General Surgeon Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 187 Res. Thone, BIk. 521 When in Antioch Take Your Meals at The Liberty Cafe Meals at All Hours JOHN STRATE Let Me Cry Your Sales IL A; WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri SERVICE GUARANTEED We Have Our Own Help 1 PHILLIPS & SONS l Contractors and Builders 1 P. O. Box 750 Alliance, Nebr. L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA I 1 Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy I)i!S JEFFREY & SMITH 'Chi roiiractors Palmer School Telephone 8C5 Wilson Building Re;it Estate, Loans and Insurance F. E. REDDISH Reddish IJlock tf Phone TI i Alliance Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock and General Farm Sales J. si). EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract Books in Box Butte County First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: RES. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATINO FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen MWt Try Hard to Please" Have it WELDER With the his ivo OXT.ACETYLENB PBOCEn' as Cylinder Blocks, Frames Transmission Cases a Specialty ALL TRACTOR PARTS . Geo. IL Breckn'i New Location 210 West M