Font TI115 ALLIANCE HEV.ALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921 AUtanrr HcralD BASKE1DALL GAfv-E AT i i A . ' BUHIl I'lllNTlNO CO., Ownfn K VOI KKS OF THK rKKUNCT TUC Li IJ CPUllfll TflfJICUTI As there were no assessors elected Hit IIIMI OUIIUUL lumum ;ut UAKGAIN IN A PIANO AND A PLAYEUL'IANO Kntrl at tho imatorru-e at Alllanc. .tiNeb., for lrnimlnn through the irin.l ! a aerond rlaaa matter. 1'ubliahcd Cvraday and fr'rlduy. OrcolKHC U. Itl'liH. JK Editor flkDWlN M. HUHU Uualtn Mur. me ciecuon in ovminjr, ivu in if Vou ar lookinir for a o-PnntriP imo. ol the precincts, it na t,eCn le- j barpraln in a PIANO or a PLAYER The Itayard basket shooters wiIljCilel lhat.tiioMs wit-hm to srve a i PI ANO of hiph quality and modern in clash with the local high school team, assessors outside of Alliance will Ketevery particular, write us at once for mo U.iyaid tram ha wen icoing at a jtition and have them finned by the 'fun particulars of two instrument! we fa.t clip in the coherence circle. and voters and lax payers of their res-1 are now holdine in Alliance. These omolat nmnpapcr of the City of Alliance; ofllrlal newspaper ol lk Mtttte County. ' Own d and puMlahed by The Ilufr Printline Company. leorK. U. Uurf, Jr., Prealdtnt; bdwln M. Uurr, Vic l'rea-, .Meat. ' aie ctiottK contenders for the cham pionship honor. Itayard has given Alliance a whipping in bootball, but the iotaln are willing to v.ajje their .eatheis that they can't do it in bas ket bull. Rpective precincts. Io.kiku) jOtiiS PILKIN'GTON, County AMseasor, ( IIKMlNtiFOKD Thirty -four guests were charmingly entertained 'lhurwiay afternoon at a So far Bayard has only one defeat 1 one-thirty luncheon by Mrs.. Wm. on her record and Alliance has a clean "Mitchell, assisted by Mrs. W, K. Mett, hlate three league victories, Chappell, Mrs. W. 11. Burnett and Mrs. H. E. Sidney 'and Mitchell and Bayard isiGantz, Bridge was played during the next. A preliminary will be staged afternoon, at which Mis. Joe O'Conner '! u'oon I hn irirln' !ima from Central II. O. Crane was in town Tuesday. ftm liincrH,n hooU Kugene Andrew has been on the sick . Mitch(, SwaBipM by Locals. Fred Meliek returned from Alliance" Superior teamwork and accurate Monday basket shooting were the chief factors' E.'(i. Herman returned from Craw- thut caused the snowing under of the ford' Monday. 'quintet from Mitchell. The first few Julius Baltry of Marsland was in minutes Alliance had little trouble in town 'luesday. locating the loop, then Dailey and Gladys Stevenson is spending a iewjCl.os8 nit regularly with Pate at cen- days in crawioru. ..... ter, Fowler and Joder at guards, as Walter Jones returned to his work I ,Hlin(? in o(Tcn)ive p,ayinf. The ttSi Miss I-elia Corey has been on me w'U lit this week. Glen Wiltsey was on the sick list a few days lat week. George Gahus returned home from Sioux City Tuesday. Arthur Carroll returned home from ScotthblulT, Monday. Mrs. S. A. Dowell departed for Iowa Wednesday for a visit. Mrs. Labley of UoiFland is visiting at the Shoemaker home. Mr. Winters of Texas, la., is spend ing a few days in town. Amelia Hucke spent the week-end at the Ike Woods home. Mrs. W. F. Walker returned to Cas per Wednesday morning. Mr. Andrew was transacting busi ness in Alliance Tuesday. Miss Lemons and the seventh grade entertained the eighth grade. Eva Addv and Elva Bunce were ahopumg in Alliance Tuesday. Miss F. Dulle was entertained at the Andrew home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ball and Frank Walters were in Alliance Tuesday, Word has been received here of the marriaire of Etta Michaels and A. M. Miller. Foster May. commonly known as "Preach," has been out of school few davs. Joe Chapman who is traveling for the Grainger Bros, of Lincoln, was in town Monday. Miss Mary Coil and Otto Urig took Miss Nettie Uring to her school Sun day afternoon, Miss Mamie Acker, primary teacher, nent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Alliance. Miss Florence Dulle, principal of the Hemingford high school, spent Satur day and Sunday in Crawford. Ilev. Williams of Morrill who filled the vacancy of Rev. Mr. May Sunday, returned to his home Monday. Mrs. Harry Kemp departed Wednes day night for Silver' City, Iowa. She xuecU to be gone about three months. Lyle Wincoup has been ' out of achool several days and is helping haul corn from the Brown ranch, Ethel Jones, Francis Kosenberger Leslie Hardy and Lyle Wynkoop mo tored to Alliance Saturday night The potato market has shown some activity in the last few days. A few potato buyers drop in, occasionally. Miss Vera Friend of Council Biuirs, arrived Tuesday for a vis.t with her aister, Mrs. Krunk Bunce and family. Charles Salig' who Is working on the bridge gang ut Ardmore, South Dakota, pent the' week end with his family. The play which the boy scouts ami camp lire girls gave at the opera house Wednesday evening was well attended and fully enjoyed by ajl present? Mr. Pierce and Mr. Winters motored to Alliance 1 Monday evening. Mr. Pierce went to Lincoln and Mr. Win ters returned luesday on No. 4& ' Rev. Mr. May, who has been assist ing Rev. Mr. Williams at Morrill with revival meetings,' was called home on Tuesday to preach the funeral of Met. W. F. Walker's sister. Mr. May re turned to Morrill Wednesday. A traveling troup spending a few days in our little burg, was so pleased .With the plec.sant and courteous treat ment of the young lady clerk in the post olHce, that they presented her jrith a box of delicious chocolates. Word has been received here that the family of Robert Curry, formerly Of here, but now at Minatare, had the misfortune of having their residence completely destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. We have not learned how the fire started. The M. E. aid was entertained on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. W. D. Johnson at her home. A lunch of cheese and crackers, salad, pie, ice cream, colfee and tea was served and the afternoon spent in sewing. Each pne present declared Mrs. Johnson an excellent hostess. The Hemingford Odd Fellows team, lodge No. 108, by request of the Alli ance lodge No. 163, went to Alliance Tuesday night and put on the first degree. Supper was served at 6:30. Minatare, Bayard, Antioch, Edgemont, Chadron, ScotUblulf, Hemingford and Alliance were all represented. The second semester program of the high school has been arranged as fol lows: Supt, M. R. Embree, subjects Algebra, geometry, public speaking, physics. Principal Miss F. Dulle La tin, Caesar, Cicero, literature, English composition and rhetoric. Assistant Principal Miss M. Coil American his tory, ancient history, M. IL history, domestic science, bookkeeping Francis Biluck entertained his class ast few minutes the second team was turned loose, holding Mitchell on even terms. The preliminary was an exciting battle. The Central boys surprised the Emerson quintet. The lead seesawed back and forth throughout the game, Emerson winning by one point, score, 10 9, Laing throwing the winning basket in the last minute of play. Crawford Saturday Night. The Crawford girls are coming tc stop the winning streak of the locals. The high school says it can't be done. Crawford has a strong team winning everything in the northwest corner of the state. It will be a real battle. The seating capacity has been in creased to two hundred. A balcony has been built all the way around the gym nasium, so that now people do not have stand to see a basketball game. There is a seating capacity now for seven hundred. The preliminary will be of unusual interest. The high school Midgets will play the "Hasbeen" or city midgets. The girls second team will travel to Antioch to play the high Bchool team there Saturday night. That makes another three games for Alii ance this week. , won first, Mrs. Lolert Reddish second and Mrs. C. Bradbury the free-for-all. Floral decorations were red roses and ferns. Ladies present were Mesdames Elmer McManis, Minor Morris and mother, Mrs. Durham, Fred Holsten, Ben Holsten, Earl Mallery, Verne Hunt, Eurl Meyer, Robert Reddish, Framl Cantwell, Frank Broome of An tioch, Roy Dcckwith, H. P. Toohey, Harvey J. Kridelbaugh, Sam Tillett, C. ' Bradbury, H. Thiele, R. Cox, Jim Fcagin, Charles Feagin, E. J. and M. Baskin, Dean Dixon, t. Harris, J. C. Morrow, A. V. Gavin, E. H. Boyd, Lee Basye, Dewey Donovan, F. Abegg, Joe O'Conner, Wm. O'Keefe, George Mint- zer, Marvin Dickinson and R. L. Gladstone. have been moderately used, but are in fine condition, and we give you the Knight-Campbell money-back guaran tee and exchange bond with either one. Somebody is going to get a snap in this piano and playerpiano. We would rather give the money to our custom ers than pay storage, enrtsfre, boxing and freight to Denver. These bargains will be eagerly sought after, so write to us immediately stating whether you are interested in a piano or a player piano. , 12-17 KNIGHT-CAMPBELL PIANO CO., Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Scott ClingcnDeel. of the H. Hurst Fourth street market, re turned Thursday from Denver where they have been attending th KrnrD show. W. H. TERRELL PAYS FINE OF $150 IN COUNTY COURT W. H. Terrell of Wibaux, Mont, paid fines amounting to $150 in county court yesterday afternoon, pleading guilty to the charges of intoxication and the giving away of intoxicating liquor. He was given the maximum fine on each count ' Terrell was . the man who accom panied Oscar O'Bannon on his last ill fated ride. . After paying his fine, he told the court: "I'll never take an other joy-ride in this town if I do someone'Il have to tie me in the car." Terrell was rather sullen when at first arrested, but later changed his tune and dropped all talk of thitats He was believed to be guilty of trans porting liquor into the county, but there was no evidence to hold him on this charge. COUNTRY t hVll APPOINTS A BUILDING COMMITTEE The Alliance Country club directors at a meeting held Tuesday evening, appointed the following building com mittee, which will make arrangements immediately for procuring plans and supervising the building of a club house at Broncho lake: Fret! Harris, Percy Cogswell, Charles Brittan, Harry E. Gantr and Dr. J. V. Maxfield are ex-olficio members of the committee. The contract for remodeling the screen in the postolfice lobby has been let to George A. Wright of Chicago, the contract price being $2,940. The work is to be finished by March 15. DR. BOWMAN office in First National Dank Duilding. 8tl Hear Dr. Taylor at the Pres byterian church. Meetings begin next Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. You are invited. lb McVicker Beauty Parlor announces it will remain open Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock for the benefit of patrons who are unable to come during regular hours. 16 The food sale by the ladies of the Methodist aid, to have been held Sat urday, has been indefinitely postponed. DEATHS AND FUNERALS Mrs. Wilhelmina Weinel, aged sixty eight years, wife of John Weinel, dTfcd at 8 a. m., Wednesday, January 19, at her home, ten miles northwest of Alli ance. Relatives of the deceased have been summoned from Canada, and the funeral arrangements are being held up pending word from them. at a party Tuesday evening, the Sioa being his sixteenth birthday. Games furnished the amusement for the evening. A lunch of sandwiches, cake and apples was served. Those S resent were: Florence Miller, Wiila ohnson, Mae and Francis Stiles, Fern Grimes, Bernice Billick, Elsie Langs ton, George Corey, Frank Grimes. Newton llaynes, Charles Roth, Ethel Raymond, Marguerite Melick, Wayne Wilt, Ira Billick, Mrs. BelUck, Mrs. Melick and Mrs. Fauntin Black. Palmer's Gardenglo toilet ar ticles, complete line. Alliance Drug Co., Scotten & Hershman 214 Box Dutte. 16 NOTICE The W. C T. U. will give a food sale at Hirst's store, Saturday, January 22, to pay for a telephone for the Salva tion Army rooms. All donations gladly received. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTE Remember the evangelistic meetings at the Presbyterian church January 26 to February 8. Dr. R. W. Taylor will bring the message. Dr. Taylor has had large success in the pastorate. He Is a thorough student of the Bible and a fine gospel preacher. You are invited to these meetings. They begin January 26 at 7:30 p. m. Regular services next Sunday. A. J. KEATvNS, Pastor. Stock hogs wanted bj the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf David Anderson left Thursday for Los Angeles where he expects to spend few months with friends. Imperial Theater TONIGHT, FRI. 21 See what mischief gossip can cause. WILLIAM FOX presents Vivian Rich in a powerful society drama "A WORLD OF FOLLY" Written by Jane Grogan Directed by Frank Deal ' i.v.'.: w V 1 m'i1vVAY A. 1 IT A u , al. SV Pit 4 ' 1 3 There is solace for the bereaved in a burial ceremony ihat is conducted in a beautiful, dignified manner. Whether it is a local funeral or one from out of town, we are equipped to handle it in a careful, modem manner. We offer, our services. . , Glen Miller UNDERTAKING PAELOE3 Phones: Day, 211 Night, &22;erW3 12S Wtrt Third Street Owing to . change of train service out of Iowa, it is impossible to continue the Serial "THE LOST CITY" on Saturdays, so commenc ing today it will be shown on Fridays instead "of Sat urdays. 1 SNUB POLLARD COMEDY Night 18c and 31c Matinee 13c and 22c SATURDAY, 22nd SEE IT ON THE SCREEN This Super-Melodrama With an ALL-STAR CAST "THE HOPE" Mutt and Jeff in "MEDICINE MAN" Matinee 13c and 22c Night 18c and 31c SUNDAY, JAN. 23d Norma Talmadge "SHE LOVES AND LIES" Adapted by Grant Carpen ter and Chester Withey from the story by WTLKIE COLLINS Direction Chester Withey COMEDY "Monkey Business" Matinee 13c and 22c Night 18c and 31c The NATIONAL Vacuum Washer ELECTRIC, HAND OR POWER has proven its worth and satisfaction in washing, per- fection in mechanical construction, long life, removal of drudgery for a long period of years. Talk to Us About Payments that will meet your circumstances and DIVORCE THE DRUDGERY. Rhein Hardware Co. Prompt and Courteous Service o fl Sale ON Canned Fruits and Berries at The FOURTH ST. MARKET Friday and Saturday, January 21-22 20 Discount on all Lau and Black Bird brands of canned Fruits and Berries, in dozen lots either one kind or assorted. PLEASE NOTICE BELOW A FEW OF OUR REGULAR PRICES ON GROCERIES: ' Granulated Sugar, per hundred pounds $9.90 Blue Band Flour (none better PO 7A ever sold) per 48-lb. sack PI U Finest grade Peaberry coffee, 3 lbs., ?1 ; in 10 lb. lots, per lb- Milady Coffe, per lb., 45c; 3-lb. cans for No-Vary Coffee, per lb., 45c; 3-lb. cans for . .30 1.30 1.30 Karo Syrup, dark, y . rjr gallon cans . ,D Karo Syrup, light, CC gallon cans . .50 No. 2 extra standard Tomatoes, f A per can . .iU No. 22 extra standard Tomatoes, O per can .10 Extra Standard Corn and Peas, nr 2 cans for ) Big Free Coffee Demonstration NO-VARY DELICIOUS COFFEE SAME DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, January 2 1 and 22 -Everybody Welcome Fourth Street Market H. HIRST, Prop. Phone 57 Cash and Carry