THL ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1921 V SEVEli The Herald's Watch rXMl-J- rrri " 1 Was S-CiU " I I V- m-A W 1 V ' AJrt. V l a 1 it III. 1 - V7 VfH, JJ7 Vsr Butte County, Nebraska, has filed in A J$ VA V4-r Jrt I JjiJM.vl ' m-v olTice nn t'npnt purports to J? Fj!&Yv iV ' 41 be thc Iast wi" n' testament of L vrv Y4Vx4ft 'T-vJ.'J iV j; Charles K. Ilcrshman, late of said ill 6 ib in"" i 'im v ;,.km iiw fr.'ng iiniir ' k i.g j i m i j i i urn , WOPY&IGffr TffS BQBBS-ffERRLL CONPAHYy n oi8323,forit4,swNWtt; 1 " J WViSWVi; SE4SW'i of Section 1, R OMANTIC, clever, ingenious, sprightly and dashing a classic of gasoline and some humor is blended Mostly about a young man who had too much money and too much time in which to spend it, but otherwise not enough employment. To remedy the deficiency, get a new angle on life and learn some things which he did not know about his beloved New York, he changed places with a taxi driver and learned plenty. Also the experience remodeled his existence, made him a worth-while citizen and brought aid to a number of people, among whom were several young women, who but for the timely intervention of the gasoline Sir Galahad, would have succumbed to the city's perils. Then there was the case of the lovely girl born with a silver spoon in her mouth who lost it, became a chorus girl, recovered the spoon and but you must read it a new serial offering for these columns. YOUR LOSS IF YOU MISS IT! WANT TO BUT omethlnf T Hun dred of people ac&n these Want Ad column a look Ids" for what you r other hye to offer. Get quick fresulta by advertising In The raid Want Ad department. 4ATES Two cents per word per In sertion. Costs more than other ewspapers, but we guarantee that fou reach several hundred more readers. Buy circulation, not hot air. BALK CITY PItOPEKTY ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co.' ... . 64tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, lose In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOR BALE USKD GABS roil BALE Good nsed cars. A. B. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf roll SALE SEWING. MACHINES. FOR SALE New and second hand Singer sewing machines on IS a month payments. Phone S83, A. J. MILFORD, Agt. 8tf FOR SALE TRACTOR FOR SALE A 12-25 horsepower Case " tractor for sale or trade for a truck or good car. Inquire Kalph R. Sher lock, Angora, Neb. 11-Hp FOB BENT FARM FOR RENT Improved farm and paa New Serial for It speed in which much blithe, with a charming love story. ture near town. Phone 796. 12-2p FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Two extra large south rooms, all modern except heat, partly furnished, ground floor, outside en trance. Call Herald Office. 12tf FOR RENT Well heated room. Price 12.50 a week. Phone 347. 6tf WANTED TO BUY. IAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe ft Son. 85tf WANTEDSTOCK HOGS WANTED Stock hogs. Nebraska Land Co. 103-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE New piano lamp at a bargain. Call at 603 Sweetwater. 13p FOR SALE One easy terms, a mod ern six-room home, either with' or without furniture A four-room new bungalow, with two lots; small pay ment down, balance like rent A num ber of bargains in city property. THE THOMAS COMPANY. 13 AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN WANTED to solicit or ders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Ad dress Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ,13p LOST LOST At or near post office on Fri day, pair of black oxfords, 6H on UB" last. Return to Golden Rule. 13p FOB RENT FURNISHED HOUSE pletely furnished entirely modern home in Alliance. Hot water heat; i i i-. -I--...:. r iHunury incimies eievu it. wBMier. v . . . i De seen any time, aipo iwo-room . vr- - - . tniv:h. tt;fh,fi'e' nis fport and final account of C'0":.V Valines with the aid estate in Fteam heat. THE THOMAS COM PANY, Reddish Block. 13 NOTICE. In the matter of the E.tute of Charles K. Hershman, Deceased: In the County Court of Box Butte I County, Ncbraskn, State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Chiules E. Hershman, De- , ceased : Whereas. Harry E. Gantz of Box county, deceased, and said Harry E. Gantz has filed his petition herein praying to have the same admitted to probate, and for the issuing of letters of administration with the will an nexed, to The Guardian Tnist Company of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne : braska, as executor of said will, which will relates to both real and personal property. 1 have therefore appointed the 31st day of January, 1021, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the county court room in said county, as the time and place for hearing paid will, at which time and place you and all concerned ' may appear and content the allowing of same. It is further ordered that, said pe titioner give notice to all ?crsons in terested in said estate of the pendancy of this petition and the time and place set for the hearing of the Fame, by causing a copy of this order to be . published in The Alliance Herald, a .newspaper printed 'and published in said county, three weeks successively previous to the day set for the hear ing. In Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and official seal this 5th day of January, 1921. (SEAL) IKA E. TASH, County Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Jan7-28inc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska, December 23, 1U20. Notice is hereby triven that James A. Byers, of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on Ju'y 31, 1917, made Homestead En- and N'iNW'i, of Section 12, Town ship 23, North Range 50, West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of February, 1921, Claimant names as witnesses Clell Underwood, Grover Sutton, Burr Un derwood, John W. Sutton, all of Alii ance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, 8-17 Register. NOTICE In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In re Application for Dissolution of Alliance Packing Company, a Corpora tion. Notice is hereby given that the Alliance Packing Company, a corpora tion, organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, has filed in the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, a petition praying for a de cree dissolving and declaring dissolved said corporation, for the payment of the costs and all expenses of this ac tion and incidental thereto, and for such other and further relief as tnAy be just and equitable, and that Satur day, the 12th day of February, 1921, at the opening of court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, has been appointed as the time and the district court room in the court house at Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, as the place at which said application is to be heard. ALLIANCE PACKING COMPANY, A CORPORATION, By MITCHELL & GANTZ, Its -Attorneys. Mitchell & Gantz, Attorneys. Jan7-Febll NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John J. Keenen, igceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, 88. You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Alli ance In said county on the 20th day of April, 1921, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. A time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is four months from the 16th day of De cember, 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from the 16th day of December, 1920. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 15th day of De cember, 1920. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney. D21-J14 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mar garet Triplett, deceased. To all persons interested in the es- tate cf Margaret Triplett. deceased, You will take notice that on the 2Xth dnv at IWemhor. lf)20. ,. . : . , ------ v. . . Darlinir. flmintrntnr of airl tat' this court and that said account will be for hearing on the 28th day of Jan uary. 1921, nt the county court room in Alliance in saM county at the hour uj u b. in., Rnu ii no onjecuons are , in . i y m . it . inru 10 me Faui account me same win i be allowed and the estate fully settled. I (Signed) IRA E. TASH, Jan4-21 County Judge NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Leroy Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby ereby given that pursu-' ant to an ord er of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash. county judjre of Box Butte cou-.Uy, Nebraska, in an action 1 pending before said county court plant here. wherein Leroy Bowser was plain-; Hairy Uraybill was un Alliance vis tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to ! itor ilmi l iy recover the sum of f 978.07. a writ of. rVullli cuinaii returned from the the following described property, to- e."1 "V0' 4, . , i ? K wit: Horses, cattle amf other live J"n bpanuche returned I rom aIIi stock, farming implements, tools and ance t-day where he has been the machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, l,aiit lcw ,lay receiving medicul aid grain, hay, garohne cnirine and alM'01 potusn intcclion on his hands and otner personal property, iou are re mired to answer the plaintiff's Dcti t.;on filed heroin on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely Februiiry 7th, If 21. LEROY BOWSER, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys! Dec28-Jun2.V21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Charles M. Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Dar.iel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, In an action pending before said county court wherein Cnarles M. Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Coiroran defendant, to recover the sum of $320.90, n writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness. grain, hay, gasoline enjrine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, .1921, namely February 7th, 1921. CHARLES M. BOWSER, 1 Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANT7. Attomevs. Dec28-Jan25,'21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Orange Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcoran, defendant.' To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Orange Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $538.67 a writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, grain, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday ir. February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. ORANGE BOWSER, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Dec28-Jan25,'21 LAKESIDE Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wilkinson moved to their home in Alliaice Thursday. Traveling Salesman J. E. Good of Alliance was a Lakeside visitor Thurs day. Ernest King went to Alliance on No. 39 Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bitner left Fri day morning to make their future home at Broken Bow. Mrs. Clyde Simmons and children returned from a few days' visit with friend3 in Alliance Friday. Mildred Beaston returned recently from Marion, Kansas, where she went to spend the holidays. MOVING . PACKING Snyder Transfer and Fireproof Storage The World Moves and So Does Snyder" Office Phone 15; Res. 884 and Black 730, r MVhen It's Your Move, Let Us Know. STORING fjy , t7r SHIPPING BEAL E3TAT3 Box Butte County Farms and Ranaaes Alliance City Property J r NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. a UeOORKLS, tfaaf Oflte Grttmd FU First NatL Baak The younjf people's Sunday school class very pleasantly entertained the liiad Game class at a party out at the Alva Ash home in the country Thuis uy ettiung. A dainty lunch was served and the evening was spent in lonnaily. Mrs. Harry Graybill has been Quite ill the past lew days but is improving at uie oi th.s wriLing. Mrs. Ed. nouse and son Walter re turned iiO,.i iMnu rriUay mt ei hoon. Kalph Shrewsbury is reported on me suk list UiiS wetK. Mi.-t. and children and Maggie t.ody uiove ni.o town .tioin oik nonh, inuisoay. churiei Lurlson, chief clerk at the St;i.u;;ru o.nce, leiuilicd liom a tr.u ! to Umalia 'ihursdav. ". V' :'i""'ii- leaves una wcck 1 J . . I. . 1 M 1 I 101 usninlon' lK 011 .busmen, Air. KirKuuti'iCK is the ten- manager o the Stan.laid i'ouish anus. lola Spcer returned from Ellsworth Thursday where fche has been visiting the past few days. Claude Jones moved to Casper, Wy oming Saturday. Luther McFuddcn returned from tho west, Saturday. M. W. Woodward moved to Brews ter Saturday. Dick liun.saker returned from tho west Sunday morning on No. 40. Mrs. Carl Miller and children re turned from the ranch the latter part of the week, where they spent the holi days. Mrs. Moran, housekeeper at the Cecil Wilson heme, and little Julia Alice Wilnon, returned from the we&t Sunday morning. Dan Thompson returned from Lin coln Sunday where ho went to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Lyle Young. Roy Fuller returned to his home at Sargent, Nebraska, Sunday morning. Miss Bernice Miller returned from Oshkohh Sunday, where she spent her vacation with home folks. J. L. Roe returned home Saturday after a short visit at his father's home in Missouri. Robert Campbell, Doyt Grebe and Floyd Smith of Antioch were Lake side visitors Sunday. Mi!o Rose was down from Alliance Sunday. Truman and Burl Been returned to Lakeside Sunday. The family is mov ing back from Alliance this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Osborn and (laugh ter Viva, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard and three children, Hpent Sunday aft ernoon at the Charles Carey home in the country. Mrs, Fanny Kearns and little son arrived from Seneca Sunday to visit relathes here. Frank Kicken and son wero in town Saturday. t'lanlv Cody and son kI. were in from the ranch Saturday. rdr. Weston, chemist at the Stand ard plant, had the misfortune of being injured when a horse 1 el 1 with him near the plant last Thursday. He is reported as recovering nicely ut the time of this writing. Friday afternoon, January 7, Bobbie Jeun Cook entertained a number of her friends, the occasion her fourth birthday. Her guests were: Alice Amelia Black, Darrell McGinnis, Dick Pollard, Madeline Thompson, Cloyd Conner, Colombo Conner and Dorothy Mae Roe. Pink ice cream and cake were served and a dandy good time enjoyed by all present. Mrs. R. A. Cook entertained the kensington club Thursday afternoon. Members present were: Mesdames Frank McGinnis Edgar Cowles, R. D. Kirkpatrick, Ode Black, A. S. Morris, S. D. Whaley, B. M. Johnston, tteorge Lindley, Beyrle Reynolds and Misses Humphry and Mildred Beaston. The invited guests were Mrs. J. S. Brice, Mrs. George Pollard and Margaret Cody. A dainty lunch was served in the course of the afternoon. Every one present enjoyed a very pleasant time. Miss Phyllis Fosdick returned to Alliance Saturday after. a week's visit with relatives here. PHYSICIAN and SERGEON DK. EINAR BLiK OFFICE IN MALLERY BLOCK Office 101- -Phoni -Residence 103 C. F. MOUANVILLE ' Carpenter Work of all Kinds I rhone 970 or Red 413 f DR. A. CLARENCE SCIIOCU . General Surgeon Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 187 Res. Phone, Blk. 62 -- j W.L.CARROLL Blacksmith and Horseshoer Now at 220 Big Horn Thone 1058 Waen In Antloeh Take Your Meals at TOR LIBERTY CATS Heals at All Hours John Strata Lot Mo Cry Your Sales It. A. WYLANU Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Sen Ice Guaranteed ve Have Our Own Uelfl PHILLIPS & SONS Contractors and Builders. P. O. Hoi 750 ' Alliance. Neb, L. A. BERRY ROOM 8 RUMER BLOCK rilONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA I Drake & Drake IkH-Uira of Optometry Glasaos Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DUS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Puiiner School Telephone 805 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loam and Insure ance. T. E. REDDISH, Reddkli Block. tf Phone 6I AUUooq Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER , Live Stock, General Farm Sales J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the o.ily wet of Abstract tUiokh In Ifaik Itutte County. First National Bank Bldg. Clean Up Now and AVOID TUB BUSH A little later In the soaaoa you'll bare to wait roar I mm. Use the phone today. ( , PROMPT SERVICE HOW ' SamShelton Phone 071 PHONES: RE3. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING PURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to PleaM Have it WELDED with the OXT'ACETXIXJna pnoczsa Cjlhxiw Blocks, rramee rranmlsalen Cases a CieaifTty ALL TBACTOm PAJKT3 Geo. H. Breckoer Kv Loeattea 31t V. U 13. FOR RENT To reliable parties, com-