THL ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY. JANUARY 7, 1921 SEVEN Jtra ggi TBI. CVMZC Of VbvXZ NXA?f?K C5UR(N& HAVL H(S WORK WflU-E. HE T OF CoukSb. "That wiuc Mean CoNlOeeABXE. , "IHEN VfouvC HAD A V ' v I WANT TO BUT ometh1nf T Hun treds of people scan these Want' A1 column looking for what you r others have to offer. Oet quick results by advertising In The raid Want Ad department. tATES Two cents per word ner in sertion. . Costa more than other ewBpapers, but we guarantee that fou reach several hundred more readers. Buy "ireulatlon. not hot air. KAIjF CITY PKOPKKTY ALLIANCE cttj property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern elose In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOK SALE USKO OARS FOR SALE Good used cars. A H . JQNES CO.. Third and Cheyeime. ' . .'. ' tf FOR SALE SKWINti MACHINKH. FOR SALE New and second hand Singer Bewing machines on $3 a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD, Agt. 86tf FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Household goods includ ing brass bed, princess dresser, 2 velvet rugs, buffet, Hoosier cabinet, Buck range, congoleum rug and mis cellaneous articles. 20SW. 3rd St., up stairs. FOR SALE TRACTOR FOR SALE A 12-25 horsepower Case tractor for sale or trade for a truck or good cur. Inquire Ralph R. Sher lock, Angora, Neb. ll-14p FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT Improved farm and pas ture near town. Phone 796.' 12-2p FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Two extra large south rooms, all modern except heat, partly furnished, ground floor, outside en trance. Call Herald Office. . 12tf FOR RENT Two rooms, with mod ern conveniences; gentlemen with references preferred. 617 Cheyenne Ave. Phone Black 713. lOtf FOR RENT Well heated room. Price 2.50 a week. Phone 347. 6tf FOR RENT Sleeping Laramie. Phone 120. rooms, 519 . lOltf WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe ft Son. 5tf WANTED STOCK HOGS WANTED Stock hogs. Nebraska Land Co. 103-tf .1 A Mmt OV4-y C the Soy SxaizTeo AGENTS WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN agent want- 1 ed m the city of Alliance to sell the i W4SW4 ; SEV4SW4 of Section 1, genuine J. R. Watkins Med.cmes, and n5NW4, of Section 12, Town Sp.ces, Extracts, Toilet Preparations, ,nip 23 No, th Ranpe no West( of the tc. All or spare tune. A wonderful ! g'xth Principal Meridian, has filed .pportunity to get into business for , notice of intent;on to nmke fina, three. v ourself. Write today for free partic- ! vpar nrnof tn pstaWiliu rlnim tn tht dars and sample. J. R. Watkins Co..;,and above (iescribetit yton Register JO Winona, Minn. 12p SALESMEN WANTED . . GET BUSY. KEEP BUSY. Is your job unsafe? Is it permanent? You vant a life long business. You can et into such a business selling more ihan 137 Watkins Products direct to -timers if you own auto or team or can get one; if you can give bond with personal sureties. We back you with big selling helps. 52 years in busi ness, 20,000,000 u.ers of our products. Write for information where you can get territory. J. R. Watkins Co., De partment C, Winona, Minnesota. 12p NOTICE. In 'the matter of the Estate of Charles E. Hershman, Deceased: In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, State of i Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Charles E. Hershman, De ceased: Whereas, Harry E. Gantz of Box, Butte County, Nebraska, has filed in my office an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Charles E. Hershman, late of said county, deceased, and said Harry E. Gantz has filed his petition herein praying to have the same admitted to probate, and for the issuing of letters of administration, with the will an nexed, The Guardian Trust Company of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne braska, as executor of said will, which will relates to both real and personal property. I have therefore appointed the 31st day of January, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the county court room in said county, as the time and place for hearing said will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the allowing of same. It is further ordered that Baid pe titioner give notice to all persons in terested in said estate of the pendency of this petition and the time and place set for the hearing of the same, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county, three weeks successively : . . l. ,i . i . i i previous to the day set for the hear ing. In Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and official seal Ihis 5th day of January, 1921. (SEAL) I IRA E. TASII, County Judge. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Jan7-28inc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska, December 23, 1920. Notice is hereby given that James MARRIED - Vhj. "that Thi$ . A. Byers, of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on Tn'v Ml. 15)17. mae Hnmpstojwt V.n. trv N ' 01R32S. for lt 4. SWU NW14 : and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of February, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses Clell Underwood. Grover Sutton. Burr Un derwood, John W. Sutton, all or Alli ance, Nebraska. T.- J. O'KEEFE, 8-17 Register. NOTICE In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In re Application for Dissolution of Alliance Packing Company, a Corpora tion. Notice is hereby given that the Alliance Packing Company, a corpora tion, organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, has filed in the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, a petition prpying for a de cree dissolving and declaring dissolved said corporation, for the payment of the costs and all expenses of this ac tion and incidental thereto, and for surh other and further relief as mdy be just and equitable, and that Satur day, the 12th day of February, 1921, at the opening of court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, has been appointed as the time, and the district court room in the court house at Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, as the place at which said application is to be heard. ALLIANCE PACKING COMPANY, A CORPORATION, By MITCHELL & GANTZ, Its Attorneys. Mitchell & Gantz, Attorneys. Jan7-Febll NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John J. Keenen, deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Putte Coun ty, ss. You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Alli ance in said county on the 20th day of April, 1921, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. A time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is four months from the ICth day of De I cember, 1920, and the" time limited for ...... payment or neots 13 one year from the ICth day of December, 1920. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 15th day of De cember, 1920. IRA E. TASII, (Seal) County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney. D21-J14 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mar garet Triplett, deceased. To all persons interested ia the es tate of Margaret Triplett, deceased. You will take notice that on the 28th day of December, 1920, George D. Itarlinr, administrator of said estate filed hi report and final account of his dealing; with the "-aid estate in , this court and that said account will be for hearing on the 28th day of Jan uary. 1921, at the county court room in Alliance in said county at the hour of 10 a. m., and if no objections are filed to the paid account the same will i be allowed and the estate fully settled. I (Siirnodl IRA R. TASII. Jan4-21 County Judjje. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. l.oioy Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Couoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by h.i I". T:;;h. county jud?e of Bo Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Lcroy Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $978.07, a writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle ami other live stock, farming implements, tools and Machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, grain, hay, gasoline engine and nil other personal property. You are re iuirel to answer the plaintiff a petl t:on filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. LJtiKO Y BOWSER, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ. Attorneys. Dec2S-Jan2r,,21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the Cnuntv Cnut-t of Ttnv Hiittri Coun'y, Nebraska. Charles M. Bowser. plaintifT. vs. Daniel Corcoran, lefendant. lo Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hreby given that pursu ant' to an order of attachment issued by Ira E: Tash, county judge o? Box Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending refore said county court wherein Cnarles M. Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $326.90, ft writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, grain, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. CHARLES M. BOWSER, PJaintiff. MITCHELL & GANT7,. Attorneys;. Dec28-Jan25,'21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Orange Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an oraer or attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Orange Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $538.67 a writ of attachment was issued nnd levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness grain, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quireii to answer tne piamiirr s peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday ir. February, 1921, namely February 7th. 1921. ORANGE BOWSER. Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Dec28-Jan25,21 A postage stamp has been found of 4.K00 . years ago. The letter writing habit apparently began to afflicthu manity at a very early age. That man who married a bride weighing 721 pounds will never be able to regard his matrimonial re sponsibilities lightly. It would be interesting to know what has become of the old fashioned girl who spelled her name Maie. Anyway, the season for borrowing lawn mowers is now closed. It is a great life if you don't go broke. MOVING Snyder Transfer and Fireproof Storage 'The World Moves and So Does Snyder" Office Phone 15; Res. 8S4 and Black 730. -When It's Your Move, Let Us Know." STORING SIIIPPING REAL E3TATB Box Butte Countj Farms and Rantkea Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. a UeCOBKLB, Uamz Ofi Grand FUer First NtU. Bak ANGORA Anton Roister was a Bridgeport vis itor Monday. W. R. McCroskey went to Gering, returned Tuesday. Charlie Doyer shipped a carload of potatoes this week. Rev. Mr. Frettyman is holding mr - etinirs in the Dove hall this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Marsh were en- tertained at the Daxon home New Year's day. Rev. Mr. Frettyman is being enter ta'ned at the Les Boodry home this week. Ed Ro.ich ami family, Arthur Johns and Charlie Lambertfon were Bridge jort vis'tora Tuesday. Mis Elo'ne Turmpn returned home from Bayard Tuesday where she had spent several days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kriest Sherlock have moved to the old Sherlock homestead and, are now at home to their many friends there. Mrs. H. W. Hubbard returned to Guide Rock Tuesday after spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. R. T. Ely, and family Io Leively went to Bayard Sun day to spend the day with his wife and also to make the acquaintance of a baby daughter that arrived Christ inas night. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller of Oma ha are making an extended visit with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury. Mrs. Miller's failing health made it necessary for them to return to the western part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Temple enter tained a few friends at a card party Tuosday night. Progressive high-five was played until a late hour when a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Those present report a most enjoyable time. MARSLAND Mrs. Tom Horvoka was in Alliance Monday. Steve Arrants was in Alliance be tween trains Monday. Miss Helen Muss was at Ileming ford between trains Monday. Sam Newbrough has rented the Frank Black place for this years. Greegs' laid off their ice crew Tues day morning in order to repair the ice chutes. Mrs. Dalon Sulenberger took her baby down to Alliance Monday to have her picture taken. Our new minister arrived last week with his family, which consists of a wife and four boys. Some of the stockholders of the Alli ance Packing company were at Alli ance Monday attending the meeting. Less Finney received word that his wife would be home in about twenty days and that her operation was not as serious as ot first expected. Mr. Enyeart's little son got quite badly injured last Friday when he fell off the counter and had his head cut but is getting along nicely now. ' HIGH CI? ADR PIANO AT SACRIFICE PRICE For qu'ck sale will give big cut in price: This is one of our bert pianos 'eft on our hands in public storehouse :n Alliance. Examine it. Easy pny jrients to renonsib!e party. Write o lay for full irformat'on to The Den ver Mus'c company, Denver, Colorado. F 12-22 If iuv duty is no more popular among women than men they will not insist upon being admitted to the ser vice before 1922. An exchange says the interior of the Okefinokee swamp has never been visited To begin with, the place has a bad name. 1 With overalls coming down in price, it may be that labor "will decide it can now afford to soil them ith hon est toil. With a drop in the price of dough nuts the authorities should be on fi-unrd lest the bakers make the hole biggsr. No shortage of water in the ocean has been reported, but another Ameri can cruiser has gone aground. Those interested In tbe return of the 5 cent cigar are closely scanning the market reports on cabbage. PACKING Do you remember when hard coal cost $5.f0 a ton and it was a job to get money enough ahead to pay th winter's fuel bill all at once? DR. A. CLARENCE SCHOCII , General Surgeon l Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office Phone 1 87 Res. Thone, Blk. C21 Office Phone 136 Res. Thone Red 601 WILLIS TRANSFER CO. , City and Country Hauling Crating and Packing ' With Wm. King Co. Allinnco, 219 Box Butte Nebraska. V W. L. CARROLL Blacksmith and Horseshoer Now at 220 Big Horn Thone 105S Wken Id Antioeh Take Tour Meals at YHK LIBERTY OATH Meals at All Hoars John Strata Let Me Cry Your Hates It. A. WTLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Service Guaranteed v Have Our Own ilelg ruiLLirs & sons Contractors and Bull tiers. , P. O. Dox 760 Alliance, Nefe. L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK FHONE ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake , Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopatkr DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 865 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. P. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. ' . tf Phone 6 l AllUooe Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock, (fiieral Farm Sales J. D. EI.IERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only net of Abstract IWm.Kx in IWi Itutte County, frtrsi NiUlonal Hank Bldg. Clean Up Now and AVOID THE BUSH A Utile later In the you'll harn to wait yoar tarn. U the phone today. PROMIT HKHVICB HOW SamShelton . Phone 8T PHONES: RES. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATINO FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Please' Have it WELDED wiQ the OXY-ACETIXXTi PROCESS Cylinder" Blocks,"" franee tai Tranmlsslen Cases a tsesfitty ALL TXACTOm TAXT Geo. H. Breckner Nev Loe&Usa 311 Xff.ltO.