THE ALLIANCE HEKALt), FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1921 TOUR Oljr Alliaurr Hrralbj BCHK miNTlNO CO.. Owntn 1 Knttd t thi poitolflc lit Alllano fOlNb., for tranaiiiinxion through th nails hi . ( Oii.1 t-laas malWr. l'ubllahcd Xi"ly and Friday. KoHoi3 i- iumik. JH Kditor BUWIN M. UUUU Uulna Mgr. Ofllrlal rn-wapappr of tht City of Alliume; nClciat lie paper ot Boa Butt County. Ownrd and published by The Uurr FTintintc Company, 0or I Hurr, Jr., rrrnldtit; Kuwtn M. Uurr, Vita IT Went. i It now develops lht the reason pro hibition hasn t been Ktr.clly enforced in. because the federal amenta draw Uch pitifully meager salaries that Ihey are constantly tempted to forget ' duty if the be large enough, n it is the aim of the department of Justice to pay salaries large enough o that a bribe will be no temptation to a booze hound, prepare for a big in crease in taxes. The profits In boot legging are no enormous that the il licit dealers can raise the ante to al most unbelievable umft. There will be a big fight in the legislature against, the welfare com miBBion bill, which carries with it an appropriation 'of well over $300,000, half of which will be used to establish offices and pay dome nice salaries to number of good people who are ter ribly concerned about public morals and children's welfare. Alliance will have the same sort of a scrap, in miniature, over its welfare ordinance, which has been laid on the table tem porarily. It's difficult enough to select a city manager who must combine all aorta of wisdom in one head, but when it comes to the selection of a public guardian of morals, excuse us, please, from doing the selecting. DO YOU KNOW? (Business Success) Do you know that Publicity rays? Are you thoroughly con vinced that it does? Have you ever given your local newspaper a thorough trial over an extended period of time using space sufficient to warrant you in expecting results? Whether or rot you have awak ened to the fact, fact it is that non . e of adequate advertising in your ocal news-tonveying medium is a terrible handicap to your business. Do you know that the large city stores ppnnd from 4"r to Cf of the'r gross sales in newspaper pub licity? This becomes a powerful ' magnet which draws trade out of your territory and into the.e live merchants' stores. Do you know that the mail order houses did i business of approxi mately 223 million dollars during the first seven month of the past year? Of this huge sum this county over-subscribed its quota I What are you going to do about it, Mr. Ilusinesg Man? Meekly sub mit and throw up your hands? It's a call to printer's ink. "What's worth having is work asking for." The major portion of this business must walk past jour doors on its way to the city! Why Unot ask it to call on you? News- T . !!!;. tT . 1 paper pumicuy eneruveiy carries your invitation. Therein lies your hope, . . r : r , X: ' A Chicago newspaper has adopted a alogan that it intends to advertise during the coming year, and it's a good one "1921 Will Reward Fight ers." Never has a slogan been more true. Never was there a time when effort will be better repaid. The la borer, the merchant, the farmer or rancher who goes out with the inten tion of bringing home the bacon' will bring it homo. There has been a touch f calamity howling a few have been pinched In the readjustment from war time prices but this is no time to sit down and mope, or grouch about it. If you want success in 1!)21, you'll have to fight for it. If you don't put up a fiirht, your share will go to , someone who will. ' . AN OPPORTUNITY . The people of Alliance have decided In favor of a city manager by a ma Jority-vote, and their decision goes, Unless someth'ng happens to prevent this city will be the first in the state to try out this system as laid down in the state law. It will be an oppor tunity for the new council and the city manager to make a record that will be watched with interest by the entire state. The voters need not, however, pro cecd to forget all about city affairs stmnlv beciuse they have decided to leave all the worry to a trained execu tive. Tl'ere is the i iot important mMteo se'oct!ng an evecutive. This the people canrot do. But they can elect rren in whom they have abso lute confidence. If th- city manager plan is to sue eeed, there mint be no man on the council who has friends to reward or enemies to punish. Fach man selecte should be public-spirited, capable am Something of a business man himself. If he is to pass upon the qualifications cf the new head of the city's affairs The man who is to be the city man ager must be selected because of abil ity solely. He should not be a student at the game we have had one ex periment but one well versed to the problems of city administration. The new council should not sk'mp on the matter of salary. When all our eggs re placed in one basket, it is well to get a strong basket It has been pointed out that an out aide man ordinarily makes the best city manager. He Is interested only in making a record for himself, not in rewarding his friends' friends, and toming from outside, he has no friends cf his own to make places for. Candidates for the city council are already getting their petitions ready. The whole city will be able to vote on every man who seeks a place. If there Is anything to the theory thaa pri mary results in the selection of bet ter men, we will find it out. The city manager plan was adopted, sot because people had any great faith In Its efficiency, but because the wo men voters wanted Alliance cleaned Bp. Our record during the past six months has been anything but en viab'e. The murder of last month was the last straw. The new city admin istration, whether it is the same men or new ones, will do well to pay heed to the warning of last Tuesday's elec tion. There must be an end to gamb ling, to bootlegging, to other forms of law breaking. Else there will be aa illustration of the way the recall works. 1 GASOLINE LAMP SETS FIRE TO HARRIS HOME The home of Walter Harris, living about forty-five miles out of Alliance, burned Wednesday night. Mr. Harris was working on some harness in a summer kitchen adjoining the house and as it began to grow dark lighted a gasoline lamp. When he supposed it had generated he went to the barn to get more harness. When he re turned the house was in flames. The family succeeded in saving some of the furniture and clothing. The loss was covered with about $8p0 insurance. Miss Sarah O'Keefe returned to Denver where she is attending school at Ixrctta Heights, after spending the holiday, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe of this city. RANDOM SHOTS The king is dead long live the city manager. A Chicago man has left f 1,000 to his barber, whom he had never tipped. Cut this out and show it to your baiber. The conductor of this column has been feeling mean and owly all week. No, Genevieve you're wrong. He didn't attend a New Year's party. It's simply the tag-end of the grippe. When the average man talks about law enforcement, ho means that laws should be enforced on other people. That's what is known as a foible of 'uman nature. We've often wondered about foibles. That word has such an interesting round, don't you think ? Prepare to fight for your pipes, ci gars, cigarettes and eating tobacco. This week we receive a questionaire asking us whether we favor the en actment of laws prohibiting the per sonal use of tobacco by adults. Did you ever hear of any one using tobac co impersonally, except a novelist or a A-C-L member? They inqu're abo whether the use of tobacco is objectionable to us. We repl.ed that it was not, so long as the victim of the habit bought his own. Evidently our friends in New Y'ork, who suffered most horribly from the prohibition of booze, are worring again. Today's Best Story. Hans was speaking about the high price of cabbage in his town. "Kebbepes is awful high dis year," he said. "Me and mine vife puts up seven, eight, nine barrels of sauer kraut efery year, but ve can't dis year. De kelibegcs cost too much." "But you put up some sauerkraut, didn't you, Hans?" questioned a friend. "Oh, yes, two or free barrels, just to half in tie house in case of sickness." ness." . We are thinking of writing another scenario, entitled, "The Luckless Lurch," or "The Stain on the Rug." But we won't. . ' Once we had bad luck, too. It doesn't pay to be generous with drinkables of any kind, not alone be cause of their scarcity, but becaure someone may find it our. Hard c!der is under the same ban as home brew, at least in Hamilton county, where a generous farmer who gave away a couple of glasses paid for it at the rate of $G1 a glass. And yet they keep urging us to "give till it hurts." About the only person who can do this is an exasperated parent spank ing an exasperating son. ' Lost Treasure Out in the wilds of No Man's Land the lieutenant on patrol encountered a dusky private; anxiously searching the. ground on hands and knees . "Here you." he demanded gruffly, "What the devil are you doing out here?"' "Suh," replied the darky with tears in his eyes, "Ah's looking fo' mah bud dy's hand what got shot off heah." "Oh, I'm sorry," exclaimed the offi cer, touched at such a friendship. "But that's no use, you know. His hand wil never do him any good now." "No, suh, 'taint dat, but when it got shot off it done bad mah bes' pair oh dice in it." American Legion Weekly. On our way to dinner this noon we passed a couple of women, each with bundles everywhere in sight. We heard one of them say, sarcastically: "Well, you walked all over town.' "Yes," said the other, "but I saved eight cents." The boy scout printers, who have headquarters in one corner of The Herald's basement, aren't doing so badly for a week's experience. The third day they sent one boy over to conductor. "Whaddya mean?" he the booie was, watched his opportune Ben's place to borrow a "column asked belligerently, "going up to my and brought up his friends to help- stretcher", and the next day they room and stealing all my booze." Then kil it. showed type lice to a printer's devil the facts came out. The liberal trav-1 who has had several months' of exper- eling salesman had been invited up to And there isn't any law that can. tence. We don't want to hear any more from the people who have been com- . plaining because Alliance doesn't have any worthwhile amusements. There , was some really good music at the Imperial last night, and there wasn't over 125 paid admissions. And half the people who did turn out came to see the movie and not to hear the music. We know, because we heard them crabing because the pic ture was last on the program. Oh, well a three hour entertain ment just about wrecks an evening. & 1 . ! . i yi . 1 1 j juer is i-'rarwcauy ine i only form of entertainment that can ' be indulged in for long stretches with out fatigue. If it could only be played without loss. "Is this the hosiery department?" said the voice over the phone. "Yes," replied the weary saleslady. "Have you any fleh -colored stock ings in stock?" asked the voice. "Yes." reDlied the wearv salesladv. "Whaddy ye want-rpink, yellow or black?" I A Denver man, taken before the police magistrate on a charge of in toxication, gave as an excuse that he J had been gassed by a checre sandwich. The meanest man in the world has been discovered in the person of a traveling salesman who occasionally hits Alliance. This salesman invited an Alliance conductor and another friend to come up to h's room for a lil drink. The conductor didn't drinlv (of course not), but ho went along and smoked a few cigars on the trav eler. A couple of days later another traveling man jumped all over the the same room, and knowing where touch him for it. ' Luncheonette Service You will find our place just the place you've been looking for, when you want a hot lunch, while down town shopping or after the show F. J. Brennan New Location Next to First National Bank Building 3ZS8G2EE9S2EZ Thieves robbed the Palace meat market of about 19 Wednesday eve ning, gaining entrance by tearing a screen from a window. They staged a picnic lunch before leaving the building after making the haul The Alliance bakery was entered the sartfc sdght, but nothing was reported, missing. Fools quiic often loaste their roll- Wise men spend their cashjorcoal. C9AL IT iiJ3 ECONOMY IS BEING PRACTICED BY EVERYONE. Wlir NOT COAL ECONOMY? Few people realize that nut coal Is least expensive for use in the kitchen range. Breaking up your large coal which you have for furnace or heater causes waste, slackage and extra work, besides losing you money. For economy's sake order a ton or so of nut coal from our King Coal Group Pinnical, Elk Creek, Canyon City, Rock Springs or Kirby Nut Coals. Remember no slack, no waste, no clinkers, no extra labor ready for Instant use. Our Phone is 41. Act today. ;, m. nolan & Company Yards-404 Cheyenne Phone tl Office 317 Box Butte it A F .Facts ew About Printing PHONE NO. 340 Publishers of THE ALLIANCE HERALD Have you ever taken a few hours off from the daily grind of routine work to STUDY YOUR OWN BUSINESS There are perhaps many things you can learn about it if you will take time to do this Unless you have from time o time done this, the chances . are ten to one that some part of your syste mhas, like Topsy, "simply grown." Undoubtedly some of your ways of doing things could be altered with no great effort, and thereby save time,' inconvenience, and opportunity for error. Here's How We May Help You In some of these changes you can use forms to keep records on. Have you a workable, easily get-at-able set of figures from which you can determine your daily, weekly or monthly profits? Can you not plan a for mthat you or your bookkeeper can fill out to give you this desirable data? Again, can you find the right pad of checks for a certain bank when you want, it? Could you riot profitably use checks printed especially for you with the name of the bank to be written in? You could carry a small pad of them and never be at a loss when some customer or business acquaintance wanted to pay you. There are many other ideas you can incorporate into your system at small expense that will Save You Money in Time We have a competent assortment of 4 paper grades and col orsand it needs only a telephone call from you to get us started. THINK IT OVER--ORGANIZEYOUR BUSINESS NO MATTER HOW LARGE OR SMALL The BURR PRINTING GO. Masonic Temple Bldg.