CTGHT THE ALLIANCE JfEKA I.I TUESDAY, JANUARY 1921 Cl . . . . . ( J Cu7 51. ALWAfi b btLLO - PACKING COMPANV lilS SOLVF.D I1Y VOTK OF MFMIIFRS By ELEANER R. JOHNSON. t (Continued fiom Fafje 1) take, end iirced to (five them K2'i per rent of all they wanted to with- ,lrnw. 1 1 1 r rnmnininir 1 7 ' rrr rpnf. nr- CD-ICSC-O l:n;.rily allowed for expense, to 1 re- turned to them in utock or the com pany when it le:an operations. As the first step in thin proposal, tii, 1120. by JU-Clur. Nwpi)r Sin, Ileal. ) Among the ninny cities, town nnl ? rllhices sciittercd o-r ihe wnrld there 1h not one wh'ch liMt not luive. some Ijinrtlculiir rhnrncierMlc. some enjoin which innkc It npBrt from nil others, lit Is tlie little village of St. Allium, Hit tin ted iinmnK the hnmd. slopiiiK hills of New r.MKlanil. which will perlmps 'brlnjf out this spirit numi, clearly, for about Its qmilnt custom the rotminca f Anne llryce and John Cninemn In 'woven. ' On the slope behind St. Alhan tetanus a mnuill church, nml by Its door wuy one mny rend a bronze tahlet stating thitt In lSiiTi the chtirch was erected by a certain Oniric Lnng-'-worth In memory of hi !, who illed lor the Northern cnuse In 1R01. As the old seiton conic tip on his tour f work and Inpi-tloii he will tell you tlmt whenever any festivity take if. Covered tower he nin. the form of time certificates of deposit and the banks will probably hold (hoe until they are payable. It will r.rob I ably be some months before the money is actually all returned to the stock holders. ; Mr. I'lumbe has announced his in dention of Koinff lo NcottsblufT and im I mediately begin oerations for the I erect 0:1 of a packing plant. Neither he or the fiscal agent, Mr. Sweet, have ho offered a resolution o change the ore Fpots, although the venture psune of the company to the Nebraska has cost them as much as any of the Packing company. It did not receive ' -tockhoMers of the company. The peo a Fecond. P'p of Scott.-bluff, Mr. I'lumlie says, Charles Hucke of Hemingford, lead- unanimously behind the project, er ot me insurgents, at two or tnree 1 y pu- it mey ex- Crawford Mnt!ay to spend a fe-v davs rmcs during iiumuen address i w uci a pmni nine aiMI w th frirncN RAILROAD NOTES O. E. Williams, yardmaster, is lay ing off over New Year's. Conductor I. M. Armour left Mon day for the east on business. Mrs. 1 H .Dentcn and daughter left Sunday for a visit in the east. Urakcman I. M. I,ong is laying off th;- week, on pcrount of illness. Mrs. W A. McCune and pon, James, re. ui ned from Kansas City 8 rih.y. J. R Kennedy, agent at Ellrworth, left for Omaha Monday for a vacation. Mrs. W. L. McAllister loft lor suggested that it be nhortened, but! convert il to tneir needs, and will be was ruled out of order. At its com pletion, he was on his feet, with a motion that a temporary chairman be appointed to displace Mr. Pluming. This was also ruled out of order. Eighteen men were then placed in nomination for a new directorate. The killing by November of this year, he declares. A. 11. McCue, former pres ident and general manager of the Corn R .V. Walker, timekeeper, returned Many a coy grandmother will insist she will not be old enough to vote until next year. The circus contortionist is the only fellow envied nowadays he can al ways make both ends meet. Trices are coming down, but the 5 cent nickel is still too timid to venture out without a strong escort. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf In London it is feared eggs will rise to 23 cents each this winter. At that rate actors ought to feel safer. The wind may be tempered to the Friday from Chicago, where he spent phorn lamb, but nothing at all is done the holidays. Conductor Fred Vaughn Hemingford men had passed around ing statement: small slips with the following names: "One could not but be left with the upon them: S. C. Hoist, N. S. Craig, feeling that it was the concensus of .. ., . , , VUIMIUI.-.U1 1 ir'l musilll limit 11 II He-1 Packing company ot Dubuque, a.,'from Ravenna Sun(Iay to work the A,'. will probably assist in forming the ,iance poo, turn hcottsbluir company. nrkeman G. M. Anderson and wife Mr. P umbe has issued the fo ow- iff f,i., r .n AilfllMajr 1UI M. a n Jltl VV, 111. i 1UI O thirty-day vacation. Conductor M. E. Lander returned for the silk-clad calf. Baltimore Sun. Eggs at a dollar a dozen are more apt to be base deceivers than everl Many a shabby coat covers an hon est quart. Norfolk (Va.) Ledger Dispatch. Borrowing may be a disease, but lending is insanity. Waukomis (Ok.) Hornei. Every farmer I know wonders what a city man does with his time. Pekin (111.) Times. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A business meeting of the church will be. held Wednesday evening. All officers and members are expected to be present, as important matters must be attended to. Willing Workers Bible class will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Moses Wright, 715 Mis souri. All ladies of the congregation are invited. ilnce In the village It was the wish of ilie founder that the hells In the Ivy- W. L. Baldwin, G. L. Taylor, Charles opinion of the stockholders present at ne nt the hoiayj,'' Moravey, T. K. Enyeart, Charles C. the meeting that they were most sin-j Joe Swccney yanimaster at Guern- uckc, Ellsworth Beach ami L. M. cere in their desire to see established ! w (, through Alliance Mnlay Hawkins. a trading yard and killing plant in cn routc to CaIifornia F. W. Coch, agent at Hoffland, left ' A 1 1 I I A 1 -.1 - t ...I I , Many times the hells hud penled , : , u""u l" ,T B . ' T , Sunday for a two weeks' visit in the iforth while white-. hid hrld- had bJ btcufore would accept, tive a body of men, and I wish to east a Newm(in js reHcvi r h!m rjlipped el.islvclv nwny with their hu- "viouh to the voting there was con- take this opportunity to thank till of Mrs j. F .Kcknart( who un,,erwent lands. nn.Ut was on M.eh an occasion s.derable discussion between Chairman the stockholders present at the meev an opPration at Rochcatcr, Minn., a the minister' wn hnl heen mar- , . . . . . . . " Vl . Vu ' . :l . . short tlnie returned home Sun- wlien lied that Anne llryce ami John Cam eron were sitting on a grassy knoll overlooking the village. ' 'The Klondike calls me tomorrow, iAnne" he snld cently. Then looking vL. 1 II. . V..-- I. ...AO a It t ( I (.1 . . .. A A 1 A 1 A?. AAl 1- siocKnouiers t-nowea tneir intention or regrened mat n was noi me wisn oi (av dissolving the company almost from the majority to continue as a corporate 'F',.e, Burns f f Omaha, trouble man the first. Such exclamations as: "1 body and vote as a corporate body for for th. mailltP.1r-.f.wnv want my money first" were heard from the removel of the operations to tee was in Alliance on business Mtn. an pans oi me room, une rancner oluivmhuh, aim i wish io tmpnasiiB wrd the Northwest. "What a land 5of promise 1 What shall 1 not be abla to do for you w hen 1 return I And Mhcn It will he hut a year or so before 3 am hack again!" "Hut a year or so But, perlmps the next time rtie bells f SI. Alhiins ring It will be for you nl me, Anne." Th Mi was setting. They roue and valKed nlowly down Into Ihe village. The next iiwo'iilng .lohn Cuuieron, de inted for (lie Klondike, and. us the train vluwlv drw out from the station. Anne wiiM'd n good-bye with her hand ' kerchief, Ihen quickly rulililng her eyes M"ie went home to wait "tor a year or BO." Three years had passed, and Anne TBryce'a pretty little cottaL'e s etned 'io r'flici the very atmosphere of tlie July day. The front gate creaked, and ia tall, good -natiired looking inuti istnlked ii the path. Anne win silting on the piiu..n shelling p'iis. , "Mornlir, ihouht I'd come to talk , la little bit. d. you mind. Anne?" J 'Oh. Joe, of courwj I don't mind. Sit (down." J Joe stretched his Ions lees the ! length of the steps, ate two or threw ifreen petm and then asked: "Heurd uuythlng from John? When' fV coming or Isn't he coming at all?" She sighed. "I'm waiting. Joe. I Haven't heard anything about him t since he left, except that one letter he Rrotc Just before he got to Alaska; I but I believe he Is safe, mid 1 w ill t always keep to my promise that I'd Vbe here when he came home!" "I'niph! Anne. If he doesn't come tbuck pretty soon do you think you ?oti!d ever look my way?" No, I'm sorry, Joe, but 1 mild I said: "Whenever you shoot and miss. t this time and to publicly state that the next time you hoot you're too wc propose to build and operate trad far away to hit anything. If you ng yards and a killing plant in the fellows in Alliance won't stick with Platte valley and work along this line us fellows fiftv miles awav. we canl will be started immediately. Ann ,nred. 'ever build a packing plant." "My reasons for urging the removal 11. 1'. Loursey, tollowing the voting ot rne operations oi me piani io on the directors, moved that the cor- Scott sbluff were: potation be dissolved. The motion was "L The business interests of Alli-M-conded by twenty-five or thirty ut ancp 'i(l not do as a body what they once. An informal standing vote agreed to do as individuals, and with t bowed only six ngaim.t dissolution. the city of Alliance behind us it The roll was then called, with the re- Wls impracticable to continue the sale suit that not a single vote was against of securities. l.'i::i v; the company then and there. "2- The business interests or AI!i One man did not vote. The siv men' mco. and vicinity would not f urn!: h day. General Superintendent A. G. Smart and Assistant Superintendent Griggs left Monday for Omaha to attend a banquet given in honor of G. W. Holdrege, who resigned as general manager January 1. TURN OLD CLOTHES INTO CASH Get the best price in the city for used clothing, shoes, trunks, -hags, guns, etc. Workman & McLaughlin, Corner Second nnd Box Butte. JGMtf Why Wait for Deliveries f That you may have it without delay, ' we have on hand about four cal loads of Lubricating Oils of all grades. We are carrying this in stock for . your convenience. MUTUAL OIL CO. Phone 3 A. II. HARPER Phone 5 y j-e. pf were from the vicinity of Angora. us with a board of directors, as we On the roll call, President Plumbc rr voted in favor of the dis.o'ut'on for the proxies he represented. He had u.'fic!ent votes to prevent it, but s:rd eatedly requested. (. In hcottsiiiutl several sui-cesK-ful i, ion of un(ue; t:onod integrity have agree to serve on the directorate of a that he had no dosiie to do so in the "cw company to be l:novn as the Nc- face of the overwhelming .sentiment. Packing company lie controlled fourteen votes in the meeting, and since a two-thirds ma jority is necessar yto dissolve, would have been able to delav.it, 4. EveeJIent sewerage and water facilities, ideal site on the Platte river in--uring an inexhaustible supply of i sand and gravid, which make for a Secretary J. W. Guthrie read his re-! ,mvor rost r construction all of port, which shed that 3.70S shares had tho;:e things, coupled with the united been so'd at $."0 each, a total of 51S5.-' support of the Platte valley, make our 10()i Cash and certificates of deposit !on hand totaled $!2,9S1.32: liberty bonds, $l,l!)3.fiC; checks, $1,125; notes, $5H,008.01. The 17 per cent com mission paid abouted to $32,44"). Other expenses totaled less than $200. Ac crued interest on certificates of deposit amount to $2,250, and on notes, $2,750. Treasurer Glen Miller gave a similar report. The meeting was adjourned until 7 i o'clock, to allow the election inspectors 'time to count the votes. The nine men Ion the Hemingford slate were elected iby overwhelming majorities. The meeting then adjourned, and the new proppects for success seem assured." (Signed) R. E. PLUM BE, Pres. Alliance Packing Co. Think of Special Hour Sales when going down town. 11-lt Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Co. 103-tf ould'wnlt. and the hells of St. Albans j bo!";1 of electors, who will push the fhuven't rung since he went uway. He Uioped they would ring for m when lhe returned, and I know they will." iAnd she set the dish of shelled peas dovu with a thud un If to emphasize Jtoer determination. Joe arose awk f tvardly. "Well. I must be a-goln'; perhaps ou may consider my propositi some (Cluie, Anne." And n sauntered off ;$Isai;o!utcd. 1 dltlu't have any more to do than to sit on folks' doorsteps and pro rjioie I declare I would " Anne ex claimed as she bustled about lu the $ltclieu, and then stopped short and tturned around for she saw a shadow Call across the doorway. A very different sort of man stood tbefore her now; pale, tired and hng frared looking, his face partly covered jy a long beard, while his hair was utreaked with gray. For a moment Anne ljked startled, then with a Ilt (Ue cry she fairly flew to him. "John, I waited oh, so long, but ou are here now. It all seems too I food to be true!" "Yes Anne, here 1 am. 1 bavent ilrought back what I hoped I could, (roodiiess knows, hut. In spite of that, t perhaps" and as he looked down Into ier fuce "Yes, surely the bells of St Albans will ring for us as they never Oave rung before!" matter of dissolution, elected the fol lowing officers: President, G. L. Tay lor; vice president, C C. Hucke; sec retary, T. R. Enyeart treasurer, W. L. Baldwin. Ex-Secretary Guthrie was employed by the board to assist. The present plan is to have the af fairs of the company settled as quickly as possible. Just what steps will be taken will depend somewhat on the board of securities, but it is probable that a petition will be pre sented at the present session of dis trict court. Some of the money is in Burhank has chosen campaign year to perfect a lemon the size of a grapefruit. The new voters should be told that they can vote for only one man at a time. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Iind Company. 103-tf The old-fashioned man who could drink or let it alone is now letting it alone. The man with a smile is the man with something in his cellar coal or otherwise. j Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf A Fair Exchange. They met In front of the News of f flee a youne woman and a man of uncertain age. MWhy ar you out so MriyT" be asked. "When I called np our bouse at nine o'clock they said Ihst you were already downtown, and J! - "Well, there was a drtiu sale." be ln the young woman, "and I had te torn downtown early te get a bargain, ij rot one, too a 07 dress for $25." "Well, you've nothing on me," r tjponded the man. "1 bought a new (juit myself this morning. Only the tables were turned with me I got a U23 suit for $67." Indianapolis News, Quail as a Souvenir. One of the queerest souvenirs of the tjrar preserved from tl French front : m a wounded quail whhh Lieut John t-tugen of Fn eland. Pa., picked op In t:he Argonne forest and took to Amer ( ca, Lieutenant Rngen nursed the IdhII back to health and It becace cx?at pot with the (Miipnny. FRESH BREAD I5AKED IN ALLIANCE We have secured the services of a baker with many years experience in bread and pastry making. He has worked in Alliance many months and makes excellent bread. The quality is there. IT IS SURE TO SATISFY AND ITS ALWAYS FRESH Our Bread costs no more than others and we believe you'll like it better. It's worth trying, anyway. You can get it at the Alliance Candy Store. Tom Stalos and E. Essay. We will make a special effort to give other Alliance dealers prompt and satisfactory service. Jackson and Vallos Orders Taken on Phones 446 or 27 Still JAM- IVtYT ' M r ew About Printing Have you ever taken a few hours off from the daily grind of routine work to STUDY YOUR OWN BUSINESS There are perhaps many things you can learn about it if you will take time to do this. Unless you have from time to time done this, the chances are ten to one that some part of your syste mhas, like Topsy, "simply grown." Undoubtedly some of your ways of doing things could be altered with no great effort, and thereby save time, inconvenience, and opportunity for error. Here's How We May Help You In some of these changes you. can use forms to keep records on. Have you a workable, easily get-at-able set of figures from which you can determine your daily, weekly or monthly profits? Can you not plan a for mthat you or your bookkeeper can fill out to give you this desirable data? Again, can you find the right pad of checks for a certain bank when you want it? Could you not profitably use checks printed especially for you with the name of the bank to be written in? You could carry a small pad of them and never be at a loss when some customer or business acquaintance wanted to pay you. There are many other ideas you can incorporate into your system at small expense that will Save You Money in Time We have a competent assortment of paper grades and col ors and it needs only a telephone call from you to get us started. THINK IT OVER-ORGANIZE YOUR BUSINESS NO MATTER HOW LARGE OR SMALL The BURR PRINTING CO. Publishers of THE ALLIANCE HERALD PHONE NO. 340 Masonic Temple Bid. . T rw