aim tllHEF SJljr Mimtrr Hrralfi i Gene Byrnes Says: "It s a Great Life if You Don't Weaken1 El'Itri miXTIO CO.. Owners La R: Entered at the pontofflce (it Alliance JCebNeb., for transmission through the mail H8 Rrcnnil rlnss matter. I'ubllshed Tuesday and Friday. 3KonJK L. NUKIt. Jll Editor EDWIN M. iJL'KH Business Mgr. Official newspaper of the City of Alliance; official newspaper of Box Uutte County. Owned and published by The ISuii frlntintr Company, George I.. Ilurr. Jr., Freident; Kdwin M. Burr, Vice I'res-ldent. riE ALLIANCE WTO'" r i i I t i y "BLUE" SUNDAY Those followers of Lady Nicotine, who have been living on Uneasy street since the legal execution of John Barleycorn, fearing that the next ob- ject of attack w ould be tobacco, may now calm themselves. From all in dications, the pipe, cigarette and cigar are safe, for a time, at least. It ap pears now that the reformers are out to secure a more strict observance of the Sabbath or, as one man has ex pressed it, "to take the sun out of Sunday to make an air-tight in a bone-dry land." 'ine Lord's Day Alliance is the or ganization that has started out to finish the work of de-commercializing Sunday, something that has been the aim of all denominations for a long, long time, although never has the pro gram been so ambitious. They believe that Sunday is a holy day, and re gard business of any kind as a dese cration. The alliance plans to secure the repeal of all legislation permitting theatres, ball games, and other com mercial amusements to open on Sun day, and, in general, to return to a thoroughly religious observance of the ' lay. Times change, and with them the needs and ideas of men. To fall in with the plans of these fanatics would mean a return to the old New England "blue laws, when a man might not lciss his wife on Sunday, when a child might not whistle, when sermons were three hours long, and when the entire lay was given over to religious re flection and instruction. The strict Sabbatarians would have trains stop running on Sunday and have no man vork for money on that day. Auto mobiles might be used to carry prople to and from church, but for no other purpose. They wou'd be satisfied with less, perhaps, hut this is what they desire. It's so easy to find fault. It's so pleasant to lay down rules by which others are to be bound, especially when they do not like it. There's no fanatic fuite like a religious fanatic, and none so dangerous. If the church seems to be losing ground, if it no longer has an attraction for men and women, or any influence with them, lV the, obvious thing to do is to reorgan ize tnfi-Ckkrcli, and make it fit more closely the needs of mankind. Reformers, as a rule, like to go at things backward. If the church does not serve mankind, then make man kind serve the church. If it comes to a question of remaking the church or remaking mankind, the reformers ad vocate the latter course. Fortunately, the clergy are not unanimously in favor of the plan. Out SE'lllllP " ""N it's of a dozen or two articles against it, perhaps the best is by the recor of Trinity church, New York city, Dr. William T. Manning, who says: "This proposed campaign for stricter Sunday laws is one of those well meant Dut misguided efforts which no harni, instead of pood, to the cause they are intended to serve. It is im practicable, wrong in principle, and based on a narrow and imperfect con ception of the Christian religion. I' would do far more to drive religion out of the hearts of the people than to ' draw them toward it. "We have no right to compel re ligious observance of Sunday by law The law should forbid all unnecessary business on Sunday, and thus, as far :is possible, secure to all their right tr Sunday as a day of freedom from heir ordinary occupations and of re !:r:ou observance if they wish to use it. Further than tlrs the law may no. rightly go." IU'SINF.SS IS GOOD been more fortunate than most of the other cities of its class in the f tate, for business has been fairly brisk, even through the period of readjustment. The only merchants to complain are those who persist in comparing sales with last year, when prices were at their highest level. Totals for Christ mas week this year, when prices are lower, could be considerably lower, and yet would represent the same ap.ount of business. A just basis of' comparison will show that in nine ases out of ten, the Christmas busi 80 TO THE RESCUE Don't Yait 'till It's Too Late Follow The Kxaniplf of an Alliance ' Citizen. Rescue the nch'nir back. If it keeps on aching, trouble may come. Often it indicates kidnev weakness. Doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mrs. Adams had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Statistics show that in the United States a person is killed every 85 min- i utes by automobiles. It is fair to add ; special farmer legislation and every The one Nebraska state daily that has not raised its price is the State Journal, still being sent a whole year for $5 or $7 with the Sunday. The coming legislative session will be an important one. There is bound to be that in most cases it is not the fault of the automobiles. ho merchants who have most fairly and consistently used newspaper ad vertising are the ones who have fewest complaints to make. the I c.ise, one of the men who went to the From over the country come reports whicli indicate tnai cnnsimas oroKe i ...... . . ...... , he "consumers strike that has been ty;lp( inmK.ence an(, waite ;nore of a worry to retailers than the, of tate tQ )o away V)tn latter cared to admit. Price reductions tn t tm , n. rmniuhmnt A t iess this vear was nrartirnllv as inmil ' " ou ""H"" Ki.ineys warning, is last. And ihe tenth case will-be j 1 ,,,:t far urinM-y disorders, that of a non-advertiser. During the I''1' Alliance citizen will show you .wine davs of the nasi two month--, i how to i, to the rescue. Mrs. C. M. Ad ms, 71S W. 2nd St., say.-: "If I hear anyone complaining of 'wkache 1 tell them to take Doan's Kidney Tills. If there is anything th.-t will make a per: on feel miscr--.' 1" 't i nnririr;.' p;-ms in the small o' the 1 ark. Do-.n's Kidney Pills w'il u'ckly put a stop to the backache if tahen as directed. When I get one of these attacks I po to Th'ele's Drug Store and get a box of Doan's. I am toon rid of the trouble." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get It now seems proh ihle that there will be an attempt made at the present c.i-ion of the legislature to have capi tal punishment abolished. Such an at tei.ipt usually follows closely upon the heels of any legal execution. In this Radical agitators constitute perhnps less than 5 per cent of British and American labor, but it must be con ceded that they make about 95 per rent of the noise. The high cost of living Is not down to bottom level, but It Is showing signs of getting on the downward rungs of 'he ladder. NOTICE iff The annual stockholders' meet;ng of the Wyoming-Northeastern Oil com pany w'll be hold rtt the offices of th company in the Reddish block, in the city of Alliance. Nebraska, on Janu ary 10, 1021, nt 7:0 o'clock p. m. F. A. BALD, President. Attest: 10 LLOYD C. THOMAS, Secretary. one is interested in the nupstlon of prices of what they sell and what they buy. That takes in everyone. A free discussion of all sides is given in the Journal, an independent paper. No family can afford to be without a dairy at this time, and the Journal with its progressive attitude is best suited to your needs. It is filled with high-class features and is Lincoln's only morning paper. Special train service enables it to give you later news than rther papers. The Sunday Journal sh.ilj be sold nt five cents. Pay no more. With prices coming down, the bal ance is preserved by hopes of pros perity going up. Perhaps -the reason Nero fiddled while Rome burned was that he had a bet up on it. ir, What goes up must come down let us hope on the profiteer's crownl have 'he pre-war level has been reached. In other lines, especially in article where the labor cost forms a largr hare of the total, the reductions have not been so extensive, but there are very few articles which the consumer cannot safely purchase, without the fear that the next month will bring still lower levels. In Alliance, the ChristmaB trade was especially good. This city has Thank You We thank you for your generous patronage during the year 1920 and trust we can merit its continu ance during 1921. KEEP - U- NEAT Phone 133 soft-hearted men and sentimental wo men, who cannot understand how easy it would be for a man who hired an other to kill an old women for $500 could die with t lie upon his lips, will besiege the legislature and ask that the law be altered. Life imprisonment is, in our opin'on, a sufficient punish ment for most murderers, provided there is some way in which a court or a jury could be satisfied that the sen tence would actually be carried out. Until there is some assurance that a life sentence wouldn't mean pardon in ten or fifteen years, it is better that capital punishment be retained. There is no tjuestion that the execution of these two murderers will have a wholesome effect on the criminal ele ment of Nebraska, no matter how much it will make the idealists shud der and wring their hands. It is such an easy matter for a sentimentalist to get wrought up about something. Now, after it is all over and justice, unconscionably delayed, has been sat isfied, the teary-eyed are saying that, afterall, Cole and Grammer were "made hot with whisky" when they did the deed. It may be well to make it plain at this time that while it may be true that Cole drank half a pint of whisky before he beat poor old Grand ma Vogt to death, he accepted the job, and named the price while he was sober. Along with other evils, in time the practice of blaming all criminal acts onto whisky will disappear. Booze has never had a beneficient influence on humanity, but it has been blamed for a lot of crimes for which it was not responsible. Our fidelity to details has done much to win for us a brilliant reputation. As putolic servants we have always striven to please and we have succeeded. We are equipped in a manner that makes for dignity and efficiency. We have correspondents in every city and attend to shipping funerals in a careful, commendable manner. Glen Miller UVDSZTAXDra PhonM : Day, 811 128 West Night, C22; r III Third Street CAN YOU BEAT IT? A feminine voice over The Press office telephone yesterday morning "Were those poor boys electrocuted at Lincoln yesterday?" "Two men convicted of a most dastardly murder were electrocuted at the penitentiary yesterday," was the response at the other end. "Oh, what a crime it was," was the woman's exclamation, evi dently meaiinf the judicial execu tion. "Yes, it was a crime," replied the reporter, "a crime that was un known in Nebraska criminal history beating an inoffensive old woman to death for 00," was - the reporter's answer. The phone at the other end was slammed vigorously down on the hook and the conversation ended, just like that. Nebraska City Press. The wlute man's burden in Haiti seems to be taking care of the black man's gold. After all, the worst baseball scandal is when the home team loses the game. ...... , a oedrv M. 1 HlWii IT ismm a bar, 5 c One Week, commencing Monday, December 27th Being overstocked on several items, we are determined to move them before invoicing. Phone Your Order It Will Be Delivered. Swift's White Laundry Soap, per bar Armour's White Flyer Laundry Soap, per bar Gallon White Karo . Gallon Brown Karo. Golden Age Maccaroni, 3 packages Small size Rub-No-More Washing Powder . ..5c ..5c 85c .75c 25c ..5c Gallon of Grated Pineapple, No. 2V2 T. D. C. Pineapple . No. 2 T. D. C. Pineapple No. 2 Mogul Red Pitted Cherries. No. 2Va Can Peaches No. 2Vi Can Apricots No. 2 Tomotoes, 2 for Flake Hominy, 9C 4 pounds for &QC Web-Foot Pancake Flour, 4 pound package .90c 37c 31c .38c .35c .35c .25c 37c Fresh Roasted Coffee Corn nr 2 cans for uuC Libby's Tomato Soup, 2 cans for .25c The above prices are at the store. We have made arrangements with a transfer company to deliver orders, 25 cents for a $5.00 oraer or over. Every item mentioned is a good buy and you will save money buying a six months' supply. LEE' MOORE Phone 88 119 West 3rd St Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Co. 103-t ,tl',l''itt'ttt,ttl,r'. ...........,. 'Iyl--,.,.,.,..1- - i m Mo '' t