P T " ' " pi t n a v nrrmmFR 10. 1920. NINE - - iv v IV 5 1 's Gene Byrnes Says: "Here's the Music I .... . ;V?S WANT TO BUT omethtngT Hun dreds of people acan these Want Ad columnj looking for what you r others have to offer. Oet quick results by advertising in The Herald Want Ad department. SLATES Two cents per word per In sertion. Costs more than other ewspapers, but we guarantee that fou reach Beveral hundred more readers. Buy "irculatlon. not hot air. SALE CITY ritOl'KKTY ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, close In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tr FOR SALE USED OARS FOR SALE Good used ears. A. H. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf 66lttuft ftjqyiSO MACHINES. FOR SALE New and second hand Singer sewing machines on 1 3 a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD, Agt. 86tf FOR BALE OMAHA KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE Omaha property for va cant lots and acreage in Alliance. Write P. O. Box 750, Phillips & sons, Contractors, Alliance. 97tf FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Sleeping Laramie. Phone 120. rooms, 519 lOltf WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe Son. 85tf WANTED TO BUY Your turkeys. Fankell Produce Co. Phone 279. 708 Toluca. 47 WANTED RAGS WANTED RAGS The Herald will pay you seven cents a lb. for all your old, clean cotton rags. tl. WANTED STOCK HOGS "WANTED Stock hogs. Nebraska Land Co. 103-tf HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl toi general house work. Phone 173. 9itt WANTED HELP MALE WANTED People to know my new location at 220 Big Horn. W. L. Carroll, blacksmith and Horseshoer. l'tf WANTED DOGS WANTED Two full blood bull dogs one year old. Apply at the Herald Office. tf- AGENT WANTED IN ALLIANCE Sell the Original Watkins Remedies, Bpices,' extracts, etc. Necessities and repeaters. All or spare time. Write Watkins Co., 59 Winona, Minn. 6p , . FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE One senior yearling Chester White boar; registered. D. E. Purinton, route 1. Phone Birch 8011. 7 Just pretending to be rich keeps pome people poor. Savannah (Ga.) News. - If Nature happens to favor a girl with a good shape the girl goes around acting like she did it herself. Delphi (Ind.) Citizen-Times. 'V ;. : WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished housekeeping rooms or small house. Call E. W. Gremel at Herald office. ! Vv A A i'lll) TO KENT An Underwood j typewriter in good condition. Call i Mr. Moore at Herald office. Case No. 775 NOTICE OF HEARING .ON FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION AND , ASSIGNMENT In the matter of the estate of Frank D. Gilleran, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in the estate ot r rank D. Gilleran, deceased that Sarah A. Gilleran, administratrix of said estate has filed her final account and report of her administration and a petition assignment of said estate and dis or distribution, final settlement and charge as such administratrix. It is ordered that a hearing be had on said account and petition before the said court at the County Court ; room in the city or Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, on the 4th day of January, 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., when all persons in terested therein may appear and con test the same. It is further ordered that notice be given to all persons interested in said estate of the time and place fixed for said hearing by the publication of this notice for three successive weeks prior to the saidjtime of hearing in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in Box Butte county, Nebraska. Dated this 4th day of December, 1920. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. Lee Basye, Attorney. Dec. 731 NOTICE OF ELECTION City of Alliance, State of Nebraska Special Election Upon the Question of the Adoption-of the City Manager Plan of Government. NOTICE OF ELECTION Public notice is Hereby given to the legal voters of the City of Alliance, in the county of Box Butte, State of Nebraska, that a special election has been called by the mayor and city council, and will be held in said city on Tuesday, the 4th day of January, A. D., 1921. The question to be submitted to the legal voters at said election is as fol lows: "Shall the City Manager Plan of Government, as provided in Chap ter 208, Laws of Nebraska, 1917, be adopted!" The polling places for said election shall be: For the First ward, base ment of Central school building, 715 Box Butte avenue. For the Second ward, council chambers in the city hall, 115 East 3rd street. For the Third ward, office of Fairmont Cream ery company, 202 West 3rd street. For the Fourth ward, Episcopal Parish house, 215 West 7th street. The election will be held and the ballot box for the reception of ballots will be opened at the hour of nine o'clock A. M. and will be closed at the hour of seven o'clock P. M. on the 4th day of January, A. D. 1921. Only legal voters of the city of Alii ance will be permitted to vote upon the question submitted at baid elec tion. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1920. Attest: GRACE H. KENNEDY, (Seal) City Clerk. Dec. 10-17-24-31 NOTICE U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska. Notice is hereby given that Mar garet E. Burke, of Alliance, Nebras ka, who, on October 5th, 1917, made Homestead entry, No. 018356, for thg EAST HALF of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 50 West of Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year PtS LLJ I III IM II I III II - J w , iii in r-vx lj ; Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, heroic the Re;ra'.ei and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebrasfla, on the Eighth day of January, 1921. ! Claimant n:ims as witnesses: George Burke, Charlos Tierman, John T. Burke and John Murphy, all of Al liance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby , notified that the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail road company is not in the retail or wholesale coal business; that all o i the coal upon the cars in or goinf through the station of WHITMAN, or any other towns, is either coa. transported for shippers or coal pur chased by the railroad company foi its own use. You are therefore warned against taking or carrying away any coal from the premises of the said rail road company. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY R. R. CO., By Geo. L. German, Asst. Chief Special Agent. 4-C Palace 412 103-tf Live geese bought at the Market, Alliance. braska Land Company. Highest cash prices paid for furni ture, guns, watches, musical instru ments, cothlng. Workman & Mc laughlin, Corner 2nd and Box Butte. 102 tf. TURN OLD CLOTHES INTO CASn Get the best price in the city for used clothing, shoes, trunks, bags, guns, etc. Workman & McLaughlin, Corner Second and Box Butte. 104tf Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf Case No. 2988. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska: Leven H. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Jessie M. Jones, defendant: To Jessie M." Jones, non-resident defendant, take notice: That on the 12th day of June, A. D., 1! J0, Ien H. Jones filed his petition against you in the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the ob ject and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that you have been guilty of adultery and abandonment without just cause or provocation. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 9th day of January, 1921. LEVEN H. JONES, Plaintiff. LEE BASYE, Attorney Nov 23-Dec 23 Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf LITERALLY TRUE The reporter was sent to write up a charity ball. His copy came in late and it was careless. The editor re proved him the next day by quoting an extract: "Look here Scribber, what do you mean by this? ' Among the most beautiful of the girls was Alderman Horatio Dingley.' Old Dingley ain't a girl you idiot! He's one of the prin cipal stockholders." , - "I can t help that." returned the realistic reporter. "That's where he was." Travelers bound for Europe are warned to take plenty of money, says a news item. Was there ever a time when a tourist did not need plenty of money? Pittsburgh Garette-Timea. Yes, men have to live and learn. But it does seem as if some of us have to live an awful lot to learn a Tery little. Moberly (Mo.) Monitor. Of course, we dont expect you to believe all of the brilliant and learned Write Your Own Words." thing we write. We don't ourself. Koseville (.11.) Times-Citizen. America will have to join some kind of in'.c-rnrt'onal association or ilo.mosit HOLIDAY We have everything you want for the Holidays in regu lar flowers, and ca nget you anything special you desire. We hi-.vtvat all times, choice CARNATIONS CHRYSANTHEMUMS ROSES, ETC Also Potted Plants and Ferns for Home Decoration , Gold Fish and Supplies of All Kinds Alliance Floral Cctnp any L. D. BLAIR, Proprietor North of Lowry Office Phone 151 & Henry Garage Res. Phone 289 We conduct a funeral service where courtesy makes every consideration of grief. Our ability, tact, experience and equipment are manifestly good reasons why you should call upon us when you are facing a funeral problem. Out of town funerals handled with the same skill and courtesy that characterizes our local ceremonies. Glen Miller UNDERTAXDia PARLORS Phonei : Day, 811 123 Wast Night, 623; or CS5 Third Street MOVING Snyder Transfer and Fireproof Storage "The World Moves and So Does Snyder" Office Phone 15; Res. 884 and Black 730. "When It's Your Move, Let Us Know." STORING REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. a lfcCORKLE, lfsnsfer Ofiee Ground Floor First NsU. Bank ; of her trading with the Eskimos.- When a man gets bo he would rath- er strut than work, he's about ready J for the axe. Pekin (III.) Daily Times. FLOWERS - ' PACKING SHIPPING nil. . mrnmM Bringing it up to date, perhaps w hould sing it, "Old King Coal is a V tly Old Soul." Columbia (S. C) Record. Office Phone 13G Res. Phone Red 507, WILLIS TRANSFER CO. ; City and Country Hauling Crating and Packing With Wm. King Co. 219 Box Butte Alliance, Nebraska. W . L . CARROLL Blacksmith and Horseshoer New location at 220 Big Horn When io Antloeh Take Tour Meala at YES LIBERTY CA7B lieata at All norm John Strafe Let Me Cry Your Hales It. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Piano TmiiiiK, Uegulating & Repair A. M. POOL lieave Orders at Wiker Music Hons or Phone No. 74 1 Service Guaranteed v Have Our Own Ilelp PHILLIPS & SONS Contractors and Builders. I. O. liox 750 Alliance, Neb. L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 ItUMEK BLOCK - . TIIONE 8 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake tXHtoiM ot Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone KC5 Wilson Building Ral Estate, Loana and Injur- me. P. E. REDDISH, Reddish Jlock. tf uone ttet Alliance Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock, General Farm Salea J. D. EMEP.ICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract Uooks In Hox liutte County. First National Bank Bldg. Clean Up Now and AVOID TUB BUHH A little later In the you'll hare to wait your tsu-n Use the phone today. PROMPT BEBVICB VOW Sam Shelton Phone 871 PHONES: RES. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNTTUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Pleat" Have it WELDED with the OXT-ACETTLSarB PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frame aaf IVan mission Case a 8eUltj ALL TRACTOm FAftTS Geo. H. Breckner New Location lit W, f f L