SOCIETY The ladies' aid society of the M. E. church will meet Wednesdfy after noon, Dec. 15th, at the home of Mrs. It. M. Hampton, 606 Cheyenne, with Mrs. J. H. Kuhn as assistim? hostpss. This is to be the December birthday KensmRton and also guest day. Each member is urged to bring one or more guests. Business meeting promptly at 2:30. THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1C20 iMoore, pastor; Rev. J. J. Wims. as- I sistant. The Baptist ladies' aid societv will j meet at the church Wednesday ofter Inoon at 2:30. Mrs. Herbaup'h. Mrs. Gillette and .Mrs. Herman Stille, host esses. Those having birthdays since November 1st, respectfully invited. peanut and are willing to do our "bit" !if it is pointed out to us. Selma (Ala.) Times Journal. The Methodist choir will be enter tained Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. I. E. Trtsh. Rehearsal will be at Mrs. C. E. Hershman's home, after which the choir will go to the Tash residence for the social hour. The St. Matthew's guild will meet at the parish house Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Chase Feagins will be hostess Miss Vera Spencer entertained the teachers of Central school at a kens ington Saturday evening. A three course lunch was served and the eve ning delightfully spent. Mrs. J. W. DeMoss gave a surprise party Saturday evening, the occasion being the 83rd birthday of her mother, Mrs. Jane Earp. Refreshments were served and the evening spent informally. ANNOUNCEMENTS WOMAN'S CLUB. The Woman's club will meet at the Library, Friday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. As this is guest dj each member is privileged to invite one guest Subject, "The Tercentenary of the Landing t" the Pilgrim. "Land ing of the Filgrim Fathers and their First Winter", Mrs. Merle Smith. "In the Days of the Pilgrims", Mrs. Frank Irish; "The Puritan Influence in the Making of Americans", Mrs. Vern Hunt. Scene from "Courtship of Miles Standish", Mrs. LaMon and Mrs. Dunning. Mrs. Toohey, chairman of decorations; Mrs. Gould, chairman of program; Mrs. Mounts, chairman of refreshments end .Mrs. Hershman, ' chairman of music. The Women's benefit association of the Maccabees will meet in the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All members nre urgent ly requested to-be present, because there will be election of officers for the following term. AT THE CHURCHES A. M. E. CHURCH At the A. M. E. church, beginning Wednesday, December 15, a great re vival will start for the ingathering of souls. All are invited to come and help us welcome all. Rev. B. H. The ladies' auxiliary of the Pres byterian church will meet Wednesday afternon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. C. Prince, at 020 Box Butte. PERSONALS W. M. Shean went to Sidney the first of the week on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Griggs spent the week end with friends at Denver. Kenneth Jones of Lincoln, Neb., is coming Friday to spend the week-end with friends. Mrs. W. H. Butler who has been quite ill for the past fortnight, is now convalescing. Mrs. E. J. Baskin leaves Friday night to spend the holidays with her parents in Denver. A crowd of Alliance young people are planning to attend the big dance at Bridgeport, Thursday evening. Elsa Koester, head nurse of the Lutheran Hospital at York, Neb., is expecting to spend the holidays with" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Koester. Mrs. H. X. White and little daugh ter Harriet are leaving in a few days for Ft. Dodge, la., where they will spend the holidays with Mrs. White's parents. . A. J. Beacon of Grand Island ar rived in Alliance last Friday, and will take the place of Clay Harry as manager of the Nebraska Telephone company's Alliance plant until Mr. Harry recovers from his present ill ness. It's time for supporters of the plan to get down to brass tacks and quit talking of other cities, or making ex travagant claims as to what can be done here through the new system. A. G. Gross, -section foreman, was taken suddenly ill Sunday evening. He was rushed to the hosnital and an operation for appendicitis performed immediately. Last reports state that he is doing nicely. The basketball games last evening between the Senior and Sophomore girls, and the Senior and Sophomore boys resulted in victory for both the Senior boys and Senior girls. The games were close, and well worth" seeing. In response to an appeal from the Alabama Peanut Growers' Association Governor Kilby designated December as "peanut month. We do not know exactly what form our observance is expected to take but we always have been a warm partisan of the lowly For Christmas Dalion Phonographs (prices now reduced) ; Cigars, Fountain Pens (Scheaffer and Wa terman) Johnston's Candies and Chocolates, Fine Stationery, Pocket Books, Cameras, Photo Albums, Manicure and Ivory (in sets or separate) Perfumes, Books, Dolls, Teddy Bears, Etc. at this store you will ri find gifts suitable For All The Family We have given much at tention and care to the selection of our stock for the holiday season, and we now have the goods on display where you will find it easy to select a present that will be a pleasure to give and that will reflect pleasant thoughts of the giver many times. Here are a few suggestions: F. J. Brennan Now located at 304 Box Butte, Next Door to First National Bank A brother editor asks whether a pie-eHting contest should be classified with the athletic department or in the woman's column Well, if it is a board ing house pie, it might facilitate in quiries to put it in the hospital news. Leechburg (Pa.) Advance. Now that girls are roug-in? their lips, even the kiss has been deprived of a "kick." Oconomowoe Wi. Enterprise. The really efficient workman is not going to be hurt by the readjustment of industrial conditions. But what is going to happen to the four-flushing pay-day sponge Is enough to make the angels weep. MeAlester (Okla.) Guardian. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Co. 103-tf TOO LATE Oeatj only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and ache become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking COLD MEDAL Tb world's standard remedy for kidney, Hver, bladder end uric a-jid troubles U: National Remedy of Holland Kinco '69S. Guerantcsd. Tlir.-?s slzef, all druccists. took for the ratna GoM Medal tnt mrrrr bar ' f i -Ccept BO imiumm An awful wail is coing up from the south because of the drop in the price Of COtton. but blessed if we ran cea but what it costs ten times more now to spit a little of it than it ever did before. Ramah (Cclo.) Kecord. , The Herald $2.50 a year. Slock hofs wnnfetl hv iln K. I'Kcmui iuiu company. iu.s-11 Wfjaftihlfi'larihtlS-fctiKiaisir rrlr 11 ri -.r h CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Buy different things this year. Oriental articles make beautiful and pleasing gifts Nice Maderia Oriental Mats Excellent Line of Silk Hose Silk Kimonas, Sills Underwear Bungalow Aprons. The Oriental Store Mrs. II. G Dentler. RADIUM THE NEW Scientific Sunreon CURES CANCER Also Tumors, Bleeding from the Womb, Tuberculosis of the Skin, Birthmarks, Deforming Scars, Many Types of Ulcers, Etc. WITHOUT THE USE OP THE KNIFE Employed by the Specialists connected with the W .OJHOT SPRINGS CLINIC Hot Springs South Dakota Imperial Theatre TONIGHT, DECEMBER 14th "THE MIKADO" The Incomparable Comic Opera Masterpiece Entire Lower Floor, $2.00; Balcony, $1.50 and Tax Wednesday, December 15th SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents Will Rogers in "CUttD, THE COW PUNCHER" Smiles, chuckles, laughs, bursts of merriment a cow punching "Cupid" with an irresistible impulse to m.irry off all his friends But when his turn came you'll laugh till your sides ache. CimiSTY COMEDY "THE SI MI'S" Admission Matinee and Night: 20c and 33c Thursday, December 16th ADOLPII ZUKOR Ppresenta Marguerite Clark in "ALL OF A SUDDEN PEGGY" Fifth Episode, "PIRATE GOLp" Admission Matinee and Night: 20c and 35c You'll Be Delightfully Surprised At What $ 1 Will Buy The Fashion Shop Offers a Truly Wonderful Assortment of Beautiful Gifts That Will Please Any One Read the List of $1.00 Specials UNUSUAL VALUES Black Sateen Petticoats Flannel Petticoats Fine Lisle Union Suits Brassieres Corsets Fleece Lined Union Suits in sleeveless and yoke less ankle length 9 Camisoles in white and Flesh Satins AT BIG REDUCTIONS Beautiful Fancy Novelty Boudoir Caps Novelty Collars and Vestees . Lingerie Waists Children's Wash Dresses and Aprons Children's Black Bloomers Woolen Caps and Shawl Sets LUXITE HOSIERY In the $2.25 values; whites, greys, green, yellow and champagne. A real value. FANCY H'NDKERCHIEFS Beautiful things that will delight the heart of the recipient. GLOVES In silk and chamoisette, white, tan and all shades of greys and blacks. The Fashion Shop Fivn