vur tiuitnui, flkllVrtl, UAjitli) IMl i.U, J.U2U. 'MASTER MIBLUS Ifoo.l and baby riiow in Alliance last' U sent three insane men, in-j assistance of this Leek. . I MM w - " '' Mr?. Mae Thomas rented her hotel to Mr. Stradley and Rave possession Dec. 1st. Mrs. Thomas' plans for the future are not known but she talks of till making Marsland her home. Mrs. H. A. Huntley a passen ger to HolTmnn Saturday morning, where she visited her husband until Sunday. Jim Fox shipped several car. of 4 L'.....Iu'.i1ai ttiiu kt'l Sat urday, where he expects to feed them for market. Geo. Salters accompanied the shipment and will look after them through the winter. Henry Hollinrake came up from Hoffman Friday afternoon to make arrangements for moving his family to that place. They plan to leave the last of the week. Mrs. Ernestine Mcl.auirhtin pur chased the Palmer residence in the south pint of town week and expects to move there as soon as the Hollinrake famiTy move out. Mrs. Michael, who had her tonsils removed last week, is getting along she ha een "and will probably re ...I ..a t.VtA flfl f turn to Alliance nnt pi ' ceive molicai am. Mrs. L. Snow spent the wcck ai ne nome of her daughter, Mrs. N. Fools. Little Kldora and Karla Mcl.augh in spent Sunday at their grandfath er's home west of town. Mi. Van Skvke of Alliance visited icr parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ken lrick, Vedneslay and Thursday. ' bliss lies in her ig- norance it is folly for her to read the letters she finds in ner nuMum.i n t v. ets. kind. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that tin Tt,.-iinirrin & Quincy Hail ,nd company is not in the retail or who'esa'e coal ounei mm. m r,.Ml uiif.n the cars in or going through the station of WHITMAN, or anv other towns, is either coal . ...! r,.i- vihinners or coal pur- chased by the railroad company for its own use. . You are therefore warned ajfainsi Mr. and Mrs. N. Poole were in Alii- You are thcreiore ance between trains last Thursday, takintr or carrying away any coal .u- nf thp said rail- going down to fee their little son Linn Pale, who is in the hospital. H. Townley left the first of the week for Texas with several prospective land buyers from around here. Mrs. Tom Hovarka is not as well as from the premi.-es of the said rail road company. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY K. R. CO., n.. f'-rn I. C.prmxn. 'A .f rur Snnriul Airent. 4-6 ftl SSeclmrusd MAKE bar sift of TIMI two hour day tared from kitchen work two hour daily to read, rtait, anjoy Ufa. Tha Sechrlit Pressure Cooker aavaa two hour oooklng time a day In tha avert fa kome, eooking In thirty-five or forty caln ntee routs or fowl ordinarily requiring Pressure CooHetr Cooka food more thorol becauee preaeura foreea 2S9 degreaa at beat thru every aeu ana core, wecauae steam ugnt, it retains all juices and flavor Alto prevent food cooking away. Pays for itself in til months by food and fuel lav ing. Pressure cooking and oannlng is urged wj gov ernment bulletins. Is made ef heavy, rolled plate aluminum, smooth, bright, easy to clean. Equipped complete with inset pane. A beautiful, sensible gift Ask for free book let with recipes. Quick Service Electric Co ROCK SPRINGS COAL Lay in a supply of coal before the severe snowy weather. We can make immediate delivery. We handle both lump and nut coal. FLOUR AND FEED We have in stock fresh Curtis Best Flour, White and Yellow Corn Meal, Graham Flour, also Shorts Bran, Mill Run Bran and other feed. O'Bannon & Neuswanger IIEMINGFORD Mrs. John Caha was shopping in ' Alliance Monday. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Kameron who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reiman and family, returned to their home at Morrill, Tuesday. The freshies entertained the high chool with a short but snappy pro gram Friday morning. The Congregational aid had an all lay meeting at the home of Mrs. Han sen Tuesday. The bible class of the Methodist church met at the Wm. Cery home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Black spent the week end with her husband in Chadron. Elva Dunce is spending this week at the Addy home. Miss Nilly has resigned her position at the hotel. Miss Nilly and Miss Worrell were shopping in Alliance Wednesday. Louise Spudich who has been on the sick list, is much improved. Mrs. Frank Bunce returned home last week after a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson mo tored to Alliance Wednesday evening for the dance. Mr. Joe Tschacer of South Dakota, is here visiting relatives and friends for a few dayR. J. E. Boggs, representative of Roth- enberg and Schloss of Kansas City, Missouri, spent Wednesday looking after his firm's interests. Mr. Elliott Beaumont is spending a few days at Alliance visiting his friend, Walter Scott. Mr. Martin Jacobson of Blair Ne braska is here on business for a few days. Mrs. Birt Garrison and mother, Mrs. Young, motored to Alliance the fore part of the week, where Mrs. Young had some dental work done. Chas. Shindler was an Alliance vis itor Wednesday. A party was given at the Andrew Tschacher home Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. Joe Tschacher of South Dakota. There were many pres ent and each reported a good time. D. U. Butler is moving out of the north side of the mercantile building, where Roy Grines, a noted barber of this town, is going to have a pool hall and barber shop. Miss Helen Brown resigned her position at the Gogert's restaurant and is going to leave for Illinois in a very short time, where she will spend the winter with her mother. Fred Melick was an Alliance visitor Tuesday. Miss Georgie Timblem who was operated on some time ago for ap pendicitis, is getting along as well as could be expected. H. E. Ford and Mariel motored to Alliance Thursday. Mike Toplisky returned Sunday af ter a short business trip at Mitchell. Mrs. Barrett and little (laughter Dorothy returned home Sunday after a short visit with relatives. The missionary society met at the Hop pock home on Thursday after- afternoon. Quite a number of the young folks attended the dance at 0. W. Coxs Wednesday evening, K. L. Pierce was a business caller in Alliance Thursday Announcement Dr. A. Clarence Schoch Late assistant attending surgeon and instructor at the Chicago Polyclinic and Post-Graduate School; attending surgeon at the Henrotin Memorial Hospital, Chicago, 111., Desires to Announce the Loca tion of his office at the Rumer Building, Alliance, Nebraska. Practice limited to General Surgery v , and Consultation. Office Koura: 10 12 and 2 5 Sundays: 101 FAMOUS LAST WORDS "Which one of these is the third rail, anyway?" "I wonder whether this rope will hold my weight?" "That firecracker must have gone out. I'll light it again." "I wonder if it's loaded. I'll look down the barrel and see." "Watch me skate out past the 'Dan ger sign. I bet I can touch it." "What a funny noise that snake makes. I think I'll step on him." 'I've never driven a car in traffic before. But they say it's perfectly simple. "It's no fun swimming around In here. I'm going out beyond the life lines." "I think I'll mix a little nitric acid with this chl6ride of potassium and see what happens. "There's only one way to manage a mule. Walk right up in back of him and surprise him. "They say these things can't possi bly explode, no matter how much you throw them around." "Oh, listenl That's the train whis tle. Step on the accelerator, and we'll try to get across before it comes." "These traffic policemen thlnlc they own the city. They can't stop me. I'm going to cross the street now. Let the chauffeurs look out for me." Dorothy Parker in Life. Live geese bought at the Palace Market, Alliance. 4 12 It is usually very unlucky for the mouse that meets a black cat Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf Highest cash prices paid for furni ture, guns, watches, musical Instru ments, cothing. Workman & Mc laughlin, Corner 2nd and Box Butte, 102 tf. A WISE M AN Once Said. "The average person handles thousands of dollars every year which is his own money TEMPORARILY. The trick is to make more of this money stay with you If those people who do not have a bank account could be made to realize the satisfaction obtained from knowing just where your finances stand at any minute, there would be no question of their starting one. Let this bank help you form the habit of saving money, more easily than spending it. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska Santa Glaus At Newberry's Hard ware Co. ' Shops SUG GESTIONS DOLL BUGGIES MECCANO SETS TOOL CHESTS HOBBY HORSES ELECTRIC TRAINS TOYS AIRPLANES GAMES DECORATIONS HOLLY BOXES DOLLS DOLL FURNITURE TOY PIANOS XMAS TREE LAMPS TOY AUTOS s.. -1 i hi if: x t sT J ! 1