The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 07, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Special to the People of Alliance and Vicinity
to Show You Our Appreciation During the Past Year
The Imperial is going1 to put on a special added attraction daily the best obtainable photoplays on the market.
Being impossible for meto give eacli and everyone of my patrons a Xmas present, the above attractions will be shown matinee and
night at the regular admission regardless of cost.
Dec. 7th. We take great pride in announcing
the world's famous writer ZANE GREY'S
latest novel.
Wednesday, Dec. 81 h
Ilex Beach Special
Thursday, Dec. 9th
Maurice Tourneur Production
the wor.-t, all
;0 of .c 1 U.
wo re out i- n
Whist: Scandal
The lit r;. 1.1 vM " rhone e
lis tli'- paper u'ii! 'K'.-.i
morning, iinin a j'i
OU h' .il .li i'..t till I'i
Lovuy A: lit in y t:-i.
night?" Wo to! i In
"Via re a li 1 t'f a
jiaini -men," li" ..till, "or el.-e
jiroti clir.g thei
11, ju.t
;:,rir,:iti. 1 . , at the
,o th" ntluT.
l w e had Mt.
1,11111 ll f IH W: -
you 10 :
If ai! tl):r.(; woio l
happen at our place, you it n
fast ciauivh.'' Wo pleaded for detail-,
ami he l flu' tantiy pa.-scd th.-n out.
"Tiny ti ll uif." Iio .-aid. "I'i't oii can
sec th" chii't of police an I lin-l out
for yoursck' llial Chief Jeii'cr.s went
over there about !5 a. m. yesterady
morning, down in the basement
lie found two tin Lizzies with
Dodge 111 others."
Keminds us of the butcher who was
arretted on complaint of one of his
customers that lie hail wen him in the
refrigerator with .seven undressed
Ami the
lie a . i rap we
for life.
could win would
Jin has ,-ome chins these Ia.-, hut
ho don't play with that reckless aban
don ihat V..4.-- so chai actei istie ol him
la.-t winter.
Indentions arc that we're
have to buy a few cigar-,
i ben, ou . fives.
pmnR to
now and
As I).
Kays, it looks like a hard
leruay, brought out all the mothers
in Alliance and most of the grand
mothers. Out in fiont of the Lowry
iVc Henry parage, and mound the en
trance to the roof g.n-'en, was the
hp;e-t assortment of baby carriages
that had ever been bror-ht top-ether
in Alliance. A man tried to kid J, ink
Lowry about it, but l.'nk told him
that they always paih 1 their cars
cut.-ide in nice weather.
The more money that is spent for
governmental expense.-., the less there
will l,e left for ether im poses, or the
more you'll be taxed in proportion to
what you pet.
AVhe-n the snow melt:-, v.e're going
!o challenge lirad for a g.ime.
v.e'i? in
worrying u :
hi- cla - or if
v hi ther
; still in
i G -t the bet price in the city for
lured clothing, shoes, trunhs, ' bags,
g'jn, etc. Workman Mrl.uuph'm,
' Corner Second and Pox Putlo. 10 Itf
Hiuhe-t cash prices paid for furni
ture, runs, watches, mu.-ical instru
men's, cothhig. Workman & Mc
Laughlin, Corner 2nd and Iuix MiMe.
102 tf.
S(oc!v IiO wanlfil by (he No
bra -ka Lund Cor.i)aiiy. 10.5-tf
I!einember that a share of the
money received from the sale of Tu
berculosis Christmas .seals is avail
able for use in Alliance. When you
buy the; e seals you may be helping
someone in this city.
Some men spenT money for candy,
flowers ami theatre tickets, while oth
ers put their trust in bids on kitchen
A woman came into the Khein hard- navinL' striking pamnles of rarh
ware the other morning. "1 want alkin,, of (lrvotjon ncar at hand, we are
laying low to see which plan gives
the best results.
A boon for fat men has been invent
ed lately, and as soon as we get the
necessary cash we are going to in
vest. It's a combination suspenders
and shirt holder, although it doesn't
fit over the shoulder like the old
style gallus. Neither does it cost
Idealist (with newspaper) "Just j BO cents, the sum we used to pay for
mousetrap, please the biggest you
have," she said to Jack Khein. "And
please hurry I have jut ten minutes
to catch a train." Jack made a men
tal calculation, and replied regret
fully: "I'm cry sorry, madam, but
we do not have a mousetrap big
enough to catch a train."
Coat Glands, Perhaps.
think of it! A couple got married a
few days ago after a courtship which
lasted fifty years."
Cynic "I suppose the poor old man
was too feeble to hold out any longer."
Iowa, they say, has a record break
ing coi n crop and a record number of
murriuires this year. All of which
that style of trousers supporters.
The thing is a light canvas belt,
tome three or four inches wide, which
is sewed inside the trousers. It's a
minature corset, if a man be allowed
to use that word. Only it doesn't lace
up so tight. No matter how fat
; man is no matter how large his gal
leads one paragrapher to wonder if lery it will hold his trousers in place
there is anything significant in the
heading of an editoriul in a Des
Moines paper: cmfw hrd hr Idwdwwi
Moines paper: "Question of the hour:
Will you have crib room?"
That's the way
it u ually worl s
Iliad Minor has the record this
week for high score in r-olf. Iln
went through the fence five times
and took eighteen swipes at the pill
neiore lie made the hole.
No broken clubs, however.
An Alliance paper advertise.? two
unfurnished rooms for rent for light
hou cheeping at only i?21.00 a month,)
and yet people here e.vpect to find a I
! modern bungalow to rent at that j
I figure. Houses to rer.t are a scarce'
article in .Superior, but we have r.ot j
v... ...... .j i Lltl, V.I.V J,....!, I. II. it. .licit
is v.nreasonablc and as yet people arc
not compelled to live three and four
families in a house, as they do in
some progressive cities corresponding
in size to Superior. From "A Few
Shirter Siftinfis. by Lee A. Richmond.
a d-y saved f;om kitchen work two
our daily to read, visit, r.jov li;
Stock hogs wanted by the Ne
braska Lnr.d Company. 103-tf
Teasing Papa!
a story that we've
and give him a neat, dressy look worn
by men who can carry themselves well
aft without seeming overbalanced.
Another feature is a series of little
rubber disks, an inch and a half across
with little fingers sticking out
something like a face massage din
gus. These little pads are said to
Here's a story that we ve been
rt. I tn 4 nil nurk.Aa 'n vl' tl i n ir
for the past two weeks. Our tender kffP f,om crawling, some
heart won't let us give the names
right now, but there are circumstances
under which we might be goaded to
disclose them.
There's a couple who have been
married only a year or so, and they're
still very much in love, which is com
mendable, of cour.-e. They live in the
Fame house with a couple who have
been hitched for several years, and
this latter couple has a small daugh
ter. Daughter was visiting the lirst
mentioni'd couple the other morning,
just as the young husband was icady
to go to well., lie wanted a good
bye kiss, and the young wife proceed
ed to he coy. She escaped from his
embrace, and ran around the room.
Huhhy pursued, and after the proper
amount of delay, the wife blushingly
allowed her.-clf to be can 'It :,nd
kissed. She turned to the visiting ;
tlau. ha r, :t,ll blushing, and having
to say -etui !ilng, said this: "I iocs '
your I'Vtlier tease jour papa like'
' .-aid the litCe g'lk "Yes,
e ll p:.p:i ia, i i..'nina
lii.j lap, and hi'.g him, and
r:d just tc:ise him awful.
:kes to be te.i-e 1, too! '
thing that is an enormous worry to
a man after his equatorial line gets
about so large.
A friend of ours has purchased one
of the things, and we are watching p
see how it goes. If he is still as en
thusiastic about it three weeks from
now, our money is as good as spent.
The pure food show, and the baby
show which was its chief feature yes-
Dr. A. Clarence Schoch
Late assistant attending surgeon and
instructor at the Chicago Polyclinic
and Post-Graduate School; attending
surgeon at the Henrotin Memorial
Hospital, Chicago, 111.,
Desires to Announce the Loca
tion of his office at the Rumer
Building, Alliance, Nebraska.
Practice limited to General Surgery
and Consultation.
Thr Sechmt Pressure Cooker saves two
bours cco'.;ir:g tine day in the averse
botne, cockin; ir thirty-five or forty min
u'.rs rcasts cr fcvls ordi-.arily requiring
Cooks food more thoroly because pressure forces 259 decrees
of heat thru every oell and fibre. Because steam tight, it
retains all juices and flavors Also prevents food cooking
away. Pays for itself in cix months by food and fuel sav
ing. Pressure cooking and canning is urged by gov
ernment bulletins
Is made of heavy, rolled plate aluminum, smooth,
bright, easy to clean. Equipped complete with inset
pans. A beautiful, sensible gfft. Ask for free book
let with recipes.
Quick Service Electric Co
Office Hours: 1012 and 2
Sundays: 101
Lay in a supply of coal beforeth
severe snowy weather. We "can make
immediate delivery. We handle both
lump and nut coal.
We have in stock fresh Curtis Best
Flour, White and Yellow Corn Meal,
Graham Flour, also Shorts Bran, Mill
Run Bran and other feed.
0'Bannon & Neuswanger
M :
3XgmMnmiin " larni 1 1 i. mm i him hi ii m,mwwLLM- fxssaramar'a-",j-1 mama f aeas:
inde ii
will on
kis :ir.
I thii -,l he da, when we tret up r.crve
enou; h, ve'ie yoing to tell jaja about
Tut not mamma.
I.':, such as it is.
We value our
Today's Best Story.
Colonel Kelly says: "The Llmdale
News is for it and advises youn
America to cut out the slang: Which
reminds us of a story, a boiler plate
one, we ran across somewhere. A
mother and her son were visiting the
circus. NVhen they paused before the
giraffe the boy took a good look at
the long-necked animal and said, "Ma,
that's a hell of a looking animal, ain't
It?" and the mother, quick to do her
part for better speech, replied:
Johnny, how often have I told you
ot to say 'ain't'?"
We suppose we've got it coming,
but hanged if the suspense isn't aw
ful, now that we haven't got the
grippe to worry about.
-.i'- ,Vr 1 - ttl-J
Bring in the Kiddies and Let Them Look Through.
1 tie
household Gifts
This store is full of articles that will make useful, that brinff pleasure and satisfaction every day in the year.
Furniture, Rugs, China, Stoves, Curtains, Etc.
House TTT T7Ts.T "R ytT T 7111) House
hi i
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