HIE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920. SEVEN" COMMENT & DISCOMMENT All Cupid could do was to fit another arrow to his bow and go forth to find other victims. It'a unfortunate that the Greeks, when their livelv imaginations neonled Mount Olympus, didn't list Cupid And a11 this introduction is put In anon th Gods, and iriv him littl. 1 merely to show you we think some- habit, and not because the lips ai especially sensitive. To excite the same sensation, he says, all that is necessary is kiss harder. Thus if a kiss on the lips exerts a force equal to five milligrams, the same effect would be secured by impressing a kiss mam ntv it i. k.' 1 thinir ouirht to be done in the case of. wwi ivj io iv IPi lie o A nine ' " - I . 1 . .... - L. a 1 1 1 l : I .i i .it i hp ttpi rnt rif Iwn millicrrnma lliut l - - - ' " r- eti Irt whose hous nml arrnm ran rroi. Adouaru naiespine. we make two souls beat as one for a little have EtWie pronouce that name, no while. You know how those old chro-1 w tan pnun n m 11 we ever happen to mos used to show Cupid in tears meet him- Adouard has just been ac- cumoi iniriy-mree pajres ia some journal of political or domestic science in which he puts forth his views con cerning the kiss. An eighteen-year-old school girl really knows more about the matter than does the pon derous professor despite all his learn ing. Even if he should, by some hook . crouK, know more about it than she does, all we can say is that she puts it to better use. ?when two lovers were quarreling. fiist of the gods had the power, did jthey choose, to enforce their decrees. "'I f CHRISTMAS BARGAINS it on the forehead, temples, nose, and cheeKs; three milligrams on the palm of the hand or the neck; five milli grams on the eyelids, and fifteen mil ligrams on the palm of the index finger. Duy different things this year. Oriental articles make i A . xneauuim and pleasing gifts ' F .iucna internal iiais g liAiuiciu iinc oi rim nose Silk Kimonas, Silk Underwear Bungalow Aprons. f For Adouard, wretched mortal that he is, attempted to lay waste Arcady. The kiss wasn't made to write about, only in the proper vein. He analjzes' it, dissects it the poor prune even weigns it. And after he has discuss-. ed it from all angles, he presents his conclusions, which are interesting as showing just how far misguided zeal may lead an otherwise sensible man astray. All these figures may seem like nonsense, but there is a lesson con tained therein, nevertheless. These figures show futility of kissing our beloved on the palm of the index fin ger. It requires too heavy a kiss foi the good you get out of it. Save your self labor by kising where the great est effect is produced through the lc. t effort. If kistcs arc h;.rd to ptct, j 'place them where they will do the most good. According to these fig ures, instead of two kisses on the lij , you will be entitled to five on the i..v-1-K. , or mret-e on the neck. It's worth going into. m. ap- 1920 at the hour of ten o clock a when all persons interested may pear and contest the same. IRA E. TASH, County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney. Dec.3-24 NOTICE U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that Mar garet E. Burke, of Alliance, Nebras ka, who, on October lith, 1917, made Homestead entry, No. 018356, for the" EAST HALF of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 60 West of Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year rroof, to establish claim to tha land above described, before the Register and Rece'ver of the United State land Office, at Alliance, Nebranfla, on the KtRhth day of January, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses George Burke, Charles Tierman, John T. Burke and John Murphy, all of Al liance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. IT! I The Oriental Store 8 ' natural act but 5 n- if n a i Adouard. None ii. it ueniier. not, fundamentally, a an acquired art, says newly bnrn babe knows anything about it, he declares. Persons ki.-s on the lips from mere force of V- We Give What We Advertise 16 Ounces to the Pound j Palace Market Just a few of our prices. Come in and save money on everything you buy by paying cash. Prices on everything smashed. These are just a few we advertise: PORK Small Lean Pork Chops, per lb 25c Pork Ham Roast, fresh, per lb 21c Pork Shoulder Roast, fresh, per lb 20c BEEF Choice Boiling Beef, per lb 7c and 10c Choice Pot Roast, per lb 14c Choice Rolled Rib Roast, per lb 20c VEAL Veat'RGistj.per lb 15c Veal Stew, per lb 2V2c Pure Lard, guaranteed, in pail or bulk, per lb. .25c Compound Lard, per lb 20c Palace Special Pure Pork Sausage. Cudahy's Sugar Cured Bacon (not squares, but lean) per lb 35c Cudahy's Sugar Cured Ham, skinned, per lb 35c Palace Market We Deliver any Size Order. Phone 131 RADIUM THE NEW Scientific Surgeon CURES CANCER Also Tumors, Bleeding from the Womb, Tuberculosis of the Skin, Birthmarks, Deforming Scars, Many Types of Ulcers, Etc. WITHOUT THE USE OP THE KNIFE Employed by the Specialists connected with the HOT SPRINGS CLINIC Hot Springs South Dakota Cold kisses are very disagreeable, the professor says. One's lips should be warm to get the full value of it. And yet hundreds of misguided young lovers rather fancy kissing in the rain or th parks, or on the lake, where their kisses must be discounted fully t.i.y per cent. Exaggeration is almost always hu morous, whether on is referring to the city manager plan of city government, circulation figures, or less weighty matters. Our eye has failed upon the following account of a wedding, which was published as reproduced below in the Rainer Review an Oregon weekly, the editor of which must have been laying off mere water on press day: "One of the Most Beautiful Wed dings was held at the Mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Wooten. The event being the Marriage af their daughter Naomi to Edward Rciben, one of Washington countys most Res pected farmers. "The large front room was most beautifully decorated, having a large arch across one end of the room, arch acros one end of the room. Rep presenting the wildwood and Edenic beauty and nature of which the Bride is so fond. The ceremony was con ducted by Rev. Andrew Carrick of Portland. The Wedding March being played by Mrs. L. M. Wooten. The Bride Marching on the arm of her father who gave her away folowed by Bridesmaid and Best Man. The Groom rrrrr 0ut of a' side room through the Woodland arch to receive her at the Alter, u raped in natures cloths upon which layed the massive Bible Where they came to pledge their troth of life through joy an sorrow in wealth or woe as God saw fit to guide them in whom they put their trust. The bride was attired in a beautiful White Crepe Deshine Bridal Costume large flowing vail, and carried a large bouquet of White roses. The Groom was attired in a beautiful Blue Serge suit. The Best man Otto Rieben was dressed for the occasion and carried the ring. The Brides Maid Miss Bertha Hesse wore a pink Crepe Dechine dress. And carried a bouquet of pink roses. After the ceremony Mrs. Woosten spread the festival board with the many delicatesion of which she is a past Mistress. The Bridal cake was the hist work in Bridal cake. All were in the festival mood and said that they considered it the most enjoyable day of their lives." Our record is one of faithful public service. Ask your neighbor about us and you will be told that we conduct fun erals whose dignied beauty and elegant appointments ap peal to folks who want a funeral service to leave with them a sense of obligation fulfilled. Glen Miller UNDERTAKING PARLORS Phone: Day, 311 Night, (522; or 653 128 West Third Street IF WE LEFT "THEM" UNTOLD I rushed right up to the mouth of the cannon! (But it wasn't loaded.)" "I gently slipped my arm about her slender waist and pressed my lips to her velvety cheek. (But she was my sister.)" "Not once did I flinch as I faced the roaring lion, even though there was a bare ten fet between us. (He was in a cage.)" "The airplane swerved, dipped and made a peculiar spiral, and 1 realized that the machine was beyond my con trol. However, I never once lost my nerve. (I was watching the machine from the ground.)" "She was at the door bag in hand, defiance in every line of her features. After one agonizing moment she turn ed the knob and passed out, and, with a sinking feeling of the heart, I real ized that she had gone from me for ever. She was the cook.)" "I had slept soundly, and the build ing wa sa seething furnace when I staggered to the window. 'Jump! Jump!' voices shouted, and I felt a thousand eyes focused upon me. Mounting the sill, I closed my eyes and leaped far out. (It was only four feet to the ground.)" The Herald $2.50 a year. Notice of Hearing on Final Account and Petition For Distribution In The County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Louis Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the above estate that George D. Darling has filed his final report and a petition for distribution of the residue of said estate and for a discharge as such administrator. It is ordered that a hearing be had on said account and petition befor said court at the countv court tnnm in the city of Aliance, Box Butte, county, Neb., on the 27th day of December, jjM... . msmmei .... .,.iiTZii i -yM ' There Will Be j J 1 j, A Merry Christmas j . At your home if you give your . i j E HI - ' family a Phonograph. The H f ::::: S::3l ! Paramount Phonograph .jj I::::: Ht:::5?) j Plays all records at their best. A won- U ::::::: g ff " " . derful tone, and no surface noises. SHlI A fine collection of machines and records , II nr Z j awaiting your choice here. j ' j j 3nn U Art Co. Yes Sir-ee! J h'IJJ We made this ciga- j A f rette to meet JrT? ; r f your taste! fi mm x r 'AMbLS have wonder- ful full-bodied mellow- mildness and a flavor as refreshing as it is new. Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos win you on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor! What Camels quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find out at once! It will prove our say-so when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price t Cunttlt mrm acM mowlM in admnhllcstty tlad pack of 30 eifnHm for JO tmMa; or tea pockujou 300 oifrott) in a teMtn. P-oira4 carton. Wo ofronfly rmconumond thia omrtam tor too homm Pi eats ouppty or whom yom Irani R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.