The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 03, 1920, Page SIX, Image 6

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The case of the Sate of Nebraska
vs. Herbert Kobinson, in which Pat
rick and John Nolan were the
complaining witnesses, was heard in
county court Tucsduy morning. De
fendant was charged with common as
pault on the Nolans May 11, 1920.
The testimony showed the complain
ing witnesses and Kobinnon live on
adjoining ranches fourteen miles wet
of Allinnce. Friction aro;-e over the
cattle of each breaking through into
the others pasture.
On the morning of the eleventh the
Nolans, accompanied by their hired
man, drove into the clooryanl of the
Jlobinson home, and stated that
Kobinson's cattle were in their pas
ture. This resulted in a quarrel, and
the Nolan's left their car and started
toward Kobinson. The hired man
was icrched on the running board of
the car.
Robinson believing he was about to
be done bodily injury, and being out
numbered three to one, reached into
his own car for an automobile crank.
Just as Patrick was closing in on him
Robinson struck him in the head,
knocking him out temporarily. John
then clinched with Robinson, but also
received a blow from the crank that
laid him out for the time leing. Rob
inson then called to the hired man
asking if he was looking for trouble,
but he did not advance.
John soon recovered and went to
their car and picked up a spade, but
Mrs. Robinson appeared just then and
demanded him to put the spade in
the car, and there were no further
hostilities. The Nolans came to town
to have their wounds dressed and
eworo out a warrant for Robinson's
arrest, which resulted in Tuesday's
Judge Tash in summing up the evi
dence, said that should he find for
the plaintiff he would have to set
aside the law making man Fuprcme in
his own home, and the recognized
right of a man to defend his home
and to protect himself from injury.
The defendant was aquitted of the
charge and the costs of the case were
assessed to the complaining witnesses.
Get the best price in the city for
used clothing, shoes, trunks, bags,
guns, etc. Workman & McLaughlin,
Corner Second nnd Box Rutte. 104tf
Talraer's Gardenglo Toilet
Goods make ideal Xmas gifts.
rec our window display. Am
ancc Drug Ca.
Stock hogs wanted by the Ne
braska Land Co. 10.1-tf
(Continued from Tnge 3)
Original Town subdivision, block
20. lot.-i 5 and fi, assessment $1,413.07.
Original Town sulwlivislon, block
20, lot 7, assessment $."04.7S.
Original Town subdivision, block
20, lots 8 and 0, assessment $1,009.57.
Original Town subdivision, Hock
20, lots 10, 11 and 12, assessment $1,
373.01. Original Town subdivision, block
20, lots 1G and 17, assessment $3,
01S.57. Original Town subdivision, block
20, lot 18, assessment $1,172.00.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 1, assessment $1,409.10.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 2, assessment $1,119.10.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 3, assessment $1,031.08.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 4, assessment $850.09.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 5, assessment $856.09.
Original Town suMivision, block
21, lot 0, aspossincnt $856.69.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 7, assessment $750.77.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 8, assessment $750.78.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 9, assessment $750.77.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lot 10, assessment $855.14.
Original Town subdivision, block
21, lots 11 and 12, assessment $2,-023.45.
Original Town subdivision, Mock
21, lot 13, assessment $2,084.45.
Oric-inal Town subdivision, block
21, lot 14, assessment $1,038.47.
Ontnnal Town subdivision, block
21, west 85 feet of lot 15, assessment
Original Town subdivision, block
21, east G5 feet of lot 15, assessment
Town subdivision, block
and 17, assessment $2,-
21, lots 16
21, lots 18
Town suMivision, block
and 19, assessment $1,-
Town subdivision, block
21, lot 20, assessment $904.25.
Oric-inal Town subdivision, block
21, lot 21, assessment $966.24.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lots 1 and 2, assessment $974.23.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, assessment $1,-91S.47.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lots 7 ami 8, assessment ?2,3G0..r0.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 9, assessment $920.90.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, Jot 10, assessment $758.08.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 11, assessment $758.09.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 12, assessment $758.08.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 13, assessment $661.36.
You Can't Keep
Water in a Sieve
from a tire that is worn out or needs re
pairing. BUT
We'll absolutely guarantee any tire that we sell you
and more than that we'll make good OURSELVES any
tire that does not prove satisfactory. That's our idea of
giving value and service.
Our's is the only tire shop in western" Nebraska cap
able of repairing the large truck tires properly we re
pair the small tires, too and all repair work MUST
-A it. at . -
Never fails youit's always on the job. There's a
Prest-O-Lite for.Every Make of Car We know that when
we sell you a "PresW)-Lite" that you've made money and
we've made a friend. The "Prest-O-Lite is dependable
that's why we are certain that you will appreciate the
service it renders.
Repairing, of storage battery; recharging the bat
teries and automobile ignition adjusting and repairing
is our special hobby. We know how and we like to do it.
Schafer Auto Supply
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 14, assessment $001.30.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 15, assessment $601.30.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lot 10, assessment $705.73.
Original Town subdivision, block
22, lots 17 and 18, assessment $1,-841.62.
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lots 7 and 8, assessment $1,152.72.
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lot 9, assessment $501.7;,.
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lot 10, assessment $504.78.
Original Town sulnlivision, block
27, lot 11, assessment $504.79.
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lot 12, assessment $073.40.
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lots 13 and 14, assessment $1,-
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lot 15, assessment $785.82.
Original Town subdivision, block
27, lots 16 and 17, assessment $1,-
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lot 1, assessment $1,156.25.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lot 2, assessment $931.44.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lots 3, 4 and 5, assessment $2,-
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lot 6, assessment $702.82.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lot 7, assessment $691.82.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, assessment
Original Town subdivision, block
23, lots 12 and 13, assessment $2,-
Original Town subdivision, block
23, lot 14, assessment $1,217.47.
Original Tow subdivision, block
28, lot 15 and east half lot 16-17, as
sessment $2,776.59.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, west half lot 16-17, assessment $1,-
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lots 1 and 2, assessment $3,018.57.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, assessment $3,-697.71.
Original Town subdivision, block
28, depot grounds and right of way,
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail
rond company, assessment $3,079.67.
Total, $144,075.14.
Sec. 2. Said special assessments
shall be and they are hereby made a
lien on said real estate from and after
this date, and they shall become de
linquent as follows, to-witi
One-tenth of said sums shall be
come delinquent in fifty days from
this date; one-tenth in one year from
this date; one-tenth in two years from
this date; one-tenth in three years;
one-tenth in four years; one-tenth in
five years; one-tenth in six years; one
tenth in seven years; one-tenth in
eight years; and one-tenth in nine
years from this date.
Inasmuch as the amounts assessed
include interest at seven per cent per
annum on the cost of the work for
the period ending fifty days from this
date and also include an amount fcr
commissions and collection charges
equal to seven per cent of the total
assessments, on all of said install
ments, except the first, interest shall
be collected at the rate of seven per
cent per annum from fifty days after
this date, until each becomes delin
quent and on all of said installments
interest shall be collected at the rate
of ten per cent per annum from the
time each becomes delinquent until
collected and paid: Provided, how
ever, that the owners of any such
property may pay the whole amount
assessed against such property with
in fifty days from this date without
interest and thereupon, and from the
date of such payment, such property
shall be exempt from the hen of this
assessment and from any lien or
charge for the cost of paving, curb
ing, guttering and otherwise improv
ing the streets and alleys aforesaid
Provided further that all assessments
completely paid and all installments
of any assessments completely paid
before the expiration of fifty days
from this date shall be reduced by
eliminating from such assessments, or
such installments of such assess
ments, seven per cent thereof and in
addition by deducting from the re
mainder the interest upon such re
mainder from this date to a date fifty
days from this date, at seven per cent
per annum.
Sec. 3. Since the City of Alliance
has paid out of its general fund claims
to the extent of $2,796.72 as a por
tion of the 'cost of paving, curbing,
and otherwise improving the streets
and alleys in said district, the said
city Bhall be credited with this amount
plus interest at seven per cent from
date payments were made amounting
in an to J,U8l.o3, on the assessments
made against it.
Sec. 4. Said special assessments
shall be due and payable to the Citv
ireasurer thirty days from this date
and at the time of the next certifica
tion for general revenue purposes to
the County Clerk of Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, if not previously paid
said special assessments shall be cer
tified to the County Clerk of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, and by hira
be placed upon the tax list and be
collected by the. County Treasurer as
other real estate taxes are collected
and shall be paid over by him to the
City Treasurer.
See. 5. This ordinance shall be n
full force and effect upon its passage
and approvel and publication accord
ing to law.
Passe dand approved November 29,
Attest: Mayor.
City Clerk.
Good Used Cars
"A Good Used Car
has 'more intrinsic
value than a new
one, as the first de
preciation is taken
off and bed - rock
value is offered."
Ten Reasons Why You Should Buy
A Good Used Car Now
-Automobile dealers have reducer prices to present used-car values, making loss im
possible from any condition affecting new car prices.
2. Larger selection of used cars now than than next spring.
3. No further reduction in new cars prices possible for many months, while increases
are not improbable.
4. A shortage of cars is sure to follow the curtailed production of new cars.
Next spring the demand will exceed thf sunnlv. mnkino rlnsrr m.irkrts. strnno-pr
competition in buying and tending to higher prices.
6. The industry has overcome the curtailed financial support, which is another ele
ment that tends to higher prices.
7. An increase in new car sales involving trades has resulted in larger stocks of used
cars. With insufficient winter storage space and large investmens in used cars, dealers
prefer to sell now at greatly reduced prices. 8. Benefits from use of car during open w
inter months.
9. The same high grade service of a new car is obtainable in a used car at a greatly
reduced price.
10. Buying a used car now, based on today's valuations, from a reputable dealer, is
absolute protection against loss from any condieions that mav effect the new car indus
try or market.
Among our used cars, we are offering a FORD, BUICK, REO, NASH and SAXON and
can give easy terms to responsible parties. Why not enjoy a car NOW? .We will be
pleased to demonstrate these jobs at anytime. Get you a car for Christmas and make
the whole family happy.
"You Can Win"
Over any financial depression that may possi
bly strike our country, and you can feel safe
and secure all the time. Every man makes his
own "good times" or "hard times." No com
bination of circumstances can overcome the
man who is determined to make "good times"
for himself. He has it all in his own hands.
We'll tell you how
The man who spends without keeping any ac
count or record of his expenditures is bringing
"hard times" on himself as sure as the sun
shines. The man who makes payments ry
check knows to a cent how his finances stand
at any hour. His record is before him, and
money roes not "slip away" easily; He holds
his expenses within his income, and thus en
joys what is ordinarily called "good times."
The "checking man" is always a man of credit, for he is
known as a man who keeps an account of his dollars. We
serve those who want to have money and credit