THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920. THREE STOCK BUYERS BADLY STUNG Ornate Lithographed Certificates Often Not Even Suitable for Scratch Paper. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were wasted and squandered by fann ers in southeastern Nebraska during the orgy of stock promotion spending, according to bankers who have been checking up on customers who have nothing to show for their "invest ments" except some very attractive appearing lithographed stock certifi cates which are not even suitable for swatch paper because they are print ed on both sides, says the Nebraska City Tress. Most of this money came from the pockets of farmers who were led to believe that there was no profit to be had in the prosaic business of tilling the soil, yet whose money for "in vestment" purposes had been derived from that very unattractive source of supply. The losses sustained by the buyers of these worthless securities are not surprising to men who know the stock promotion game, mtiny from bitter experience, but they are very surprising and disappointing to buyers, who for the first time in their lives, were urged to deal in some thing a little more intangible than the commodities which they have been used to since birth. And of course, it is too late to cry ver spilled milk. , The farmers who invested in ther;e enterprises which seem to have disappeared as in a tor nado, are, for the most part taking their losses god-naturedly although, it is feared, they are permitting these reverses to influence their vivid ex pressions of disapproval over the slump in the gra.n and livestock mar kets. As for the promoters who engi neered the propositions and upon -whose promises of huge profits the farmers depended, they have departed hastily from the scene of their recent operations. Having garnered their harvest they are now 01T to Palm Beach or some other salubrious winter resort where they may enjoy their wealth. A new crop of prospects may be provided some day in the future, but is is believed that the men who were encouraged to "invert" within the past few months will no longer xtend the good right hand to fellow ship to promoters of stock subscrip tion schemes, at least, not as long as memory lasts, and men who have been bilked usually have good memories. A NEWS ITEM From the Osgood (Ind.) Journal: "Vernon Vayhinger has moved his law office from where he was to where he The most complete line of Palmer's Gardenglo Toilet Goods ever shown in Alliance. -Alliance Drug Co. ORDINANCE NO. 300 AN ORDINANCE FINDING, AS CERTAINING, DETERMINING, E QUAMZING, AND FIXING THE BENEFITS TO AND LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS UPON THE REAL ESTATE, LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS AND PIECES OF LAND IN TAVING DISTRICT NO. 2 IN THE CITY OF ALLIANCE, NE BRASKA, TO PAY FOR A PORTION OF THE COST OF PAVING, CURB ING, AND OTHERWISE IMPROV ING THE STREETS AND ALLEYS ?N SAID DISTRICT. Whereas, the streets and alleys in Paving District No. 2 in the City of Alliance, Nebraska, have been paved, curbed, guttered and otherwise im proved in accordance with procedure orovided by law, and Whereas, special benefits accrue to property in the district abutting upon and adjacent to the said paved and improved streets and alleys which are as follows, to-wit: Box Butte Avenue from First to Fifth streets. Laramie from First to Fourth streets. First street from Box Butte to Laramie avenue. Second street from the alley east of Box Butte avenue to the alley west of Laramie avenue. Third street from Niobrara avenue to Cheyenne avenue. Fourth street from the alley east of Box Butte avenue to Laramie ave nue. The east and west alley in Block 1(5, Original Town and the total alleys in Blocks 21 and 28, Original Town, and, Whereas, the total cost of said work is found to be $144,675.14. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and CITY Council of the City of Alli ance, Nebraska. Sec. 1. That this council meeting as a Board of Equalization for this purpose, after due notice as by law provided and after due consideration of all the facts, find, determine, and fix the total special benefits in Pav ing District No. 2, resulting from paving, curbing and other improve ments, to be equal to the cost o! pav ing and otherwise improving the por tion of the streets and alleys oppo site the private property in said dis trict, which cost is $144,675.14; that the special assessments shall not ex ceed the cost of the improvements; that tho real estate in each quarter block subject to the special improve ments on account of said improve ments is specially benefitted by the said improvements in an amount equal to the whole cost of the improvement of one-half of the street on its. front; that the first one-sixth in each quar ter block next the street or alley paved is specially benefitted in an amount equal to 33 1-3 per cent of such cost; that the second one-sixth is specially benefitted in an amount equal to 20 per cent of such cost; that the third one-sixth is specially benefitted in an amount equal to 15 2-3 per cent of such cost; that the fourth, fifth and sixth one-sixths are each specially benefitted in an amount GENERAL CAR REPAIRING We are having a nice business in repair work and people like our quality service. Try it next time. SECOND HAND CARS We have some second hand cars for sale that have been gone over and placed in good running order. They are bargains. Dennis Ryan HOLIDAY FLOWERS We have everything you want for the Holidays in regu lar flowers, and ca nget you anything special you desire. We have, at all times, choice CARNATIONS CHRYSANTHEMUMS ROSES, ETC Also Potted Plants and Ferns for Home Decoration Gold Fish and Supplies of All Kinds Alliance Floral Company L. D. BLAIR, Proprietor North of Lowry Office Phone 151 & Henry Garage Res. Phone 289 equal to 10 per cent of such cost; and further find, determine, equalize and fix the special benefits to, and in pur suance of such action and conclusion hereby levy special assessments upon the real estate, lots, parcels and pieces of land included in snid'dis- trict as follows, the legal description of the property being to the left, and the amount levied against each piece of property being to the right of the legal description of the property, as follows, to-wit: Original Town subdivision, block 9, west 45 feet, lot 1, assessment $D7.32. Original Town subdivision, block 9, east 95 feet, lot 1, assessment $407.46. Original Town subdivision, block 9, lots 2 and 3, assessment $1,009.57. Original Town subdivision, block 9, lots 4 and 5, assessment $1,009.56. Original Town subdivision, block 9, lots 6 and 7, assessment $1,178.19. Original Town subdivision, block 9, lots 8 and 9, assessment $1,346.79. Original Town subdivision, block 9, lot 10, assessment $785.82. Original Town subdivision, block 9, lots 11 and 12, assessment $1,908.85. Original Town subdivision, block 9, east 30 feet of lot 13 and east 30 feet of south 40 feet of lot 14, assessment $274.60. 'Original Town subdivision, block 9, west 110 feet of lot 13 and west 110 feet of lot 14, assessment $1,059.83. Original Town subdivision, block 9, south 18 feet of lot 15, assessment $121.40. Original Town subdivision, block 9, north 32 feet of lot 15, assessment $215.83. Original Town subdivision, block 9, north 10 feet of east 30 feet of lot 14, assessment $14.45. Original Town subdivision, block 10, lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, assessment $4,041.46. Original Town subdivision, block 10, lots 12, 13 and 14, assessment $1,682.97. Original Town subdivision, block 10, lots 15, 1G, 17, and 18, assessment $2,019.13. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 4, assessment $487.12. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 5, assessment $487.12. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot C, assessment $487.12. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lots i7, 8 and 9, assessment $1,4C1.35. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lots 10 and 11, assessment $2, 300.51. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 12, assessment $926.95. Original - Town subdivision, block 15, lots 13 and 14, assessment, 516.17. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 15, assessment ?758.0S. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 16, assessment $G61.3G. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 17, assessment $661.36. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lot 18, assessment .$661.35. Original Town subdivision, block 15, lots 19, 20 and 21, assessment, 2, 610.36. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 1, assessment $1,026.69. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 2, assessment $817.94. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 3, assessment $765.73. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 4, assessment $661.36. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 5, assessment $661.36. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 6, assessment $661.37. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 7, assessment $767.27. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lots 8, and 9, assessment 1,534.51. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 10, assessment $942.27. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 11, assessment $1,029.75. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 12, assessment $1,379.71. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lots 13 and 14, assessment $1, 022.49. Original Town subdivision, b'ock 16, lot 15, assessment $811.24. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 16, assessment $955.95. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 17, assessment $1,028.30. Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 18, assessment $1,317.71. Original Town subdivision, block 16, south 16 feet of lot 20, assess ment $439.93 , Original Town subdivision, block 16, lot 19, north 34 feet of lot 20, and all lot 21, assessment $4,407.55. Original Town subdivision, block 17, lots 1 and 2, assessment $1,669.64. Original Town subdivision, block 17, lot 3, assessment $834.82. Original Town subdivision, block 17, north 19 feet of lot 4, assessment $150.01. Original- Town subdivision, block 17, south 26 feet of north 45 feet of lot 4, assessment $205.27. Original Town subdivision, block 17, south 85 feet of lot 4. assessment $873.00. Original Town subdivision, block 17, lot 5, assessment $938.90. Original Town subdivision, block 17, lots 6 and 7, assessment $1, 588.38. Original Town subdivision, block l, lot 8, assessment $721.83. Original Towr subdivision, block l, lot V, assessment $721.84. Original Town subdivision, block 17, lots 10, 11 and east half lot 12, assessment $1,261.96. Original Town subdivision, block 17, west half lot 12, all lots 13, 14, and 15, assessment $1,625.40. Original Town subdivision, block 20, lots 1 and 2. assessment 12.167.18. Original Town subdivision, block 20, lots 3 and 4, assessment $1,588.38. WHEN was opportunity greater than now to spend our Christmas fund for practical household conven iences to take drudgery out of the home, by buy ing eqinment that serves when called upon without the annoyance of "Maybe it will work right." The "tried and found true" articles: The Beautiful and Serviceable Alcazar Ranges. Great Majestic Ranges Pressure Coookers Keed White Enamel Ware. Vacuum Cleaners Aluminum Ware National Vacuum Electric Washers PyrcxWarc Electric Irons All goods cheerfully shown. RHEIN HARDWARE CO. Prompt and Courteous Service. The Gift Supreme DIAMONDS' For Every Occasion You Can Buy a Diamond from Us With Perfect Confidence not only because of our record of years of honorable defiling but because our diamonds are selected by an experienced man a keen judge of diamond values and who selects the finest quality only. The Word of the House Years of technical training and constant practice are necessary to appraise the value of diamonds accurately. There are so many variations and combinations of variations in weight, size, color, shape and brilliancy, all of which affect the value, that the occasional purchaser must buy absolutely on faith faith in the honesty, experience and judgment of the jeweler with whom he deals. We stand behind every diamond sold by us. In quality, weight and color we fully guarantee. We have made a specialty of diamonds for many years and, buying as we do, direct from headquarters, enables us to secure prices and selections that are decidedly advantageous. The quality is the best that can possibly be furnished at any given price, and diamonds purchased of us now will be at a considerabl a saving to you. Come Early Before the Choicest Diamonds Are Sold We Buy Direct From Headquarters and Save You the Middleman's profit. Christmas Gifts Bought Now Will Be Laid Away Until You Want Them MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Any article in our stock forwarded im mediately, postage prepaid, on re ceipt of the price, and deliv ery guaranteed. Write or ask for a copy of our New Illustrated Gift Catalog. r It's FREE FREE CATALOG Use This Coupon Write your name and address and mail to us, or send us your address on a post card and we will mail to you our beautiful new catalog free of charge. Name . Address ' THIELE Drugs and Jewelry (Continued on Page 6)