TWO THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1920. ARMORY DANCE Music that puts pep in your step Wednesdays vnd Saturday? "Jerry" and "Spooks", Mgrs. VALE sidling William Newman Is building a new barn on his ranch. William Newman pot a load of lumber from Berea Monday. Col. I- K. Bliss cried his first sale 2 mile west at the Cal llashman place. Many people were invited to a pic nic dinner at the Judewine ranch last Sunday. Rudolph Laur went to Gillette, Wyo. Sunday alter working for S. I. loss! the past week. Mrs. Mel Colorick font to Nemch:i county lat week to stay with Mr. Colcrick while he is hulking corn there. The Flcasant Frairie farmers' union local met at the D. W. Reiman home Monday night. A large crowd was present. Mrs. Dave Turington of Sterling, Col., has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bliss for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bannan of Mel beta, Neb., arrived here Wednesday eight to eat Thanksgiving dinner at the S. I. Jossi home. E. Bryant returned last week from Missouri and Kanasas where he was looking for a new place to locate. He said he found several suitable places. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Lee were sur prised Saturday night by a few of their neighbors to remind Mrs. Lee of her birthday. Everyone enjoyed the evening. NO INCREASE IN PRICE The State Journal is the only big state paper that has not raised its prices. Still being mailed at the old rtte'of $5.00 a year without Sunday, or $7.00 a year with the big Sunday paper. The publishers hope it will not be necessary to make an increase and will fight it off as long as pos sible. Everybody should help to get down to a normal basis of prices. You will admit $5.00 a year for a great luily like the State Journal is not profiteering. It's the cheapest thing you buy. The Journal satisfies the needs of the whole family. It is less partisan and more independent than any other state paper. It prints all the news that's fit to print and is filled with many exclusive features. The coming session of both state and national legislatures will be of unusal interest. The Journal for fifty years has devoted more space to Nebraska news than other paper. Prepare for a long winter by sending in your order for the Nebraska State Journal now. lp. "DO IT ELECTRICALLY" You are invited to visit our booth at the Pure Food Show, December 2 and 3. You can see the Westinghouse Electric Range demonstrated and examine any goods displayed. No goods sold at the booth. Ask for free booklet, '"Why Stay at Home to Cook." Price Reductions on DAUON Phonographs it'll I I 1 M J I I'M. v A As we have received word from the factory that they will make a reduction on Palion Phonographs Janu ary first, we have decided to give our customers the benefit of the cut at once for ... V; CHRISTMAS BUYING - A ' Come in and hear this ex cellent machine. JOHNSTON'S and Martha Washington Chocolates ench Ivary. A full line of Dolls and Doll Cabs Stationery from the cheapest that's good to the ex clusive hand-colored designs for the exacting buyer. A General Line of Christmas Goods , F. J. BRENNAN Now located at 304 Box Butte, Next door to First Natl Bank ANGORA Al Jacobs was in Alliance Staur dny on busines.s Miss Anna Da son had as dinner guests Leo Lewellen and family. A. D. Marsh attended to business matters in Alliance the first of the week. W. R. McCrosky went to Omaha Thursday night with a carload of stock. Mrs. A. A. Temple of York, is a guer-t at the home of her sen G. T. Temple. Miss Mario Daxon and Mis Sophia Gu.zak attended the dance at Bridge port Thanksgiving night. Miss Agnes Felters, who teacher scholl near Morrill, spent Than.s giving with the home folks. Miss Anna Volgler of Dalton and Leo Gusack of Alliance sepnt Thanks giving at the Faul Gurack home. Ward Miles and family and Floyd Friend and wife had Thanksgiving diner with Guy Metz and family at Piley hill. Lyle Glan and family had as Thanksgiving guests, Mrs. Clan's sis ter, Mrs. Herman Lund and husband of Rushville. Mrs. C. N. Blackstone recently un derwent a serious operation at the Bayard hospital but is now at home Snd improving. Frank Boodry and wife, Jim Boodry and family, Miss Eunice Bodry and (Theodore Boodry were at the family home for dinner. Miss Leota Henderson was in Al liance Saturday between trains. She goes to Aliance three times each week for lessons in music. C. M. Dove and family entertained the II. A. Glan family, J. W. Per kins and family and W. N. Thompson and wife Thanksgiving. Bert Hatch, wife and baby arrived home Sunday after an extended visit at Cody, Neb., where they were called on account of the critical illness of Mrs. Hatches' sister. Joe Morrill and wife of Bridgeport are the parents of an eight-pound boy, who came to gladden their home last week. Mrs. Morrill will be re membered as Miss Rose Sherlock. Martin Anderson and family entetr tained Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Woods, her brothers Fay Woods, Walter Woods and wife and her sister Mrs. R. K. Thomas and family. The Angora community club met last week at the Elmer J'.orehead i r-i . nome. i nere was a large err ku pres ent and the day was most pleasantly spent. The Daxon side had the better of the atendance contest. The Mc- Crosky side will furnish a feast t the next meeting which will be held at the John Shoopman home. B. L. Kline and family took din ner on Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Stephen J. Epler. Rev Kline occupied the pulpit at the church at the morn ing service. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Jones left Mon day for Minatare where Mr. Jones is to take over the management of the Minatare Free Press, recently pur chased by him and Ben J. Sallows. The M. E. choir will meet et the church Thursday evening at 7:30. We will close promptly at 8:30 to give an opportunity to attend the Pure Food show. , Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf ALLEGEDMELOiT THIEF FILES SUIT Oscar O. Hanson has filed suit in the district court asking for $13,000 damages against Louis H. and Joseph r. Letfelman for permanent injuries inflicted upon him early on the morn ing of September 18, 1920. Hansen alleges that the Leffelmans shot at him five times, the scattering shot inflicting many wounds and that some of the injuries are permanent. He alleges that he was made sick, was compelled to undergo an opera tion and that he is still unable to work and that he was permanently in jured. The shooting ond the suit Is the outcome of a number of raids on the Leff elman watermelon . patch several miles east of town. Being unable to protect their property it is alleged the the Leffelman boys stationed themselves in the patch and shot into a party of young fellows who were attempting to appropriate some of the melons. Hansen Is the only one who was hit. Harrington News. TURN OLD CLOTHES INTO CASH Get the best price In the city for used clothing, shoes, trunks, baps, guns, etc. Workman & McLaughlin, Corner Second and Box Jfutte. 104tf G. J. Mauel, who was here recently from Lincoln in connection with the local organization of the realty deal ers of this county, made the state ment in a conversation here that one of the prominent and most reliable bankers of Lincoln has made the pre diction that money will loosen up soon and that in two years farm loans will be made at the former five per cent rate. Some U. S. bonds have ad vanced a few points on the market and an easier money market will be a great stimulator to all kinds of business. Christmas suggestion: A gift beyond value, your photograph. Van Uraven's. l'hone yui. Rev. Charles L. Deah of Denver was isiting in Alliance Saturday be tween trains. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne George D Barlin Furniture and Housefurnishings Visit Our Exhibit PURE FOOD SHOW Roof Garden December 2nd and 3rd McDougall Kitchen Cabinets tm'ij laiift Imm fc'i I Monarch Malleable Iron Ranges New Perfection Oil Cookers We will be there to tell you the Why about all three Souvenirs Souvenirs A WISE MAN Once Said. "The average person handles thousands of : dollars every year which is his own money TEMPORARILY. The trick is to make more of this money stay with you." If those people who do not have a bank account could be made to realize the satisfaction obtained from knowing just where your finances stand at any minute, there would be no question of their starting one. Let this bank hefp you form the habit of saving money, more easily than spending it. . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska braska Land Company. 103-tf