THE ALLIANCE HERALD, Fill PAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1920. SEVEN When a CBFYWflRfTttH. IT THI WANT TO BUT somethlngr Hun dreds of people scan then Want Ad columns looking for what you r others have to offer. Qet quick results by advertising In The raid Want Ad department. AATES Two cents per word per In sertion. Coots more than other newspapers, but we guarantee that rou reach several hundred more readers. Buy circulation, not hot air. SALE CITY PROPERTY ALLIANCE city properly to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern close in; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf , FOR SALE -USED CARS FOR SALE: Good used 'cars. A. II. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf FOR SALE Reo Touring Car, model R. Late 17. Perfect condition; new tires; J Battery, at a bargain; 803 West Third St. 103p FOU KALK KKWIXG MACHINES. FOR SALE: New and second hand Singer sewing machines on $3 a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD, Agt. 86tf WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe A Son. 85tf HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl foi general house work. Phone 173. 94tf FOK SALE-OMAHA HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE) Omaha property for va cant lots and acreage in Alliance. Write P. O. Box 750, Phillips & sons, Contractors, Alliance. 97tf FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Storage space for uto mobiles. See Vulcanizer, at Schaf er Auto Supply. lOltf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, 619 Laramie. Phone 120. lOltf WANTED Two or three rooms fur nished for light housekeeping. Man and wife no children. XYZ care of Herald. 106 FOR RENT GARAGE FOR RENT Garage at S5 per month. Inquire of vulcanizer at Shafer Auto Supply Co. 103-4 WANTED STOCK nOGS WANTED -Land Co. Stock hogs. Nebraska 103-tf I Hi I . (OH .0 NCEtO w ? VE2VM I npii. . - home. i i fell one. r I CbME. ON SUOOEMLV LIKE- J I CjQ TO ' -- . - .. ... 1 ' SWMFim THE SECRET : POCKET AMT Htj fbUlvYftm.TtltGTUll INhTYOHH' MtMLfl CH By WALTER J. DELANEY (Copyright, mo, Viu. Nawapaper Union! "You delightful young man I" com men led Airs. Luura Delevan sincere ly. "But look at your raiucoat!" "It is nothing, considering the serv ice rendered," bowed Itoduey Cleve, and he wus the courtly uentleiuan complete as he lifted his but and drew j iue uiscreeuy, a me luuy reucneo the steps of her palutlul home and re warded hi attentions wltli an adinlr ing glance. Never since the days of good old Qiiet-n Besis of Mei i le England, vvheu j Mr Walter Kaleigh set the exuuipli young Cleve Inn! now followed, bad. a uioro delicate compliment been paid to womankind. Coming down the street, Cleve bad wen the LMevuu automo bile balled with a Jar directly in tha middle of the road. . "Something broken," announced the chauffeur, and Cleve stepped to the curb.. Mrs. Delejnm, fair and forty, hud pushed open the door of the ma chine. "Can you not get nearer to the curb, John'" she inquired petulantly. "Impossible, uia ani," came the defi nite reply. "The power U gone aud it's something serious." Rodney Cleve knew Mrs. Delevan by sight, tor two months she had been a bugaboo In his life without knowing it. H! had met her niece, bright, pret ty Tatty Delevan, who lived with her, at several social functions, had fallen deeply lu love with her and had re ceived some encouragement in return, but Tatty, while she had allowed him to see her home on two occasions, had parted with htm at the vestibule door aud had never Invited him to call. Then a friend had enlightened Cleve. ''Mr, Delevan Is a high and mighty descendant of the very oldest Puritan stock," this informant said, "and Mrs. Delevan Is a social leader. As to Patty, they guard and guide her as if she were some princess, crowd off the fellows, circumscribe her list of acquaintances and frown on the least sign of an attachmeut." It was no marvel, therefore, as Cleve found himself In a position to serve this formidable ogress that he was inspired to a remarkable act. He had whippefj off his raincoat swiftly; he had spread It out from the curb to the step of the automobile, had extended his hand and the lady had thus safely evaded the soil and wet of the muddy street. His heart fluttered as he snatched up the coat and shook It Into folds and carried It away with biro. There was no sense of affectation or the ridicu lous, for he had foltowed a precept of his father, drilled into him line child hood. A stickler for propriety, the elder Cleve had made a record as a gracious, courtly gentleman of the good old kind. .It was few days after the Incident MARRIED M RlghTi nf the stalled automobile that Mr. Cleve called Rodney Into the library. "1 haven't forgotten that this Is your birthday. Rodney," he said, "and my tailor suggested a practical present, and be removed from a box an over coat built on lines In exquisite har mony with the prevailing dictates of fashion. Rodney expressed pleased approba tion and gratefulness. Then, discov ering a small !!t on the Inner arm of the garment, he Inquired: "Here Is a new wrinkle to me. What Is this for?" "A pocket for the dainty hand of any young lady to w hom you may hap pen to be escort when the weather is cold." explained Mr. Cleve. Rodney sighed inwardly. Would the fair hand of Tatty Delevan ever nestle there? A week later, passing the opera house. Rodney recognized Mrs. Pole van in the line of those purchasing ad vnnce seats. Agnlu t lie courteous Im pulse r-anie Into play. The ogress smiled graciously as he stepped to her Klde. "You will have to stand In line for bnlf nn hour at least." he spoke. If you will step into the lobby where It Is warm, I will see that you Ret what thkfis you want through my friend In the box office." "Of all the admirable young men," murmured Mrs. Delevan, as Cleve re turned. Could he be of any further service? She was going only a few squares to her husband's office. He would be glad to be her escort, find as walks were slippery would she take his arm? Quite naturally, as she did so. her hand slipped into the secret pocket How original ! what a cozy concep tion! She really must Introduce him to tier husband after all his kindly attentions, and Cleve felt that he had certainly acquired a footing in their good graces. It was a vast step forward when later .an Invitation came from Mn. and Mrs. Delevan to a social function at their home. Wise, delighted Patty never Intimated to her aunt that they had met before. Mutually hopeful, they allowed matters-to drift. Into that same secret sleeve pocket Patty's dainty-gloved hand slipped one evening, as was his wont, as they were beaded for an entertainment. Patty's fingers come In contact with a tiny pasteboard box. "There Is something In the pocket," she begnn. "Oh, yes," said Rodney animatedly "It Is an engagement ring." READY FOR HANGING "The prisoner looks the picture cf dejection." "Yes, and he says he'a been fram ed." Boston Transcript. New Market Prices Show 20 to 50 Keductlon, at Highland-IIoIIoway Co. Case No. 2988. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT In the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska: Leven H. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Jessie M. Jones, defendant: To Jessie M. Jones, non-resident defendant, take nolice: That on the 12th day of June, A. P., 1J20, Leven H. Jones filed his petition against you in the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the ob ject and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that ou hae been guilty of the act of committing ndultry without just cause or provocation. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 9th day of Januarv, 1021. LEPEN 1L JONES, Plaintiff. LEE BASYE, Attorney Nov 2.1-Dec 2.1 smm Juet Us B usiness Partner Your partner has a knowledge of your business and you look to him for advice and counsel on important matters. You are en titled to all the help he can give you. Do you get a partner's help on your printed matter? Do vou tret the most from thesorcial. ized knowledge which printing and naner. and which a combination Our job department has every modern equip- ; ment for doint? work on rush orders. For i letterheads, billheads, and all kinds of forms, ; we carry in stock, recommend and use Biswas I , The Jtilily Husinesj Taper Let Us Serve You a Partner The Burr Printing Co. b1 Book OLD BOOKS, MAGAZINES, ETC. I am well equipped to handle this work and turn it out promptly. Save your old volumes or magazines and news papers by having.them neatly rebound. Cloth Dyeing Also will dp. all kinds of dye work, silks or clothing, any color desired. Will do gold stamping on all kinds of leather goods, such as pocket books, suit cases, etc.- James T. Pierce Proprietor. Phone 378 Alliance, Nebraska REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranenea " ; . Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McCORKLE, Manager ' Office Ground Floor First NatL Bank THE WINNER. "We had a contest to decide the prettiest girl in our graduating class of 400." "How did it turn out?" One girl got two votes. Louis ville Courier-Journal. RUSHING THE JOB -So you are having jour house re decorated. How are you ijetting along?" "Fine; the painters and paper-hangers worked a full day last week." Detroit Free Press. tee the Fur Mnn Monday and Tuesday, at HiRhland-IloIIowav Co. Be Your we have regarding above all the service of the two can render? ,V1C ft inip Binding Those who anticipate' an enforced reduction in restaurant prices will do well not to postpone their lunches in that expectation. ror Expert Driving and Livery J. W. CARROLL Phone: Day, 118; Night, ( Sturgeon's Oarage Quick Service Electric PHONE 250 First National Bank Bldg. Alliance. .... Nebraska WVn In Antioeh Take Tour Meals at THI LIBERTY OAFS Meals at All Hours John Strata I.t Me fry Your Kales It. A. WTLAMl A lid loin r 1 2.12 MUnourl Piano TiinliiK, Herniating & llopalr A. M. POOL I,eave Urdei-M at Wlker Music Houm r l'lione No. 74 1 Service (urtiHiilccl v Have Our Own Help miixirs & sons Contractors and Ilullders. P. O. Ilox 750 Alliance, Neb. L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK rilONE 8 ALLIANCE, NEDHASKA MOV 10 FUHNITUKK SAFELY We have eautpped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture without marring, scratching or dam aging. Up-to-date wagon pads wllT be used by us on all moving Jobs, tf JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 18. Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Palmer School Telephone 865 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance, p. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf Phone 001 AHUoe Harry-P. Courscy AUCTIONEER Live Stock, General Farm Sales J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only net of Abstract llook In Ikx Ilutte County. First National Bank Bldg. Clean Up Now nd AVOID TUB KU8B A little later ta the season you'll hare to watt your tarn. Use the phone today. PROMPT BERV1CB HOW Sam Shelton Phone 875 PHONES: RES. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Pleas" Have it WELDED with the OXT'ACETTLKra PROCESS j Cylinder Block,- frame ant' rran mission Case a ByeaUlty ALL TRACTOK FASTI Geo. H. Breckner New Location 111 W. U BL