; liKARl'R OF WOMKN VOTERS The league of women voters met at the home of Mrs. Belle Brown Thursday afternoon. Meeting was called to order by the chairman, Mrs. J. Vance. Several committers were appointed to begin the regular work of the league. Mrs. O. .. Fer nold and Mrs. W E. CuMs were ap pointed to compare the last Rchool census with the attendance and re. port at the next meeting. Mrs. II. D. Hacker was appointed chairman of a committee to report actions of the city council at each meeting. Chairmen of the six departments of the women's league were ap pointed: American Citizenship, Mrs. I. E. Tash; Women In Industry, Mrs. J. W. Reed; Child Welfare, Mrs. Charles Henry; Social Hygiene, Mrs. V. C. Mounts; Food Supply and De mand; Mrs. William Glass; Election Laws, Mrs. J. A. Keegan. Meeting adjournment to meet with Mrs. Wil liam Bignell, the first Thursday in December. THE ALLIANCE 11 KHALI), FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920. MEA!.RKZVOIJ Guy C. Meads of Sidney and Miss Hilda C. Renzvold of Canton were married by. Rev. Mr. Droeggemueller of the Lutheran church Thursday, make automobile for cltv lot THE THOMAS COMPANY. Phone 20. gg l. A. It, MEKTIXtJ. The Daughters of the Revolution F. J. Sullivan paid a fine of $25 and costs on a charge of speeding his automobile on Box Butte avenue Wednesday evening. A few weeks will meet Saturday afternoon with ago, Mr. Sullivan was nicked for the irs. u. u uriggs at 807 Cheyenne. The Y. M. I of the Christian church gave a party in the church Monday night. An interesting pro gram was given, after which games were played and lunch was served. Master Jack Noble entertained at his home Thursday afternoon twelve guests, the occasion being his sev enth birthday. The table was set for twelve, luncheon being served at 6:30, after which various games were played. Those present were: James Hunter, Thelma and Delbert Cole, Mildred Dole, Gretchen Net. man, Emetine and Dixon Grassman, Irene Epler, Frances Russell, Jack Rlordan, William Clifford, DeForest I Walker. Mrs. William Floyd and Mrs. Alter assisted Mrs. Noblj in en tertaining the children. ANNOUNCEMENTS cm iidi ok riutisT The church must remain "the Pil lar and ground of trufh." It is "the "hurch of the living God which he has purchased with his own blood." Jow true and loyal then we ought to in our service. Next Lord's day the minister will 'preach on the sub ject: "He Came to Himself." Make this a great day in your attendance. 2R0 in the ntble School Is our slogan. At the evening hour Dr. Hansen will address a union meeting at the Pres byterian church. This will be your opportunity to hear a great speaker. Beginning Sunday evening Dr. Han. son will conduct three days institute on the Nebraska welfare work f the entire program. Remember thr. the table of the Lord Is spread each Lord's day in his house. What a blessed privilege for each christian to be present at this memorial ser vice. Come to the church with a message and a welcome. STEPHEN J. ErLEU. Minister Mrs. A. B. Sturgeon entertained at her home at a bridge party Thurs day afternoon. Lunch was served at 6 o'clock. Sixteen guests were pres ent: Mrs. Harry DuBuque, Mrs. Roy Beckwith, Mrs. Ralph Cox, Mrs. Harry Thiele, Mrs. George Potter, Mrs. C. E. Hershman, Mrs. Minor Morris. Mtb. D. L. Sturgeon. Mrs. J. S. Rhein, Mrs. Will O'Keefe, Mrs. Blaine Beckwith, Mrs. Fred Feagins, Mrs. D. Donovan, Mrs. A. P. Toohey, Mrs. R. E. Knight. Mrs. Harry Sims and Mrs J. C. Hughes. SCOTTISH KITH CLUB The Alliance Scottish Rite club held a Hallowe'en Jollification and basket dinner at the Masonic temple at 7 o'clock Thursday evening. All men who have .received any of the Scottish Rite degrees, their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters were Invited, and a large number were present. A special program was ar. ranged for the entertainment. IIOHM-OOLMNS Peter V. Bohm and Miss Julia J. Collins were married Tuesday morn lug at the Holy Rosary church, Rev. Father Manning officiating. They will spend a week's honeymoon at York and Lincoln, after which they will make their home in Alliance, where the groom is employed at the Mal lery grocery. RAPTIST CHURCH. Morning services: Sunday school. 10 a. m.; Preaching, 11 a. m. Rev. Mr Gould will preach. Evening services: B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m Union meeting at Presbyterian church. Dr. Theodore Hanson will speak. All are cordially invtied. METHODIST CHURCH. Services will be held Sunday morn. Ing at the usual hours. In the even ing we join in a union service at the Presbyterian church, where Dr. Han son will speak on the work of so cial hygiene and child welfare. MISSION Vim MEXICANS. Father Gilbert, S. J., of Creighton university, Omaha, will be at the Holy Rosary church. Alliance, Tues day to give mission to the Catholic Mexicans. The services will be in Spanish. LUTHERAN CHURCH German service at 10:30 a. m. Sunday. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. We extend a cordial wel come to all. F. DROEGEMUELLER, Pastor. PRESUYTKRIAN CHURCH. Mrs. A. J. Kearns entertained her Sunday School class at a Kensington Wednesday evening, Work was done toward packing a Christmas box for a mission school In New Mexico. WANTED TO RENT Barn or gar. age, large enough for two cars. THE THOMAS COMPANY, Phone 20. 98 TO TRADE Will trade standard Geo D. Darling 115-117 West Third Street Alliance, Neb. If we could prove to you beyond a question of doubt that the Howard Overdraft Heaters will gave you money on your fuel bill would you con rider we were doing you a favor or merely making an effort to sell a store? Our Answer Is "Both'' Many users have sent us new customers for these stores none dissatisfied none disappointed. These heaters are sent out under an Absolute Guarantee Geo D. Darling APPLES Several varieties, includ ing New ,York Greenings and Uncle Jonathans. $2.25 to $3.25 W. E. CUTTS same oflVnse. One fight was staged election nlRht, about 7:30, in front of the Everett Cook pool hall and George nrandcll nnd Jack Finn, an employe of BrandeU's, were placed under ar tlce court to disturbing the p ae am rest. Finn pleaded gullly In Jus paid a fine of $5 ana costs. Bran dell paid a fine of $10 and costs. Cloving out auto oils and grouse nt wt. One .'fell I" tire. I21.(M. A few MM light nt $I.H. SeveiH oil burner at hnlf price 08 IIIO.MA8 COMPANY, Reddish Mors Phone 20. Jilt R. C. White, of Osage, Wyo., mm n (lirlxf inn HttgceMlnn. r-lft )nl value. Your 1iolgrith. Viut Ornven Hliidio, Phone Pflf. fft-IO,1 See Our BLOUSES AND WAISTS $5.93 Ilighland-Holloway Co. WANTKD We have a waiting list of tenants for furnished and un furnished rooms, furnished and un furnished houses. We collect ren tals and look after properties. THE Millinery Now ON SALE AT COST and Some Less Than Cost Highland-Holloway Co. Have You a Sweet Tooth ? The candy season is just beginning in earnest and we are prepared for it with a. full supply of all kinds. HOME MADE CANDIES ' ft Every one guaranteed pure and you may judge as to toothsomeness. Brittles, Rolls and Bars in Appetizing Array BOX CANDIES Full line of popular brands in several sizes Buy your best girl a box today. Special Price on Quantities of Holiday Candy ALLIANCE CANDY STORE S. P. JACKSON, Prop. Phone 27 Dresses on Sale 1-4 TO 1-3 REDUCTION. of Former Values Highland-Hollow ay Co. Variety Having a large stock to choose from is exceedingly desirable when purchasing jewelry, and this feature of Thiele merchandise will bo very pleasing to you. New fall goods are on dis play. The designs and color effects nr exquisite in the inexpensive as well as more costly articles. Thiele quality is always dependable. We buy only of the foremost manufactur ers, taking great care to sec that the character of each article is such as will give lasting satisfaction. Thiele 's is a store of high quality, but not of high prices. Scarf Pins $1 to $100 eweiiy-u atcnes-iyiuoa Brlinswicktfiono5t3iphs Watch Inspector6uSiQ Lowest Prices READ THESE Saturday Specials SOUP M HAT, Per pound ... MUTTON STEW Per pound JOc BEEF BOIL, Per pound SHOULDER POT ROAST, Per pound CHUCK KOAST, Per pound . STANDING RIB KOAST, Per pound 15c 15c 15c 15c ROUND STEAK, Per pound WE1N1ES, Fresh Per pound BOLOGNA, Fresh Per pound 35c 25c .25c PIO TAILS PIGS FEET PORK BONES SPARE RIBS SOUR PICKLES BULK SOUR KRAUT JUMBO DILLS DRIBBLE'S PURE PORK SAUSAGE Swift's Sugar-Cured Hams, Per pound . Swift's Sugar-Cured Bacon, Per pound 39c 39c MALLERY'S "QUALITY GROCERS" if you want or need hat to match your fall costume, get it now MILLIN Now Selling BELOW COST Gives You; Such Wonderful Values On Fall Headwear You Can't Wait :i Ladies9 and Misses Pattern and Tailored Hats i. i On account of our small space which makes it imperative to have room for our EARLT SPRING line we will sell all of our ladies' and misses' pattern and tailored hats ABSOLUTELY BELOW COPT ANYONE DESIRING THEIR FURS MADE UP INTO FUR HATS ARE URGED TO BRING IN THEIR ORDER EARLY The Fashion Shop