Eiont TUB ALMAXCK HERALD. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1920. IMPERIAL THEATRE This Is The Life Tonight Nov. 2 2 Complete Shows 2 Newest, Neatest, and of all Musical Farces Filled to the Brim with Songs Dances and 1000 Laughs Funiest of Comedians, Glean and Classy. Tickets on sale for second show at box office. Lower floor $1.00 Balcony $1.50 and war tax RAILROAD NOTES ? Firemen Adams and SItch are on the sick list. C. N. Nelson Is laying off on ac. count of sickness. Mrs. Emma Dock Is laying off on account of illness. Machinist McOuIre reported . for work on .Saturday, Fireman Barton went to Marsland to relieve Fireman Stradly. C. W. Orassman returned to work Monday after a week's lay off. The new turntable Is reported to be In good working condition. Fireman Harris went to Broken Bow Monday to relieve Vireman Wardem. Engine 614S was sent to the Sheridan division to remain per manently. A derailment on the Sheridan last Saturday caused 42 to be seven hours late. Engines 5213 and 1509 were de railed In the yards Monday, due to slippery rails. James Died fell off of the pit Sun day night and was unable to come to work Monday. L. A. Hall returned to work Tups day morning after several days' lay off caused by having his tonsils removed. Sid Mason, welder on the rip track, was unable to come to work Mpnday on arrount of being block aded by the snow. Valentine Wright, brother of Mobo Wright, and well known In this county, of which he was a former resident, left Saturday with his wife and son for Downs, Kas., his pres ent home. He took with him four car loads of spuds, which He plans to dispose of to the Kansas trade. He had a good time visiting Alliance friends, but wanted to be sure to be home by election day, so he and his wife could cast a vote for Governor Allen. lrt us show you the laundry Queen wnaher. None like It. 08 Threlkeld Furniture Co. Curtis Best" Flour and corn meal. O'Bannon & Neuswaiiger. 07 Athought the onion has declined in price, it Is thought to bo strong enough to come back. CLOSING OUT Women's & Children's Hats Regardless of Cost Hihland-Holloway Co. The Lord knew what he was doing when he fashioned woman's elbows so they couldn't be seen by the men she walked with or met. Bolshevism has been given a fair trial, but from all accounts it is not making good even In the house of Its friends. Men's fashion notes say patch pockets are to go, but patched trousers will still be worn. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When tho bo ly begins to stiffen and movemen: becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep theso crsrxs healthy by taking GOLD MEDAL won Tb world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and irM acid troubles. Famous sines 1696. TaWa regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggist. Guaranteed as represented. took foe lie uni Gold Mdal every box end aeeepl imiutioa) PERSONALS James Carmody of Sheridan, Wyo., j wsa In the city transacting business Saturday. Fred Johnson left Saturday night for Denver, Col., for a few days' visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Vol Wright and son, George, returned to their home Fri day in Corcordla, Kas. Jack Lynch of the navy recruiting station left Saturday night for Omaha on a business trip. Mrs. William Jacobs and family left for Broken Bow Friday night for a two weeks' vacation. Dick Strong. has returned from Blackfoot, Idaho, where he has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Ernest Origg. Mrs. Walter Lyons returned to her home In Bayard Saturday after spending a week with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aspprn returned to their home In Whitman after spending several months in AM. ance. Mrs. W. K. Nichols left for Omaha and Lincoln Sunday night, where he will attend to business for about a week. Mrs. M. F. Donavan and two sons. Arthur and Jay, left for Heniingford Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bonnio Sheperd. Mrs. Calvin Walker entertained the Carl Drake family and Arthur Jaeger at a fried chicken dinner Sunday evening. Miss Edyth Williams returned home from Lincoln after spending a few days visiting friends and rela tives In that city. Mrs. Henry Ilennau and Mrs. W. Wolverton of Crawford spent the week-end in Alliance visiting rela. tives and friends. Mrs. H. J. Cole and Mrs. W. H. Lamon returned Saturday from Fre mont, where they went as delegates to the state federation of woman's clubs. Harry Hamilton and wife are leading for Denver this week, where they will make their home. Mr Hamilton has an Alliance-Denver run and has decided upon a change of residence. The Hamilton home on Laramie has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. In county court this week, In the case of Alva Roach vs. Charles E. Murphy, answer has been 111 ' ' the defendant Joining the issues. The case will propaMy ue neaid No vember 15. Curtis "Best" Hour and corn meal. O'llannon & Neuswanger. 97 A Danish exile kept out of sight In the United States for forty-seven years, and sugar seems to be going after his record. The last two days have been pro. ductive of a number of straw votes, and strange as it may seem, they have been favorable . to whichever side took them. We learn, Tor In stance, of a pool at Joe Smith's bil liard emporium at 10 a. in. Sunday, which disclosed 13 democrats, 2 re publicans and 1 socialist. At 10 p. m., in the same place, a second poll was taken with this result 12 democrats, 2 republicans,. 0 social ists. At 11 p. m., at Everett Cook's, there were present 15 democrats and 5 republicans. Hooray tor our side. HIKTHS. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Jim John son, of Whitman, a boy. Sweet day, so cool, so calm, se bright; but here comes a smudge on it. Buy coal now. As a general thing, a bride can hold her husband under her thumb as long as he holds her on Ms knees. Cutting the word "obey" out of the marriage vow is fully as Important as excising the "u" from "honour." ALL SUITS, Including Our WOOLTEX Label Closing Out at Absolute Cost Highland-Holloway Co. J. JAS. BURNS ART. A. DALY X. E. ROBERTS & CO. Live stock Commission Merchants Cattle Department Jim Burns W. J. Orchard Established 1899 Hog Department Art A. Daly Sheep Department Frank Roberts We specialize in handling Range Cattle and will give you the best service possible to obtain. Ship Your Cattle Hogs and Sheep to Us for Good Results Union Stock Yards OMAHA NEBRASKA i. r-" "eaeaae eBeBMaeaaaanaaeaejaaaaai """aeMeBaaeBMeaB, WALK- i ANNOUNCING OVER SHOES At Revised Prices 240 Pairs of the $15.00 Grade now 360 Pairs of the $12.50 Grade now 5Hn As fast as the new prices are announced by the factories we pass them on to our customers. Our Stocks Are Complete The Famous Is Never Undersold On Anything Tlie Famous Clotfiimg House Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes i -