SEVEN BALD-RUST LAND CO. WE BUY AND SELL WESTERN LANDS AND RANCHES III MNIXS IS (JMI. THANK YOU" Drawn for The HoraU by Collier. OUR OWN MOVIES ' ' YOU NEVER CAN TELL" I, 7 - ii tors ." i- . ' - " . C: I mi: 52? -- " - THE ALt j ANCH HERALD. TTKSDAY. NOVUM BKK 2, 1920. "... '-r C.J r t- Z - . - I. T.A-.U .LCL. r ... . V h"n... S'lSSV MEffRlVALE ilNDS A NOTe UNDER. HIS C'i di J i-5 ui" ftf& NOTE tn cj cj C3 ThEt OlT) HILL 13 g 3 Pi C3 O & Af CtfcAT otick PCEVV AND ff(E- &M6 40 (STi)Ef9BULkVj vit amd mt Behind A, PLE OF RotKS. H& L0OS (IKE- A '& c3 a u J bi t-1 ' l-i lj B b 'J P3 n U 3 "' ij C RUT fcK& IMt feflNt COOLD OCT Mfo ACTiOK UP'loOfeMS LFAPCD UfoM HIM 4 a e u o ''7 PCWT -THF ROBE- OP N'fcHT AND ALL WA T- LJ i... t-i c-i U u u iJ u .J ' .r'Mi" ' " "TJ.. l'7, " " 'J-1Z " " " " Q ta U b g .j tr? Q ' fci ' 1 u u ri cii cj yj ej tj U li Lj Ki L, W U ? ry'P 1 l i ? t Sp,es on s.ssy-8 1 op his pt?ow-ess 1 1 Ql' rsJkT ;; ;: ySqg rSTBY a e-i C3 am t;?ll?. SEEN 'iM ilF-TiKJ' P?ockS 6I66.ERN PEB8LC-S rt h u b b n iu t... a s- K AM'0SSM' CM UP LlKfc AW, I BEf(HA WAS A i klnnTiAI flfl I rf Ifthl I N AW O (?-f? jr-'l I SEEN. IM DO IT.' rnMtTiJiirn t"pfM VccffcrpriAvA n p n p es g te1 32 C5- P gj w p n ft o .-; VON SMU5H . ME 5HUSM VER" 1 1 - tlrr?4 t i - - n - - mm n m i . . f I rr - . : i a H .V m - h - i- i ThE TtPCH OF VSYS HOMC- V P B f; H B ta B B g" U-g Ortl MO WONDER lEjff AND PEEPIN6- -fHP0U6M -tWE- SMLTTTEPS AT LAST" IMtOVER "fHE-SfC(?6T. r, W S fci f-, W r, O .B.BH H, 9n ik fid? fa p o ci a u o 'P o o' h a a'o r a g a 1 a b r tmt, ThI n.Tnut.nLi.'iviiiinTt- WANT TO BUT omathtBKT Hun 4reda of poople acan these Want Ad columns looking for what you r other have to offer. Oct Quick remits by In The raid Want Ad department. 4ATES Two cents per word per in ertion. Costs more than other newspapers, but we guarantee that too reach several hundred more readers. Buy circulation, not hot air, 8AL15 CITY FROrKKTY ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farim See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf riVE room Bungalow, all modern close In: bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOR BALIS CSKD OARS OHDIXAXCK X(. 21)7 An ordinance providing for lue rp.aKHfSsinent and collection of a tax upon all taxable property within Swer Districts Nunioers 37 and 38, in the City of Alliance, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying for the con struction and expense that has been Incurred In putting in sewers to serve the property within such newer districts. Whereas, Bewers have veen r to serve all property Included In Sewer Districts Numbers 37 and 38 in the City Of Alliance, Nebraska, according to procedure provided by law, and Whereas, doubts exial as to thel validity of the assessments levied bv frontage 50: assessment 1.15.38 6. Sheridan add., block P. lot frtntage 50; assessment $55.28. Sheridan add., block P, ;ot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Box Butte add., block 12, lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. C. 7. 8. -id . frontape 150; assessment $498.45. Box Butle add., block 15, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. frontage 200; assessment $221.53. Box Butte add., block 15, lots 5 and 6, frontage 100; assessment, $110.77. Box Butte add., block 16. lot 1, frontage 50; asserament $55.38. Box Butte add. block 16, lot 2. 3, 4 and 5, frontage 200; assess, ment $221.53. Box Butte add., block 16, lot 6, FOR 8ALE Oood used cars. A. H. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf FOR BALE SEWIXU MACHINES. FOR SALE New and second hand Singer sewing machines on $3 a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD. Agt. 86tf WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe AY Son. 5tf WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman for housekeeper. Phone 720. 97-100 WANTED Middle aged couple or middle aged woman without child ren for ranch work. Nice place and good wages. Address KNIGHT LOWE. Hyannis, Neb., Box 135 97 WANTED Girl foi general house work. Phone 173. 94tf FOR BALK FARM. FOR SALE: Farm; southeast quar. ter section 20-25-47: 2A miles I northeast of Alliance. For price and terms of sale see George or P. H. McGinn, P. O. Box 382. Alliance, Nebraska. 102p Ordinance Number 288 of said city to cover the cost thereof, and Whereas, special benefits accrue to property in the district abutting upon and adjacent to the lines of said 6ewers, and Whereas, the cost of Baid work is found to be $4,984.47: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAY OR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That this' council sit ting as a board of equalization for this purpose, after due notice as by law provided, and after due consid eration of all the facts, find, deter mine and fix the total special bene fits in said districts resulting from said improvement to be equal to cost of the work, which Is $4,984.47; and further find, determine, equalize and fix the special benefits to. and, in pursuance of such action and con clusion, hereby levy special re-as sessments upon the real estate, lots, parcels and pieces of land included in said districts as follows, to-wit: the description of the property being written on the left and the front footage and the amounts re-assessed against property to the right thereof, as follows; Sheridan add., block H. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, frontage 400, assess ment $443.06. Sheridan add. block H. lot 9, frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block J, lot 1, frontage 50; assessment, $55.38. Sheridan add., block J, lots 2, 3, 4, frontage 150, assessment, $166.15. Sheridan add., block J, lots 5 and 100; assessment block 100; 10. lots 3 block 20, lot 6. 3. FOR SALE OMAHA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Omaha property for va cant lots and acreage In Alliance. Write P. O. Box 750. Phillips & sons. Contractors. Alliance. 97tf FOR SALE RAIT FOR SALE Bait, you cannot afford to be without. These balta are re sults of many years study by a traDDer who trapped extensively in different localities. They excel all baits on the market 11.10 per bot. tie; six bottles $5.00. DUNCAN & WARREN, Shannon, Kansas. 97 In the nrovince of Quebeo the daisy is classified as a noxious weed This strengthens the charge that there may be money In farming, but not poetry. 6, frontage 100; assessment $110.77. Sheridan add., block M. lot 1, frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block M. lot 2. frontage 60; assessment $55.39. Sheridan add., block M, lot 3, frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block M, lot 4, frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block M, lots 5 and 6, frontage 100; assessment $110.77 Sheridan add., block N, lots 1 and 2, frontage 100; assessment $110.77 Sheridan add., block N, lots 3 and 4, frontage 100; assessment $110.77 Sheridan add., block N, lot 6, frontage 60; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block N, lot 6, frontage 60; assessment $65.38. Sheridan add., block P, lot 1, frontage 60; assessment $56.88. Sheridan add., block P, lot 2, frontage 50; assessment $55.88. Sheridan add., block P. lot 8, frontage 60; assessment $55.39. Sheridan add., block P. lot 4, frontage SO; assessment $66.38. Box Butte add., block 19, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, frontage 250; assess ment $276.92. Box Butte add., block 19. lot 5, frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Box Butte add., block 20, lots 1 and 2, frontage $110.77. Box Butte add., and 5, frontage $110.77. Box Butte add., frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Box Butte add., block 20, lot frontage 5Q; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block S, lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block S, lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block S. lot frontage 50; assessment $55.39. Sheridan add., block S, lots 4 and north 35 feet of 5, frontage 85; assessment $94.15. Sheridan add., block S, south 15 feet of 5 and all of 6, frontage 65; assessment $72.00. ' Sheridan add., block T, lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block T. lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block T. lot frontage 50; assessment $55.39. Sheridan add., block T, lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block T, lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Sheridan add., block T. lot frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Box Butte add., block 23, lots 1. 3, 4, 5 and 6, frontage 250; assess ment $276.92. Box Butte add., block 23. lot 2 frontage 50; assessment $55.38. Box Butte add, block 24, lots 1, 2 and 3, frontage 150; assessment $166.15. Box Butte add., block 24, lots 4 ana 5, frontage 100; assessment $110.77. Box Butte add., block 24, lot 6. frontage 5Q; assessment $55.38 Total, $4,984.47. Section 2. Said special re-assess ments shall be and they are hereby made a lien on said real property from and after this date, and they shall become due and delinquent as follows, to-wit: One.fifth of said respective sums shall become and be due and delinquent In fifty days from this date; one-sixth in three yean from this date, and one-fifth In four years from this date. Each of these Installments, except the first, shall draw Interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from this data until they become respectively delinquent, and all of said Install ments shall -draw interest after they become delinquent, at the rate of one per cent per month until p-.ild; Pro tided that the owner of any one of Jibove described tracts of real estate may pay the whole amount of the special re-assessment thereon with'n fifty days from this date without In terest, and thereupon such tract shall be and become exempt from the operation of this Urn. Section 3. All such reassess ments shall be placed on the tax roll for collection as a separate tax, in addition to the tax for general reve nue purposes, svbjvct to the same. penalties and collected in like man ner as other city taxes. Section 4. That Ordinance Num ber 288 of the City of Alliance, Ne braska, and all other ordinances oi parts of ordinances in conflict with the terms hen'of be, and they are hereby repealed. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication according to law. Passed and approved October assessment i oin, A. D. KODGERS. Mayor, 4, ! GRACE H. KENNEDY, City Clerk. (SEAL) Oct 2 9 .Nov 5 Germs have never lived on coins, f . 1 A. 1 we learn, tind we are nnuing u in creasingly; hard to live on ours. Miss Jtuth Stanton spent the week end in lAntioch. Swire tiunrnntecd W Have Our Own Help PHILLIPS & SONS Contractors and Builder. 1. O. Box 730 Alliance, NVb. Drake Ik Drake IMwiuik ol Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Mc-uklue, Surgery, Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Palmer School Telephone 865 Wilson BuUdla L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMF.R BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Real Estate, Loans and Insurv ance. Jr. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf l'lioue 664 AUUase- Harry P. Coursey 4 AUCTIONEER 1 Live St'wk, (iencral Farm Sale MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We xtave equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliauces for moving furniture without marring, scratching or dam-; aging. Up-to-date wagon pads will . be used by us on all moving Jobs. f JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone IS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract' llooka In llox llntte County. First National Bank Bldg. i 1. 3. 4. 6, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE FINAL PROOF Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Octo ber 5, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Horace H. Anderson, of Alliance, Neb., who, on December 30, 1916, made home stead entry No. 918076 for lot 4 in section 5; Lois 1. 2 and 3, SNE4 and SE'4NW4 of section 6, in town ship 23. north; SEViNEVi; SE4 of section 31; SVaSEU and SV4 SV4 of section 32, township 24, north, range 50, west of the sixth principal luerldan, has filed notice of intention to make final "three- year" soldiers proof, to establish claim to the land above described. before the Register and Receiver, D. S. Land Office, at Alliance Neb., on the 10th day of November, 1920. Clalment names as witnesses: Al bert Underwood, Robert R. Reddish, Herbert M. Anderson, and John B. Anderson, all of Alliance, Neb., T. J. O'KEEFE, OCt.8-Nov.9p. Register. Waen In Antioeh Take Your Meals at 1 THE LIBERTY CAFE " Meals at All Ilooni John Strata It looks as if at last the great North American rent payer were get- ling his back up. Bernlce Shanklin spent the week end at her home near Lutan. ( 5c 1 U Sea ipaumanl(nvxiBticr Jfa Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 -Missouri Piano Tuning, Regulating & Repairs A. M. POOL Leave Orders at Wiker Music House or Phone No. 741 Clean Up Now and AVOID TUB BUSH A little later In the you'll have to wait yoar tmra. Use the phone today. PROMPT SERVICE HOW Sam Shelton Phone 87S For Expert Driving and Livery J. W. CARROLL Phone: Day, 118; Night, 854 Sturgeon's Garage Quick Service Electric PHONE 250 First National Bank Bldg. Alliance ... Nebraska REAL ESTATE - i Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McOORKLH, Uanafer Office Ground Floor First NatL Baak PHONES: RES. NO. 163 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNTTUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen" "We Try Hard to Please" Have it WELDED with the OXY-ACETYLJE3ISI PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, FTamse ami Iran mission Cases a flflailj. ALL TRACTOR PAJBT3 Geo. H. Breckcer New Locatloa til W. M Q