THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1020. THREB 1 .4 T PERSONALS 1 T)f. Tilak left yosteruar for IMne rldge on bnslncsc. T. Quinnette left Thursday for Crawford where he has accepted a position. A. M. Pool left for Hyannis on business this morning. John W. Nay of Grand ISVand, was transacting business here Thursday. Sailor Hats at cort and less than coot at Hlghland-Hollowa? Co. Mrs. A. Ottaway and Mrs. O. Kuhn left Thursday for Omaha to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Hobbs, manager of the tele phone system at Antloch was in Alll anc transacting businpus Thursday. F. M. Bathlwlck of Lewellen, was In Alliance Thursday. Leo Carnine was in Alliance hav ing dental work done. Rosa SIglin who was operated on Thursday morning is reported to be getting along nicely. J. O'Neil of Lakeside was In town Thursday transacting business. Bailor Hats at cost and less than cost at Highland-Holloway CV. Mrs. Williams of Antioch was In town Thursday for dental work. Miss Lillian Tuma of Antioch spent Thursday evening in Alliartce. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clive of Iteming ford were In town Thursday on bus iness. W. D. Rumer of the Rumer garage is installing a new elevator in hTs building at Third and Box Butte. Alfred Rodgers and Jake Brechtl left for Torrington, Wyo., for a few days' visit with friends. Sailor Hats at cost and lens than cost n Highland-Hollo way (. Mrs. Bert Duncan and sister, Miss Alice Williams, are going to Hot Springs for a week's vacation George Milbourne of Thlele's drug store has been spending a few days in New Castle, Wyo. Mrs. G. W. Johnson and daughter, Airs. Leon Edwards, left last ni.rtht for Omaha for a few days' visit with Mrs. Johnson's brother, who Is In the hospital there. Tojii Fielding returned from Den ver where he has been consulting a specialist. J. W. Carroll of this city had his tonsils removed. Mr. Semky, the butcuer at Dun can's grocery store, has been sick for a few days. However, he is back to work again. Mrs. Hall of jf?wcastle, TTyo., un- j tlerwent an operation Thurslaj i morning. She Is reported as getting along nicely. J. H. Sharpe of Hemlngford was in Alliance Thursday. J. H. Boxlay is visiting friends in Alliance. B. A. Baehl enliRted for two vears service In the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Uovof Lakeside were In the city on business Thursday. Household remedies and toilet goods, tiro for one cent more than the price of one. The Ilexall Store. NOTH ON tiUKKN HI ITS Why Is a green suttt I'. Is harder to answer than the simple question of why Ib a suit green. A suit is green because it is made that way, but a green suit ia an anomaly with" no apparent reason for being except that we are mistakes. All men buy a green suit sooner or later, but nobody has ever been known to be fond of one after he has had it a few weeks. It Is not cheaper, it does not harmonize with civilized surroundings, and is posi tively unbecoming to most i.nn. Think of any frieno of yours as h looks in a green suit, and you will think of all the traits you dislike in him. Yet the suit of gaudy green continues to be made in vast num bers, bought as advertised and worn with purple ties. Perhaps the reason is that the color appeals to the hope ful mood in whic. a man buys a suit of clothes. Afterwards, however, it serves as a constant reminder of a moment of weakness and fatuity, and in this reaction he learns to hate the sight of his attire, refers to it as a green monstrosity, and wears It surreptitiously to the movies and on rainy days when a fit of melancholy is upon him. C. B. W. G. in Life. ANNOUNCEMENTS KAPTIST CHtUCII. Dean Firth of Grand Inland Col lege, will supply the pulpit in the Baptist church at both the morning and evening service Sunday Oclobtr 17. A cordial invitation Is "xtnidd to the public. DEAN Ft 11711. Plan your needs for the household and buy at practically 50 er rent oi. Thui'Mlay at the Ilexall Store. METHODIST milieu. A number or young people met at the parsonage Wednesday night for a business meeting of the Ep worth league. C. E. Chase was elect ed president of the league and Miss Verna Dow first vice president. A study contest plan was presented and after consideration was adopted by unanimous vote. This plan will be presented In detail at the leasue ses sion next Sunday night and sides chosen. ,,rMV Next Sunday will be observed nt "Young People's Day" at the church services. At the evening service a few young people will speak on, "What the Church Can Do for the Young People," which will be fol lowed by some remarks by the pastor on "What the Young People Can Do for the Church". Any parents having children they wish baptized should bring them nt the morning service, 11 a. m. Te baptismal service will be Just before the sermon. M. C. SMITH, Pastor. Chrli t " T'Mirs'lrv rvpnlng, October 21.--"A Rich But a Sad Family, or Hell a Hot Country". Friday evening, October 22. "The Two Ways." Each evening at 7:20 Is the time to hear this wonderful preacher dsl cuss these subjects. The DTble school Invites you to become one 6f 250 next Lord's day morning. The endeavor prayer-meeting asks you to come with a prepared lrsson and a prayerful heart. Come to the church with a message and a welcome. S. J. EPLER, Minlsr. PHINIIYTKIUAN Cllt'IU'll. Sunday m'uooi at 11:45 a. m. Spe cial music by the boys' choir. Our attendance Is steadily Increasing. Lot , the good work go on. You are wel come. Morning worship, 11 a. m., "The I Proper Use of Our Talents." Evening service, 7:30 p. m., "Does It Make Any Difference What We Believe?" Christian endeavor, 6:30 p. m., j topic: "Christian Principles In Poli tics." Leader, Mr. Prince. All are cordially invited to these services. ! Men's meeting notice: We am sorry to report that owing to the un finished condition of the basement It ! will be necessary to postpone th men's meeting scheduled for Tuesday evening, October 19. Further notice will be made when available. First Fresbyterlan church, corner Box Butte avenue and Seventh street. A. J. KEARNS. Pastor. When wilt cninese generals stop committing suicide after defeat and live to write books explaining who lost the war? tlU ltCH OF CHRIST. The meetings are conrnulng with stronger sermons at each meeting. Evangelist Davidson grows In power and eloquence at each service. Here Is a list of his subjects: Friday evening, October 15. "Re member Lot's Wife." Saturday evening, October 16. "Caesar and Christ." Sunday morning, October 17. "A Crown of Glory". Sunday evening, October 17. "The Sin of Unbelief." Monday evening, Ocober 18 "The Resurrection of Christ Proven by Infidel Witnesses from q, Lawyer's Point of View." J Tuesday evening, October 19. "A Shadow." Wednesday evening, October 20. "What Will You Do With Je" Have You Now Got Range Satisfactiioe IF YOUR PRESENT KITCHEN EQUIPMENT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE SERVICE COME AND SEE OUR LINES Wc believe we have a selection of Kitchen Ranges that will end your cooking and bak ing annoyances for many years to come. We hare had occasion in our hardware experience to try out these two makes of range and have found them completely satisfactory in a mul titude of ways. Majestic KITCHEN RANGES Nearly everyone who has has experience in the work room of the home knows what the word "Majestic" means in the cook ing and baking fraternity. It is truly the standard. Conies with all the modern improvements. Alcazar AND ALCAZAR-DUPLEX These two models represent a high devel opment of the range-maker's art. All the newest improvements that make the modern range a perpetual help to the housewife. Finished in enamel, with blue steel tops or plain. COME IN IiET US EXPLAIN THEIR MANY ADVANTAGES TO YOU RHEIN HARDWARE CO. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. It M t 1 You The Coming of Cold "Makes You Think" About Your Winter's Supply of On Our You Money Warm Clothing We Save 0 Discount Sale 20 Look over these items and see if there are not several on which you can SAVE MOXKY. Everything listed has a special attractiveness in view of approaching cold weather. You know it is eommg-KO why not buy now while these SHOES, UNDERWEAR0 "gINGHAMS, PERCALES. SHEETING, MUSLINS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, WOOL DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS. Includes Every Item On First Floor SATINS, TAFFETAS and Georgettes $3.50 and $4.00 Values offered at $2.29 Coats, Suits and Dresses at 1-3 Off We have truly a wonderful line of merchandise priced to sell regularly at way below what you expected for this Fall. They are doubly attractive at these prices. NOTHING IS EXCLUDED Satins and Printed Georgettes $5.00 and $6.00 Values offered at $3.49 Skirts Waists and Millinery at 1-3 Off Every garment has been selected with a careful view to both the needs and means of our customers. With every thing new to choose from you cannot afford to miss th'ese. COME NdW TODAY THE HORACE BOGUE STORE