TEN THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1920. PERSONALS P. W. Qulnno(l returned frpm Lincoln Wednesday. Bailor lla( nt ,tt niul l-n.- llm cot at lllftlilfliiil-lloUowny (Vi. I'. K. Romlg went to Newcastle this morning on legal bualneas. Mrs. P. T. Grove was In town on Wednrnday attending to business. J. D. Laque of Lakeaide W4d trans acting buliis In Allla; c V.V J!.v. day. Sailor Hat at crat anl lews than cost at Hlghland-llolloway ('. Guy Ktnnkott has bet n hijin;: oil for a few days. 11? is vMUim: in t:ie ant. J. E. Ttnio.on ha k-ft A'l!: lie will travel with the WeBterman DroB. Carnival. Mr. and iMr. Jake P t frti r two sons were here visiting E. U. Lalng and wife. A. J. Gant was railed to tlroken Dow Tuesday on account of the wi tless of his sister. Sailor Hat at cot and Icwa than coat at Illnhland-Ilolloway Oo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson are spending a few days with Mrs. Dan Foley for a few days. Sergeant G. W. Deffenbaugh left Wednesday for Omaha, where he will report to headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peister, wno have been quarantined with nmall pox, are again able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeep are the proud parents of a nine-pound son born In Omaha Wednesday. True Miller and daughter. Mattk left Tor Bridgeport Tuesday noon. Mr. Miller la going to drive a new car back. . Sailor tlata at cost and lo than coat at Iltghlniid-llollouay (V. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt, aad daughter, Dorothy, return! from Brush, Col., Tuesday noon, vhore they had spent a few days on the farm Miss Edna Flynn and Bister, Mrt. Luke Swigart, of Galesburg, 111., ar rived In Alliance this morr.hu; and will visit with friends for a few days. Tuey are former Alliance reMden's Attend the One-Cent Sale, Tlmm day, Friday and Saturday at the IU x. all Store. SIOITX TO OIVW A FAItKWKIX DAKCK The Sioux Indians from the Pine Rldae agency, who have been In Alli ance and vicinity for the past two months and have been of Invaluable i-lni' to the furmerd during the potato harvesting season, Juat closed, feel very friendly toward this city, and as an evidence of this feeling, will give a farewell dance an 1 enter tainment on the tnveiurnt on Box Butte avenue next Saturday after noon and evening, October 16. Among the dances the Indian will put on will be the Owl dance, the Chief dance. Omaha dance and others. It will be an opportunity for youngsters and others to see these dances put on by the men who really know how It Is done. Another ten years, and it Is doubtful whether It will be possible to see the genuine thing. The Sioux from the agency are among the good Indians these days. They conduct themselves In a peace able and law-abiding manner and the farmers who have been depend ing on them for years are niirf.y glad that friendly relations exist. A number of times. It is said, the In dians have saved the potato crop. There will be no admission charge, the Alliance business men contribut ing to a fund to defray all expenses, although free will offerings will not be refused. Make It a point to be In Alliance next Saturday. Jack McClure, who has been in Al lUi.ro on business lor a few tit)., returned to his home In Omaha Wefl-nttday. Carl Wenzel Is visiting In the east! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eldred of Antl for a few day. Sailor I lata at cost and 1cm than cot at Ilighland-Ilolloway Co. J. E. Farrell returned to the t7 och are In town visiting their son, after spending a few days on t lie who is attending school at the ranch with Horace Anderson. Horace academy. has been putting up a new fence. The barber asks you whether you will have a shave or a haircut because he knows you can't afford both. If the rats could only be Induced to cross streets now they would soon be exterminated by the automobile speeders. . What has become of the old-fashioned barber wno used to talk your arm off In railing against the high prices Those cows found intoxicated from their over-indulgence in moonnhine muBh ought to be valuable for milk punch. look Xry Us First LOOK Kash Kounts We Do Not Have Saturday, Sales But We. Have The Best at the Cheapest Prices Quality Considered EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK INCLUDING 'SUNDAY MORNINGS WE ALSO CARRY MILK ON SUNDAY MORNINGS We DO NOT sell you BONES. All our Meats are well-trimmed before weighing. We also GUARANTEE YOU 16 OZ. TO THE POUND. WHEN WANTING T H E B E S T CALL ON MELVIN BROS. YOUR TRADE WILL BE APPRECIATED HERE Sanitary Meat Market " Makers of Fine Sausages" 118 WEST FOURTH STREET PHONE 40 WE SELL FOR CASH BIO STORE 1 SSma 1 "t rVH-i WE SELL FOR CASH It Will Pay You to Come 100 Miles To Attend This Sale Lower prices was the startling order that went forth last week to every department head in this great store. .. The movement is store wide. ... It is thorough and comprehensive embracing every piece of merchandise in our stocks, whether here one month, one week or only one day. ' The reductions have been made in most drastic fashions People have been looking for lower prices. .. And here they are... The tremendous response accorded this event is proof positive of how unmercifully we have slashed prices and is also indicative of the appreciation of the shopping public toward our efforts This page tells you of only a mere handful of wonderful money -saving opportunities this sale offers. , Pepperill and Saxon Sheets, $2.48 Regular $3.50 value, extra large size, 81x90. LADIES' SWEATERS Lawn Green, Salmon, Pink and American Beauty $7.98 Surplus Styles , $12.00 Values MEN'S $2 WORK SHIRTS In Blue Chambray $1.50 Regular $2.00 Values COTTON BATS ' Comfort Size Comfort Size 81x90 ROLL $1.75 Regular $2.75 value Best Grade of Cotton LADIES' SHOES in Browu and Gray .These are $15.00 to $18.00. Values FLORSHEIM SHOES $6.98 Regular $10.00 Values In English Lasts RIBBON SALE OUTING FLANNEL , BOYS' CORDUROY MEN'S SILK 75c Value 55c Value SUITS SHIRTS No. 200 Fancy and Plain Dark $2.00 Values JERSEY SILKS Cl0rS ratterns " Regular $12.00 Values . CHILDREN'S HOSIERY " " ' LADIES' COATS WOOL AND COTTON Miss Columbia LADIES' SILK HOSE $40.00 to $50.00 Mixed Plaid Good, ft PAIR In Black Only Values $3500 - 98YD Regular 60c Value .50 In Brown Polo Cloth Regular $1.25 Value Regular $3.00 Values In Brown Polo Cloth WASH GINGHAM DRESSES " HERMAN'S SHOES t Anriro. mar FLORSHEIM . . $7.00 Dresses, now $5.00 UIES UNION Tan Vici STTTT1 WORK SHOES ' $6.00 Dresses, now $4.00 ua ' flJQ fX $500 Dresses, now .$3.50 75 S4.98 OJ.UJ $4.00 Dresses, now $2.98 EACH Regular $9.00 Values Regular $15.00 Values Ladies' Black Only Regular $1.25 Value WE HAVE NO BAD CHARGE AC COUNT WE SELL FOR CASH AND SELL FOR LESS. 1 1 1 WmorlWtnre BIG STORE IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE WE ARE ON A CASH BASIS, TRY TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT.