NINR BALD-RUST LAND CO. WE BUY AND SELL WESTERN LANDS AND RANCHES ni'siNF.sH is ;ooi, thank you" N rHEN A MANJT The Mocking bank has bad a bad m Ibark In ti.e faun of a woman In Connecticut who Is suffering from Mood i oifcoi.ii'ii; caused by perms o i the bank notos she put In that fern' nine depository. So will another tlnv honored Institution fall before th onward march of modern scientific search. Ybir Friends the Advertisements il"TES ME.. ID LcviLTO,DJ7 t Don't SHE HOW I CM LEAVE. YOU TO 5VT2ACuSe-, SrtND "TWO vj ttiXS X7t-TH MEJi. vy.'jVliY '..or- i The Swiss have Invented en air plane silencer, but there Is nothing known that will alienee a man who has Jiint returned from his first flight. TUB ALLIANCE II KHALI), FRIDAY. DCTOHKK 8th, 1920. Ma 1 ';.! I '-1 1 I 1 WT AN' IF I CiETio LONE.1.V i cAh s-tano it r-c vRrrE Foil Voo. jjjf Ltei is , WANT TO BUT something- Hun- (flreda of people scan these Want Id columns lookln for what you r others have to offer. Oet quick results by advertising in The Serald Want Ad department ATES Two cents per word per In sertion. Costs more than other newspapers, but we guarantee that you reach several hundred more readers. Buy "irculatlon, not hot air. SAM) CITY FKOPKKTY ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern. Hose in: bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf. FOR SALE USED OARS FOR SALE3 Good used cars. A. H. Jones Comnany. Masonic Temple Bldg. tf FOR SALE Ford touring car. in good condition, winter top. Cheap if taken this week. Terms on good security. Inquire No. 512 Herald office. 89-9P FOR BALE SEXVINO MACHINES, FOR SALE New and second hand Singer sewing machines on 3 a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. wTT.irnRTV Act. 86tf VANTE1 TO BUY. WANTEfJ To hear from owner of enod farm for sale. Stat caso nrt full description. D. V. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. 90 HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at light price. John O'Keefe Sr Rrtll 85tf WANTED POSITIONS. WANTED By experienced Btenog ranher. employment for after noons. Call No. 613 Herald. 9 Op WANTED Br man and wife with boy 12 years old, cooking Job on ranch. Address W. A. TAYLOR. Ard mnre. S. D.. Box 5. 88-91p A(iENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED Get Into busi ness. Watkins 137 products sell to every farmer. If you own auto or team can give bond, write today for information where you can get territory for selling products or larg est Institution of kind in world Twenty million users. J. R. Wat kins comrjany. Dept. 110, Winona. Minnesota. 91V ( GiRUE, IT'LL 0O O V you Sooo! 7 c. -SFttr 177, ml f I THINK ILL A ( 'S-XAW ni'irr ilr.rtcll ) NOTICE TO CKKDITOKS AND In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nel:r.aski In the Marter of the Estate of ELIZA CLYBORNE. Deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss To all persons Interested In the Estate of Eliza Clyborru deceaned, both creditors and heirs, take notice that on the 10th day of Seofmber, 1920, Lou Clyborne filed her peti tion In the County Court of Ccx Butte County, Nebraska, . cettir: forth that Eliza Clyborne. deceased. departed this life intestate on the 9th day of July, 1918, at her resi dence in the city of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan, and being immediately preceding her death, a cuident and inhabitant of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan; and was posseused in fee b'uiile at the time of her death, of the follow ing described real estate, to.wit: An undivided one-third (1-3) Interest in and to northwest quarter (NW- V ) of section eight (8), in town ship twenty-six (26), north of range fifty (50), west of the sixth principal meridian in Bex Butte County, Nebraska; that the petition er is a daughter of the deceased and the owner of an undivided two fifteenths interest in fee simple in and to said lands and derives her title to the same through the said Eliza Clyborne, deceased. The petitioner further states that more than two years has now elapsed since the death of the said Eliza Clybourne, and that no application has been made for the appointment of an administrator of her estate, in the State of Nebraska, either by ber heirs or persons claiming to be creditors of her estate, and that at the time of her death, she left sur viving her, as her sole-and only heirs at law, the following named child ren, to.wit: Edward Clyborne, a son of South Bend. Indiana: Fred Cly. borne, a son of Benton Harbor, Mich igan; Lou Clyborne, a daughter of Benton Harbor, Michigan; Ethyl Clyborne Snellgrove, a daughter of Elgin, Illinois, Mae QuilUams, a daughter of Benton Harbor, Michl gan; each of whom Is now more than twenty-one years of age and entitled to an undivided one-fifth part or share of the estate of the said Eliza Clyborne, deceased. The object and prayer of said pe titlon is that the court will appoint a time and place for a hearing upon said petition and that notice may pe given and Issued to all persons Inter, ested in said estate, both creditors and heirs, to the end that the regu lar administration may be dispensed with and that the estate of the eaid Eliza Clyborne, deceased, be fully administered in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska, pro viding for the determination of heirs LZ IT5 THE. BEST h6- MAttR'.HD PEOPLE Tb ; APVRT ONCE '-Pi 'ABSENCE MAtfEi HE.AT21 fiW' oon!t V'knc.v : i V I years has elapsed since the death of the intestate, and for such other and further proceedings as may be prop r for the full administration of said estate. That the Court will find and decree that the said Eliza Clyborne, deceased, died intestate on the 29th day of July, 1918 at Bentoa-Harhor, Berrien County, Michigan, being at the time of her death, a resident and inhabitant of said City of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, State of Michigan, and that more than two years has elapsed since her death; that the said Eliza Clyborne, at the time of her death, was the owner of an undivided ono-thlrd Interest in and to the northwest quarter (NW V4 ) of section eight (8), township twon'ty.stx (26), north of range fifty (50), wcbi of the sixth principal meridian in Box Butte county, Ne braska, and that your petitioner ia a laughter of the said deceosed. a the owner of an undivided on--Pfth Interest In Bald lands; that no anpM cation for administration upon the estate of said Eliza Clyboin ha. been made In the State of Nobiaska: that the sole and only heirs at law of the said Eliza Clyborne, at fie tt -lie of her death were her children, Ed ward Clyborne, a son of South Bend, Indiana; Fred Clyborne, a son of Benton Harbor. Michigan; Lou Cly borne, a daughter of Benton Harbor, Michigan; Ethyl Clyborne Snell grove, a dauguter o Elgin Illinois and Mae Qullliaius, a daughter ol Benton Harbor, Michigan; each if whom is over yar of age and are the persons to whom said lands decended at the time ot the death of the said deceased. It is hereby ordered that a Hear ing be had on said petition in tb Cojat) Court room In h City of Al liance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 16th day of October, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. and that notice thereof be given to al1 persons interested in said estate both creditors and heirs, of the time and place fixed for said hearing by the publication ot this order for three successive weeks prior to said bear ing, in the Alliance Herald, a news paper printed, published, and circu. lated in said county. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav hereunto set my hand and official seal this 10th day of Sep tern bur, 1920. IRA E. TASH, (SEAL) County Jud Lee Basye, Attorney. Sept. 14. Oct. 8 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE FINAL PROOF Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Octo ber 6. 1920. Notice is hereby given that Horace H. Anderson, of Alliance, Neb., who, on December 30, 1918, made home stead entry No. 01807 for lot 4 In A fi I Make Your Dollars Grozo You would trust an acquaintance bef ors , you would trust a stranger. You tcke tho advice of a friend in business, or in personal affairs, or when any vital question arises. You seek the salesman you know, when you buy goods. You select goods on the strength of liis crvyso. Tako the sayao of tho advertisements in your newspaper as a guide to good merchandise. They are the "salesman" you can trust. They are the "friends" you can depend upon. ship 23. north; SK 14 NK ; SEVi of section 31; SVjSEU and SVi SW, of section ' 32, township 2i. north, range 50, west of the sixth principal tueridan, has filed notice of Intention to make final "three- year" soldiers proof, to establish claim to the laud above describe". before the Register and Receiver, U. S.'Land Office, at Alliance Neb., on me lum uay or xsovemuer, iu. Claiinent names as witnesses: Al- bert Underwood, Robert R. RddU,b. Herbert M. Anderson, and John B. Anderson, all of Alliance, Neb., j T. J. O'KEEFE, j 0t.8-Nov.9p. Register. I A man charged with having been ' intoxicated told the judge that hej bought the whisky for sore feet. And the contrary stuff went to his head, Reports that the former czar of Russia is still alive are interesting In a sympathetic way, but have no political significance whatever. That Berlin professor who reports that Germany was to blame for t lie war la almost six years late in dis covering what all the world knew. To show that they are capable of self-government, Filipino employees of American concerns in Manila walk out Just like regular Americans. The average wage of steel workers Is now in excess of $2,000 and of railroad workers $1,900. Blue der.- m, where is thy sting? General Pershing in plain clothes walked the streets of Boston the other day without anyone recogniz ing him. Such is fame. A pig was received in the mail by Vermont man. That looks like a case of the mail carrier taking some body's pen in hand. One thing about the gypsy fortune tellers: they know as much about the future as anybody. Wm. King Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO CIGARS CANDY ' BEVO MALT-NUTRINE POP "BUDWEISER" BEER On Ice or By the Case We deliver any part of the city. 217 Box Butte Avenue. Phone 136 BEAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First NatL Bank A man who. fed his hens ralsln.t discovered they laid cups with n 4 per ce nt kick. The cold storage egg can do better than that. Either automobiles and ;iefJ"R?rl ans will have to quite colliding or the human race will have to grow some India rubber babies. AIa for the poor buyer of mo. tqUOr! He gets little sympathy rnd not much nqU0r, and oftener than I)0t ne gets arrested. ' Husbands are going to ralBe the deuce about this equal suffrage-busl- ness when their wives take to bet; ng hats on elections. A poor man has trouble enough finding a house to live In. Goodness knows what it must be like to be rich and particular. Negotiating with the bolshevik! is considerably more difficult than get ting the notorious pigs into the well- known pen. Vacation is a providential Institu tion to emphasize on mankind how contemptible is money. Have it WELDED . with the OXY ACETYLENE PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frames and Tranmisslon Cases a Specialty ALL TRACTOR PARTS . Geo. H. Breckner New Location 210 W. 3d St Tarls papers are describing Hard ing and Cox as "Identical candl dutcs." Which only shows that l'nrls doesn't know either of them. Music 800 miles away has been heard by wireless. It's getting to bo no there Is no escape. A good many ladies will find them selves more expert In filling in blank checks than In making out a ballot, For Expert Driving and Livery J. W. CARROLL Thone: Day, 118; Night, 964 Sturgeon's Garage Quick Service Electric TJIONE 250 First National Bank Bldg. Allhim-e .... Nebraska Not Medicine-, Surgery, Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Palmer School Teh phone 805 Wilson Building L. A. BEERY ' ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Phone 661 Alllane Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock, General Farm Sales J. D. EMERICS Bonded Abstractor I bare the only set of Abstract Books In Box Butte County. First National Bank Bldg. Beal Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf MOVE Ft RNITURi: SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with tho latest appliances for moving furniture without marring, scratching or dam aging. Up-to-date wagon pads wIU be Used bv US on all mnvln? Inhn Iff tflliv n cwnrn nu it Drake & Drake Doctor of Optometry Classes Accurately Fitted When in Antioeb Take Tour Meals at THX LITER TY CATS Meals at All Boor John Strata Clean Up Now and AVOW TUB BUSH A little later la tae ssasosi you'll hare to wait yoar tmnu Use the phone today. FBOMPT SERVICE! VOW Sam Shelton Phone 87 See jf Sea PHONES: RES. NO. 1C3 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATDfO FUR NTT UE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Please" section 6; Lots 1, 2 and 3, SHNE4 The Alliance Herald, 2.60 a year tate after a period of more than two and SEKNWtt of section I, In town and right of succession to real es