KI011T TI1K ALLIANCE 11KHALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1920 fta -ss OCItTY PERSONALS ,i mm Miss Sylvia Dt-Voss returned l.t work Saturday after a few dnys 12 ncPH. Miss Anna Croch r of AiulrcY 'rn nl Pi;nday with frUnda In Alli ance. Dick and J;nir wvnri spent S"' south of Lakeside, hunting due ks. M. C. Hubhell nnd bro'ber, Asp AIJ.IANCH Kir U.l 11 The Alliance Fn club, composed t Shrtr.ers, of whom there nrn sev-entv-flve or more In the city, met at the Alliance hoeI Monday evening. 0r nrnver, are in Alliance on busi Ofllccrs were elected ns folows: nPMi Earl Mallery was re-elected presi-) Sl,vp .4 ,,, 1: y,lr faj ft,, dent, and Harry E. Uantz, secretary-. nt f treasurer. .1 Iligtil.-tniMlnHowny Co. Hans ivere made r,r r HirineiVJ V(. A Taylor of Ardniore. S. P.. .at .1 fllnner aance to oe neia a ween iiotii i .vps ,., 1llP c)ty Sundav visiting next Friday. The dinner will prob- trienda. ably be nerved at the Talm room. ( Mrs j w Mn,or ,, bepn ,,, , W. It. Harrer was chosen an chair- past fow dnj.g wtn nn ntark of t,,p man of the committee to take chnree KrnPe or tlie anair, wuu narry jonnsou arm, K n r,0II.inll nf srottsblntT. wns R. E. Reddish. MIps Leila Cutis entertained at a miscellaneous shower Monday even ing for MIp Eva Lawrence, whose r arrlape to Walter Lyons, of Bay ard, Neb., took place at Bridgeport The bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful Rifts. The puentf. were the Misses Nellie Wright, Dora and Dollle Whlr', Sylvia t Moes. Leila Cornforth, Minnie and Nellie Price, Glenna and Valentine Lawrence, Amelia Kramp, Nellie Law mice and Mesdames E. E. rancf and V. II. lilies Sedrlo E. Welble and Alta C. rhllllps, both of Alliance, were Is sued a marriage license last Satur day afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mra. Lydla Phillips of this city and has been employed as a stenographer In the railroad ofllces , and the Nebraska Land company. The couple will make their home on the groom's homstad, la Wyoming. Mesdames J. M. Miller, Monty Margraves, O. L. Griggs, W. B. Bon net, A. II . Robbins of the Scottish Rite ladles' club and W. U. Harper and Earl Meyer met Monday evening at the Alliance hotel to plan, for the coming Scottish Rite reunion. The woman are also planning a hallow e'en party. Albert A. Acker of Angora and Jesse E. McAllister of Bridgeport, were united In marriage this morn Ing at the Holy Rosary church, Rev. Father Mannlng'otnelating. Earl W. Lenzen and Miss Lucc'tta M. Klnner, both of Aldlne, Neb., in Sioux county, were married by County Judge Tash last- Saturday afternoon. James L. Basker and Mrs. Anna Haller, both of Casper, Wyo., were married by County Judge Tash Sat urday morning. Elmer F. Allen and Miss Matilda Rohrbauck, both of Alliance, were granted license to wed by Judge Tash Monday evening. Mj-s. Morris Kates of Lincoln -.c-rlved Monday for a visit with hvr daughter. Mrs. Lee Basye. FOR A FEW HOURS A DAY WE WILL RAISE YOUR PAY TRAIN FOR OFFICE WORK ,For Vears Ws Havi Taught . Shorthand, BooKkmilnc, Banning, Civil Ssrvlcs, Normal Training, Telegraphy, Business Administration, and other studies qualifying f r disnifl4 positions, good salaries and raiill promo tion. We find positions for students who -qualify. Kxpeniws moderate. Work for board If desired. Enter any Monday, Jkuaur success ty SELECTION OF AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL The schools named below are members f the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools a Kuaranty of the highest standards of teachers and courrvs. write thetn for catalogue, mentioning June of this pnper. lOUIS COLLEGE Lircoln Business Collets Omaha. Nabratka Lincoln. Nebraska !'i the city Saturday and Sunday vis 'Hnr friends. I). F. Oseood of Hyannls. was In he city Monday attending to busi ness matters. Alt Millinery ta yr rent less tlinn real valua nt IllKliland-lfolloway Co. Mr. and Mrs. James Carmody spent Sunday visiting friends In Hot Springs, S. D. Harold Brennaman went to New castle, Wyo., Saturday, te attend to business matters. Joe Whltcomb of Mlnatare, Neb., was In Alliance Monday attending to business matters. S. P. Crlder, stock man from Kan sas City, Mo., was In the city Mon day on business. . Ke the New Fall Coats at 23 Hr cent less than former values at lllgtiland-llollowitv Co. Cleo Lawrence, of Crawford, Neb., spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Henry Rogers of ScottsblufT, Is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. E. Lawrence. Clifford Robinson spent Saturday nnd Sunday with his parents, Mr. and .".!:'. K. E. Robinson. New Full Suit retimed 1-1 ;it IliKlilniMl-lfoHmvny Co. J. L. Nicola!. H. C. Hubbel and A. Hubbel of Denver were In the city Saturday attending to business. Mrs. W. R. Colliiias of Seneca. Neb., is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dye. George Ellis, formerly with the Sturgeon garage, It now head me chanic at the A. H. Jones company garage. New Full Null reduced l-l nt lillhltiiid.!ollmu.v Co. County Attorney Lee Basye re turned from Rushville Monday eve ning, where he had been in attend ance at district court. Mrs. J. L. Hippoch, of Hemineford, Neb., underwent a serious operation nt the St. Joseph's hospital Saturday. Save 1-t to on your fall and winter outlit tit HlKb'iuid-lIoIlowuy Co. Mrs. Julia A. Shay at.d sons, Em met and. Ray, arrived in Alliance Saturday from Denver for a short visit wifh Mrs. Shay's sister. Mrs. Ed Tyiee. Miss MadellJ.- Zediker. who is teaching school north of Alliance, rpent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Zediker of this city. Henry M. Newell of Lamar, Ia on he return trip from Spokane. Wash., stopped over In Alliance Sun day to visit with his cousin, Thomas Miskimen, and family. See Hie New Fall Ctmta nt 25 or cent less tliait former tallies nt HlKliliiml-IIollowav Co. Kenneth Michaels and Ray Mc Bride, who are I.i military training at Fort Robinson. Crawford, were In the city over Saturday and Sunday visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hamer of St. Joseph, Mo., spent Saturday and Sunday with friends hi Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Hamer are n their way to Colorado, where they will visit with relatives. Mrs. E. V. Eickhoft who has been in Omaha on a busii. s trip for the past ten dnys, has returned to her work at the Alliance Cafe. she brought back her little daughter Cora, who Is attend school here. All Millinery 2.V per rent lcs than real value at IllKhlauU-llollowuy Co. We have won the esteem in which this undertaking estab lishment is held by the public by fair and courteous methods. Our thorough equipment enables us to furnish a dignified bur ial service and to render a bill consistent with the actual worth of the ceremony. Local services or shipping funerals." Glen Miller UNDERTAKING PARLORS Phones: Day, 311 128 West Night, 522; or 535 Third Street his C. M. Ad;ins has been asidrned to cv1i "r local. Flrerirn F1.'imRau Is ofT on ac count of sickness. Engineer Myers is laying rff on ac count of sickness. A. B. Wheeler Is wrestling Mallaby on the highline. L. L. Rei l has been ,asIsae:l to Crawford on the helper. A. J. Waterman Inspected tis on the lines west this week. Fireman Meldell has been assigned to tho Crawford hill run. M. J. Johnson has 1 to the 42 turn out of. Alliance. Fireman Witty is going on homestead near Buffalo. Wyo. Fireman Ovcrstreet la laying oft on account of mashing his flngr Sunday. D. F. Denning, chief surgeon, from Chicago, was visiting In Alli ance Monday. Miss Laura Waddum and mother left for Texas for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. L. Michaels of Marsland, are visiting friends in Al liance this week. Operator Wood, of Antloch, Is lay ing off on account of Illness. Opera tor Kate Young is relieving her. Harry Arrlson, of the freight house, went to Sheridan on business Monday. M. M. Bogard Is taking his place. Leslie Hall, chief engine dispatch er, suffered all last week on account of having his teeth fixed, but he re mained on the Job. William Priest, Jack Reed and Jimmy Crawford, whose homes, are in Kansas City, have accepted posi tions at the freight house as check ers. 11. Phillippl, agent at Thedford, who has been laying off the past week undergoing an operation for appendicitis, returned to work Monday. We still have wagon and wson boxes, priced right. Rheln Hard ware Company. 89 ANNOUNCEMENTS CHl lK'll OF CHRIST. The women's missionary society will meet with Mrs. T. Miskiman on Wednesday afternoon. The mission study precedes the regular program. On Friday evening a large audi ence enjoyed the program and social given by Mrs. Atz's class of girls. Evangelist Davidson Is preaching powerful tenuous each evening at 7:30. He is a great preacher, you v. lM desire to hear him. S. J. EPLEK, Minister. The league of women voters will meet at the home of Mrs. F. M. Phtlps, 412 Laramie, Thursday af ternoon at. 2:30. All women urged to be present. The St. Matthews Episcopal Guild will meet Wednesday afternoon at the parish house. Mrs. Elmer McManis, hostess. We clean and repair all makes of Sewing machines. Phone 382. 86tf H. K. Isham, Burlington fireman who was arrested Sunday. Septem ber 26, by Special Agent Todd ot the Burlington on a charge of tak ing blankets, and sugar from a box car. was given a hearing' before United States Court Commissioner L. A. Berry at the city h.ill Satur day morning, end bound over for trial before the federal court at Chadron. Bond was ilaced at $1,000. W. It. Harper plans to hiive to morrow for Omaha, where he has been Invited to take a place on the reception committee, which will greet the republican presidential candidate. EASTERN KTAK There will be the regular meetiilS of the Eastern Star, with initiation, at 7:30 this evening. DEATHS AND FUNERALS.. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Colerlck, a rancher living eight miles north of town, passed away at three a. m. Monday morning. The cause of the death was cholera infantum. The child had been 111 about a week. SAL1J MISCEIXAXKOUS FOR SALE Round Oak hard coal heater. Call phone 602 or 317 E. Third street. g$p After you eat always take ATONIC I? Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat ed Gassy Fading. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomacji miseries. AM Jlsti mmi seswtite. Kssps stomsch swmI sod (trw. Iscrwra Vitality and tp. EA TONIC is Um boat rsmwiy. Tsns of thoa sands wondarfully smafltad. Only seats a eaat or two a day t wt it. Poalslvaly guaraotaad to b4om as wa wUJ rafand moooy. OmiImc bs today. You will soa. r. J. BKENHAX Alliance, Bfcbraaka EVERYBODY WANTS "LOWER PRICES" IF There's only one way to get lower prices in clothes Buy good ones The "lower price" is in the longer wear -not in the price ticket p Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are good clothes They cost only a few . dollars more than ordinary clothes they last much longer-that makes' the price low for you J Don't just "spend money for clothes" Get your profit out of it; buy service, style that's right, good fit jf Economize on your overcoat Get a .a good one It will save the price of a new one later on jp All-Wool - fabrics mean longer wear Longer wear means fewer clothes to buy Fewer clothes to buy means money saved qp Ever buy "cheap shells'? - They cost less; "miss fire"; poor results Same with clothes; you'll get results only with good ones . ff It's hard to put style'into words; but we can put it into clothes You'll see it and feel it in our new fall models Extra Special Value Hart Schaff ner & Marx $50 others $55, $60, 65, $70, $75, $80, $85, The Famous Clothing Co. Western Nebraska's Leading Clothiers Alliance, Neb.